1918 letter with Pof.SK2a, Scout 20h light red, circular cancel. "N.V." and "SCOUT MAIL/ PRAGUE/ 1918" + line "LETTER OD SKAUTAPŘEVZAL...." + signature; lower fold
1918 comp. 3 pcs of letters, from that 1x with 10h blue, Pof.SK1 with cancel. SCOUT MAIL PRAGUE 20.XI.18 + straight line postmark LETTER OD SKAUTA, exp. by Gilbert., 1x same with stamp. 20h red Pof.SK2, TESTER, 1x commercial letter with Charles 20h with mailing CDS MILETÍN 3.XI.18, addressed to to Prague, redirected with mounted stamp. 20h light red, Pof.SK2a, cancel. N.V. + line with signature scout; small defects
1918 off. envelope of People's Committee in Prague, with Pof.SK1 (2x), oval pmk PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ V PRAGUE, round cancel. N.V., line LETTER OD SKAUTAPŘEVZAL; on reverse "certificate" about/by confirmation opravdosti from y 1930 J. Štěpánek + mark, slightly faded envelope
1919 BENDA J. comp. 2 pcs of refused designes, so-called. II. competition, "Legionary in fire" 50h, 1x in brown color on stamp paper with gum, 1x on white paper without gum; TESTER, Karasek
1919 BENDA J. comp. 3 pcs of refused designes, so-called. II. competition, "For orphans" 25h in red color on stamp paper with gum + "Legionary in fire" 50h, 2 pcs of, from that 1x in black color on/for white and 1x in dark red color on yellowy paper; both without gum
1919-20 comp. 5 pcs of designes - Děvčátko 25h violet, recess printing, Lion 20h olive color on chalky paper, print printing block Žižka 80h in/at black and brown color, stamp. Masaryk without value in brown color on/for většim piece paper
1937FREJŠTEJN (ŠAFOV) violet bilingual framed pmk Postal Agency (Podhradí above D., c.v.. Gebauer č.1015/1.), on letter with Masaryk, CDS ŠAFOV 14.VIII.37; good condition
1920 Maxa A16 + N21, comp. 2 pcs of smaller ústřížků dispatch-notes, 1x with Hradčany 50h with perfin "AEG" f. Elektrotechnická joint-stock community + 1x with Hradčany 200h + 10h with TESTER "N.T.S." f. N. Tollera sons
1925 Maxa A59, dispatch note for international transport, CPP16 without L cut, uprated with stamp Pof.187 Masaryk Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h with perfin "A.R." firm Albert Reiser, CDS PŘÍBOR/ 28.V.25, arrival PANČEVO/ 24. and 25.VI.25 on reverse; over stmp light longitudinal fold
1900-1935 comp. 7 pcs of entires, it contains e.g. TESTER S&K., FOS (2x), V.O.C., (Maxa V17),CHH, Maxa C21, then 41 pcs of stamps with perfins + several cut-squares with perfins; interesting selection of
1919-38 comp. 6 pcs of entires and 6 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with with perfins, contains mainly franking from 30. years, but also perfins on stmp issues Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science; good condition
1919 RUSSIA card sent by member of 2. regiment George from Poděbrady from Miassu (Ural) to Bohemia 2.3.1919, imprint of machine postmark, interesting text; toned
1919-20AIRMAIL STAMPS ÚTVARY comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with various cancel., blue round cancel. 6. REGIMENT DE SLOVQUIEOCCIDENTALE/ AVIATION, line LETEC. ESKADRA 590 with FP No.8, frame 6.LETECKÁ COMPANY with CDS VAJNORY and CZECHOSL. LEHKÉAVIATICKÉODDĚLENÍ with CDS NYITRA; all good condition, nice postal imprints, interesting
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN NAVY comp. 3 pcs of entires with various varieties FP cachet postmarks, supplemented with CDS POZSONY and CZECHOSL. FP 22; good condition, various quality copy-print postmarks
1919SERVIZIORADIOTELEFONICO MILITARE with FP-postmark 70 and violet round cancel. 34. REG. C.S./ COMANDO 1. BATTAGLIONE supplemented with CDS LOSONCZ; nice postal imprints Italian légiií, interesting
