Public auction 41 / Collections
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1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Andora, French and also Spanish issues, contains i.a. 50.-60´s, part complete volume, i.a. Mi.168-177, 179-181, 211-213, 78-82 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in spring folder U:Z
1926-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection, from 1942 almost complete, contains complete sets, several joined printings etc., i.a. Mi.159-165, 168-173, 177-179,217-221 etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 2300€ U:Z
2004-08 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 5 gift annual volumes 2004-2008 + volume 2003 on 2 cards A5 U:Z
1938-2000 GREENLAND nice incomplete basic collection on sheet in spring folder, contains i.a. Mi.1-7, 28-36, 52-57 etc. incl. dublets + stamps of Denmark, Åland Islands, Faroe Islands, Finland, placed in 2 stockbooks A4; interesting offer U:Z
1977-82 [COLLECTIONS] GREENLAND comp. of 6 gift annual volumes + 1x volume 1981 on card A5 U:O4
1975-2005 [COLLECTIONS] FAROE ISLANDS nice basic collection on album sheets, contains also cut square with stamp Denmark Mi.67 + bisected Mi.80, CDS THORSHAVN/ 9.1.19 (cat. FACIT No.1); detailed list included, cat. over 1.000€ + Facit 4.000SEK U:Z
1918-24 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of stamps of Estonia, on 2 two-sided full hingeless sheets, contains Mi.1-2, 3-4, 5, 32-39, 40, Airmail Mi.43-45 etc.; high catalogue value U:Z
1943-87 [COLLECTIONS] FINLAND, ICELAND nice collection, contains general issues, various joined printings, booklets etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 1.000€ U:Z
1940-2002 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of France, contains various sets and its parts, later complete sets, souvenir sheets; only small part *, placed in 5 stockbooks A4 U:K
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 170 pcs of letters sent from France to Czechoslovakia, i.a. air-mail, Express, special delivery and airmail etc., various franking and CDS U:K
1946-2004 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 2 albums Schaubek, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Silver wedding, highest pound sets of Elizabeth II., also joined printings, souvenir sheets, interesting motives; very nice collection; cat. min. 2.500€ U:Z
1946-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet in glassine envelopes in stockbook, complete from year 1963, souvenir sheets, joined printings, motives; nice collection, cat. ca. 1.800€ U:Z
1922-2004 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Ireland, from Mi.120 complete, mint never hinged, only the first issues hinged, contains also bookltets, joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 albums; cat. ca. 3700€, interesting offer U:Z
1918-60 [COLLECTIONS] commercial accumulation of stamps in 1 big stockbook, contains overprint issues and following letterpress issues etc., cat. min. 1.000€ U:Z
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 2 almost complete collections - Turkish part Cyprus 1974-2005 and Greek part Cyprus 1937-2005, all on sheets folder Schaubek, contains stamps, souvenir sheets, joined printings, in Greek part without souvenir sheets Block No.1, 16 -18, but with sets Mi.179-193, 202-214, 215-217, cat. 1500€, in Turkish part with i.a. Mi.1-7, 10-19, cat. 1370€, nice collection, interesting motives, total cat. 2.870€ U:Z
1951-1994 [COLLECTIONS] practically complete collection, incl. better sets, contains blocks, printing sheets etc.; placed in full 12-sheets stockbook A4 U:Z
1930-2002 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Luxembourg on album sheets in spring folder, contains several better sets, i.a. Mi.182-186, 234-237, 234-237, Bl.2, 403-411 etc.; mainly mint never hinged U:Z
1885-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet in glassine envelopes in stockbook, from year 1937 complete incl. long sets George VI. and Elizabeth II., Silver Jubilee etc., i.a. SG.176-190, 191-196, 214-215, 237-253, also souvenir sheets, joined printings, motives; nice collection, cat. ca. 1.700€ U:Z
1937-2000 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Malta, part issue George VI. and Elizabeth II., incomplete duplicates, supplemented with stamps of Ireland; placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1921-1941 [COLLECTIONS] collection of counter sheets and parts of sheets, mainly inflation issues, part Official, complete counter sheets: Mi.208, 284, 288, 297, 306, 309, 313, 317, 321; interesting offer U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps, contains i.a. Flemisch legion Mi.I-IV, French legion Mi.VI-X, War pictures, also Elsaß Mi.1-16, Lothringen Mi.1-16, Luxembourg Mi.1-16, 17-32, 33-41, also Ostland and Ukraine; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, cat. ca. 250€ U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOVERNMENT basic collection, placed on sheets, contains i.a. Mi.1-13, 35-39, 40-51, souvenir sheet Mi.65 and Mi.104, Mi.125 etc., also Official Mi.1-15; cat. ca. 530€ U:Z
