Public Auction 40 / Revenue Stamps

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155461 - 1687 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ  Czech language written sale contr
1687 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ Czech language written sale contract with printed revenue 3 Kreuzer from period of emperor Leopold I. (1657-1705), nice print revenue, on reverse 4 nice town seal; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
155464 - 1750 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ  fine dochovaná contract with pri
1750 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ fine dochovaná contract with printed revenue Eagle 2 Kreuzer from period of governance Mary Trezie (1740-1780), on reverse very well preserved noble seals, good condition
Starting price: CZK
113218 - 1802 AUSTRIA/ BAVARIA   document with imprinted stamp Maria
1802 AUSTRIA/ BAVARIA document with imprinted stamp Maria Theresa 2Fl (Koř.35), platba in Munich, signature and seal, rare document franking financial document/-s incurred outside territory monarchy
Starting price: CZK
155459 - 1807 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ  very nice document count Collored
1807 ČESKÉ KRÁLOVSTVÍ very nice document count Colloredo-Mansfelda with printed revenue 10G / W, signatures of noblemen with seals, i.a. Lewis count Žerotín, Fridrich count Fürstenberg, Ferdinand count Mansfeld
Starting price: CZK
113228 - 1809 AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS  payment certificate issued in
1809 AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS payment certificate issued in Vienna 31.12.1809, in head French occupation imprinted stamp 15 Kreuzer and controll imprinted stamp, red seal and signature
Starting price: CZK
87491 - 1827 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS  document with mixed franking, sea
1827 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS document with mixed franking, seal, Austrian revenue 2G, controll imprinted stamp, nizozemský revenue 15C, good condition, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
87525 - 1839 AUSTRIA/ RUSSIA  off. stamped document with wmk Russian
1839 AUSTRIA/ RUSSIA off. stamped document with wmk Russian carské eagle, attached conversion to latiny, polštiny, francouzštiny and němčiny, mixed franking with Russian and Austrian revenue, seal, postmark, in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
108738 - 1848 AUSTRIA  filled preprinted bill protest, Wien 13.6.1848
1848 AUSTRIA filled preprinted bill protest, Wien 13.6.1848, imprinted stamp 6 Kreuzer 1840; folds
Starting price: CZK
108741 - 1848 AUSTRIA  filled preprinted bill protest, Pressburg 30.4
1848 AUSTRIA filled preprinted bill protest, Pressburg 30.4.1848, on/for 7.15Zl 44kr, Braugirdl and son Adamsthaler Hüttenamt, imprinted stamp 30kr 1836 + control signetes; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
82047 - 1850 AUSTRIA  release, 3x imprinted stamp issue 1840 and 185
1850 AUSTRIA release, 3x imprinted stamp issue 1840 and 1850, 1 Kr (Kořínek cat.. 134B), 3 Kreuzer (Kořínek cat.. 102B) and 6 Kreuzer (Kořínek cat.. 88), 2x seal, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
82089 - 1850 AUSTRIA document with rare mixed franking three issues
1850 AUSTRIA document with rare mixed franking three issues - 1836, 1840, 1850, absolutely good condition
Starting price: CZK
155462 - 1850 RAKOUSKO/UHRY  freight letter for railroad private of D
1850 RAKOUSKO/UHRY freight letter for railroad private of Danube Steamboat Shipping Co. for mailing from Pest to Vienna, in head and on reverse printings river steamships; very good condition, křižně folded, interesting
Starting price: CZK
155708 - 1850-1900 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  comp. of 11 konzulátních docu
1850-1900 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY comp. of 11 konzulátních documents from Austrian agency abroad, i.a. USA, Spain, Netherlands, France, Hamburg, etc.., some document/-s with revenues various issues and states; interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
82036 - 1855 AUSTRIA  Rental Protocol with mounted revenues  C.M. is
1855 AUSTRIA Rental Protocol with mounted revenues C.M. issue 1854, 12Fl (c.v.. Kořínek 17, perf 15) + 45Kr, hand obliteration; perfect condition!
Starting price: CZK
128976 - 1855 AUSTRIA  pre-printed lease contract with tricolor frank
1855 AUSTRIA pre-printed lease contract with tricolor franking the first issue (1 Kr C.M. + 15 Kreuzer C.M. + 1Fl C.M., other revenue 15 Kreuzer C.M. in head), rare revenue 1 Kr - perf 16½, fine color seal; very rare, sought
Starting price: CZK
156006 - 1855 AUSTRIA  comp. 2 pcs of freight letters for railroad im
1855 AUSTRIA comp. 2 pcs of freight letters for railroad imperial Ferdinand's north railway, decorated heading also titul with picture topical engine/-s, postmark, traffic notice, 1x paste-in vážný card with straight line postmark LUNDENBURG, well preserved, folded
Starting price: CZK
129305 - 1855 AUSTRIA  multipaginal lease contract with signature of
1855 AUSTRIA multipaginal lease contract with signature of nobleman and seals, with high franking the first issue in head (20Fl 2x - various perf 15 and 14½, 8Fl - perf 14½ + 15 Kreuzer); toned
Starting price: CZK
125354 - 1855 AUSTRIA  document with revenue 10Kr C.M. with cut off p
1855 AUSTRIA document with revenue 10Kr C.M. with cut off perf (!), made in Prague, allowed kontrolorem; very rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
152362 - 1855 HABSBURG MONARCHY  printed gun licence with imperforate
1855 HABSBURG MONARCHY printed gun licence with imperforated (!) revenue 30Kr C.M., green postmark regional office, revenue with officially cut off perf; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
128950 - 1855 AUSTRIA, GERMANY  baptism certificate issued in town MA
1855 AUSTRIA, GERMANY baptism certificate issued in town MAINZ with Austrian documentary stamp 6 Kreuzer C.M., service postmark K.u.K.. OESTERR. PLATZ COMMANDO MAINZ, nice red seal, interesting example of relations
Starting price: CZK
155705 - 1855-95 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  comp. 6 pcs of documents with Aus
