1834 pre-philatelic letter with red CDS BRUSSELS to princess Sophie Mensdorff, through Metz, Mannheim and Wurzburg toSachsen Coburg, marked Belgian and German rates; very nice quality
1940-2002[COLLECTIONS] back-up collection of stamps of France, contains various sets and its parts, later complete sets, souvenir sheets; only small part *, placed in 5 stockbooks A4
1945-1960 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 170 pcs of letters sent from France to Czechoslovakia, i.a. air-mail, Express, special delivery and airmail etc., various franking and CDS
1940 special delivery card to Protectorate, with 1,25L + 75C, CDS BOLZANO25.11.40, passed through censorship, transit pmk., arrival postmark ALTZEDLITZ 28.11.40; good condition, decorative
1918-60 [COLLECTIONS] commercial accumulation of stamps in 1 big stockbook, contains overprint issues and following letterpress issues etc., cat. min. 1.000€
1867 stamp of Austrian Levant Mi.5I, 15Sld rough print with CDS LARNACCA DI CIPRO, this is forerunner usage of Austria-Hungary stamps regarding the Turkish (from year 1871) and British (1878), rare!
1937-2000 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Malta, part issue George VI. and Elizabeth II., incomplete duplicates, supplemented with stamps of Ireland; placed in stockbook A4
1936-42COLLECTIONS] compilation of several mint sets and blocks of four on choice card A4, contains i.a. Mi.609-616, 651-659, 671x+y, 675-683, 730-738 etc.; all never hinged, hints only in margins, cat. 1.300€
1943ZANTE (ZAKYNTOS) Mi.I, 1-3, all in both colors of Opt "ELLAZ" on Italian ISOLE JONIE, i. e. 8 values as complete issue for this territory; luxury condition, exp. Diena and certificate Colla, cat. 1.840€, minimum printing - for example. Mi.I only 500 pcs, rare offer
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps, contains i.a. Flemisch legion Mi.I-IV, French legion Mi.VI-X, War pictures, also Elsaß Mi.1-16, Lothringen Mi.1-16, Luxembourg Mi.1-16, 17-32, 33-41, also Ostland and Ukraine; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, cat. ca. 250€
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOVERNMENT basic collection, placed on sheets, contains i.a. Mi.1-13, 35-39, 40-51, souvenir sheet Mi.65 and Mi.104, Mi.125 etc., also Official Mi.1-15; cat. ca. 530€
1939-1945 SERBIA very nice basic collection on 14 sheets in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Mi.1-15, 16-25, 26-30, 31-45, Block No.1, 2, Mi.71-81, Bl.3 and 4, postage-due etc.; high catalogue value ca. 1.500€, very interesting
1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN 2 entires, 1x letter with Graf Zeppelin 80K carmine, Mi.391 + 1 K + 14K, special postmark MOSCOU 10.IX.30, violet 2-lines cancel MIT LUFTSCHIFF "GRAF ZEPPELIN" MOSKAU-FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, on the back side arrival postmark + PC 3K uprated with Graf Zeppelin 40K, Mi.390 + 7K, special postmark MOSCOU 10.IX.30, violet 2-lines cancel MIT LUFTSCHIFF "GRAF ZEPPELIN" MOSKAU-FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, arrival postmark; good condition
1930 air-mail card to Brazil carried by Graf Zeppelin LZ 127, franked with 4 stamps 50C + 4 stamps 25C + 1P, CDS MADRID 17.MAY.30, red cancel PRIMER VIAJE GRAF ZEPPELIN, on the back side arrival cancelRIO DE JANEIRO 25.V.30; good condition
1936-1939 3 entires, 1x letter to Hamburg, forwarded by airship Hindenburg, black flight cancel FRANKFURT (MAIN) MIT LUFTSHIFF HINDENBURG 14.5.36, violet cancel DEUTSCHE LUFT POST EUROPA - NORDAMERIKA 1. FAHRT 14.5. 36, 1x Ppc Graf Zeppelin, to Prague, special postmark EGER 1. ZEPPELINLANDUNG IM SUDETEN 13.8.39 + 1x card to Kamenice, red round cancel LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN FAHRT IN BEFREITE SUDETENLAND, various frankings
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of unused stamps of Germany, contains various sets and their parts, blocks, marginal pieces, coupons etc.; placed in stockbook A5
