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1857-1859 SG.11, 2Sh 9P green, imperforated, wmk star; exceedingly quality piece with wide margins, certificate BPA, cat. £800 U:A5
1857-1859 SG.7, Queen Victoria 8P brown, Perkins Bacon, wmk star, small flaw, partially new gum, good margins, cat. * £28.000 U:DR
1857-1859 SG.8, 9P lilac brown, imperforated, wmk star, heavier pmk; exceedingly wide margins !, rather rare stamp £900 U:A5
1867-1870 SG.66, 5P žluto-olivová, blk-of-4; some skvnek in gum, else perfect quality, original gum, in block rare, similar complexes classic Ceylon are quite rare and nacházejí with only in/at greatest collections! U:A5
1867-1870 SG.69b, 9P black-brown, blk-of-4; very nice complex with original gum, in block rare! U:A5
1867-1870 SG.71b, 1Sh violet, blk-of-4; very nice complex with original gum, in block rare! U:DR
1912-1925, 1921-1932 SG.318, 357, George V. 10R marginal piece Pl 2 and 20R corner; very nice highest value, cat. £345 ++ U:A5
1912-1925 SG.320, George V. 50R purple, corner piece with Pl 1; small blue spots in front, very nice piece with label on edge, exp. Bolaffi, cat. £1.100 ++ (£550 for * + 100% as **) U:A5
1921-1932 SG.358, George V. 50R dull purple, multiple wmk "written CA"; perfect piece, exp. Holcombe, cat. £1.300
1866 2x heavier letter to Scotland (Linlithgow), double 10 Penny franking, sent through Marseilles, with 2x SG.58, pair 10P bricky red, black linear cancel, CDS COLOMBO PAID, arrival LINLITHGOW; very nice quality, rare franking! U:DR
1866 letter to England (Kent), 10 penny franking through/over Marseilles, franked. 2x SG.22, 5P yellow-brown, light linear pmk, CDS HAMBANTOTTE PAID, arrival LONDON and MAIDSTONE; extraordinary quality perf stmp, very nice letter, rarer snížený rate valid only in/at krátkém period! U:DR
1866 front side of letter sent to Indian Chittagong, basic 5 Penny franking with SG. 49, 50 (2), 1P blue and 2x 2P grey-green, linear cancel and CDS CALLE PAID U:A5
1868 letter to England (Warwickshire), 13 penny franking through/over Marseilles, mixed franking 2 issues!, SG.35, 49, 1Sh violet wmk "star" and 1P blue perf 12½;, wmk CC, pmk "B", ceylonská CDS KANDY PAID, GALLE PAID, arrival LEAMINGTON; very nice and attractive letter U:DR
1871 letter to England (Slough), 9 penny franking via Southampton, with SG.69b, 9P black-brown, pmk "A", CDS COLOMBO, arrival SLOUGH; very nice letter with original content
1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of stmp, contains sets and MS, Mi.282-946; placed on album sheets, cat. 1.700€ U:Z