1855-95 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY comp. 6 pcs of documents with Austrian revenues and revenues German states, i.a. 1x 1Fl + 30Kr C.M. + signetes Saského kingdom 4Gr, other revenues i.a. Prussia 1½M, signetes Hamburg etc..; interesting set, good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
128977 - 1856 AUSTRIA  pre-printed contract from 11.8.1856 with rare
1856 AUSTRIA pre-printed contract from 11.8.1856 with rare 4-coloured franking on face-side (1 Kr C.M. + 10Kr C.M. + 15 Kreuzer C.M. + 30Kr C.M.); revenue 30Kr C.M. damaged in margin; document have/has signs of age
Starting price: CZK
126655 - 1857 AUSTRIA  preprinted lease protocol with 4-coloured fran
1857 AUSTRIA preprinted lease protocol with 4-coloured franking documentary stamps the first issue - 10Kr, 30Kr, 1Fl and 8Fl; in text else/yet 15 Kreuzer 4x, whole red seal; nice
Starting price: CZK
126654 - 1858 AUSTRIA  document with 4-coloured franking documentary
1858 AUSTRIA document with 4-coloured franking documentary stamps the first issue in head - 1Fl, 4Fl, 10Fl, 20+20Fl C.M., value 20Fl with wmk; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
138732 - 1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY  off. document with postmark and reve
1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY off. document with postmark and revenue 6 Kreuzer C.M., dated 31.10.1858, Brno - last day of validity; very good condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
126652 - 1859 AUSTRIA  release from 31.XII.1859 with mixed franking I
1859 AUSTRIA release from 31.XII.1859 with mixed franking I and II issues.., revenue 3 Kreuzer C.M. already 14 months after validity (!), very sought
Starting price: CZK
126670 - 1859 AUSTRIA  contract with high five-coloured franking of R
1859 AUSTRIA contract with high five-coloured franking of Revenues from The 2nd issue., i.a. 16Fl (!); big red seal, very nice, sought
Starting price: CZK
128980 - 1860 HABSBURG MONARCHY  document with 2 revenues of issue 18
1860 HABSBURG MONARCHY document with 2 revenues of issue 1858 in head (6 Kreuzer + 7Kr), revenue 7Kr on blue paper, originally without horiz. perf, wide margins; rare, nice, good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
77734 - 1860 HABSBURG MONARCHY  recese for amount of 14.000 golden w
1860 HABSBURG MONARCHY recese for amount of 14.000 golden with revenues of issue 1858, 12 fl. (15½) and 50 Kreuzer, good condition
Starting price: CZK
128982 - 1861 AUSTRIA  document with revenue 15 Kreuzer with cut off
1861 AUSTRIA document with revenue 15 Kreuzer with cut off the bottom part/-s - very rare, sought (!), signature of nobleman
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
128986 - 1861 AUSTRIA  certificate of handover 5.250Fl with rare fran
1861 AUSTRIA certificate of handover 5.250Fl with rare franking The 2nd issue in head (16Fl + 1Fl + 50 Kreuzer); signature of nobleman, rare revenue 16Fl with production paper creases
Starting price: CZK
126669 - 1862 AUSTRIA  auction protocol with high five-coloured frank
1862 AUSTRIA auction protocol with high five-coloured franking of Revenues from The 2nd issue., nice paper seal; very nice
Starting price: CZK
128981 - 1862 HABSBURG MONARCHY  document with 2 revenues The 2nd iss
1862 HABSBURG MONARCHY document with 2 revenues The 2nd issue in head (4Kr + 15 Kreuzer), revenue 15 Kreuzer originally without horiz. perf, rare, good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
126660 - 1862 AUSTRIA  lease protocol with five-coloured franking doc
1862 AUSTRIA lease protocol with five-coloured franking documentary stamps The 2nd issue 4+4Kr, 6 Kreuzer, 30+30Kr, 1Fl, 12+12Fl - various papers, basic issue 1858 and 1. surplus print; rare, interesting
Starting price: CZK
148355 - 1863 AUSTRIA  document with high color franking of Revenues
1863 AUSTRIA document with high color franking of Revenues 2. issue 5 Kreuzer + 8Fl + 14Fl + 14Fl + 20Fl, the first revenue 14Fl is from lower margins printing sheet; document without bends (!), very good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
128952 - 1866 AUSTRIA  in Czech written confirmation, in head mixed f
1866 AUSTRIA in Czech written confirmation, in head mixed franking issue II and III, rare ganging revenues same values 3 Kreuzer both issues (revenues from The 2nd issue after valid time), sought
Starting price: CZK
121442 - 1866 AUSTRIA  document from 22.8.66 with platným revenue 7K
1866 AUSTRIA document from 22.8.66 with platným revenue 7Kr issue 1866 and already half year neplatným revenue 25 Kreuzer issue 1858, cancelled cross cancel, primary mixed franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
126658 - 1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  release with mixed franking issue II
1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY release with mixed franking issue II and III 15Fl and 2,50Fl in head (omitted perforation in margin), nice, sought
Starting price: CZK
121441 - 1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  document from 17.8.68 with revenue 3
1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY document from 17.8.68 with revenue 3 Kreuzer issue 1866, Koř.127 and revenue 10Kr issue 1858 (revenue invalid already two and half year), Koř.89, primary mixed franking with mounted revenue; good condition
Starting price: CZK
132984 - 1869 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  lease contract with mixed franking i
1869 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY lease contract with mixed franking issue II and III in head (2Fl + 3x 12Fl !! from The 2nd issue and 60Kr + 50 Kreuzer in text), all revenues in time of validity, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
126659 - 1869 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  lease contract with mixed franking i
1869 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY lease contract with mixed franking issue II and III 50 Kreuzer, 1Fl and 1Fl from various printing sheet, 15Fl with wmk "M", 3x 20Fl from various printing sheet, 2x seal, nice
Starting price: CZK
126680 - 1870 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  invoice f. W. Burkart, Brno, from 1.
1870 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY invoice f. W. Burkart, Brno, from 1.VIII.1870 with mounted documentary stamps 5 Kreuzer issue 1870 and two revenues 1 Kr after validity from předešlých issues; interesting, sought
