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1908 SG.188-195, 300. Anniversary of Quebeck, complete set; cat. £550 U:A5
1852 SG.9, Prince Albert 6c slate grey, ample to very large margins, dumb 7-circuled pmk.; old collection origin, very nice piece, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1867-1871 SG.28, 31, New currency, Coat of arms 2C brown and 25C yellow, perf 14; o. g. very nice quality, cat. £420 U:A5
1868-1871 SG.23, New currency, Coat of arms 5C red, perf 12½;; o. g., very fine, cat. £1500, are stmp missing in most collections! U:DR
1867-1871 SG.25, New currency, Coat of arms 25C yellow, perf 12½;; o. g.,fine - very fine, cat. £600 U:A5
1860 TCP SG.7, Locomotive 1C orange, blok of 4, trial print, imperforated on paper type "India", thin paper; very nice quality U:A5
1860-63 TCP for SG.19, Prince Edward VII. 17c black, blok of 4 on thin paper type india, trial print; perfect quality U:A5
1861-65 NEW BRUNSWICK / NOVA SCOTIA comp. 3 pcs of classic letters, 1x letter sent from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Islands with SG.15, 5c dark green + 1x letter sent from Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Islands, with SG.25, 5c dark blue + 1x letter sent from Hamilton to Bradford, with SG.32, Beaver 5c dark red; various quality U:A5
1928 SG.164-178, Motives, complete set; hinged, cat. £110 U:A5
1936 SG.209-220, Motives, complete set; hinged, cat. £70 U:A5
1861 SG.1, Queen Victoria 2P pink, perf 9; very nice quality, cat. £500 U:A5
1861-1872 SG.2-42, Queen Victoria, comp. 15 pcs of stmp from general series; mostly very nice quality, SG.32 missing corner, various perf, cat. £1.100 U:A5
1920-2001 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stmp, larger part mint, contains marginal pieces, MS; in 6-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1847 Sc.1b, Franklin 5C orange-brown with black CDS, contraction "Va" (Virginie); very fine, certificate Philatelic Foundation N. Y., black pmk. on this issue is rare, cat. $1.350 U:A5
1847 Sc.2a, Washington 10C black, diagonally bisected, 5C on cut square with red grid cancel, perfect quality, 2 certificates Philatelic Foundation N. Y., extremely undervalued (letter just 13.000$), missing in greatest collections, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1851 Sc.17, Washington 12C black, imperforated, strip of 3 and other 4 pcs on cut square with CDS NEW YORK; some small flaw of the margins, fine, cat. as 5 pcs + pair $1.975, unique multiple and high franking! U:A5
1852 Sc.19, Franklin 1C blue, type IV, horiz. strip of 3, cut square with handmade cancellation, town name, date, contraction "Ky" (Kentucky); R upper closer margin, in this issue usual, very nice quality, rare piece, cat. $400++ U:A5
1857 Sc.24, Franklin 1C blue, blok of 4, V. Type, perf 15½; lower some weak teeth in vert. perf, perfect block, cat. ca. $2.400 U:A5
1860 Sc.37, Washington 24C grey; perfect piece on cut square with red grid cancel CDS NEW YORK; cat. $440++ U:A5
1861-1867 TCP for issue Presidents, Sc.63P4, 65P4, 68P4, 69P4, 71P4, 72P4, 76P4, 73P4, 77P4, 78P4, 1861/67 1C-90C, comp. of 10 pcs of trial prints in original colors white paper, very fine, cat. $535, attractive set U:A5
1868 Sc.87, Jackson 2C black, horiz. strip of four, the left 3 stamps never hinged, grill 11/13mm; at the back light spots, the third stmp thin tear at the upper left, nice and rare strip with certificate PSE, cat. as L * Pr $3.750 + right (without tear) ** pair ca. $11.250, total $15.000! U:DR
1870 Sc.144, Perry 90C carmine, GRILL 10/12mm; very fine, with certificate Philatelic Foundation N. Y., cat. $2.500, rare stamp U:A5
1887-1925 Sc.212, 221, comp. of unused stmp, i.a. from various issues Presidents - small format, Omaha 1C-8C, Hugenots, Commemorative 1901 1C -8C and 1904 1C-3C, Spec. Handling, SpecDelivery; kat. $2.800 U:A5
1893 Sc.239, Columbus 30C orange-brown, blok of 4; R usual folds gum, very nice complex with o. g., cat. $1.150 U:A5
1893 Sc.241-243, Columbus 1$-3$; average quality, value 1$ upper repaired perf, 2$ with small flaw, 3$ short tooth lower, otherwise perfect, very fine postmarks, cat. $2.300 U:A5
1898 Sc.293, Trans-Mississippi 2$ orange-brown, very well centered, dim shade; missing in most of collections, certificate Phil. Foundation NY, cat. $1.800, Mi. 2.000€ U:DR
1906 Sc.320, Washington 2c scarlet, blok of4 with R margin, imperforated; cat. $150 U:A5
1908 Sc.300-302, Presidents, value 1c blok of 9, 2c blok of 4, 3c LR corner blok of 9 with margin; all mint, cat. $1.528 U:A5
1909 Sc.371, Seward 2c, blok of 6 with L margin, imperforated; cat. $96 U:A5
1909 Sc.373, Hudson 2c carmine, blok of 6 with lower margin, imperforated; 5x mint, cat. stmp. $191 U:A5