1920 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN unpaid postcard sent to Prague with CDS TESCHEN 1/ 23.II.19, CDS through/over illegible round military unit postmark, supplemented with two picture-postcards with print FP cachet cancel., 1x view (TESTER) with line violet cancel. 22. ČESKO-SLOV. REGIMENT FRANC. LEGIONS with CDS KARWIN 12.VII. 19, SKUPINOVÉ MILITARY VELITELSTVÍ V BOHUMÍNĚ red straight line postmark on Ppc supplemented with CDS ODERBERG 1/ 27.VI.19; superb print, good condition
1919-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 17 pcs of entires Czechosl. FP, from that 13x FP 1919, Slovakia, military unit postmark Headquarters West group/-s Slovak army, Czechosl. training group No. II, Czechosl. military police, Czechosl. Reg. of Freedom C.III, Czechosl. combination batt. of riflemen No. 12 etc.., also with 4x from period of 1938-39
1937 INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES SPAIN Protileteckábatérie - K. Gottwald, Albacete, postcard sent by air mail from Madrid from Czechosl. member unit to Velké Meziříčí, postage stmp with CDS VALENCIA17.Abr.1937 + uprated red frankotype 40Cts, arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 23.IV.37, Us Spanish republikánskou censorship, red framed pmk "VISADO" and black cancel. "S.C.C./ 17.ABR.37"; contemporary toned, bumped corners and margins
1938 MOBILIZATION comp. 13 pcs of entires, contains i.a. Reg letter with straight line postmark FP VELITELSTVÍ VI. SBORU, Headquarters motorovýchvozidel 5, CDS KOŠICE 10.VI.38, then letters with FP-postmark for example. VELITELSTVÍ EVIDENCEMOTOROVÝCH 6, CDS 27.VIII.38, DOPLŇOVACÍOKRESNÍVELITESTVÍ, INFANTRY REG. 41 "CDS EDVARDABENEŠE" etc..; various quality
1938 MOBILIZATION comp. 5 pcs of more interesting entires contains: censored TESTER to FP No.63 + Reg card from FP No.63 posted to transport by/on/at civil post, multicolor frankings, both entires ex Kvasnička; letter from Sudetenland to FP No.10; card from Central office FP to FP No.47, redirected to FP No.9, beauty print cancel. (ex Dražan); already 1x used inverted envelope sent to Infantry Regiment 23 "Amerických Slovakians" (!), red straight line postmark on the back side; all good quality
1933 Reg letter franked with. print pay machine meter stmp 1CZK GUSTAV DEUTSCH (GERMAN), DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ 16.11.33, uprated with stamp Masaryk 1CZK (2x); very fine
1930-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 65 pcs of entires, all franked with. print pay machine meter stmp, part early usage, also as Registered, TESTER, part out of Prague meter stmp, i.a. PAVELRAICHLROKYTNÍK, KRAMER & LÖBL Jablonec, JAN HERNYCH A SYN ÚSTÍ N. ORL., etc..; interesting selection of
1930-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains mainly letters, smaller part cut-squares, all with print postage machines, contains period CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; various quality
1935PSEUDOSMÍŠENÁFRANKATURA letter sent from Czechoslovakia to Ecuador with Anthem-issue 2CZK and Smetana 50h, Pof.282, 275, CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 5.II.35, same envelope sent back as Registered, with multicolor franking 7 pcs of stamp. with mailing CDS CUENCA17.Mar.35, arrival postmark PARDUBICE 15.IV.35 + lot of transit postmarks on reverse, incl. content; good condition
1939VRÁCENÁ MAILING Reg letter to Wien (Vienna), franked on front side by stamp. Poděbrady 4CZK and on reverse Zboriv 50h with mailing CDS POPRAD 2.IV.38, in Austria passed through censorship, mounted label "Nichtzuslässig" and doplňková censorship marks with stick-on label, arrival postmark WIEN 12.IV.38; good condition