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
152367 - 1870 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  release with mixed franking issue 18
1870 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY release with mixed franking issue 1867 3 Kreuzer and 1870 60Kr in head; rare, good condition
Starting price: CZK
154470 - 1870-75 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  comp. 9 pcs of freight letters fo
1870-75 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY comp. 9 pcs of freight letters for railroad and cover, all nobiliary correspondence, various revenues, nice print nobiliary seal
Starting price: CZK
121547 - 1874 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  printed statement with efektní high
1874 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY printed statement with efektní high franking in head, mounted revenues of issue 1870, 12fl, 1fl 3x from various printing sheets - combination ultramarine and berlinská blue, seal, revenues with official postmark with eagle; only fold
Starting price: CZK
152364 - 1875 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  printed bill of plyn with mixed fran
1875 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY printed bill of plyn with mixed franking issue 1875 and 1870 - last day of validity (!); decorative, good condition
Starting price: CZK
126682 - 1876 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  handwritten bill with mixed franking
1876 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY handwritten bill with mixed franking 3 Kreuzer issue 1875 and 60Kr issue 1877 (to date 30.XII.1876) in time of current validity; nice
Starting price: CZK
121447 - 1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  primary mixed franking valid revenue
1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY primary mixed franking valid revenues issues 1875 15 Kreuzer (10 days before/(in front of) end validity) and issue 1877 10Kr and 1fl (the first month usage), signature count Kinsky; good condition
Starting price: CZK
128961 - 1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  pre-printed lease contract with mixe
1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY pre-printed lease contract with mixed franking of issues 1875 and 1877 in head, 1Fl - last day of validity and 25 Kreuzer - the first month validity; interesting, sought, nice
Starting price: CZK
153848 - 1883-1904 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  selection of 21 pcs of Hungaria
1883-1904 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY selection of 21 pcs of Hungarian revenue stamps on 11 documents, various decorative franking, some with big nominal value + several documents without revenues
Starting price: CZK
152370 - 1884 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  release with very rare mixed frankin
1884 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY release with very rare mixed franking same values from various issues - 3 Kreuzer/ issue 1883 + already more than year invalid revenue 3 Kreuzer/ issue 1881; interesting
Starting price: CZK
126683 - 1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  release with mixed franking 60Kr iss
1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY release with mixed franking 60Kr issue 1885 and 3 Kreuzer issue 1888 to date 31.III.1888 (last day of validity revenue 60Kr); nice, sought
Starting price: CZK
121444 - 1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  primary mixed franking issues 1885 (
1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY primary mixed franking issues 1885 (last day of validity 31.3.1888) and issue 1888 (the first month usage), blue postmark; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
132989 - 1893 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  preprinted auction protocol with mix
1893 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY preprinted auction protocol with mixed franking issues 1888 (1 Kr + 1Fl) and 1893 (60Kr + 10Fl + 2x 15Fl pair + 2x 20Fl pair) in head, exceptional six-colour franking, very decorative
Starting price: CZK
155268 - 1897 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  calendar for y. 1897 with additional
1897 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY calendar for y. 1897 with additionally printed calendar revenue 1897 with number 86; good condition
Starting price: CZK
126674 - 1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  release w
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA release with revenue the first issue., perf 14, composed in Uzhhorod 28. October 1919; very early usage, interesting locality
Starting price: CZK
155239 - 1924 GERMANY / ALSACE - LOTHRINGEN  warrant on paper with im
1924 GERMANY / ALSACE - LOTHRINGEN warrant on paper with imprinted stamp 40Pf, on reverse mounted 2 revenue stamp. values 1,20M and 40Pf, cancelled official cancel. notáře in/at LEUCHERTU; folds
Starting price: CZK
155238 - 1947 GREAT BRITAIN  in Czech written confirmation from Briti
1947 GREAT BRITAIN in Czech written confirmation from British consulate in Prague with mounted TESTER stamp. George VI. values £1, 7S6d, 1S with official violet postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
155714 - 1769-1850 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA  selection of 26 pcs of chos
1769-1850 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA selection of 26 pcs of chosen documents with signetes, contains i.a. nice document with signetem 15K from year 1769 with signature and rodovou seal Georga Friedricha free pána Wilczka, then bill from year 1850 with signetem 16Fl, also other multiple revenues high values, etc..; interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
126650 - 1807 [COLLECTIONS]  AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS  newspaper Cour
1807 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS newspaper Courier d'Angleterre, collection 12 pcs of copies/imprints, superb red Brit. newspaper fiscal stamp and newspaper fiscal stamp WCK (Koř.23), 2x without revenue, in text description Napoleon's válek, written French; exceedingly interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 40 / Revenue Stamps - Information

