Public Auction 40 / Collections

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155197 - 1849-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  extraordinary collection of mainly
1849-1918 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of mainly classic stamps of Belgium from year 1849-19198, placed in album on specialized hingeless sheets, almost complete, issues Leopold I., Leopold II., Newspaper stamps, set Tuberculose, King Albert etc.; very rare and precious collection, catalogue ca. 40.200€!!, damaged stamps excluded from the sum, exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
155201 - 1919-1967 [COLLECTIONS]  [COLLECTIONS]  extraordinary collec
1919-1967 [COLLECTIONS] [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of stamps of Belgium, period inter-war, war and postwar, placed in albums + 8-sheet stockbook A5, contains complete inter-war sets, i.a. Mi.145-158! Albert I., 230-234, 235-243, 244-249, also Orval I, Mercier, Orval II, souvenir sheets, overprint issues, multiblocks also parts of sheets, etc.; rare offer, cat. ca. 20.500€!
Starting price: CZK
155200 - 1866-1975 [COLLECTIONS]  extraordinary specialized collectio
1866-1975 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary specialized collection of stamps of Belgium, mainly classic period and inter-war, placed in album on hingeless sheets, it contains e.g. Telegraph and Telephone stamps issue Leopold I. and II., then stamp with overprints of occupied territory of Belgium, various gutter-pairs, variants with coupons, opposite facing pairs of postage issues, Official stamps and other specialties; rare collection, catalogue ca. 12.500€, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
154767 - 1849-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  very quality collection on sheets S
1849-1945 [COLLECTIONS] very quality collection on sheets Schaubek, almost complete, incl. 1919 Albert I. 5Fr, 10Fr, Orval I, Mercier, Orval II, Tuberculose etc., mostly only small hinges!, also all souvenir sheets (Bl.1,2 included to sum as stamps), official, railway, newspaper, occupation, Eupen, Malmedy etc. also complete; cat. as used and * min. 10.400€
Starting price: CZK
155220 - 1879-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Bulgaria, in
1879-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Bulgaria, incl. part of classic period, various sets and their parts, mainly used, placed on specialized sheets in stockbook; cat. according to the owner ca. 900€
Starting price: CZK
155535 - 1970-95 [COLLECTIONS]  big business supply of mint and also
1970-95 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of mint and also used stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to envelopes according to the cat. numbers, all in many pcs., interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 23kg of material, original commercial valuation - 100.000Kčs, offered for bargain price
Starting price: CZK
155100 - 1918-24 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of stamps of Est
1918-24 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of stamps of Estonia, on 2 two-sided full hingeless sheets, contains Mi.1-2, 3-4, 5, 32-39, 40, Airmail Mi.43-45 etc.; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
156035 - 1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps from Mi.1-164, incl
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps from Mi.1-164, incl. better i.a. Air mail, red cross, charitable, red cross Mi.90-93 ** ; in addition occupation 1940 in strips and blocks, cat. ca. 1700€
Starting price: CZK
155099 - 1856-1922 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection mainly classic
1856-1922 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection mainly classical stamps of Finland, i.a. incl. used stamps of the first issue 10Kop, Mi.2, also issues 1860 and 1866 used etc., on 3 two-sided full hingeless sheets; with considering the quality cat. min. 5.000€
Starting price: CZK
155103 - 1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of stamps of F
1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of stamps of Fiume, mainly complete, incl. overprint issues, (Opt without guarantee), also Mi.32-48, 98-111 etc., on 7 two-sided full hingeless sheets; cat. considering the overprints and * stamps ca. 3.500€
Starting price: CZK
156015 - 1900-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of stamps of Franc