1929LICENCEKUPRODEJI POSTAL CENIN issued in Brno, mounted 2 revenues values 3 and 5CZK issue 1919, service pmk Directory post and telegraphs in Brno; folded and cut in margin
1919 postcard Regional festival Sokol in Znojmo with Hradčany 15h, special postmark SOKOL FESTIVAL VE ZNOJMO/ 24.VIII.1919, green cachet FESTIVAL SOKOL COMMUNITY VE ZNOJMO 24.8.1919, surtax stamp Bohemian Heart Charity in Brno 10h; fold in LR corner
1919 SOKOL FESTIVAL VE ZNOJMO 24.VIII.1919 total 3 print special cancel. on/for festival postcard, with Hradčany 15h and supplemented with sletovou label same motive; good condition, good condition
1934 comp. 3 pcs of entires: 1x letter with special postmark KDEDOMOVMŮJ 1934 PRAGUE 10 HRAD + New Year card tamního postal office + mini envelope, all sent to Dr. Edvard Beneš; interesting
1937 Exhibition issue hinge / label Kaufmann - Bratislava 37, whole booklet with paste-in 7 sheets after/around 12 labels in various colors, with advertising in/at okrajich
1922-38 comp. 6 pcs of entires with advertising added prints, 1x card with lithography f.. Libenia Prague, 1x letter with průtiskem New lékarna Prostějov, etc..; various quality, interesting
1938 JUDAICA postcard with lyžařem, in text side promotional added print II. MACCABI World Winter Games, PR36/002 BANSKÁ BYSTRICA; slightly toned, else preserved
1928 Registered and Express letter from Uzhhorod to Ostrava, with issue Jubilee 1926, Pof.234, 236, 241, special red CDS UZHHOROD 28.X.28; good condition
1930 VELKÁ KOMŇATA Reg letter addressed to to Brno with multicolor franking Coat of arms and St. Wenceslaus in/at general value 3CZK, CDS VELKÁ KOMŇATA 20.I.30; light vertical fold
1938 letter with commercial cancel. to Prague, with Beneš 50h (3x), red memorial CDS UZHHOROD 1/ 8.V.38, Anniv. of Annexation to Czechoslovakia; interesting
1938 accounting sheet format A4 with fee paid on reverse Postage due stamps definitive issue 10 + 20CZK, Pof.DL65, DL66 with CDS JASIŇA 4.X.38; only folds
1936-38 comp. 3 pcs of documents, contains letter of appointment for učitele to school in/at Kosinově by/on/at Berehovo + payment assesment on/for blank form District health insurance in/at Mukachevo + cheque postage stmp card District contributory insurance company in/at Mukachevo; good condition
1920-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 17 pcs of letters, PC, cuts and part/-s dispatch-notes, contains also interesting CDS, for example. ŠOM, KOSINO, ROSVIGOVO, TREBUŠANY, SINOVÍR, etc..
1918-1938[COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps in 35-listovém stockbook Leitz, contains issue Scout (i.a. 10h light blue), Hradčany (i.a. 2x 25h ultramarine), ministry perf, PLATE PROOF ** etc.., then **/* i.a. Pof.50 (5), 50a, 123, 140A, L1-3, L1-3 cancel., then also various clear issue from 1920, used duplication, postage-due, SO, etc..; lot of of material, suitable for next elaboration, profitable price!
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps issue Hradčany, imperforated, values 3h-400h in blocks of four, then issue Legionaire, 1x double perf, 2x control-numbers, issue Agriculture and Science, Prague, Tatras, T.G.M., etc.. + comp. of stamps with plate number; cat. min. 5.200CZK
1918-1992[COLLECTIONS] estate in 11 big stockbooks, from revolutionary 1918, various Hradčany and other issue, contains some middle values, II. republic, all coupons and souvenir sheets, mostly more times, a lot of PB; all placed in box, total 17kg, much of material profitable, suitable for next elaboration