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1939 JASIŇA letter franked with. i.a. 6 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms with local overprint Ukrajinského trojzubce in black color type I., cancelled print 1/2 service postmark POST OFFICE with by hand Russian alphabet written JASIŇA; philatelically motivated mailing, after all quite rare occurrence! U:A5
1938 occupation / MUNKÁCS VISSZATÉRT propagandistiské cancel. on/for forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms, CDV65, supplemented with CDS MUNKÁCS 38 XI.13.; several folds in corners, nice postal imprints on/for really Us PC U:A5
1938 occupation / MUKACHEVO letter franked with. Czechosl. stamp. 1CZK Fügner with coupon, propagandistic cancel. MUNKÁCS VISSZATÉRT and CDS MUNKÁCS 38 XI.21., addressed to to Hungary, on reverse arrival postmark NYIRBÁTOR; light folds and yellowy margins envelope/-s U:A5
1938 occupation / UZHHOROD postcard with mixed franking of czechosl. and Hungarian stamp. with oval propagandistic cancel. UNGVÁR/ VISSZATÉRT supplemented with CDS UNGVÁR 38 XI.21. and propagandistic label "Ami magyar mindet vissza!", drawn propaganda Ppc "Hiszek egy isteni örök igazságban"; signs of usage U:A5
1939 ZABOR / KHUST letter addressed to to Bohemia with mixed franking of czechosl. stamp. Štefánik 3x 50h and Hungarian stamp. 2f + 4f, provisional pmk FP M.KIR. POSTA/ 103/ 39 III.23.; good condition, rare U:A5
1938 occupation / BEREHOVE I. part from double Hungarian PC 10f, uprated. stamp. 6f with CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 38 XI.29. with propagandistic cancel. VISSZATÉRT, sent to Slovakia; good condition U:A5
1938 BEREHOVE official envelope Maďarského military headquarters, line red military unit postmarks "M. Kir. Beregszászi Járasi", CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 38 XI.17. supplemented with propagandistic cancel. BEREGSZASZ - VISSZATÉRT 1938, on reverse arrival MARIAPÓCS; small tearing in margins - good condition U:A5
1939 HERINCSE, TEREBESFEJÉRPATAK, KÖVESLIGET - DRAHOVA, HUSZT comp. 3 pcs of letters and 2 pcs of Ppc with provisory postmarks M.KIR. POSTA No. 314, 334, 341, 371 supplemented with rubber straight line postmarks with Hungarian names occupied places; good condition, nice readable print U:A5
1939 KERECKE, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, HUSZT comp. 3 pcs of letters and 1 postcard with provisory postmarks M.KIR. POSTA No. 314, 347, 386, supplemented with rubber straight line postmarks with Hungarian names occupied places, 1x as Printed matter, 1x addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition, nice readable print U:A5
1939 NAGYBEREZNA, TISZABORKÚT, KÖZÉPAPSA, HUSZT comp. 3 pcs of letters and 2 pcs of Ppc with provisory postmarks M.KIR. POSTA No. 102, 308, 314 and 355 supplemented with rubber straight line postmarks with Hungarian names occupied places, from that 1x commercial letter addressed to to England (!); good condition, nice readable print U:A5
1939 NAGYBOCSKÓ (Velykyi Bychkiv) Reg letter addressed to to Khust, envelope with commercial additional-printing "KLOTILDA", multicolor franking vyplatních stamp. cancelled FP-postmark M.KIR. POSTA/ 112/ 39 VI.1., provisional by hand drawn Reg label; decorative piece U:A5