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1916 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY printed bilingual declaration zástupců political side/party Konzervativního estate, side contains mainly nobles, i.a. Alfréd prince Windisch-Grätz, Henry count Clam-Martinic; horiz. and vertical folds, interesting U:A3s|
1850 SFRAGISTIKA decorative picture seal King Ladislav and Zikmunda Lucemburského; hints staří, toned, very decorative U:A3s|
1843 [COLLECTIONS] SAXONY/ Book postal kursů Saského kingdom, contains listings single postal stations and dostavníkový riding Order with itinerářem, components/parts map, uvedeny also tracks from Prague, Cheb, Karlovy Vary and Aše; very interesting, condition corresponding age, map torn, after all extraordinary document U:O5