Public Auction 40 / TOP100 Bidding
1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 banknotes of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., contains i.a. also banknotes with revenues of Slovak republic etc.; various quality U:K
1944 KOŠICE service letter franked with Hungarian stmps 3x 10f with red bicircular provisory cancel. KOŠICE 1/ Czechoslovak Post; vertical fold and several small natřžení U:A5
1939 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA envelope big format with Masaryk 1CZK with overprint "Wir sind frei!", obdélníkový cachet "MÄHR OSTRAU/ Tag der Befreiung/ 14.3.1939", interesting date 1 day before/(in front of) vytvořením BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, then red round cancel. "WITKOWITZ (EISENWERK)/ Dankt dem Führer", etc..; interesting U:A4
1926 Pof.NV11, NV13, Newspaper stamps - TESTER issue, values 5/2h and 10h, complete sheets of 100; vert. fold and small folds in corners U:A3v–
1920 Maxa V19, commercial envelope franked with. in IV. postal rate 3 pcs of stamp. Hradčany 20h, from that 2 pcs of with perfin "VPMV" town firm Plant/Race on/for vodovod and osvětlení town Bratislava, CDS BRATISLAVA 5.IX.20; good condition, sought, rare usage! U:A5
1909 FOURNIER Francois (1846 - 1917 ), known producer of fakes and forgeries of all classic world stamps, allegedly produced in his printing company Geneva 3671 various types of forgeries, PCs with commercial offer of faked stamps of Ethiopia, Hawaii, Honduras, Salomon islands, Bavaria etc.; addressed to Prague philatelic businessman A.V. Korec, by typewriter written offer with autograph U:A5
1919-53 [COLLECTIONS] 2 present albums of National bank of Czechoslovakia, 1x empty memorial album for banknotes with title signatures of main bank clerks, 1x green folder, 40 pcs of pasparts with paste-in (in margins) banknotes period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, also banknotes from Terezín, Slovak Rep. and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., total 49 pcs of banknotes Specimen, catalogue Bajer more than 8.500CZK U:Z
1900-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 1000 pcs of Ppc from around the world, mainly Us and franked in picture side from countries as Czechoslovakia, Germany, Egypt, USA, Scandinavia, Francouské and English colony/-ies, German colony/-ies, Switzerland, France, Russia, Baltic states, Africa, etc.., contains also interesting motives as technology, coin, bank note/-s and stamp. on/for postcards, advertising, nude, etc.., part interesting also after/around side philatelic - franking, postmark, destination, and others.; all placed on pages in photo-corners in 6 spiral cover, profitable for businessman to other sale! U:K
1937 BENEŠ Edvard(1884-1948), the 2nd Czechoslovak president, autograph on souvenir sheet of newspaper stamp "Bratislava 1937" (Pofis. ANV 18); souvenir sheet L at top ca. 5mm torn, otherwise nice U:A4
1937 off. Reg and airmail letter Ministry abroad to Brazil, franked with. airmail stamp 10CZK and 20CZK, Pof.L13 and L14, CDS PRAGUE 11/ 28.XII.37, supplemented with airmail frame cancel. on reverse PRAGUE 7/ 28.XII.37, red cancel. "Deutsche Post/ Europe - South America"; perfect condition U:A5
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] selection of sheet of material, contains i.a. complete sheets Linden Leaves, Newspaper stamps, Writers 1Kčs, 2CZK and 3Kčs, Pof.707, 709-710, Prague Spring Pof.661, Physical training Pof.673, 1. Anniv of February, Pof.500, Pushkin, Pof.516, 5. anniv of liberation Pof.538, then Pof.557, 439, 431-432, 508-510, 2149-2153, 1698 + parts of sheets and blocks other issues; interesting U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 32 pcs of banknotes of Slovak Rep., contains i.a. 100 Ks 1940, 500Ks 1941, 5000Ks 1944 Specimen etc.; various quality, placed in stockbook for banknotes U:Z
