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1950 Mi.283-292, Flowers, complete set; cat. 65€ U:A5
1955 Mi.Bl.1-3, Scholars, comp. of 3 pcs of souvenier sheets; used, light patine, cat. 45€ U:A5
1961 Mi.Bl.7, Souvenir sheet Table tennis; superb quality, cat. 2.200€ U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.9, Souvenir sheet Peonies; small folds in R margin, cat. 4.500€ U:A5
1978 Mi.Bl.12, Souvenir sheet Horses; superb, cat. 900€ U:A5
1979 Mi.Bl.15, Souvenir sheet - Mountains, superb, cat. 280€ U:A5
1979 Mi.Bl.20, Souvenir sheet - Camellia; superb, cat. 300€ U:A5
1943-60 Mi.534-545, smaller comp. of stamps of China, contains i.a. larger part of set Fishes and Chrysanthemums etc.; placed on card A5, larger part of stamps without gum U:A5
1960 Mi.534-545, Fishes, complete set; cat. 150€ U:A5
1963 Mi.689-698, Butterflies, complete set; cat. 260€ U:A5
1964 Mi.795-809, Peonies, complete set; cat. 600€, small gum flaw, bend U:A5
1970 Mi.1063-1065, Beijing - Opera, complete set; cat. 350€ U:A5
1971 Mi.1074-1082, 50 years communistic party, complete set; cat. 500€ U:A5
1972 Mi.1102-1107, 30. Anniversary of language, complete set with lower margins; without gum, cat. 190€ U:A5
1973 Mi.1126-1131, Giant Panda, complete set; cat. 250€ U:A5
1906-12 CHINA/ INDOCHINA comp. of 6 pcs of postcards sent from China (2x) and Indochina (3x), 1x Morocco; very good quality U:A5
1930-1980 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA, JAPAN small collection of stmp of China and Japan, placed on album sheets in stockbooks, stmp. of China up to 1950 U:Z
1940-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of China, divided mainly according to the motives, i.a. fauna, flora, art, sport etc., used and hinged, part mint, contains also better sets, for example. Fish, Chrysanthemums, Landscape, also with Mi.859-60, 993-4, 1006, 1018-19, etc., various quality, some incomplete, also 15 pcs MS from y. 1985-91 etc. U:Z
1946-65 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and sets, contains i.a. 3x blok of 4 Gymnastics Mi.151-153, 169-171, 148-150, 10. Anniv Mi.466-468, Lenin Mi.527-529, Pigs Mi.546-550, Butterflies Mi.689-698, Sports games Mi. 903-913 (small flaw on the back side of the stmp. Mi.908), Giant Panda Mi.736-738, Monkeys Mi.741-743 etc.,; cat. 2.100€ U:A4
1949-73 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of China, 1949-73, complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1094-97; cat. 2.160€, placed in smaller stockbook U:Z
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of China, contains various parts of sets, for example Chrysanthemums, Fishes etc., larger part used; placed on full stock-sheet A4 U:O4
1982-1993 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of China, contains complete volumes 1982-1993, in addition a lot of MS, duplicates, etc., part used + compilation of gift books + FDC; cat. ca. 3.000€, all in big cardboard box U:K
1863 SG.19, Queen Victoria 96c brownish grey, blue pmk; cat. £60 U:A5
1863-71 SG.19, 96c brownish grey; very nice piece with o.g., cat. £1.400 U:A5
1882-96 SG.37, 10c dark blue-green; heavy hinge, very fine, cat. £1800 U:A5
1891 SG.50, Queen Victoria, overprint issue 1$/96C purple on red paper, local Chinese hand overprint; very fine, certificate BP Basel, cat. £450 U:A5
1882-1896 SG.38, 39a, Queen Victoria 10C red / purple + 30C grey-green, both with Opt SPECIMEN, 1x hand overprint; very nice pieces, cat. £400 U:A5
1898-1902 SG.55, 56, 57, 61, 10C/30C grey-green with Chinese emblem and 2C, 4C, 30C, all with Opt SPECIMEN, once hand overprint; very nice pieces, cat. £500, single issued SG.55 rare as SPECIMEN U:A5
1874-1902 SG.F4, F5, Post-fiscal stmps 2$ and 3$, Opt SPECIMEN, complete set of Specimens; perfect quality, cat. £450 U:A5
1897 SG.F11, 2x Overprint issue 1$ on fiscal stmp 2$, pale greenish blue, 2 various shades; 1x light fold, otherwise very nice quality, 1x exp. Th. Champion, cat. £500 U:A5