1900-1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of France on 3 stock-sheets A4, contains various sets and their parts, i.a. Postage due stamp Mi.35-68 cancel. or *, used Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet exhibition PEXIP - part quality should be inspected, then mainly 20 and 30. years of the 20th century; cat. according to the owner ca. 2800€
Starting price: CZK
155098 - 1886-1925 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of classical s
1886-1925 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of classical stamps of Gibraltar, issue Queen Victoria - George V., incl. highest pound and schilling values, smaller part counted as (*), only small part used, on 2 full two-sided sheets; considering the gums and (*) stamps cat. ca. 4.500€
Starting price: CZK
154708 - 1937-1983 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on cards, contains
1937-1983 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on cards, contains i.a. Mi.123-124, 149-162, 188-201, 244-275, 391 blok of four, 442-446, also sets, souvenir sheets, PB, booklets; cat. 960€
Starting price: CZK
152430 - 1920-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Croatia, conta
1920-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Croatia, contains various sets, incl. souvenir sheets, i.a. also 2x Legionnaire MS with faze print etc.; part expertized, in 8-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
153711 - 1941-45 [COLLECTIONS]  nice complete basic collection supple
1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] nice complete basic collection supplemented with light specialisation, on album sheets Borek in folder, contains i.a. The first overprint issue Mi.1-8, 9-23, 24-38 (part exp. Dr. Dub), complete sets as The Croatian storm division Mi.170-172 - this all mint, then much printing sheets, various TCP, mainly later issues, souvenir sheets etc., cat. min. 3.400€
Starting price: CZK
155569 - 1941-45 [COLLECTIONS]  mainly complete basic collection on 3
1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete basic collection on 34 hingeless sheets, overprint issue hinged and exp. by Gilbert, missing 3 overprint issues, part supplemented with printing sheets, imperforated souvenir sheets, incomplete Postage due stamp, cat. ca. 650€
Starting price: CZK
153663 - 1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  20 pcs of letters, mainly Reg or, R
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] 20 pcs of letters, mainly Reg or, Reg and Express with interesting frankings of Croatian stamps; mostly good quality, interesting
Starting price: CZK
155102 - 1873-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of stamps of I
1873-1920 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of stamps of Iceland, incl. classic period, contains i.a. part of the 1st issue, Mi. 3-5, issue 1876 Mi.6-11, used set Cristian X., Mi.83-98 etc., on 3 two-sided full hingeless sheets, part cancels from favor and type Tollur, high catalogue price
Starting price: CZK
155545 - 1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of stamp of Vatica
1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp of Vatican and Italy, supplemented with letters and FDC, used also unused stamps, various sets atd.,; all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
155343 - 1983-1995 [COLLECTIONS]  ALDENREY  collection of mint stamps
1983-1995 [COLLECTIONS] ALDENREY collection of mint stamps from Mi.1, contains complete sets, gutter-pairs, gutter, blocks etc., various interesting motives, as ships, uniforms, birds, fauna, etc.; nice, placed in spiral stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
155221 - 1912-2004 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of Liechtenstein i
1912-2004 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Liechtenstein incl. first sets, also Official, hinged also used, newer **; placed in full 8-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
155959 - 1937-2003 [COLLECTIONS]   semifinished collection on hingele
1937-2003 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder Schaubek, from 1960 complete, i.a. contains Europe 1960 etc., very fine, cat. over 1.800€
Starting price: CZK
155115 - 1859-1968 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in two stockbooks, a lot
1859-1968 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two stockbooks, a lot of stamps incl. classic and some better values, various sets and quantum of doublets; cat. min. 6.960€, very low starting price!!