Fiskální ceniny - kolkové známky a signety

Fiskální filatelie zahrnuje kolky, kolkové známky, kolkové signety, známky daňové, dávkové, poplatkové - mj. příspěvkové, propagační, příležitostné, místní neboli městské poplatkové známky, bolety a další.

Signety jsou kolky tištěné přímo na listiny, oznamovací kolky, dále kolky na vlasové pudry, líčidla a škrob

Kolková známka je cenina, potvrzující zaplacení správního či soudního poplatku nebo daně. Kolky jsou buď známky k vylepení na dokumenty, nebo tištěné přímo na papír dokumentu. Kolky se vylepují na směnky, šeky, dlužní úpisy (promesa), kupní a jiné smlouvy. Do této kategorie patří také dávkové známky, kalendářní a novinové kolky, bankovkové kolky a kolky na hrací karty.

Cenné papíry obsahují kolky z tržeb z cenných papírů a kolkované cenné papíry.

Průkazky a legitimace obsahují rybářské a honební lístky, dobytčí pasy, osobní průkazy.

Kolky vojenské hranice

Kontrolní a uzavírací známky na mlýnské výrobky, cukr, kypřící prášek do pečiva, cigaretové kolky, kolky potvrzující daň ze šumivého vína v lahvích, daň ze zápalek, umělých sladidel, výbušných látek a uzavírací známky tabákových výrobků.

Zvláštní známky obsahují oznamovací kolky, statistické známky, daň z masa, daň z piva v sudech, tabákových náhražek, známky desátkové daně, známky pro platbu školného, soudní doruční známky, městské kolky, národní kolky, daňové stvrzenky, juxty a bolety, známky Slovakotur, známky potravní daně, kolky na poštovních průvodkách a statistických ohláškách, kolky na rozhlasových koncesích, známky k hracím automatům, dálniční kupony, veterinární poplatkové známky, pojišťovací známky a známky kuponové privatizace.

Jiné známky obsahují známky Červeného kříže, Sokolské známky, členské příspěvkové a jiné známky, známky městské hromadné dopravy, reklamní známky, místopisné známky, výstavní a příležitostné, charitativní, propagandistické, vlastenecké a národopisné, známky léčebného fondu, známky rozhlasového poplatku, železniční známky a známky ostatní dopravy, dopisní zálepky, pečetky atd.