1937-1945[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of mint stamps from y. 1937-1945, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains complete set, i.a. Mi.Bl.10, 651-659, 686-688, 695-697, 699 etc.; cat. ca. 2.300€+
1855-66 Mi.2a, 7a, 11, 12 I., 12 II.,13, 14 and 22, comp. of 8 pcs of classical stamps, Maria II, Pedro V. and Luis I.; good margins, several numeral cancels, for example. "1", "56", "82", good quality; cat. 385€, cancels excluded from the sum
1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, type III, HP, CDS WIEN, paper creases in paper, one bigger in upper part; perfect quality, attractive speciality, cat. min. 150€
1858folded mourning letter to France, with 2 + 6 + 6 Kreuzer, all 3rd types and machine paper, very wide margins, CDS WIEN/ 22.4., 4 various transit and arrival French CDS, light patina; sought franking, certificate A. Matl, cat. Ferchenbauer 6.000€
1850-1867 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 45 pcs of letters, various frankings of the I. - VI. issues, i.a. 3x the 1st issue 3 Kreuzer, 2x issue II with 3 Kreuzer, also interesting cancels i.a. black ROKITZAN, KLATTAU, BLATTNA etc.; interesting compilation
1858 St. Andrew's crosses "small" yellow, red, blue, from values 2 Kr, 5 Kr, 15 Kr; signs of age, small stains in paper, several hinges, but still original gum, cat. 2.525€, very interesting starting price!
1916 Mi.205II, Ferch.205B, Coat of arms 3 K light red, wide, short tooth, but still extraordinary and rare stamp, cat. Michel 1.900€, Ferchenbauer. 1800€, great offer
1918 FIELD-POST ROMANIA trial prints of the 3rd issue Charles, Mi.18-34, complete set without perforation, on stamp paper with gum, mint, cat. for (*) 160€
1915 Reg letter to Karlovy Vary franked with Surtax stamps Mi.181 (3x), 182, 183, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 8.V.15, at the back 4 pcs of interesting advertising labels; nice quality
1851 Mi.6, Blue Mercure, in basic blue color, type IIIa, R close margins, resp. in outer line, very nice piece; cat. (*) 120€, rare type and in catalogues undervalued stamp!
1851 Mi.6I, Modrý Merkur Type Ib, on cut-square (looks like strip) of Cracovian newspapers, CDS LEMBERG ZEIT. EXPED.; L close margins, very nice piece, cat. 250€
1858-1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS 7 pcs, Ferchenbauer 1a (2) with Italian CDS and 1b CDS PRAG; 2 x 6II 2 Kr dull brown, with so-called. "big two" CDS GRAZ and TRIESTE 2 various color shades (!); in addition * 2IIb 1 Kr blue and * 9B 25 Kreuzer red; very nice quality, chosen pieces, cat. 935€
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 15CTS, IIb type, HP, with margin 10mm on cut-square with CDS PADUA (cat. 150€), also single stamp, horizontal pair and strip of 3 15CTS, CDS PADUA, LEGNAGO, MILAN; cat total ca. 300€
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] commercial accumulation of stamps and sets in 3 stockbooks, valuable sets Landscapes, various perf etc., suitable for resale, cat. min. 2.000€
1885?[COLLECTIONS] POŠTOVNICE FOR ŠKOLU A DŮM learning book for school, with contemporary images of p.stat, printed-matters, correspondence cards, money letters, telegrams etc. with descriptions of right usage, written in Czech language; very interesting, very good condition
1850-1949[COLLECTIONS] smaller business supply of unused and also used stamps in 5 stockbooks, i.a. contains several better items from 1st issue, 1 Kr, 2 Kreuzer; valoue of this lot based in 1928-37 where are also better sets as Renners, Artists, Inventors, Generals, Catholics and other; cat. min. 7.500€
1883-1945 [COLLECTIONS] over 100 pcs of various entires, contains letters, KL, Ppc etc. with various frankings, from issue 1883, various kreuzer and also heller frankings, FP cards, interesting postmarks, inter-war period, censorship etc.; interesting compilation
1966-86[COLLECTIONS] business supply of mint and also used stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, divided to the envelopes according to cat. numbers, all in many pcs., interesting motives, placed in 1 big carton box, total more than 12kg of material, original commercial valuation 80.000Sk, offered for a bargain price