1939 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA envelope with mounted stamp. Comenius 40h and Štefánik 60h with přetiskem"Wir sind frei!" with swastika, Mi.6, 8, CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 1/ 18.III.39, violet obdélníkový cachet MÄHR. OSTRAU/ Tag der Befreiung/ 14.3.1939, supplemented with red round cancel. with swastika; without filled address, marked by Pofis U:A5
1920 commercial Reg letter sent from Batumi to Frýdek, with 3x Pof.SO9, CDS ŠENOV VE S. 8.6.20; nice, on reverse hints after sticking in album U:A5
1920-80 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA compilation of 43 banknotes of China, various vylues and period, various condition, interesting U:O5
1910-1990 [COLLECTIONS] big compilation of more than 500 banknotes, from all Europe; various period and quality U:K
1921 front side valuable letter on/for 20.000CZK, franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 1000h, 1 pcs of 500h and stamp. Pigeon-issue 25h, Pof.26, 25, 149, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 23.II.21; in the middle fold U:A4
1859/1869 NĚMCOVÁ Božena (born Barbora Novotná, later Barbora Panklová, 1820-1862), important Czech authoress, cabinet portrait photo, atelier Eckert; very rare, often published in/at literature U:A5
1922 Ba.19a, 50CZK, set 047, Specimen, folds and small tearing U:A5
1912 BENEŠ Edvard (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak President, handwritten letter with full signature, rarely from earlier period before the 1st world war; interesting, inserted photo U:A4
1941 SERBIA Mi.54-57, War prisoner fund, compilation of L ½ sheets with margins, 5x5 stamps, marks of engraver on pos. 13 on stamp Mi. 54, 56-57 U:A4
1939 A. Hitler, anniv. postcard to 50. birthday, on reverse print Bohemian and Moravian special postmark, large format; good condition U:A5
1941-1944 selection of memorial/special and first day sheets and letters Czechosl FP in England; interesting U:A4
1945 red bank revenue T. G. Masaryk "Y" big format, used for franking of banknotes in Slovakia, blok of 12 with right sheet margin U:A5
1968- Medal Medal of Courage, 2. issue, silver, hallmark 959, No. 1033, cordon, original etui; VM 35-II U:X
1939 air-mail letter addressed to Argentina, with mixed franking of czechosl. airmail stamps Pof.L13, L12, L9 and Slovak overprint 60h green Štefánik, Zsf.9, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 11.IV.39, supplemented with on the face-side with red airmail cancel Deutsche Luftpost/ c, on the back side with arrival postmark BUENOS AIRES 16.Apr.39, incomplete postal imprints, exceptional franking U:A5
1965 BURIAN Zdeněk (1905–1981), Czech painter and illustrator, autograph on printings; nice U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires Slovak štátu, it contains e.g. Reg letters with C.O.D., letters burdened by postage-due, Us also Un correspondence cards, part/-s parcel cards, first day and commemorative sheets, memorial postmark etc.. U:K
1939 Ba.43c, 44, comp. of 2 pcs of overprint banknotes, 100 Ks with red Opt and perf SPECIMEN, 500Ks with blue Opt without perf U:A5
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. Košice stamp., from that 1x letter to USA franked with. complete row 3 pcs of vertical gutter with CDS PRAGUE, other letter franked with. i.a. Košice miniature sheet with special postmark PRAGUE/ World congress Students' union, addressed to also to USA and 1x letter sent as Poste restante with usage Košice stamp. 2 Koruna as postage-due in mixed franking with Postage due stamps., cancelled by postmark KOŠICE 1/ 30.IX.45; all good condition U:A4
1934 forgery to defraud the post, Smetana 50h, Pof.275, so-called. Krnov forgery, complete str-of-4 with margin, paper with gum; in perforation L stamp. browny stain, c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
1920 ORAVA - SPIŠ larger part of parcel card where fee was/were paid postage-due overprint stamp. 20h, Pof.SO36, with nice print delivering post CDS POLHORA ORAVSKÁ 8.V.20; stronger vertical fold U:A5