Starting price: CZK
155191 - 1942-1965 [COLLECTIONS]  nice complete collection of Hungary
1942-1965 [COLLECTIONS] nice complete collection of Hungary 1942-1965 in 2 big albums Borek, contains complete sets, souvenir sheets, i.a. Roosevelt Mi.Bl.10, Mi.Bl.11 with light fold, Bridges Mi.Bl.12-13, 17 atd.,; high catalogue value 8500€ ++, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
154715 - 1871-1942 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on old sheets, i.a. Copp
1871-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, i.a. Copper printings, Madonnas, Airmail, Zeppelin, Block No.1 ** etc; cat. ca. 1340€
Starting price: CZK
154764 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS] Complete collection of Arad - French occu
1919 [COLLECTIONS] Complete collection of Arad - French occupation incl. Mi.40 10K on/ 1 K in both types, cat. price doesn't report !, then set of Banat Bacska 1919 and Szeged 1919 (missing only cheap Mi.18), all expertized Heinz Pape!, in addition collection of 1913-1937, i.a. Sport 1925, Madona Mi. 487, "Airscrew", Block No.1 and others.; cat. total 2020€
Starting price: CZK
155533 - 1965-2000 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of mint stamps,
1965-2000 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of mint stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to envelopes according to the cat. numbers, all many times, interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 23kg of material, original commercial valuation 150.000Kčs, offered for bargain price
Starting price: CZK
155529 - 1965-95 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of used stamps, so
1965-95 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of used stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to envelopes according to the cat. numbers, all many times, interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 23kg of material, original commercial valuation 80.000Kčs, offered for bargain price
Starting price: CZK
155339 - 1851-1863 [COLLECTIONS]  nice small collection of classical
1851-1863 [COLLECTIONS] nice small collection of classical stamps of Saxony, contains i.a. Mi.2-19 + 4 classic letters; cat. min. 1.500€, placed in stockbook A5
Starting price: CZK
155208 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL GOVERNMENT basic collection
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOVERNMENT basic collection on 22 album sheets on glassine envelopes; cat. ca. 500€
Starting price: CZK
152493 - 1940-43 [COLLECTIONS] - English Channel - GUERNSEY, JERSEY s
1940-43 [COLLECTIONS] - English Channel - GUERNSEY, JERSEY specialized collection of stamps and entires placed on/ 40 album sheets, contains i.a. color shades, types, gutter, bloks of four, 50 pcs of letters - 4x Reg, bisected franking, uprated p.stat, cancels of field post and other, cat. ca. 4.700€
Starting price: CZK
155070 - 1946-1952 [COLLECTIONS]  14 entires, various franking, part
1946-1952 [COLLECTIONS] 14 entires, various franking, part Reg letters, contains Allies and also Soviet zone, i.a. WÜRTTEMBERG, BERLIN etc. + 1x letter GDR; interesting frankings, nice compilation
Starting price: CZK
155212 - 1920-1959 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Saarland on 5 ful
1920-1959 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Saarland on 5 full two-sided sheets in stockbook A4, contains inter-war and postwar sets, i.a. cancelled set Mi.206-225, Bl.1-2 **, 267-271 used etc., + 21x set of Hindenburg 3Pf - 100Pf with Opt Alsaß and Lothringen; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
155954 - 1948-90 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on hingeless sheets, compl
1948-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets, complete from 1951, contains also better sets as Bells and others, supplemented with several booklets etc., overprint issue with black and red Opt BERLIN without epertize - not counted, cat. 3.360€
Starting price: CZK
154705 - cca 1970 [COLLECTIONS]  STAMP BOOKLETS, 94 pcs, m.i. Mi.5b-1
cca 1970 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS, 94 pcs, m.i. Mi.5b-13a, incl. Mi.9a - 9d (14), various subtypes from No.12 and 13; cat. min. 1500€
Starting price: CZK
155223 - 1949-84 [COLLECTIONS]  almost complete collection of GDR, ma
1949-84 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection of GDR, mainly used, placed on 374 sheets in screw stockbook Schaubek, contains i.a. Mi.242, 243-244, 261-270, never hinged souvenir sheet Debria, Mi.Bl.7, used Mi.286-288, never hinged souvenir sheets Year of Carl Marx, Mi.Bl.8A+B + 9A+B etc.; very high catalogue value, according to the owner ca. 4.000€
Starting price: CZK
155544 - 1949-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  almost complete, mainly used collec
