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1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art, plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 900CZK U:A5
1993 Pof.A10VV, miniature sheet Big state coat of arms, different cut; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1993 Pof.A10VV, Big state coat of arms, different cut, 2 pcs of, both plate C and D, rare offer; c.v.. 8.000CZK U:A5
1999 Pof.232, Czech drawn humor 4,60CZK, comp. 2 pcs of L bottom corner blocks of 6 with inverted harrow perforation - inverted frame perf, 2 variants - high and wide zub U:A4
2001 Pof.A285/287, miniature sheet 1000 years architecture, variants perf incl. A3 and B3; c.v.. Pěnkava 2.800CZK, sought U:A4
2003 Pof.361, Rozhledny - Slovanka 6,40CZK, 3 LL corner pairs with TESTER - white stain below "No" in/at "CZK" - on/for original plate + 1. surplus print + 2. surplus print with retouch TESTER; exceptional selection of, c.v.. Pěnkava min. 1.440Kč U:A4
2007 Pof.514, PRAGA 2008, UR corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 8/L large white circle below KA - (republic) + L corner with TESTER white circle in smyčce numeral(s) 8; c.v.. 1.000CZK U:A5
2007 Pof.A519, miniature sheet Charles Bridge, production flaw - large rose circle by/on/at lantern L; one of the most significant ofsetových flaws Czech Republic U:A5
2007 Pof.539, PRAGA 2008, upper block of 6 with VV25/L2 - large white circle in/at LDR stylizované stamps + UR marginal blk-of-10 with VV40/L2 - large white circle below "after/around" + horizontal strip of 4 with L margin with VV64/P2 - white circle above "š" in the word "POSTAL"; c.v.. 1.200CZK U:A5
2009 Pof.602, Firemen CTIF, LR corner blk-of-4, in 4 column light blue grid, in 5 column yellow grid instead blue-violet; rare, on request exp. by Arbeit U:A5
2009 Pof.602, Firemen CTIF, LR corner blk-of-4, production flaw on pos. 45/P - big green stain above "R" in "REPUBLIC" + horizontal pair with R margin and production flaw on pos. 24/L; two catalogue defects U:A5
2010 Pof.621, Olympic Games Vancouver 18CZK, the bottom marginal block-of-6 with date of print 9.XII.09, on/for upper stamp. 3x production flaw - rovnoběžné red lines through/over pos.; significant variant U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Fifinka, stmp without pin hole, variant 2 - interrupted forefinger; c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, 1x UL corner blk-of-4 with VV7/1B - golden circle in/at corner coat Joseph + 1x the bottom block of 6 with VV36/4B - "sun" through/over L part decoration U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, L the bottom corner blk-of-10 with very significant verzí production flaw 36/4B "sun" through/over L part decoration, extremely dark color shade stamps; still nepublikovaný U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, UR corner blk-of-4 with margin, production flaw 4/4B - 3 big rings in/at picture stamp., on pos. 9 big grey circular stain before/(in front of) "RE"; sought U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, vertical pair with production flaw - shifted perforation L-wards to picture of stmp U:A5
2011 Pof.677, Eastern, value A, 2x horizontal pair with R margin with plate variety 29/2 - significant red stain in sheet - two stage; interesting U:A5
2011 Pof.690, ME in volejbale, L corner blk-of-15, field 3, shifted perforation downward closely to wedge [ ˇ ] "Č" on all pane positions; interesting U:A4
2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, horizontal strip of 3 with R margin, significant shifted perforation L-wards to picture of stmp U:A5
2011 Pof.707VV, Christmas, value A, marginal block-of-4, shifted perforation downward to inscription U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, horiz. str-of-6 with lower margin with production flaw 4/46 - significant yellow circle in LL corner stamp. + production flaw 4/45 - oblique yellow line from decoration to pravému margin + horizontal pair with lower margin with production flaw 4/45, but without 4/46; very interesting, sought U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, horiz. str-of-6 with R margin, L stmp normal, postupně every other stmp with other shade to to brown + right upper corner str-of-4 with production flaw 4/7 - yellow stain by L leg falcon U:A5
2012 Pof.A0741, miniature sheet 800 years from annunciation Zlaté buly Sicilian, 2 pcs of, 1x name state to by/on/at brown printings + 1x shift name state up and numeral(s) 800 is in contact with blue printings; interesting U:A5
2012 Pof.PL749, Works of Art 32CZK, PB with mild shift blue color up (above upper small frame "ostnatý drát"); interesting U:A5
1993-2005 [COLLECTIONS] collection miniature sheets, counter sheets, stamp booklets and sheets from stamp-booklet, index inserted, face-value 4.360Kč; placed in smaller little-box U:K
2003 Pof.PL354 V127, Rosa above Prague 6,40CZK, all stamps 2. variant (type II.), Spanish paper; c.v.. 2.200CZK U:A4
2003 Pof.PL354, 380, 381, Rosa above Prague 6,40CZK + 6,50CZK + Lantern 9CZK, comp. 3 pcs of PB with private added prints, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 2.250CZK U:A4
2003 Pof.PL354, Rosa above Prague 6,40CZK, 1. variant, paper fl-šp, V015 - additional printing AMCICO; c.v.. Pěnkava 4.800CZK U:A4