1939-1945 SERBIA very nice basic collection on 14 sheets in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Mi.1-15, 16-25, 26-30, 31-45, Block No.1, 2, Mi.71-81, Bl.3 and 4, postage-due etc.; high catalogue value ca. 1.500€, very interesting U:Z
1950-1994 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of West Berlin + part stamps of Luxembourg and FRG, various parts of sets, blocks, souvenir sheets etc.; placed in 2 full stockbooks A4 U:Z
1949-2005 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection with souvenir sheets, without souvenir sheet Debria, placed on sheets in 3 spring folders in glassine envelopes, contains also part after unification of Germany up to 2005; cat. 7.200€ U:Z
1949-84 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection of GDR, mainly used, placed on 374 sheets in screw stockbook Schaubek, contains i.a. Mi.242, 243-244, 261-270, never hinged souvenir sheet Debria, Mi.Bl.7, used Mi.286-288, never hinged souvenir sheets Year of Carl Marx, Mi.Bl.8A+B + 9A+B etc.; very high catalogue value, according to the owner ca. 4.000€ U:Z
1947-82 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps in one stockbook A4, mainly never hinged, incl. better sets and souvenir sheets i.a. souvenir sheet DEBRIA 1950, Mao, postage stamp Politicians, Mi.Bl.10, joined printed sheets for booklets Costumes and rose, at the back supplemented with stamp of Soviet Zone, Opt Cantons, souvenir sheets of Allies issue The exhibition Berlin Mi. Bl.12A+B etc., cat. ca. 3.500€ U:Z
1949-1990 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection of used stamps of GDR from y. 1949-1990 and other from y. 1963-2000, contains complete sets + part letters; placed in 3 albums + 1x stockbook A4 U:Z
1949-1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly unused stamps of GDR, on 4 two-sided full cards A4 + part freely placed, contains also stamp-booklets and whole sheets; blocks, marginal pieces etc., also contains issue 5 year plan; high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1949-1990 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps GDR, without better sets, a lot of, some multiples, souvenir sheets etc.; placed in 4 full stockbooks A4 U:Z
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] FRG + ZONES, very nice basic collection of FRG, almost complete incl. good issues from 1949-52, only Horns used, all other mint never hinged + ZONES (Baden, Rhein-Pfalz, Württemberg, US zone) incomplete, but very nice, all on album sheets in glassine envelopes, in 2 albums on more than 250 sheets; very interesting, cat. total 7.400€, Zones - 1.660€ U:Z
1948-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of stamps FRG in 4 big full stockbooks A4, contains quantum of souvenir sheets, corner pieces etc. + used stamps in 4 smaller stockbooks A4 + 1x stockbook A5.; high catalogue value, profitable offer U:K
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] GESTAPO PRAGUE, JIČÍN, prisons DRESDEN, ROTTENBURG AM NECKAR, GOLLNÓW etc. exceedingly vast accumulation of pre-printed prison cards, letters, parcel cards, official sheets etc. addressed from and to the same prisoner - Jaroslav Bukvička - former Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, lieutenant colonel of the Czechosl. army and active member of antinacism resistance; unique collection follows the transfers between the prisons, letters with very interesting contents, incl. the official c. v.; all part of the story Bukvička, interesting supplemental material of the Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, larger part with perf holes from letter files, in cardboard box U:K
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of unused stamps of Germany, contains various sets and their parts, blocks, marginal pieces, coupons etc.; placed in stockbook A5 U:Z
1937-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of mint stamps from y. 1937-1945, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains complete set, i.a. Mi.Bl.10, 651-659, 686-688, 695-697, 699 etc.; cat. ca. 2.300€+ U:Z
1852-2007 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Netherlands, contains classic period, i.a. Mi.1-6, part quality should be inspected, various sets etc.; in 8-sheet stockbook A4 + 1x card A4, high catalogue value U:Z
1959-2004 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Norway, mainly complete; placed in stockbook A4 and bigger A5 U:Z
1820-1850 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of 30 prephilatelic letters, all with cancels WIEN, various destinations as France, Italy, Germany etc., various types and color cancels etc.; placed on exhibit sheets in box U:K
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] commercial accumulation of stamps and sets in 3 stockbooks, valuable sets Landscapes, various perf etc., suitable for resale, cat. min. 2.000€ U:Z
1885? [COLLECTIONS] POŠTOVNICE FOR ŠKOLU A DŮM learning book for school, with contemporary images of p.stat, printed-matters, correspondence cards, money letters, telegrams etc. with descriptions of right usage, written in Czech language; very interesting, very good condition U:O4
1850-1949 [COLLECTIONS] smaller business supply of unused and also used stamps in 5 stockbooks, i.a. contains several better items from 1st issue, 1 Kr, 2 Kreuzer; valoue of this lot based in 1928-37 where are also better sets as Renners, Artists, Inventors, Generals, Catholics and other; cat. min. 7.500€ U:Z