1949-2000 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete, mainly used collection of stamps FRG in albums, contains i.a. Mi.111-112, 113-115, 117-120, etc., in addition compilation of used blocks, supplemented with large collection of FDC 1949-1990 + other ca. 500 pcs of FDC + annual volumes of First issues of stamps 1984-1991 and 1996-2002 placed in luxury stockbooks; in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
155556 - 1949-90 [COLLECTIONS]  complete collection of used stamps of
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of used stamps of FRG, contains i.a. Mi.111-112, 113-115, 117-120 etc., souvenir sheets etc.; high catalogue value, placed in spring folders in box
Starting price: CZK
154706 - 1959-84 [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 250 pcs of souvenir sheets Bl.2-B
1959-84 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 250 pcs of souvenir sheets Bl.2-Bl.18 and several PB 1026, 1065; all in small box, cat. 1250€
Starting price: CZK
154180 - 1946-1989 [COLLECTIONS]  GDR, POLAND  collection of FDC of G
1946-1989 [COLLECTIONS] GDR, POLAND collection of FDC of GDR supplemented with FDC Poland, ca. 500 pcs; used in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
155107 - 1976-1993 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of FDC FRG, contains ind
1976-1993 [COLLECTIONS] collection of FDC FRG, contains individual FDC, with stamps, various annual volumes 1976, 1981-83, 1985, 1993 etc.; placed in 7 luxury stockbooks A4 + 1x A5; all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
153072 - 1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  GESTAPO PRAGUE, JIČÍN, prisons DR
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] GESTAPO PRAGUE, JIČÍN, prisons DRESDEN, ROTTENBURG AM NECKAR, GOLLNÓW etc. exceedingly vast accumulation of pre-printed prison cards, letters, parcel cards, official sheets etc. addressed from and to the same prisoner - Jaroslav Bukvička - former Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, lieutenant colonel of the Czechosl. army and active member of antinacism resistance; unique collection follows the transfers between the prisons, letters with very interesting contents, incl. the official c. v.; all part of the story Bukvička, interesting supplemental material of the Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, larger part with perf holes from letter files, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
155203 - 1912-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY  nice basic collection with
1912-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY nice basic collection with many good issues and sets, some in mint never hinged quality, it contains e.g. Mi.351-54, 362-63, 378-84, 398-401, 407-09, 410-22, 425-29, 430-34, 450-53, 499-507, 529-39, etc., without expensive souvenir sheets, in addition incomplete stamp booklet MH1 (!); on small number of stamps patina, stamps *; cat. ca. 9.200€
Starting price: CZK
155972 - 1872-1955 [COLLECTIONS]   semifinished collection on hingele
1872-1955 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder Pofis, contains many better items as for example Chicago RM, airmail letter with stamp OSTROPA, NOTHILFE 1930-32, Wagner, Handicraft, Danzig, Nürnburg-Ring and others, evidently damaged stamps and repaired cancels not counted, cat. 1872-1945 min. 6.350€ + BRD 1.570€, total 7.920€
Starting price: CZK
155209 - 1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection, contains partly c
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection, contains partly classical stamps as Bavaria, Prussia, Saxony etc., Postage stamps.; placed in full 16-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
154178 - 1871-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  larger comp. of stamps of Germany o
1871-1945 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. of stamps of Germany on 8 two-sided full sheets A4, contains i.a. various issues and parts of sets, part stamps used, some with perfins
Starting price: CZK
155717 - 1830-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  collection more than 170 pcs of ent
1830-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection more than 170 pcs of entires of Germany, contains i.a. 10 pre-philatelic and ex offo letters, letters and PC of Old German states, 16 pcs of letters 1918-1923 to inflation issues, 7 pcs of entires FP, parts of dispatch-notes with franking Hindenburg, A. Hitler etc., used but also unused PCs, envelopes with special postmarks etc.; interesting compilation, placed in small cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
155218 - 1852-2007 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps of Netherlands
1852-2007 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Netherlands, contains classic period, i.a. Mi.1-6, part quality should be inspected, various sets etc.; in 8-sheet stockbook A4 + 1x card A4, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
