Public Auction 39 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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151367 - 1920 Reg letter addressed to to Prague franked with. plebisc
1920 Reg letter addressed to to Prague franked with. plebiscitary stamp. Mi.1-5, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 11.IV.20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
151430 - 1920 postcard to Karvinné, franked with. TESTER stamp. for
1920 postcard to Karvinné, franked with. TESTER stamp. for plebiscite, Mi.2, 3, with hand-made transcription KONSKA 2.4.920; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
151366 - 1920 POLAND  Reg letter to Moravská Ostrava , envelope with
1920 POLAND Reg letter to Moravská Ostrava , envelope with additional-printing franked with. mixed franking plebiscitary and postage stmp., Mi.4, 102, 105, 106, CDS BIELITZ 1/ 27.III.20; nice mixed franking, decorative
Starting price: CZK
151449 - 1920 Reg letter addressed to to Insbrucku, franked with. sim
1920 Reg letter addressed to to Insbrucku, franked with. simple franking stmp with overprint for plebiscite 2 Koruna, Mi.8, CDS TESCHEN 2/ 7.VII.20 (post TĚŠÍN 2 below Polish administration to 10.8.20), Reg cancel, on reverse arrival postmark INSBRUCK 10.VII.20; good condition, decorative really Us letter
Starting price: CZK
151428 - 1920 Reg letter on/for Austrian off. envelope for money lett
1920 Reg letter on/for Austrian off. envelope for money letter, franked with. overprint stamp. for plebiscite, Mi.8, 5, 4, 3, cancelled by postmark TESCHEN 1/ 14.VIII.20, violet postmark as Reg label, on reverse good condition seal and arrival postmark WIEN 15.VIII.20; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
151444 - 1920 POLAND Reg letter addressed to to Vienna, franked with.
1920 POLAND Reg letter addressed to to Vienna, franked with. pair stmp with overprint for plebiscite 50f, Mi.5, CDS BIELITZ 1/ 5.IV.20; good condition, decorative small format
Starting price: CZK
151439 - 1920 commercial Reg letter addressed to to Märisch-Ostrau,
1920 commercial Reg letter addressed to to Märisch-Ostrau, franked with. mixed franking plebiscitary and common postage stmp Mi.6, 70 4x, cancelled mailing CDS BIELITZ 6.VIII.20; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
151360 - 1920 Austrian international post card with overprint 15/10,
1920 Austrian international post card with overprint 15/10, Mi.P11, uprated by. Polish stamp. for plebiscite 5F, Mi.1, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, CDS BIELITZ 20.V.20; nice piece, rare mixed franking!
Starting price: CZK
151362 - 1920 Polish overprint PC 15/8, Mi.P19, uprated with stamp fo
1920 Polish overprint PC 15/8, Mi.P19, uprated with stamp for plebiscite 5F, Mi.2, and postage stmp Mi.94, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 1.VIII.20, addressed to inlandly; good condition, rare mixed franking on/for overprint stationery
Starting price: CZK
151361 - 1920 Polish overprint PC 15/8 from double - volume I, Mi.P20
1920 Polish overprint PC 15/8 from double - volume I, Mi.P20, uprated with stamp for plebiscite 10F, Mi.2, CDS TESCHEN 2/ 18.IV.20, addressed to to Märisch-Ostrau; lower margin with two perforations from letter file/-s, after all exceptional mixed franking on/for overprint stationery
Starting price: CZK
151363 - 1920 comp. 2 pcs of Polish PC 15h violet, Mi.P25, uprated pl