1912 Sc.423, Franklin $1 purple brown, cancelled; cat. $75 U:A5
1913 Sc.PR120, 121, Allegory $2 red and $5 blue, negative pmk. "B" and black thin line (usual cancellation); superb quality, cat. $285, rare offer U:A5
1914 Sc.443, 1C green, roll horiz. Pr; cat. 75$, with certificate U:A5
1914-16 Sc.458, Washington 5c blue, horiz. pair, vert. perf 10; without gum U:A5
1917 Sc.479-80, Madison $2 dark blue + Marshall $5 light green; cancelled, cat. $82 U:A5
1918 Sc.C1-C3, Airmail, complete set; cat. $195 U:A5
1918-20 Sc.531-535, Washington 1c - 3c, complete set, imperforated, value 3c horiz. pair; 3x cancellation, cat. $188 U:A5
1919 Sc.536, Washington 1c, blok of 4; cancelled, cat. $110 U:A5
1930 Sc.C14, Zeppelin $1,30 brown; nice piece, small gum flaw, cat. $400 U:A5
1934 Mi.364-373, complete set, all horiz. pairs, vert. line in the middle of the pairs U:A5
1851 Sc.10, Washington 3C orange-brown forward letter with CDS ORWELL sent in the same place, then uprated with other 3C and readdressed to Brandon, arrival postmark NEW HAVEN, small community and very good destination; perfect quality, rare! U:A5
1864 letter sent in the place, with Jackson 2c black, CDS NEW YORK; cat. $85, preserved U:A5
1869-73 comp. of 3 pcs of letters, 2x small format, all with franking Locomotive 3c, Sc.114, various CDS; cat. $68, good condition U:A5
1870-80 comp. of 9 pcs of letters, all with Jackson 2c red-brown, Sc.146, 2x mixed franking; various quality U:A5
1899 PUERTO RICO letter sent to NY, with 5c issue Trans Mission Sc.288, with pmk military station, MIL. STA. No.4 WOC/ SAN JUAN PORTO RICO Feb.9.99, at the back arrival P.O.N.Y. 2.20.99; good condition U:A5
1909 PUERTO RICO letter sent in the place, with USA issue 1898 Trans-Missisippi 2c, Sc.286, cancelled by Spanish dumb pmk. "R" in frame, supplemented with CDS VSGA-BAJA/ PTC-RICO, 27.Maj.09, supplemented with company oval cancel; at the back torn flap U:A5
1884-1932 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 70 used also unused PC and p.stat covers, some interesting, postmarks, uprated, Wells Fargo, Hawai, etc.; good material for next research U:O5
1922-1967 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 18 pcs of bags closure from banking transport, various franking; interesting U:O5
1862 unissued stamp Davis 10C blue on blue-green paper, complete sheet of 70 pcs, paper without gum, evidently private print from plates De La Rue in London, prepared for printing finally unissued 10C stmp, originally for Konfederate government U:A5
1869-1886 Sc.29, 50, Kamehameha 2C engraving re-issue, issued in 1869 in red color + 2C reprint from 1886 orange-red with blue Opt SPECIMEN; perfect margins, cat. min. $205 U:A5
1951-87 [COLLECTIONS] collection of U.N. - New York incl. MS No.1, almost complete + U.N. - Geneva 1969-77, almost complete + U.N. - Wien (Vienna), almost complete, marginal pieces, PB etc.; on hingeless sheets in spring folder Schaubek U:Z
1980-1991 [COLLECTIONS] collection MS and FDC U.N. - Wien (Vienna), annual volumes 1980-1991, complete +sheets of Austrian stmp; in cardboard box U:K
1980-89 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of M-sheets and PB of issue Flags, face-value $3.000, placed in box U:K
1911 Mi.138K, Museum 5C blue/black with inverted red Opt " Dos Centavos....1911 "; very nice curiosity U:A5
1864-1865 specialized comp. of 49 pcs of issue Imperial eagle, with Opt of various districts, with descriptions ot the types, postmarks and with number of printing!; various quality, overall nice comp. incl. rarer pieces, double overprint, omitted districts names etc., Mi.21a IV, Mi. 19c IV and oths.; origin from very old collection, cat. 3.770MiM (1996) U:A5
1893-1903 comp. of 5 pcs of postcards, 3 pcs of Mexico, 1x sent to Hamburg + 1x Columbia sent to Bohemia + 1x Guatemala sent to Hamburg; good condition U:A5
1868 letter franked by. Mi.50II, Hidalgo 12C green, horizontal pair, district ZACATECAS, with unusual oval cancel SAN MATEO; very fine condition U:A5
1864-1865 [COLLECTIONS] very attractive and specialized comp. of 14 pcs of issue Imperial eagle, 1x reprint Mi.24 (uncounted), with Opt various of districts, with descriptions of postmarks and types according to cat. Scott; very nice quality, rarer pieces, origin from old collection, with original placement of auction lots from ca. 30 years old auction, cat. 1.980 MiM (1996) U:O4
1929 TCP Mi.483-485, Airmail, 5 pairs from issue "Government buildings" with unaccepted designs Opt (without year), 5C black and red, 10C, 25C, 50C black, Opt printed opposite(!); rare compilation U:A5
1881 COLUMBIAN FEDERATION, parallel usage stmp Mi.71-75, comp. of 3 pcs of cut squares with bisected stmp. and 4-coloured (!) franking, oval black cancel PANAMA; rare destination! U:A5