1871ALSO-VERECZKY lithographies I. Hungarian issue, values 2 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer, Mi.1, 2, on cut-square with whole CDS ALSO-VERECZKY; decorative, still square single known piece two-coloured franking Mi.2 from Transcarpathian Ukraine
1871HUSZT folded R letter with I. Hungarian issue, copper print, 2 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer on face-side (light fold) and 2+2+3+3Kr on reverse (přetrženo), Mi.8, 9, CDS HUSZT 29/8 and arrival framed pmk UNGHVAR 30.Aug.; good condition and definitely interesting
1871-74TISZA-UJLAK, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, MUNKÁCS, BEREGSZÁSZ comp. 6 pcs of entires with I. Hungarian issue, Mi.8, 9, 10, 11, from that 1x postal stationery cover 5 Kreuzer sent as Reg, 2x Reg letter, 1x letter with franking 2 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer; various quality, after all interesting
1874 UNGHVAR folded printed matter and incomplete envelope as Reg letter with 2 Kreuzer and 15 Kreuzer, copper print, I. Hungarian issue, Mi.8, 12; same posting framed pmk UNGHVAR, on reverse arrival postmark
1872HUSZT Reg letter with 15 Kreuzer I. Hungarian issue, copper print, Mi.12, CDS HUSZT 5/6 72 supplemented with line AJÁNLOTT, on reverse arrival SZOLNOK 8/6; small envelope, several small tearing, after all decorative entire
1883 UNGVÁR reklamační printed matter on/for ztracenou mailing, with Letter with cipher 10Kr, Mi.24, superb imprint of daily postmark UNGVÁR 83 Maj.5., supplemented with CDS PENZULTALVÁNY UNGVÁR and S.A. UJHELY; folded format A4, interesting
1878-95PERESCÉNY, KÖRÖSMEZÖ, TREBUSA, MUNKÁCS, UNGVÁR comp. 5 pcs of letters with issue Letter with cipher, from that 4x as Registered and 1x folded letter with straight line postmark POSTA INDULÁSUTÁN (after departure post); good condition
1889-99BORKÚT, BEREG-KÖVESD, BEREGSZÁSZ, UNGVÁR comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters with issue Letter with cipher, values 5 Kreuzer and 15 Kreuzer, from that 2x abroad; small defects, but as multiple good
1890-1903VISK, NAGY-BOCSKÁ, TISZABORKUT comp. 3 pcs of money letters, 2x form/blank envelope, from that 1 pcs of franked cash 18Kr, unbroken seals; good condition
1910-17VISK, PERESCENY, HUST, BARKASZÓ, MUNKÁCS, UNGVÁR comp. 7 pcs of Reg letters with issue Turul, from that 2x addressed to to USA, 1x to Bosnia; well preserved
1916 POSTAL AGENCY - ÖRHEGYALJA / POSTAIÜGYN. Reg letter with Turul 35f with frame postal agency pmk.; c.v.. Gebauer 2553/1, on reverse arrival LIEBOCH, decorative small format, interesting
1872-74BILKE, GÁT, KÖRÖZMEZÖ, NAGY SZÖLLÖS, TISZA-UJLAK and other postmark, comp. 11 pcs of Hungarian PC 2 Kreuzer, Mi.P3, from Transcarpathian Ukraine; mainly nice postal imprints, it is worth seeing
1874-84 UNGHVAR, MUNKÁCS comp. 3 pcs of various postal stationery covers, Mi.U2, U7, U13B, 1x addressed to to Germany, on reverse arrival postmark.; various quality
1875 UNGVÁR postal stationery cover Letter with cipher 5 Kreuzer, Mi.U7, sent as Reg to Vienna, on reverse uprated with stamp Letter with cipher 10Kr, Mi.18; oblique fold, else preserved
1888 BEREGSZÁSZ Hungarian PC 2 Kreuzer sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated with stamp Letter with cipher 10Kr, Mi.32, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 88 Feb/21; good condition
1892-93 BEREGSZÁSZ, KABOLA-POLYÁNA comp. 2 pcs of p.stat telegramních letter cards with printed stmp 35Kr and 31Kr, fee after/behind zprávu paid inside stamp. issue Letter with cipher, arrival postmark supplemented with 1x mailing CDS NAGY - BOCSKÓ on/for inside franking; usage these p.stat used on/for Carpathian Ukraine is minimum!
