1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection of pmk on/for big lot of stamp. Hradčany, organised mainly according to alphabet, stamps, cut-squares and ústrižky dispatch-notes, much small village/community, popular centrickýchkruhových CDS; in 2 two albums Leuchtturm, very profitable starting price!
1900-50 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., SLOVAK REP. comp. of cancelled stamps Czechoslovakia I., Slovak Rep., Austria, Hungary etc.. in packets; in cardboard box
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. detached/free ložených stamps and cuts, part in paper bags, parts of sheets, used, hinged, cuts, čás mint never hinged; in cardboard box, netříděno, various quality, total over 1kg of material
1918-22 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 220 pcs of smaller part/-s dispatch-notes and cut-squares with stamp. from period of years 1918-22, various franking, smaller part parallel, mixed franking mainly with issues Hradčany, all from Slovak territory and Carpathian Ruthenia; placed in stockbook A4
1918-38[COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of more than 300 pcs of entires, mainly from period of Czechoslovakia I., contains R, Reg and Express letters, PC, part/-s dispatch-notes, various interesting frankings, Reg labels, etc..; in cardboard box
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 43 pcs of entires from Carpathian Ruthenia, Czechoslovakia I., occupation, etc.., contains letters, cards, postcard, part/-s dispatch-notes, etc.; nice selection of
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 500 pcs of letters, cuts with stmp, p.stat etc.., entires mainly with special postmark, machine advertising cancel., commemorative sheets and other interesting correspondence; part Czechosl. picture p.stat, placed in box
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of entires Czechoslovakia I., contains i.a. more/larger group of pictorial post cards, mainly Masaryk + selection of letters, cuts and p.stat, various franking, part Hradčany, 5 pcs of forerunner and parallel Czechosl. p.stat Charles, 1x letter-card, 2 pcs of cards with Scout; nice selection of, high catalogue value
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 150 pcs of various entires, contains R, Ex, abroad, forerunner, parallel, interesting frankings i.a. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Hradčany, then lot of PC, commercial correspondence, etc..; various quality - after all interesting selection of
1918-50 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 80 pcs of entires, part with issue Hradčany, i.a. smaller part/-s dispatch-notes with single also mixed franking, Reg letters, forerunner, several pieces from Protectorate, etc..; interesting selection of
1920-1938[COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of letters and oths. entires, i.a. SO local letter, 2x multicolor franking with CDS Zionist Congress, airmail letter to Luzernu, other to USA with surtax, etc..; nice selection of
1920-53 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of letters Czechoslovakia I., some Reg and Ex, various issue, for example. issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Prague, Tatras etc.., supplemented with 11 pcs of entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., i.a. 3x monetary reform
1918 CPŘ3, comp. 2 pcs of PC Charles 8h uprated by. Austrian forerunner express stamp. used as postage stmp 2h rectangle with line perforation 11½;, Mi.219B, CDS JIHLAVA 20/11 18, addressed to to Switzerland, 1x with private added print firm S.&H. GROSS JÄGERNDORF with mailing CDS JÄGERNDORF 5.XI.18; good condition, nice pieces
1919 CPŘ5, Austrian PC Crown 10h, sent as Reg to Prostějov, uprated by. for postal rate I stamp. Hradčany 5h green and 20h blue-green, Pof.3, 8, nationalized CDS PŘEROV 13.III.19; good condition
1919CPŘ29, response part Hungarian PC 8f, sent in/at postal rate II to Trenčín, uprated with stamp Hradčany 2x 1h brown and 5h green, Pof.1, 3, blue CDS BELUŠA 2.IX.19; good condition - decorative
