1918-19 11 pcs of dispatch-notes franked with Hungarian stamps, from that 1 pcs of whole dispatch-note, 10 pcs of larger part without posting cut from that 2x Austrian blank form, various issue as Parliament, Reaper, Charles, postage-due Military, various CDS as KOMÁROM, LOSONCZ, HARMATOS, MELCSICZ, MARIAHUTA, MÉNHÁRD, DÍVĚKRUDNÓ
1919 larger part of Hungarian credit notes with delivering fee paid by provisional mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamp 15h Small numbers and Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, used as postage due stamp!, CDS UHERSKÝ BROD 5.II.19; good condition
1919-20 comp. 3 pcs of entires with mixed franking Hungarian and Hradčany-issue stamp., 1x heavier Reg letter, postal rate I, franked on back side str-of-3 stamp. Hradčany 10h + Charles 10f + 2x Reaper 5f, CDS TURÓCZSZENTMÁRTON 919 Feb.5., other ordinary letter with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 3x 5h + 3h + Hungarian Turul 2f with příplatekem 2f, CDS POZSÓNY 919 Maj.11., supplemented with mailing cut tax Hungarian p.stat with franking Hradčany 15h + Reaper 2f; letters with folds and small tearing, viewing of quality recommended
1918-19 PAID IN CASH comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters franked/paid cash, CDS STARÉ MĚSTO U TESTER. HRADIŠTĚ, LICHTENSTADT, WELBOTH, TŘEŠT, TEPLICE, BRNO, KOLÍN, REICHENBERG; good condition
1919 PAID IN CASH Reg and Express letter, cash paid with remark "fh.105", nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 21.I.19, on reverse arrival CDS NETÍN 23/1 19; decorative small format
1919 front part pre-printing envelope/-s vyfr.rakouskou stamp. Charles 20h with overprint "German-Austria (Deutschösterreich)", Mi.234, CDS SCHILDBERG MÄHR,/ ŠILPERK 15.VI.19, used in territory of ČSR(!)
1918 Pof.RV37-40, Prague Opt II. (large emblem), Coat of arms 2 K - 10K, value 2 K granite paper, values 3 K - 10K greyish paper - 10K clear print, highest value, well centered; all with old marks by Štědrý; cat. 2.250CZK
1918 Pof.RV85-RV115, Budějovice issue, complete set 3h-10K, express and postage-due to values 50h, all with CDS BUDĚJOVICE, some more times and on/for výstřižkách, c.v.. 7.900Kč
1918 Pof.RV135, 136, RV137-142, RV144-145, RV146-148, RV154-155, RV159, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), selection of 16 pcs of stamp. with overprint + 3 pcs of with inverted opt Pof.RV138, 148, 156, all exp. by Gilbert
1918Reg and Express letter franked with. 4 pcs of stmp with overprint., Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), i.a. 2h Express stamp triangle, Pof.RV106, RV85, RV95, TESTER CDS HLUBOKÁ 12/11 18, on reverse arrival ČESKÝ BROD 14.XI.18, right franking for I. postal rate; good condition, decorative
Pof.4 joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, L the bottom corner horizontal strip of 3 with margin and control-numbers, spiral types combination, pos. 91, 92, 93; exp. by Gilbert., small minor gum fault.
Pof.7 STk + 7F STk, 15h bricky red, vertical the bottom rohovové pairs with kombinovanými joined types, spiral type I and bar type II on pos. 91, printing plate 1; both marked and exp. by Gilbert., collector favourite, mint never hinged
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, UR blok of 25, printing plate 1, 1x joined types of spirals, 1x STp; short tearing of the margins outside of stamps, several small blue dots; cat. only for separate stamps and 2 mentioned joined types and without subtypes 1.600CZK
Pof.7N Is, 15h vermilion, officially unissued, comp. 7 pcs of, from that 1x imperforated, on reverse thin/light oblique offset + 1x horizontal pair, double impression + perf block of four with significant offset on reverse; all type I
1918Pof.18, 75h grey-green, printing plate 1, 4 quarters sheet with margin and control-numbers, 3x frame type; cat. only as single stamps and 3x joined frame types ca. 11.300Kč
Pof.26, 1000h violet, comp. 7 pcs of, contains 3x PLATE PROOF in black color + 1x the bottom corner piece Pof.26, mint never hinged + 2x Pof.26a, from that 1 pcs of marginal, both stamp. with superb margins + Pof.26a on/for cut dispatch-note; exp. by Karasek.; interesting item