Pof.143A-150A, complete set according to types and colors, in blocks of four, interesting U:A5
1838 NACHFRAGESCHREIBEN preprinted request sheet, LAUFZETTEL, sent as registered letter from Strakonice to Gothy and back, tracking lost mailing through Plzeň, Cheb and Schleiz with confirmations from post offices on the way of the original letter, cancel V. STRAKONITZ, Reg mark NB, by hand marked transit towns and in red RETOUR; rare postal historic document; very interesting U:A4
1938 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of various entires with various provisory and advertising cancel., some postally Un, after all as multiple very interesting U:O5
1920 Maxa J38, letter with Hradčany pair 25h + 5h, Pof.11B, 6C, all with perfin "J.G." f. I. Ginzkey, railway-station cancel. MAFFERSDORF 21.VIII.20; decorative U:A5
1919 PLATE PROOF refused designes for charitable issue, complete 5 lines in/at 5-ti colors, blue, red, violet and green, total 25 pcs of stamps, letterprint on paper without gum; on 5 album pages U:A4
1959 Stamps of China, Beijing 1959, advertising gift publication in Esperanto, contains 1x souvenir sheet Monument of national heroes, Mi.Bl.5, then 4 color sides with printed images of stamps from 1949-59, also complete catalogue with images of all issued stamps; solid binding, good condition, rare occurrence! U:O4
Pof.6, 10h green, LR corner piece with control-numbers and plate mark II; exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert U:A5
1921 Ba.18, 5CZK, serie 2, without perf, very nice piece without folds U:A5
1927 Pof.DL48A-52A, to exhaustion-issue - issue Chainbreaker, comp. of 5 various values with comb perforation 14, in/at marginal 60ti- blocks (value 50/ 20h red is 58-blok), smaller production flaw and flaw print stamps also overprints, cat. min. 3.600CZK U:A4
1938-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 70 pcs of commercial letters (16x as Registered) with provisory postmarks and part also Reg label occupied post offices, all franked by stmp Hindenburg, commercial advertising added prints, censorship, etc..; mainly undamaged pieces with nice postal imprints, interesting and profitable selection of to other sale U:K
1941 SERBIA Mi.54-57, War prisoner fund, compilation of complete printing sheets with margins, mark of the engraver on stamp Mi.56 and 57 on pos. 23 and 28, spikes of background prints up, for other specialisation see cat. Michel; interesting U:A3v–
1945 Memorial medal resistance Czech youth; VM 210c U:X
1921 money letter for 2.000CZK sent in IV. postal rate to Kroměříž, franked with. corner stamp. 500h, Pof.25 with plate mark - interrupted dash control-numbers, CDS BRNO 3.I.21; on reverse vystřižené seal U:A5
1924 PUCCINI Giacomo (1858-1924), worldknown Italian opera composer and important representative of verism, author of Turandot, Tosca, Manon Lescaut, etc.; autograph with dedication on his own photo, big format (16x23cm); rare U:A4
1993- [COLLECTIONS] 10 pcs of banknotes of Slovak republic, contains i.a. 50Kčs - 1000Kčs with revenues, Ba.SK2-SK5 U:Z
1972 VOSKOVEC Jiří (1905–1981), WERICH Jan (1905–1980), Czech actors, signatures on own photo-PCs U:A5
1953 photo PC to Czechoslovakia from member of Czechosl. delegation in DKNS, KESONG, with 2x Mi.49, CDS 53/12.1.; good condition U:A5
1946 DEAD LETTER OFF. PARDUBICE undeliverable letter returned back through/over post. dead letter off., stick-on label "Officially otevřeno..." + chosen fee for delivery 4,80Kč Postage due stamps 2x 2,40CZK with CDS PARDUBICE 2.V.46, service postmarks and notice U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] 18 banknotes of Czechoslovakia I., contains i.a. 1000Kč 1934, SPECIMEN, 100Kč 1931, SPECIMEN, 5000Kč 1920 SPECIMEN etc.; various quality U:Z
1966 Pof.1565, Towns - Ostrava 60h, comp. 3 pcs of corner 10ti-bloků with various dates of print (18.XI.67, 17.I.72, 19.IX.72) + 1x block of 6 and 2x blk-of-10 (from that 1 pcs of with date of print 22.II.72) with still nekatalogizovanou plate variety on pos. 86 - "vertical guideline in 2 character E" + 1x block of four with offset red color; for specialist interesting U:A4