1886 Mi.56-62I/II, overprint issued OFFICIEL of the issues Rising Sun and Shah 5C-5P, CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 410€ U:A5
1902 Mi.150-159I, overprint issued. "red lion", 1 Chahi - 50 Krani, 10 pcs with various CDS, i.a. less frequent KAZVIN (Qazvin) and YEZD (Yazd); very nice compilation, cat. 650€ U:A5
1902 Mi.161-165, overprint issue "Blue lion", complete set 10 Tomans -100 Tomans, 4x CDS TEHRAN, control numbering on reverse; perfect condition, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1902 Mi.166-170, Provisional 1 Chahi - 12 Chahis, with hand made Opt "PROVISOIRE", mostly CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 540€ U:A5
1911 Mi.323-324, issue "Shah", 20Kr, 30Kr; perfect highest values with certificate M. Eichele, cat. 600€ U:A5
1911 Mi.325VIa-k, overprint issued "Relais", on issue "lion" 2 Chahi -13 Chahi and "Shah" 2 Chahi - 13 Chahi, 8 pcs with various CDS, complete set; cat. 440€ U:A5
1929 Mi.581-596, Reza Pahlavi, complete set, 12Ch used; cat. 560€ U:A5
1899 SG.116, 118, 121, Lion, 1Ch, 3Ch, 8Ch as additional Reg franking on response part of German postcard 10Pf Reichspost, CDS SULTANABAD, TEHRAN, firm violet "Agence Ziegler" and arrival postmark HALLE, Persian Reg label "PERSE"; perfect quality U:A5
1876-1930 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Iran, part classic period, mostly used, on 9 stock-sheets, cat. ca. 1.000€ + Egypt, Ethiopia, Siam, Crete, British colonies, all smaller compilation of years 1890-1950; in 16-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection, part classic period, various sets, mostly incomplete, part used; on 8 stock-sheets U:Z
1919-30 Mi.120 II, Tazawa 1Yen green/ brown, granite paper, wmk P1, size 18½ x 22½mm + Mi.138 and 139, Tazawa 30Sen orange/ green and 50Sen brown/ blue, both granite paper, P1, comb perforation 13 : 13½;; all with heavy hinges on reverse, 30Sen corner piece, on reverse usual fold in gum, cat. 390€ U:A5
1926 Mi.177-179, Landscapes 2Sen, 6Sen and 10Sen, wmk P1, value 2Sen T. II (22½ x 18½mm), complete set; all at the back with 1 heavy hinge U:A5
1902 parcel card with Mi.81 and 84, CDS KOGAWA? (FURUKAWA?)/ Meiji 35.10.15 (= 15.OCT.1902), addressed to Kyoto; interesting entire U:A5
1924 phonecard with stmp. 10Sen, Mi.168, issued after the earthquake in 1923, CDS BOSHUKA/ SAITAMA (prefecture)/ Taisho 13.9.22 (= 22.9.1924); small flaw - L 2 small thin places, otherwise good condition, interesting U:A5
1954 letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.379A, 400 + blok of four, Mi.378A and 628, CDS TOKUIYAMA/ Yamaguchi/ 9.XII.54; decorative, good condition U:A5
1958 Mi.141A-144A + 141B-144B, International geophysical year 1957/58, issued without gum, 2 complete sets, 1x perforated and 1x imperforated; cat. 142€ U:A5
1953 Mi.394-403, Flowers, complete set; cat. 100€ U:A5
1911 Mi.161, 162, Sc.162, 163, Provisional stamps 1 avo and 2 avos, wit posmaster marks, on 2 letters to Hongkong, in front CDS DIRECQAO CORREIO DE MACAU; very rare letters and destination! U:A5
[COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of asian countries as North and South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, divided according to the countries, various motives as fauna, flora, sport, transport, etc., various sets, often incomplete, MS; part mint, placed on ca. 60 stock-sheets U:Z
1948-69 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of Israel, contains stamps with coupons, some better pieces + folder Schaubek Israel 1948-1969 with empty sheets U:Z
1960-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps and souvenir sheets, contains stamps of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Dubai, Fujeira etc., part used, incomplete sets; placed on 50 stock-sheets U:Z