1907-18 UNGVÁR, BEREGSZÁSZ comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian letter cards values 10f and 15f, Mi.K11 2x, K31, all as Registered, uprated with stamp issue Turul; good condition
1861MUNKÁCS postal stationery cover 10Kr, Mi.U3A, uprated with stamp 5 Kreuzer, Mi.20, CDS MUNKÁCS 31/7, on reverse transit pmk STEINBRÜCK 4/8; wearing in corners and small tearing; rare occurrence the first issue postal stationery covers from this destination!
1874 BEREGSZÁSZ larger part post. credit notes with printed stmp 5 Kreuzer I. Hungarian issue, Mi.A2, uprated with stamp 10Kr blue, Mi.11, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 1/4 74 ; good condition, interesting
1876 N. SZÖLLÖS whole Hungarian pěněžní p.stat dispatch-note with printed stmp Letter with cipher 5 Kreuzer, uprated with stamp 5 Kreuzer, Mi.17, on reverse arrival MUNKÁCS 8/3; only light fold, interesting destination
1892 NAGY BOCSKÓ whole Hungarian international parcel card with imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer, rich 4-coloured additional franking stamp. issue Letter with cipher, CDS NAGY BOCSKÓ 92 Dec/19, addressed to to Switzerland; only light vertical fold, rare occurrence
1871VISK whole credit note Post-Anweisung, with VI. issue 5 Kreuzer, Mi.37I, blue (!) CDS VISK 15/5 71, on reverse arrival MUNKÁCS 16/5, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer; decorative, whole franked blank form this type and from this lokality is quite rare!
1914-17 FIELD POST UNGVÁR, HUSZT, MUNKÁCS comp. 12 pcs of FP cards and 1 letter, various uniquely designed postmarks from region Carpathian Ruthenia, for example. Reservespital, Eisenbahnkompagnie, etc.., postmark military censorships as MilitarzensurNUSZT, UNGVÁR and other; good condition, major-part clear print
1878-1918 [COLLECTIONS] train post KIRÁLYHÁZA - DEBRECZEN, KIRÁLYHÁZA - BUDAPEST, VOLOCZ, NAGY-BEREZNA, BILKE selection of 25 pcs of various PC from that 1x double, 3 pcs of letter cards and 1 franked with. certificate of mailing, various postmark from Transcarpathian Ukraine, part addressed to abroad; mainly good quality, profitable offer
1918 UNGVÁR larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note addressed to to Nymburka, franked with. str-of-3 Hungarian stamp. Charles 10f, posting Hungarian CDS UNGVÁR 918 Nov.19.; good condition, superb postal imprints
1919MUNÁCS, TISZAUJLAK selection of greater part Hungarian money dispatch-note and 2 pcs of larger cuts, all with Charles 20f with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG and případně other stamp., CDS MUNKÁCS 919 Apr.10 and blue Hungarian CDS TISZAUJLAK 919 Feb.9. (Vulok); good condition
1919MUNKÁCS forerunner whole Hungarian money dispatch-note 2f, small format, franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. Charles 20f with overprint KÖZTARSASÁG, Mi.238 2x, 192, Hungarian CDS MUNKÁCS 919 Apr.19.; light partially incomplete print CDS, after all rare piece, jewel of every collection
1919 MUNKÁCS larger part money part/-s Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note franked with Hungarian stmps Charles 20f and Reaper 5f; good condition, nice postal imprints
1919UNGVÁR whole Hungarian money dispatch-note 2f small format addressed to to Budapest - sent back with straight line postmark VISSZA! / FORGÁLUMSZÜNETEL (Back - Service suspended), with Charles 10f and 20f, Hungarian CDS 919 Feb.10.; light fold, exceedingly interesting and rare!
