1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Andora, French and also Spanish issues, contains i.a. 50.-60´s, part complete volume, i.a. Mi.168-177, 179-181, 211-213, 78-82 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in spring folder
1834 pre-philatelic letter with red CDS BRUSSELS to princess Sophie Mensdorff, through Metz, Mannheim and Wurzburg toSachsen Coburg, marked Belgian and German rates; very nice quality
1928-29 PERFIN 2 money letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, both with quadruple frankings of Albert I., Mi.215 and Mi.182, all with perfins "CA" company Credit Anversois, CDS BRUSSEL, envelopes opened from 3 sides, good condition of the seals
1929-30 PERFIN comp. of 3 money letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x Reg, with multicolor franking of postage stamp Albert I., Mi.215, 216, 217, 228, all with perfin "CA" company Credit Anversois, CDS BRUSSEL and ANTWERPEN, envelopes opened from 3 sides, good condition of seals
1929-30 PERFIN 3 pcs of money letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x Reg, with multicolor franking of postage stamp Albert I., Mi.215, 216, 180, with perfin "CA" company Credit Anversois and 1x with perfin "C.N." company Comtoir National d Escompte, CDS BRUSSEL and ANTWERPEN, envelopes opened from 3 sides
19232 commercial letters addressed to Austria, 1x Reg, multicolor frankings of postage also Postage-due stamps used as ordinary Postage stamps, Mi.P28, P27, P26, Mi.166, 159, CDS SOFIA 19.XII.23 and 18.XII.23; good condition
1852Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele, plate 2, pos. 51, Type 1, R exceedingly wide and on other sides wide margins, very fine, "dumb postmark", nice piece, photo-certificate L. Nielsen, cat. 1.100€
1852 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele, plate 2, pos. 71, lighter shade, at top fine to very fine margins, fragment "dumb" cancel, at the back rests of several hinges; good piece, cat. 1.100€
1854Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele, plate 1, pos. 85, wide margins, on small cut-square, numeral cancel "1" - worse print, supplemented with dark blue cancel Copenhagen "infantry" post "F: 7h 29.6.54 P:" (Fod Post), cat. 1.100€, on cut-square + 30%
1855 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RINGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele plate 2, pos. 69, Type 3, at top close and on other sides very wide margins, numbered cancel "1" supplemented with light blue cancel Copenhagen "infantry" post "F: 6 30.6.55 P:" (Fod Post); good condition, cat. 1.100€, on cut-square + 30%
1797 pre-philatelic letter incl. content, sent from RIBE (the oldest Danish town), addressed to KIOBENHAVN (Copenhagen), in front dated by hand "26.April ¨97", at the back whole unbroken seal, sound condition
1839 folded pre-philatelic letter sent from Swedish-Danish consulate in AALBORG (Denmark) to Swedish-Danish consulate in AARHUS (Denmark), postal-charge 8Ski marked by chalk; sound condition, interesting letter of postal history
1851-66 5 letters without franking (ex offo), contains cover AALBORG - KjÖBENHAVN, letter AARHUUS - BOLDING, preprinted letter FAABORG - IRENAAE, small printed matter (confirmation) FREDERICIA - AARHUUS and folded letter TONDERS - VEJEN with whole official seal of townhall in Tonders; all cancels well readable, as complex nice
1852 folded letter to Hamburg franked with horizontal strip of 4, 1st issue, Mi.1 I. - 4x, Ferslew plate 1, on stamp "dumb postmark". "1", supplemented with CDS KJOBENHAVN 3.5.1852, R note by chalk, L at top "Pr. Slesvig via Kiel"; in strip of 4 - 3 pcs cut and 1st stamp L at top damaged, after all interesting, overall very good condition
1852 folded cover with Mi.1 II. (Fire R.S.B.) red-brown, Thiele I, plate 2, very wide margins, ideally put "dumb" four-circle cancel T. I + CDS KJOBENHAVN 9.6.1852, addressed to SONDERBORG, at the back whole seal, nice quality
1853 folded letter with Mi.1 II. (Fire R.B.S.), Thiele III, plate 4, pos. 68, yellow-brown, standard margins, ideally put numeral cancel "94" (Taastrup) + CDS TAASTRUP 21.3.1853 - lightly blurred, addressed to Copenhagen (Copenhagen), at the back broken seal, good quality
1853 folded letter with Mi.1 II. (Fire R.S.B.), Thiele I., wide margins, darker shade, numeral cancel "69" (Stubbekjöbing) + CDS STUBBEKJÖBING 28.5.1853, addressed to KIOBENHAVN, small flaw - inside letter pulled up part of paper, otherwise very nice
1853 folded letter with Mi.1 II. Fire R.B.S.), Thiele I., plate 2, dark color shade, on 3 sides nice and on R close but complete margins, numbered cancel "53" (Randers) + CDS RANDERS 20.11.1853, nice print, sound condition