1919 CPŘ33 Hungarian PC 10f, sent as Reg to Kolín, uprated by. for II. postal rate stamp. Hradčany 5h green and 50h violet, Pof.3 a15, Hungarian CDS GALGÓCZ 919 Aug.26.; good condition
1919 CPŘ33 Hungarian PC 10f, sent as Reg to Ružomberku, uprated by. for I. postal rate stamp. Hradčany 5h green and 20h blue-green, Pof.3 and 8, Hungarian CDS CSACZA 919 Maj.8.; good condition
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, double overprint with significant shift, in addition uprated stamp. Express 2h purple-red, Pof.S1, I. postal rate (!), nationalized CDS OSTRAVA 21.III.19, redirected; nice non-philatelic!, bend in UL corner, interesting
1920CDV7, PC Hradčany 10h with monogram, sent as Reg to Bratislava, uprated by. for postal rate III stamp. Hradčany 10h red and 50h violet, Pof.5, 15, Hungarian CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 919 Maj.11., BEREHOVE - CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA; good condition - decorative
1931 CDV46/3, pictorial PC abroad Tatras, sent as Reg to Germany, uprated with stamp Pof.258, 221, CDS BRATISLAVA 3/ 15.XII.31, arrival oval MUNICH 16.12.31; good condition
1920 CZL1, Hradčany 20h, letter-card sent as Reg to Germany, uprated with stamp 100h Hradčany, CDS MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 5.VII.20, on reverse arrival CDS BERLIN, German customs stick-on label; only on R side without margins, sound condition
1938 CPO2, type II., sent in the place as Express, uprated with stamp Airmail - definitive issue 50h + postage 1CZK + 50h, CDS PRAGUE 25/ 31.XII.38 + cancel. MAIN TELEGRAPF OFF./ 31.XII.38; good condition, c.v.. 2.000CZK
1925CPV2b, part II., order card sent in the place, uprated with stamp Postage due stmp 50/400h, CDS ROKYTNICE N. J. 20.XI.25; good condition, c.v.. 2.200CZK
1920-22CDP6, CPP13-16, complete C.O.D. dispatch-note CDP6, Un, tearing in perforation + 13 pcs of dispatch notes, 3x CPP14 used to Constantinople, Denmark and Geneva, 5x CPP16 from that 1x without cut + 1x uprated with stamp Masaryk with TESTER, then CPP13, 15, 16; part quality viewing of quality recommended, interesting
1924 CPP16, whole Us international dispatch note, rare shading, CDS VIMPERK/ 2.IX.24, sent to Turkey, postal label and CDS KOŠICE 2/ 4.IX.24, other additional and transit pmk., on reverse Turkish franking 4x 1Pi, CDS CONS-PLE/ COLISARRIVÉS/ 30.SEP. + 09.OCT.1924 and commercial cancel. addressee; standard quality, interesting
1926 whole dispatch note for international transport, with printed revenue 50h/ 1925, sent to Turkey (!), CDS LIBEREC 1/ 27.III.26, postal label "Břeclav 2" and CDS customs office in/at Břeclav, transit pmk SUBOTICA 2/ 1.4.26 in front and BUDAPEST/ 30.MAR.926 on reverse, Turkish franking 2Pi, CDS STAMBOULCOLIS/ 27.4.26 and commercial cancel. addressee; well readable cancel., standard quality
1919-27CDP3, 6, 9, stationery CPV1, 2/C, 11, CPP1, 16, comp. 15 pcs of p.stat, from that 4x Us; various condition, viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. ca. 30.000CZK
1931 comp. 3 pcs of příkazových letter, all sent as Registered, franked with. print postage machines meter stmp 3CZK F.J.MATERNA PRAGUE, 3CZK BRAUNS, 3CZK HELLADA; various condition
1934 advertising telegram Čerekla No.19, print statement 769 No. (IV-1934), on both sides advertising firm Tungsram - radiopříjmače and view from production žárovek in/at Utěkači in Slovakia; light folded to envelope/-s, very good condition
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires, contains larger part PC Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Coat of arms, part Austrian forerunner, i.a. 1x with private added print, then picture PC, several PC with postal agency pmk., special postmark, etc..; interesting selection of
1919-39[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 22 pcs of p.stat Hradčany and issue Chainbreaker, larger part Un + 12 pcs of forerunner p.stat, all uprated + several letter cards Hradčany + larger comp. picture stationeries, mainly Masaryk, various varieties + ca. 65 pcs of various p.stat Czechoslovakia I., mainly Us; nice selection of