1850-2005 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA semifinished basic collection on album sheets with many interesting items, for example. Mi.1+2 on cut-square, Jubilee 10K 1908, Air mail 1925, Miklas and oths., from 1946 mint never hinged in glassine envelopes, almost complete incl. better sets, but without Renners, Dominos and Opt A. Hitler.; in 2 albums, cat. ca. 4.900€ U:Z
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of Austria, contains various sets and its parts, souvenir sheets + part stamps of San Marino from year 1947, small part *; placed in 2 stockbooks A4 U:Z
1945-57 [COLLECTIONS] collection of whole years on stock-sheets A5, almost complete, contains i.a. issue Costumes 2x complete sets, Birds, Carinthia etc., cat. ca. 2.200€ U:K
1840-46 [COLLECTIONS] PREPHILATELIC LETTERS compilation of 31 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters on album sheets in older decorated spring folder, contains cancel from Austria, Hungary, Italy and Germany, i.a. DEBRECZIN, RAAB, DELMENHORST, TYRNAU, ROSENBERG, VEREBELY, SZENICZ, NEUTRA and other; mainly quality prints U:Z
1900-1995 [COLLECTIONS] very nice basic collection of Rumania, strong representation of better sets, all souvenir sheets, from Mi.251 mint never hinged, contains i.a. Mi.146-153, 154-160, 165-168, 169-172,187-196, 197-207, 264-285, 406-412 etc., placed in 2 albums on sheets in glassine envelopes + 3x stockbook A4; cat. ca. 15.000€ !, interesting offer U:K
1862-1975 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection to 1975, incl. complete classic sets, strong period 1900-1930, contains i.a. Mi.11-13, 17-20,21-25, 36-42, 57-69, 197-207 etc., placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in spring folder; cat. ca. 3.500€ U:Z
1966-86 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of mint and also used stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to the envelopes according to cat. numbers, all in many pcs., interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 12kg of material, original commercial valuation 80.000Sk, offered for a bargain price U:K
1866-1921 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of Russian stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains various parts of sets, perforated and also imperforated variants, blocks of four, i.a. ** Mi.63-76, Surtax stamp etc.; interesting compilation U:O4
1921-1923 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of stamps on sheet, specialisation on color, papers, gutter, cross, contains i.a. Mi.151-155, 156-161, 208-211 etc. U:Z
1944-1947 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps USSR, contains i.a. Mi.892-894, 901-904, 909-910, 997-998, 1064-1065 + Mi.Bl.10 with small flaw; cat. min. 200€, on 3 cards A4 U:O5
1955-1956 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1764-1779, 1809-1821, comp. of stamps, issue Moscow and Metro, contains strips of 6 - 6 values 1R, 4x horizontal pair with joined printing 40R + 40R + individual pieces; placed on card A4 U:O4
1899-1917 [COLLECTIONS] KITAJ, LEVANT collection of stamps on 6 sheets in 16-sheets stockbook A4, various overprint sets and their parts; high catalogue value U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of stamps of Russia and USSR, contains large part of classical stamps and also more valuable interwar, war also postwar sets, part used and hinged, but also **, contains i.a. issue Coat of arms, then for example. Mi.302-304, used Airmail Mi.462-466Z, Mi.494-498, 499-508 etc., a lot of sets, blocks; placed in 2 full stockbooks A4 + 1x card A4; cat. min. 2.700€, interesting collection U:Z
1870-80 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of used stamps of Russia and USSR in 2 albums + 4 big stockbooks A4, contains i.a. complete sets, for example. Mi.429-449, 453-455, 819-820, 1203-1211, 1220-1223, 1252-1255, 1261-1267, 1348-1352, Bl.12 atd.; cat. ca. 2.500€+, interesting offer U:K
1914-91 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of Russia and USSR, placed on sheets in 6 spring folders + 2x stockbooks A4, mostly mint never hinged, from 1940 almost complete, contains some better sets from 20. - 40´s, i.a. Zeppelins etc., without better souvenir sheets; cat. ca. 11.000€, interesting offer U:K
1921-63 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps USSR, contains various stamps and parts of sets; placed in full 10-sheets stockbook, smaller A4, high catalogue value U:Z
1957-64 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps USSR, contains sets and its parts, blocks of four as mint; smaller part hinged, on 2 two-sided full cards A4 U:Z
1962-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of USSR, contains bloks of four, gutter-pair, coupons, several souvenir sheets etc., various sets and motives; placed in full 16-sheet stockbook A U:Z
1964-2003 [COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of USSR and Russia, from 60´s, contains various sets, souvenir sheets etc., i.a. complete set Mi.3749-3758 - (10 Klb.); placed in 2 big full stockbooks A4 U:Z