1854 folded letter with Mi.1 II. (Fire R.B.S.), chocolate brown, very wide margins, almost ideally put numeral cancel "40" (Logstoer) + CDS LOGSTOER 1.7.1854, addressed to RANDERS, upper part of letter damaged, overall good quality
1854 folded cover with 4S orange brown, Mi.4, wide margins, numeral cancel "54" (Rendsburg) + black CDS RENDSBURG 25.11.1854, addressed to Copenhagen (KJÖBENHAVN); 1x vert. fold, at the back whole seal, good quality
1854 folded cover of letter with Mi.1 IIb (Fire R.S.B.), Thiele III, grey-brown shade, wide margins, numeral cancel "58" (Roesklilde) + CDS ROESKILDE 8.12.1854, addressed to Copenhagen, at the back cut-out seal, overall nice condition
1855 folded letter with Mi.1 II. (Fire R.B.S.), Thiele III, light grey-brown, very wide margins, on right with part of adjacent stamp (!), numeral cancel "35" (Kjöde) + CDS KJODE 16.2.55 - light imprint, addressed to RÖNNEDE, at the back cut-out seal, quality entire
1855 folded letter with 4S orange brown, Mi.4, standard margins, ideally put numeral cancel "1" (Copenhagen) + CDS KIÖBENHAVN (Kompas-Stempel, used for letters cancellation chosen from postal boxes) worse readable, inside dated 11. Nov. 1856; addressed to HADERSLEV, very nice quality
1859 folded letter with 4S red-brown, Mi.4, 6th printing, nice dark color shade, standard margins, numeral cancel "16" (Flensborg) + CDS FLENSBORG 20.9.1859, addressed to VARDE, sound condition
1907 Reg cash on delivery to Austria-Hungary in amount of 6 K and 30h, franked with. Danish postage stamps 15Ore + 20Ore, CDS COPENHAGEN 29.1.07, on the back side arrival
1926-2005[COLLECTIONS] nice collection, from 1942 almost complete, contains complete sets, several joined printings etc., i.a. Mi.159-165, 168-173, 177-179,217-221 etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 2300€
1918-24 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of stamps of Estonia, on 2 two-sided full hingeless sheets, contains Mi.1-2, 3-4, 5, 32-39, 40, Airmail Mi.43-45 etc.; high catalogue value
1943-87[COLLECTIONS] FINLAND, ICELAND nice collection, contains general issues, various joined printings, booklets etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 1.000€
1860-75 2 pcs of folded letters, 1x franked with 2 pcs of stamps Napoleon 10c, Mi.13I, with CDS CSATEAU - CONTIER 22.Sep.60, 1x with Ceres 40c, Mi.35 with CDS PARIS 1.Jan.75; good condition
1940-2002[COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of France, contains various sets and its parts, later complete sets, souvenir sheets; only small part *, placed in 5 stockbooks A4
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 170 pcs of letters sent from France to Czechoslovakia, i.a. air-mail, Express, special delivery and airmail etc., various franking and CDS
1946-2004[COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 2 albums Schaubek, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Silver wedding, highest pound sets of Elizabeth II., also joined printings, souvenir sheets, interesting motives; very nice collection; cat. min. 2.500€
1946-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet in glassine envelopes in stockbook, complete from year 1963, souvenir sheets, joined printings, motives; nice collection, cat. ca. 1.800€
1941 Mi.47-65, 11-16, compilation of 36 pcs of horizontal perforated and also imperforated pairs, issue Landscapes, Postage due stmp, part on paper without gum
1943TCP for Mi.115, 18K+9K, 6x block of four in all 6 trial colors, blue (1 stamp small gum flaw), brown, dark green, violet black (finally chosen for the print), red-brown and red; unique set!
1944TCP for Mi.161, J. Francetić (founder and leader of the Black Legion, general) 15.50K+287.50K, 3 complete undetached printing sheets in colour dark blue, red-brown and dark green, each with 4 printing sheets; total 360 TCP stamps and 66 gutters, very nice quality, catalogue only as single imperforated TCP 10.800€, according to available resources these trial printings were printed only in 5 sheets from each color!! unique and extraordinary offer!!!
1942 BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA Reg card to Protectorate, with issue Landscape, Mi.52 2x, 58, nationalized CDS SARAJEVO 11.XII.42, passed through German censorship
1922-2004[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Ireland, from Mi.120 complete, mint never hinged, only the first issues hinged, contains also bookltets, joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 albums; cat. ca. 3700€, interesting offer