1939 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE paper kapsa sent as Reg and Express, franked with. forerunner franking Czechosl. stamp. 2x Comenius 40h + 2x Zvíkov 2CZK, CDS PRAHA7/ 18.VI.39; in the middle fold, interesting U:A4
Pof.SO31N Pp, 20h violet, inverted overprint,; exp. by Leseticky., c.v.. 1.200CZK U:A5
Pof.58A K, Express stamp - rectangle 5h green, blok of 12 with very shifted Opt and 2 partially overprinted coupons, only 2 stamps in upper line hinged, L 1 stamp damaged and 1 stamp with small flaw + R coupon lower small flaw, after all interesting U:A5
2003 Ba.SK14b, 5000Sk, set H, luxury U:A5
1910-2005 Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA, POLAND, GERMANY, BELGIUM, RUSSIA etc. / compilation of 44 pcs of various banknotes, quality UNC - F U:A5
1900-08 KIAUCHAU 5 pcs of used Ppc addressed to Bohemia and Germany from members of military forces in China, 2x sender of the III. SEE BATTALION TSINGTAO with CDS KIAUCHAU 1903, 1x straight line postmark 4. (BERITTEINE) KOMPAGNIA with CDS TENTSIN/ DEUTSCHE (German) POST 1908, with with Opt CHINA 2x, and issue for KIAUCHAU; good condition U:A5
1915 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, NAVY / SUBMARINES photoalbum with 20 pcs of photos military submarines and torpédoborců, detail views, small formats 10x5cm, good condition U:O4
FORGERIES I. provisional air mail stmp., selection of 33 pcs of forgeries of opt on various stmp issues Hradčany and Express; various color, for study purposes, major-part marked "forgery" U:A4
1946 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A435, miniature sheet May revolt, set 1000 pcs of in original wrapping from printing-plant, c.v.. 8.000CZK, accumulation after/behind remaining price U:K
1941-45 comp. 6 pcs of philatelically influenced Reg and Express mailing, with issue Tiso, Princes, sports and Před ohnivým wyvern from that 3x incl. certificate of mailing; good condition U:A5
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY World war 1, compilation of 75 pcs of various B/W Ppc originate from one soldier from front addressed to the same person, contains very interesting Ppc of military technique (aircraft, gun, trains, foodwagon), trenches, soldiers + various topography; all very well preserved, interesting complex creating one story, placed in stockbook for postcards U:Z
1919-91 [COLLECTIONS] selection of contains mainly stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 as Hradčany, other letterpress issue, overprint PČ 1919 (overprint) etc.., stamps Slovak Rep., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, much also zajimavějších items, as postmark on stmp Hradčany, defects, varieties, archovina etc.., interesting for businessmen to other sale, 3kg of material in/at one box U:K
1942 311. Czechoslovak bombing peruť RAF, subdivision congratulation to new year, with signature "Fráňa" (Francis Taiber?) U:A5
1925 commercial PC sent from Nitra to Norway in/at V. postal rate with postage 1,50CZK, burdened with in Norway postage-due 4 pcs of postage-due stamp. with CDS OSLO 24.IV.25, sent back, in Czechoslovakia chosen surtax 1,50CZK in stamp. Pof.DL5 2x, DL40, CDS NITRA 28.IV.25; rare document/attribut postal transport U:A5
1930 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 2 pcs of booklets with advertising labels Slovak National Alliance of America, T. G. Masaryk, "Truth Conquers!", 5 various stamps in 5 colors, various color shades labels also cover, print Tatra, good condition U:A5
1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 300 banknotes from various countries, as Mexico, Kuwait, Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia etc.; various period and quality U:K
