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1993-94 [COLLECTIONS] Rozpad USSR / NOVÁ UKRAINE selection of 42 pcs of entires and paper slip with stamp., contains provisory, private hinge / label, overprints, cash paid, added-print, etc., larger part postally Us; good condition U:O5
1945 ČOP Hungarian FP card with overprint NRZU E with value -,40, green paper, c.v.. Majer Ud21, uprated with stamp definitive issue Mi.83, 84, cancelled blue rubber cancel. ČOP, Un; good condition U:A5
1945 ČOP Hungarian FP card with overprint NRZU E with value -,40, green paper, c.v.. Majer Ud21, uprated with stamp definitive issue Mi.83, 84, cancelled blue rubber cancel. ČOP; good condition, Us - rare usage U:A5
1945 UZHHOROD Hungarian FP card with overprint NRZU E with value -,40, grey-green paper, Majer Ud21a; good condition U:A5
1945 UZHHOROD folded blank form sent as Printed matter, with definitive issue NRZU value 10, Mi.81, cancelled provisory cancel. UZHHOROD, supplemented with date stamp 23.IX.45, on reverse evidence postmark Okresnyj Narodnyj Komitet in/at Iršavě 18.IX.45; good condition, interesting U:A5
1945 Velykyi Bereznyi folded blank form with definitive issue NRZU pair values 20, Mi.82, cancelled provisory cancel. VĚLIKIJ BEREZNIJ and by hand 13.VIII.45, arrival postmark ČORNOGOLOVJA; good condition U:A5