154768 - 1849-1880 [COLLECTIONS]  very old collection, contains stamp
1849-1880 [COLLECTIONS] very old collection, contains stamps of the 1st and 3rd issues more times, all Gulden values, very nice quality, for example. Mi.48 5G very fine!, incl. colonies, India, Surinam, Curacao, in addition Belgium and Belgian Congo, cat. min. 5.000€
Starting price: CZK
155538 - 1965-89 [COLLECTIONS]   big business supply of mint stamps,
1965-89 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of mint stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to the envelopes according to the cat. numbers, all in many pcs., interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 13kg of material, original commercial valuation 140.000Sk, offered for bargain price
Starting price: CZK
155540 - 1965-89 [COLLECTIONS]  big business supply of mint stamps, s
1965-89 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of mint stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to envelopes according to the cat. numbers, all in many pcs., interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 12kg of material, original commercial valuation 70.000Sk, offered for a bargain price
Starting price: CZK
155562 - 1820-1850 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection of 30 prephilatelic
1820-1850 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of 30 prephilatelic letters, all with cancels WIEN, various destinations as France, Italy, Germany etc., various types and color cancels etc.; placed on exhibit sheets in box
Starting price: CZK
156019 - 1879-18 [COLLECTIONS]  small incomplete collection in 15 she
1879-18 [COLLECTIONS] small incomplete collection in 15 sheets stockbook, contains issue as Landscape, Landscape without perf, MIlitärpost, Postage due stamps, supplemented with complete sets of Austrian FIELD-POST
Starting price: CZK
154704 - 1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in big stockbook A4, incl
1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in big stockbook A4, incl. better stamps and sets, i.a. 4x Mi.1 (1x 1 Kr I.Typ MP), 2 Kreuzer I.Typ "Randdruck" (marginal print), 6, 11, 16, 17(2), 23, 2Sld 1863 17 teeth!, 10Kr 1908, 3x 10Kr 1916 *, Composers, Towns, Air-mail 1925, Landscapes *, Poets, Painters, Catholics, Winter relief, 2Sh grey-green Mi.584, FIS II, Builders, mostly */used., from 45 **/used, Grazer Mi.694II, 695II, 694IA, Children, all issue Personalities, Birds, etc.; high catalogue value - just several issues and sets 7900€, most of stamps excluded from the sum!
Starting price: CZK
154766 - 1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps incl. Venetia,
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps incl. Venetia, Levant and FP, contains i.a. 1850 1Kr-9Kr, 5C-45C, Mercury CDS BRESCIA with certificate Matl, all in perfect quality, 50 Kreuzer 1867, 10K 1908, 3x 10K 1916, Serbia 10K 1914 etc.; cat. min. 4100€
Starting price: CZK
156011 - 1851-1916 [COLLECTIONS] sort of specialized collection of st
1851-1916 [COLLECTIONS] sort of specialized collection of stamps Austria on 8 two-sided full stock-sheets A4 in spiral stockbook, aimed on cancels, contains Newspaper stamps and revenue stamps on 3 sheets, i.a. various blocks, strips etc. + Postage due stamp on 3 sheets, for example. blok of 6 50Kr cat. Ferchenbauer 600€, also i.a. Mi.1-9, 10-21, etc. + compilation of postage, express and airmail stamps 1916-1918, i.a. Express - triangle with coupon, used blok of 18 1H with Opt PORTO with thin "O", etc.; definitely interesting, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
156016 - 1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps of Austria, co
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Austria, contains several better sets, i.a. 4 used pcs of Rotary issue, Costumes, bloks of four with Opt German-Austria (Deutschösterreich), etc.; placed in full 12-sheet stockbook
Starting price: CZK
155514 - 1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of stamps of Austr
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Austria, part used and hinged, 60.-70. years mint never hinged; placed in 2 full stockbooks A4
Starting price: CZK
156005 - 1860-1867 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller specialized collection of t
1860-1867 [COLLECTIONS] smaller specialized collection of the 3rd - 5th issues, Mi.16-28 aimed on cancels and their types, cut-squares and also single stamps, partly described; on 3 full stock-sheets A4
Starting price: CZK
156007 - 1867-1883 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller specialized collection of t
1867-1883 [COLLECTIONS] smaller specialized collection of the 6th and 7th issues Mi.35-49 aimed on cancels and their types, colors, perf, wmk etc., cut-squares and also single stamps; on 2 full stock-sheets A4
Starting price: CZK