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of letters, larger part sent as Registered, various color also simple franking, various issue, 1x first flight, 1x bilingual Reg label, etc.. U:O5
1973 Pof.2035a + 2035b, University Olomouc 30h, 2 complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, 1x violet with date of print 24.IV.73 and with plate variety 32/1 + 1x dark blue with date 2.V.73 with plate variety 32/1; c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A3v–
1944 FRANCE selection of 20 pcs of French postage stmp with black overprint Czechoslovakia/ ZAHRANÍČNÍ POST 1944, various color overprints, from that 3 pcs of with overprinted coupon U:A5
1940-44 selection of 21 pcs of entires, with various issues outside Hlinka, from that 10x R, 3x abroad as Romania, Italy and Germany, other to Bohemia-Moravia, censorship; good condition U:A4
1939 Pof.NV1-9, Newspaper stamps 2h - 1Ks, lower corner bloks of 4 with plate number, missing only LL block of four values 1Ks; c.v.. Fö. 4.400Sk U:A4
1920 Maxa E54, F61, comp. 3 pcs of commercial envelopes, with Hradčany, from that 2 pcs of with perfin "EW" f. Vítkovické iron-works with CDS VÍTKOVICKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, and 1 pcs of with perfin "F.S." f. J. Francek's Sons with CDS PARDUBICE; good condition U:A5
1941 SERBIA Mi.54-57, War prisoner fund, compilation of bloks of 6, L lower part without background print, Mi.55-57 marks of engravers L, spikes up + compilation of horiz. strips of 3, letters "E" L and R, centre without background print + single sets with characters L and R and without background print; interesting set U:A5
1944 Avizo for taking telegraph order, rarely occurring blank form with CDS HRANICE 1/ 27.IV.44; good condition U:A5
1945-70 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 175 pcs of meter stmp, various frankotypes, mainly from Slovak territory + selection of postal blank forms, certificates of mailing and telegrams from Slovak territory; in cardboard box U:K
1938 TICKETS/ FOOTBALL entrance ticket for final football match of Mitropa Cup in 1938 between sports clubs Slavia Prague and Ferencváros Budapest (result 2:2), in formation of Slavia i.a. Plánička, etc., with mounted stamp Coat of Arms 5h and special postmark; very interesting U:A5
1979-1995 stamp-booklet comp. 9 pcs of stamp booklets, contains complete set International exhibition of stamps Czechoslovakia - KUBA, Gottwaldov 1979 + 60 years club stamp collectors in Zlín 1935-1995 (3 pcs of) U:A5
Pof.173A III, 100h red, type III., marked and exp. by Karasek U:A5
1919 Ba.14, 1000Kč, set E, Specimen U:A5
1938-40 Ba.29b, 5K, machine Opt, Specimen U:A5
1920 letter to Hrušova, with 2x Pof.SO5, 15h bricky red in horiz. pair with joined spiral types I. + II. - combination types spiral, broken-out CDS RATIMOV 9.4.20; exp. by Karasek., on reverse toned, in front finger-print finger U:A5
1938 ČAPEK Karel (1890-1938), one of the famous and most important Czech writer, journalist, dramatist, 2x autograph on contract from 24.11.1938 with French editor Denoel, contract about issue of Čapek´s drama "Mother" (in french translation as "L’Époque où; nous vivons") with author's honorarium; this is extraordinary document from Czech history of literature and one from last signatures of Karel Čapek, who died one month after, exceptional offer! U:A4
1939 Alb.17, 2,50CZK blue, blocks of four creating miniatures, 2x LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark 1 and 1A, the bottom blocks of four with ÚO, upper blocks of four TESTER; exp. by Sablatura U:A5
Pof.SO24-25, Masaryk 500h grey + 1000h brown, both values expressive shift of overprint up, sought by specialists U:A5
1914-1915 Mi.246-260, 3 sets, Postage stamp for post abroad 10Pa-2Pia, Abolishment of capitulation 5Pa-10Pia (without low Mi.255) and rarer supplemental issue of highest Postage stamps 1914 100Pia and 200Pia with new Opt of Turkish numerals 10Pia and 25Pia; cat. 530€ U:A5