1920 comp. 2 pcs of Polish PC 15h violet, Mi.P25, uprated plebiscitary stamp. 5F and 15F, Mi.1, 3, CDS BIELITZ 23.III.20 and DAMBROVA 30/5 20; both addressed to Czechoslovakia, nice pieces good condition
Starting price: CZK
151364 - 1920 POLAND / Polish PC 25f, Mi.P32, sent as Reg to Vienna,
1920 POLAND / Polish PC 25f, Mi.P32, sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated by. plebiscitary stamp. 1 Koruna, Mi.6, CDS BIELITZ 1/ 23.VII.20; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
151450 - 1920 letter addressed to to Lodže, franked with. overprint
1920 letter addressed to to Lodže, franked with. overprint stamp. for plebiscite, Mi.1, 3, 5, CDS TESCHEN 2/ 12.VI.20, (post TĚŠÍN 2 below Polish administration to 10.8.20); good condition
Starting price: CZK
151435 - 1920 commercial printed matter to Germany, with with overpri
1920 commercial printed matter to Germany, with with overprint for plebiscite, Mi.1 + 3, posting single-circle (!) CDS ALT BIELITZ 27/7 20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
151365 - 1920 Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with. 5 pcs of plebi
1920 Reg letter to Switzerland, franked with. 5 pcs of plebiscitary stamp., Mi.1-5, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 15/5 20, on reverse arrival BASEL19.V.20; on reverse vyříznutý sender
Starting price: CZK
151454 - 1920 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked with. overprint stamp. for p
1920 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked with. overprint stamp. for plebiscite, Mi.1-3, 1x addressed to to Croatia with censorship, CDS TESCHEN; 1x attractive view Těšín
Starting price: CZK
151453 - 1920 comp. 4 pcs of topographical Ppc franked with. multicol
1920 comp. 4 pcs of topographical Ppc franked with. multicolor franking stmp with overprint for plebiscite, Mi.1-4, 2x CDS USTROŃ, SKOTSCHAU, NIEDER BIELITZ; all attractive topographical views towns
Starting price: CZK
151443 - 1920 Reg letter addressed to to Jaroměře, franked on back
1920 Reg letter addressed to to Jaroměře, franked on back side block of 6 stmp with overprint 15f and corner kusem stamp. 10F, Mi.2, 3 6x, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 12.VI.20 and arrival JAROMĚŘ 16.VI.20; address side umazaná from stamping ink
Starting price: CZK
151437 - 1920 comp. of 2 letters, 1x Reg letter franked with. mixed f
1920 comp. of 2 letters, 1x Reg letter franked with. mixed franking plebiscitary and postage stmp Mi.4, 70, with CDS TESCHEN 1/ 4.IV.20 + 1x ordinary letter in the place franked with. plebiscitary stamp. Mi.4 with CDS TESCHEN 1/ 10.4.20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
151451 - 1920 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc Těšín franked with. overprint sta
1920 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc Těšín franked with. overprint stamp. for plebiscite 25F, Mi.4, all CDS TESCHEN 2, 3x attractive view town
Starting price: CZK
151447 - 1920 philatelically influenced Reg letter addressed to to Pr
1920 philatelically influenced Reg letter addressed to to Prague, franked with. sets higher values stmp with overprint for plebiscite, Mi.6-10, from that 2 pcs of with upper margin, CDS BIELITZ 10.IV.20 and handwritten Reg label; vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
151433 - 1920 commercial preprinted letter addressed to to Vienna, wi