2003 Pof.PL354, Rosa above Prague 6,40CZK, 1. variant, paper fl-šp, V1 Ostropa 2003; c.v.. Pěnkava 1.800CZK U:A4
2003 Pof.PL380, 381, Rosa above Prague 6,50CZK + Lantern 9CZK, comp. 2 pcs of PB with private added prints, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 1.550CZK U:A4
2004 Pof.PL380, Rosa above Prague 6,50CZK, 2. variant, paper fl-an, V143 Č. Budějovice emblem; c.v.. Pěnkava 1.800CZK U:A4
2004 Pof.PL380, Rosa above Prague 6,50CZK, 2. variant, paper fl-šp, V126 Olomouc, Sloup Nejsvětější Trinity; c.v.. Pěnkava 4.000CZK U:A4
2004 Pof.PL380, Rosa above Prague 6,50CZK, PB with private additional-printing European Championships in football 2004, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 750CZK U:A4
2004 Pof.PL380, Rosa above Prague 6,50CZK, PB with private additional-printing Míříme to Guinesse, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 750CZK U:A4
2003-2006 Pof.PL381,424, 459, Lantern 9CZK + Gate with peacock 7,50CZK + Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, comp. 3 pcs of PB with private added prints AMCICO, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 2.250CZK U:A4
2005 Pof.424, Gate with peacock (I) 7,50CZK, Country rodová union, gutter pair K + stamp. + K + stamp., inverted comb perforation - inverted comb perforation, from counter sheet V110 U:A5
2006 Pof.PL424, 459, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK + Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, comp. 2 pcs of PB with private added prints SPP, line P; c.v.. Pěnkava 1.700CZK U:A4
2006 Pof.459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, stmp with coupon from V119, 3. variant (printing error 2007); c.v.. Pěnkava only stamp. 700CZK U:A5
2008 Pof.545, Still-life with wine (II) 17CZK, stmp with coupon from V118; c.v.. Pěnkava only stamp. 620CZK U:A5
2008 Pof.583, Children in winter, with L coupon EXPONET from V129, 2. variant; c.v.. Pěnkava only stamp. 1.200CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.PL644 V138, Philately development, sole V on this value on Spanish paper; c.v.. Reporter 1.400CZK U:A4
2005 comp. 4 pcs of letters with Gate with peacock 7,50CZK with coupons, Pof.424 from PB with private added prints to 200. Anniv of battle of Slavkov, from PB V078, 081, 082, 084; c.v.. 3.390Kč U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), complete set with *, combination production flaw No.5 - incomplete-printing blue sky + flaw print No.5 - stains below "SK" and stain in bar "R" U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I., 5 eliminated values (5,7,8,11 and 13 CZK) with *, all with production flaw - shift inscription up; c.v.. 2.000CZK U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I., complete so-called. long set with *, 13 values; c.v.. 2.525Kč U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. of 5 officially unissued values, 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011), all with production flaw No.4 - cut wedge [ ˇ ] in/at Č (in/at Czech); with this flaw known only 3 complete set, rare, sought U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, officially unissued value 35CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011) U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, officially unissued value 37CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011) U:A5
2012 Pof.S735/740, World car, complete stamp booklets with production flaw - without pin hole, printing field 6; new discovery (!), catalogue still doesn't report U:DR
1996 Pof.ZS47, Olympic Games Atlanta, stamp booklets with 5 pcs of stamp. Pof.116 with plate variety - shift blue color "fallen circle" U:A5
2010 Pof.VZS01 Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet without perf (!), field 3; superb condition, c.v.. 50.000CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.VZS03, Mucha Z, 2x stamp booklets, 1x quite different color cover (from the front green-gray instead dark green and face extremely orange, in the back side significantly thin/light print), inside normal stamp. + 1x normal wrapping, inside very dark stamps; interesting U:A5
2011 Pof.VZS05, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, DV3/6 - significant fazolovitá yellow stain by right margins above stojanem; c.v.. Pěnkava 560CZK U:A5
2011 Pof.VZS05, Four-leaf clover - Pinďa, TESTER - significant yellow circle on/for ear Pindi; c.v.. Pěnkava 560CZK U:A5
1998-2010 [COLLECTIONS] collection stamp sešítků, various varieties, some more times; all mint never hinged, face-value ca. 2.400CZK U:K
1994-207 [COLLECTIONS] CSO1, 2, 4, 6, selection of 18 pcs of ministerial envelopes, contains clear CSO1-3ks, 2-3ks, 4-2ks, 6-1ks + Us CSO4, 6 and CSO7-3ks, supplemented with 2 pcs of off. envelopes only with additional-printing and PF2007; c.v.. 22.500CZK, cheaply offered U:O5
1995 PM4, Exhibition J. Jetel, used, with signature George Jetel; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1993 PAL1x, Presidential Election Czech Republic, text "PRVNÍ PRESIDENT"; c.v.. 1.000CZK U:A4
1993-7 PAL2, 4, commemorative sheet Jewish Monuments in Prague, in addition izraelský printing sheet with appropriate stamps + commemorative sheet Big state coat of arms Czech republic; cat. only Czech stamp. 1.000CZK U:A4