1918 Reg letter to Germany, franked with. 5 stamp. Mi.185-221 with overprint "Czechoslovak/ Republic" - so-called. Prague overprint I, 3h, 5h, 10h, 12h and 15h, Pof.RV1, 2, 4, 5-6, light imprint CDS PRAGUE 4/ 5.XI.18, on reverse arrival postmark LEIPZIG U:A5
1962 Mi.226, Summer Spartakiad; cat. 130€ U:A5
1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY collection of ca. 900 pcs of p.stat and entires from around the world, from countries of Europe, Africa, America also Asia, all placed on sheets, interesting PC, double PC, p.stat covers, newspaper wrappers, aerograms, part abroad, part Reg, added-print, censorship, surtax etc., interesting compilation for next resale U:K
1902 1000 K - Tausend Kronen, Pick.8, very nice piece U:A5
1943 CDV4/2, pictorial PC 1,20 Koruna Spiš castle, type II., sent as Reg and Express to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated. Pr stamp. Alb.41 and 50, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 20.IV.43, bilingual Reg label Bratislava 2, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition U:A5
1919 commercial PC franked with. halving parallel Austrian stamp. Charles 20h, disallowed, nationalized railway cancel. ČASTOLOVICE - SOLNICE 23.1.19, burdened with postage-due - halving Austrian stamp. 40hs CDS PRAGUE 24.I.19 - annulled frame cancel. WITHOUT PLATNOSTI, interesting document of postal traffic U:A5
1922 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939): exlibris "No gain, no glory", Dr. J. Scheiner; superb U:A5
1900-1914 3 pcs of interesting entires, 2x with postal agency cancels., 1x letter franked on back side with Franz Joseph 5h, CDS K.UND.K MILITÄRPOST BILEČA 13.III.14 + violet frame K.UND.K MILITÄRPOST ABLAGE PLANA, 1x PC 5h + violet frame cancel GERZOVO + 1x letter as printed matter, with 3H, Mi.12, CDS K.UND.K MILITPOST 15.5.00 U:A5
1900-1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of France on 3 stock-sheets A4, contains various sets and their parts, i.a. Postage due stamp Mi.35-68 cancel. or *, used Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet exhibition PEXIP - part quality should be inspected, then mainly 20 and 30. years of the 20th century; cat. according to the owner ca. 2800€ U:O4
1846 letter of small format with cancel V. STANKAU, to German Mainz, datestamp 1. 2., porto 15 Kreuzer; perfect quality U:A5
1918 HUNGARY 25K, set 3027 236937; luxury U:A5
1944 Majer U4, 5x 40/18f with red užhorodským overprint, the first issue on cut-square, violet round cancel.; only stamp. c.v.. 1.150CZK U:A5
1858-1889 Mi.5, 18, 20, 21, 23, 45-56, Coat of Arms, compilation of 17 stamps, various types of wmks; part never hinged U:A5
Pof.159A, 150h red, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, comb perforation 14 U:A5
Pof.58Aa, Express - rectangle 5h, green-black overprint, line perforation 12½;; exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 1.800CZK U:A5
Pof.40x, 42x, 50x, Charles 25h, Coat of arms 40h and 50h, all thick paper; exp. by Leseticky., Tri, Hirsch, kat.1.350Kč, rare occurrence U:A5
1919 Pof.DL13, DL8, DL3, DL1, Ornament, comp. 8 pcs of pairs and 1 stamp., major-part with significant paper creases and incomplete-printings, i.a. values 1000h, 50h, 5h and other U:A5
1919 Ba.14, 1000Kč, SPECIMEN, set D 0108871 U:A5
1944-45 Ba.56-60, 61, 6 vouchers, Ba.56-60 quality UNC, Ba.61, 1000K, quality XF/1, all SPECIMEN U:A5
Pof.SO3N, unissued 5h blue-green, block of four with significant vertical shifted perforation, line perforation 11½; : 10¾;; dirty perf, upper pair stamp. hinged U:A5
PLATE PROOF selection of 17 pcs of in blocks of four, contains 3 pcs of on white paper - 5h in brown color (with neopracovaným margin), 15h in blue color and 120h in/at cihlové color with margin, then value 20h in brown color on common paper - corner piece, value 10h in red color - Neotypie (gravure-print) with plate variety missing numeral value "1", then in original colors values 3, 5, 10 2x, 20h blue-green + red with perf, 30h olive, 80h, 50h 2x violet, 100h and 400h on/for ordinary maculature paper U:A4