1920 commercial preprinted letter addressed to to Vienna, with with overprint for plebiscite, Mi.6 3x, 5, 3 2x, CDS OBER KURZWALD 30.VII.20, exp. Zewiatrovski; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
152171 - 1919 R + Ex letter franked with. mixed franking Hungarian st
1919 R + Ex letter franked with. mixed franking Hungarian stamp. Parliament 1 Koruna, Mi.203 and stamp. Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, CDS LOSZONCZ 919 Feb.22., addressed to to Prague, right franking for postal rate I, exp. Kvasnička, decorative small format, open from three sides
Starting price: CZK
151549 - 1919 comp. 2 pcs of entires addressed from slezského Bohum
1919 comp. 2 pcs of entires addressed from slezského Bohumín to Brno, franked with. mixed frankings, 1x polsko-rakouská franking stamp. 15h Charles with overprint, Mi.34 and Austrian stamp. 6h Crown, CDS BOHUMÍN 10.II.19; 1x letter with mixed franking čs.-rakouské and Polish stamp., Hradčany 3h + 20h, Austrian special-delivery 2h and Polish with overprint 25/80 Coat of arms, Mi.48, CDS BOHUMÍN 30.I.19; evidently philatelic zájem, after all interesting entires from region nedořešených border
Starting price: CZK
151468 - 1918 Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked with. Austr
1918 Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked with. Austrian parallel stamp. Coat of arms 40h and Postage due stmp 5h with transcription Franko, Mi.194, P47, CDS ASCH 1/ 17.XII.18, on reverse arrival HOF 20.I.18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
151465 - 1918 postcard franked with. 2 pcs of parallel Austrian expre
1918 postcard franked with. 2 pcs of parallel Austrian express stmp 5h rectangle, Mi.220A, nationalized CDS RYCHNOV N. K. 23/12 18; good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
151467 - 1919 letter franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps Small
1919 letter franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps Small numbers with provisory overprint FRANCO, 2x 5h + 15h, Mi.P47, P49, posting single circle cancel HLUBOČEK 30/1 19; light vertical fold, interesting
Starting price: CZK
152169 - 1918 2 pcs of commercial letters with forerunner frankings A
1918 2 pcs of commercial letters with forerunner frankings Austrian stamp., 1x Ex těřší letter with Coat of arms 40h 2x + Crown 5h, CDS PŘEDMĚŘICE N. L. 19.X.18 addressed to to Vienna (small folds in envelope), 1x Reg letter with Charles 20h 2x + Coat of arms 5h, CDS PROSTÉJOV 23.XI.18 (vzatu torn flap)
Starting price: CZK
151545 - 1918 2 pcs of larger part/-s dispatch notes posted in slezsk
1918 2 pcs of larger part/-s dispatch notes posted in slezském Bohumíně, 1x Austrian money dispatch-note franked with. Austrian. parallel stamp. 2x 60h Znaka, 2x 5h + 3h Crown, CDS BOHUMÍN 24/12 18, 1x C.O.D. Austrian dispatch-note with 50h Coat of arms and 25h Charles with CDS BOHUMÍN 21/12 18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
152723 - 1918 postcard addressed to to Zágrebu, franked with. Austri
1918 postcard addressed to to Zágrebu, franked with. Austrian express stamp. 2x 5h rectangle, Mi.220A, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1/ 19.XII.18, heavier, but readable print
Starting price: CZK
150994 - 1918 comp. 6 pcs of larger part/-s Austrian and Hungarian di
1918 comp. 6 pcs of larger part/-s Austrian and Hungarian dispatch-notes, i.a. CDS PRAGUE 19, BRNO 9/ 15.XII.18, VELKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 17.XII.18, SZEPESOFALU JAN.31, etc..