1920RACHOVO PC CDV22 uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h green with Hungarian CDS RAHÓ 920 Aug.26., addressed to to ROŽNAVY; good condition, nice postal imprints
1920 UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with Hradčany, from that 2x forerunner Hungarian CDS UNGVAR14.Jul. 920 and BEREGSZÁSZ 920 Aug.4., 1x definitive CDS BEREGSZÁSZ/ Czechoslovak Post./ 7.IX.20; good print, good condition
1920 MUKACHEVO comp. 2 pcs of entires, commercial PC sent as Registered in/at III. postal rate, with Hradčany 20h red and 50h violet, Pof.15, 9A, CDS MUKACHEVO 16.VII.20, arrival postmark on face-side; supplemented with postcard sent to Serbia, with 15h Hradčany, Pof.7A with Hungarian CDS MUNKÁCS 920 John. 20.; definitely interesting and good condition
1928MUKACHEVO unilaterally Us double PC T. G. Masaryk 1,50CZK, CDV34, addressed to to Rumania, CDS MUKACHEVO 25.IV.28 and arrival CLUJ27.Apr. 928; light spot in/at address, rare
1919-37ŠOM, VOLOVEC, Vynohradiv, KHUST, BEREHOVE, UZHHOROD comp. 12 pcs of Us PC issues Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk and Coat of arms, contains i.a. CDV37 Coat of arms sent to Austria and zatíženou postage-due, CDV34/4 T. G. Masaryk as Express, superb imprint of daily postmark ŠOM etc..; good condition
1932-38 CDV42, 49, 65, CPL3, comp. 6 pcs of PC Coat of arms, from that 1x as Express with red CDS Vynohradiv 7.III.35, various other CDS as KHUST, SVALAVA, BEREHOVE, 2x railway pmk TERESVA - KOŠICE and JASIŇA - KOŠICE, supplemented with celinovým mailing sheetlet with CDS BEREHOVE; nice postal imprints, only certificate of mailing with folds
1932-33 MUKACHEVO bilingual machine and hand-made postmark on/for 2 pcs of pictorial post cards, CDV46/2 + CDV48/6, from that 1x addressed to to Hungary, 1x burdened by surtax; good condition
1934CDV52/3, pictorial PC Mukachevo castle - Palanok with bilingual CDS MUKACHEVO 5.IX.34; good condition, rare usage pictorial post cards used in Carpathian Ruthenia, c.v.. 2.200CZK
1938 CDV69/301, pictorial PC Uzhhorod with bilingual CDS UZHHOROD 4.X.38; good condition, rare usage pictorial post cards used in Carpathian Ruthenia, c.v.. 900CZK
1919-38TAČOVO, VELIKY BOČKOV, TÉCSO, PEREČÍN comp. 14 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, from that 2x surtax also halving, 1x Hradčany, other 30. years, larger part machine cancel. UZHHOROD and MUKACHEVO; good condition
1920-33TURÍREMETY, IRŠAVA, KHUST comp. 5 pcs of various entires, for example. larger part international money dispatch-note sent to Austria, postcard as Express, 2x commercial PC; small defects, zajimavé
1925-32KRÁLOVO N. TISOU 2 pcs of Ppc and frame railway station mailbox pmk., 1x addressed to to Prague with cancel. KIRALHÁZA 8.VIII.25, 1x addressed to to USA with CDS KRÁLOVO N. TISOU 17.VIII.32, 1x overview of town, 1x detail view railway-station from track; good condition
1930-37USŤČORNA, Vynohradiv, KHUST 3 pcs of postal blank forms, 1x letter with request for return parcel with line also CDS UŠČORNA 21.VIII.30, 1x Return advertisement post. order with CDS Vynohradiv 19.VI.35, 1x uřední letter with line and round bilingual service cancel. poštovnícho office KHUST from year 1937; only folds, good condition