1911 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris Máňa Přibilová, 16 pcs of Woman on/for klekátku, on reverse unsigned U:A5
1940 SLOVAKIA 1939-45 / FOOTBALL national football team of Slovak Rep. from " I. slovenských športových her", match Germany - Slovakia, on the back side several signatures of players as REIMANN, BIELEK, BOLČEK, KOVÁČ, FÖLDES, RADÓ, PORUBSKÝ and ARPÁŠ, supplemented with 2 cancels of Autopost; some signatures faded U:A5
Pof.56(4K+1KN), Express - triangle 5h green with 5 coupons (4 K + 1KN), very good condition; this exceptional coupon variant missing in the greatest collections of Czechoslovakia I.; according to Karasek´s publication "Czechosl. stamp´s rarities" exist only 3 pieces(!), regarding the number of existing pieces catalogues underprize; exp. by Gilbert and Mrňák, cat. 250.000Kč RRR! U:DR
1861 SG.14d, Allegory of hope 4P blue; without gum, oblique fold, wide margins, cat. for * £32.000, on request certificate RPSL, attractive and rare U:A5
1993 Ba.6c, 200Kč, with error strip "REPUBLIQUE DU ZAIRE", set A 06 262350; quality 2/3 U:DR
1840 SG.5, Twopence Blue, rarer plate 2, lettered L-I, unused stamp mounted on letter sent to Wales to local lieutenant of rifle brigade with information about usage formely issued first stamps in England! with text: "these stamps will fee any letter with..weight more than 1/2 ounce to any Post of England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales...In passing thru (through) the post office they are marked to prevent their being used and second time", ramerkably interesting contemporaneous document of beginnig of postal service in Great Britain; cat. for unused hinged stamp £35.000 U:DR
1849-1918 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of mainly classic stamps of Belgium from year 1849-19198, placed in album on specialized hingeless sheets, almost complete, issues Leopold I., Leopold II., Newspaper stamps, set Tuberculose, King Albert etc.; very rare and precious collection, catalogue ca. 40.200€!!, damaged stamps excluded from the sum, exceptional offer! U:Z
1853 Mi17b, Maury 18b, Napoleon III. 1Fr dark carmine, blok of 5 + 1(!), on cut-square with cancel 3256, signs of age, 4 pcs perfect, significant color, unique complex of this rare stamps, cat. 60.000€, unrepeatable offer for exhibit or prestige classic collection! U:DR
1892 IMPRIMATURS of the first issue, trial printing of 11 values from issue Coat of arms 1P-10£; SG.1-13, "complete values" imperforated in final colors on original paper with gum, on representative card "SPECIMEN Postage and Revenue Stamps of the British South Africa Company" of printing-plant Bradbury-Wilkinson, preserved only several sets of these imprimatur prints, colonial rarity and unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1919-1967 [COLLECTIONS] [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of stamps of Belgium, period inter-war, war and postwar, placed in albums + 8-sheet stockbook A5, contains complete inter-war sets, i.a. Mi.145-158! Albert I., 230-234, 235-243, 244-249, also Orval I, Mercier, Orval II, souvenir sheets, overprint issues, multiblocks also parts of sheets, etc.; rare offer, cat. ca. 20.500€! U:Z
1945 Mi.1-14, Local issue Ponte Chiasso with Opt C.L.N. PONTE CHIASSO on Italian stamps Mi.650-662, 663-665; very small number of printing, Mi.1-10 only 200 pcs of, 11-13 only 100 pcs of, 14 only 50 pcs!, exp. Raybaudi, for Mi.14 available certificate Raybaudi + Sorrani, cat. Sassone 20.000€, cat. Michel undervalues - 7.000€, rare offer U:DR
1840 SG.2, Penny Black (black), a stunning block of six, ample to fine margins, unused, lettered LD-MF, from scarce plate 11 (!); usual original folds, in L margin stamps LE small split, one of the premier unused multiples, intense color, stamp MF luxury, mint never hinged, according to the N. Granger (BPA) "...important rarities", ex. Sir H.Cripps, ca. £330.000, unrepeatable offer, first class rarity U:DR