Starting price: CZK
152178 - 1918-19 comp. 10 pcs of cash franked Reg letters, from that
1918-19 comp. 10 pcs of cash franked Reg letters, from that 1x R + C.O.D. CDS BRNO, 1x R + Ex PRAGUE, Austrian provisional Reg label, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, HOHENELBE, WARNSDORF, LÍBEZNICE, PŘEROV, part commercial correspondence, all good condition
Starting price: CZK
152182 - 1918-19 comp. 10 pcs of většich parts Hungarian dispatch n
1918-19 comp. 10 pcs of většich parts Hungarian dispatch notes, various zajimavé forerunner and parallel franking, i.a. Postage due stmp 20f, Parliament 50 and 80f, Turul 10f with overprint Hadi segély, Charles 20h with overprint Kóztarsság, zajimavé
Starting price: CZK
150998 - 1918-19 comp. 2 pcs of TESTER with cancel. PAID IN CASH, fro
1918-19 comp. 2 pcs of TESTER with cancel. "PAID IN CASH", from that 1x printed matter 3h with MC TESTER/ 16.XII.18 + 1x postcard 10h with MC PRAGUE 2.I.19
Starting price: CZK
150505 - 1918-19 comp. 8 pcs of letters + 1 smaller part dispatch-not
1918-19 comp. 8 pcs of letters + 1 smaller part dispatch-note with forerunner franking Austrian stamp., all CDS Brno, from that 5x R, used various stamp. as Coat of arms 5h, 20h, 50h, 1 Koruna, Charles 20h, etc..; various quality, nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
149676 - 1919 Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note with Reaper 2f + 5f in f
1919 Hungarian C.O.D. dispatch-note with Reaper 2f + 5f in front + 10x 2f on reverse, CDS SVEDLÉR (Švedlár)/ 919.FEB.28, in front also on reverse arrival POPRÁD/ 919.MÁR.4, good condition
Starting price: CZK
152036 - 1919 bisected franking Austrian stamp., postcard with Coat o
1919 bisected franking Austrian stamp., postcard with Coat of arms 5h + halving Charles 15h with CDS SVÉTLÁ N. S. 1.I.19 and PC Charles 8h uprated by. halving Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 5h, CDS HORKY N. J. 4/1 19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
146557 - 1919 larger part of dispatch-note franked with. Austrian sta
1919 larger part of dispatch-note franked with. Austrian stamps Postage due stmp with overprint PORTO 1h grey in horiz. str-of-5, Mi.P58, CDS HOLEŠOV 21.I.19; lower cut, good condition
Starting price: CZK
150908 - 1918 Pof.RV43-RV61, Mareš's overprint, Hluboka issue, compl
1918 Pof.RV43-RV61, Mareš's overprint, Hluboka issue, complete set of postage 3h - 10K, red inverted overprint!; very fine
Starting price: CZK
151984 - 1918 Pof.RV85-RV118, Horner's overprint, complete set of, Ko
1918 Pof.RV85-RV118, Horner's overprint, complete set of, Koruna postage stmp *, otherwise all with CDS BUDĚJOVICE, TÁBOR, STRAKONICE, to values 1 Koruna 2x; c.v.. 10.350Kč
Starting price: CZK
151897 -  Pof.RV133-RV151, RV159-RV161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's ove
Pof.RV133-RV151, RV159-RV161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), selection of 28 pcs of stamps, contains overprints on postage stmp Turul, Reaper, Charles without 15f, Zita, Parliament without 1 Koruna, postage-due, express; all exp. by Franek., c.v.. 4.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
151760 -  Pof.RV133-RV162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), basi
Pof.RV133-RV162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), basic line stmp with overprint contains i.a. RV147 15f Charles with overprint Köztarsaság and RV162 Parliament 1 Koruna, supplemented with about/by value Reaper 3f, Postage due stmp 5f, Parlanent 75 and 80f only with vertical overprint (80f 2x), Zita 40f only with inverted opt; RV156 and 158 missing teeth, RV144 strong hint, major major-part stamp. exp. by Franek., Gilbert, Le, Pofis-Beneš, Kraus and other, c.v.. 8.600Kč
Starting price: CZK
152459 - 1918 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 12 pcs of p
1918 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 12 pcs of pairs with opposite facing overprints (!); mostly mint never hinged, Pof.RV137-139, RV146, RV148 and RV150-155, exp. by Gilbert or Mrňák, rare speciality, ex Mahr
Starting price: CZK
152460 - 1918 Pof.RV146Pp, RV148-151Pp, RV154-157Pp, Žilina issue (
1918 Pof.RV146Pp, RV148-151Pp, RV154-157Pp, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 9 pcs of stamp. with opt inverted; exp. by Mrnak or Gilbert, ex Mahr
Starting price: CZK
151909 - 1918 Pof.RV161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Parlia
1918 Pof.RV161, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Parliament 75f blue, double vertical overprint, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. doesn't report
Starting price: CZK
151986 - 1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), complete set of 3H-1K on
1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), complete set of 3H-1K on envelope with CDS TESTER/ 12.XI.18; rare offer, vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
151457 - 1918 Reg letter with heading stavitele J. Dvořák franked b
1918 Reg letter with heading stavitele J. Dvořák franked by multicolor franking Austrian forerunner stamp. (7 pcs of) with black overprint "Czech/ post", right value postage 45h, CDS POLNISCH OSTRAU 1/ ?.?.18; slightly yellowy stamp. in perforation - after all rare entire with local revolutionary overprint
Starting price: CZK
151886 - 1919 ARNSDORF B. HAIDA, 2 pcs of cut-squares with Austrian s
1919 ARNSDORF B. HAIDA, 2 pcs of cut-squares with Austrian stamp. Coat of arms with overprint values black numeral "10", 10/6h and 10/12h, through/over CDS ARNSDORF B. HAIDA 19.I.19 + official violet postmark post
Starting price: CZK
151904 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  Hluboka and Budějovice issue, selection
1918 [COLLECTIONS] Hluboka and Budějovice issue, selection of sets on 13 album pages and 2 zasobníkových cards, contains mainly used stamp. and stamp. on cut-squares, also complete sets Hlubockého issue with red overprint hinged; unattested, part forgeries
Starting price: CZK
150188 -  Pof.3, 5h blue-green imperforated, blk-of-50, on both sides
Pof.3, 5h blue-green imperforated, blk-of-50, on both sides print (!), on one side plate 1 (with plate variety on pos. 23, 34, 42, 44, 81, 83, 91), on the back side plate 2 (with plate variety on pos. 8, 30, 47, 60, 89, 90 and 100); interesting
Starting price: CZK
150205 -  Pof.4Nb Is, 5h dark green, spiral type I., TESTER/ plate 5,
Pof.4Nb Is, 5h dark green, spiral type I., TESTER/ plate 5, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
150239 -  Pof.4NbIs, 5h dark green, spiral type I.; exp. by Stupka
Pof.4NbIs, 5h dark green, spiral type I.; exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
151083 -  Pof.6, 10h green, wide margins, exp. by Sablatura., Karasek
Pof.6, 10h green, wide margins, exp. by Sablatura., Karasek, c.v.. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
151067 -  Pof.7, 15h bricky red, blurred print; exp. by Sablatura
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, blurred print; exp. by Sablatura
Starting price: CZK
150673 -  Pof.7, 15h bricky red; plate 7, pos. 63, 64 and 73, 74; blo
Pof.7, 15h bricky red; plate 7, pos. 63, 64 and 73, 74; block of four in this základním shade very rare, exp. by Skaloud
Starting price: CZK
150190 -  Pof.7a, 15h brown-red, 2x block of four from plate 2, vario
Pof.7a, 15h brown-red, 2x block of four from plate 2, various color shades, both blocks of four marked and expert Benes
Starting price: CZK
149623 -  Pof.7N, 15h vermilion, block of four, spiral type I., offse
Pof.7N, 15h vermilion, block of four, spiral type I., offset on gum
Starting price: CZK
149619 -  Pof.7N, 15h vermilion; c.v.. 1.000CZK
Pof.7N, 15h vermilion; c.v.. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
150241 -  Pof.7STp, 15h bricky red, block of four, 1x joined bar type
Pof.7STp, 15h bricky red, block of four, 1x joined bar types - bar types combination + 1x joined bar types - bar types combination - short bar + incomplete bar, plate 2, pos. 74, 75, 84, 85; c.v.. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
151774 -  Pof.7Stp, 7ASTs, comp. 2 pcs of pairs values 15h, 1x imperf
Pof.7Stp, 7ASTs, comp. 2 pcs of pairs values 15h, 1x imperforated with upper margin and joined bar subtype TESTER, 8, plate 2, 1x pair with R margin and joined types spiral, TESTER, 50, plate 1, c.v.. 650CZK
Starting price: CZK