Public auction 41 / Our Tips
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1855 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RINGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele plate 2, pos. 69, Type 3, at top close and on other sides very wide margins, numbered cancel "1" supplemented with light blue cancel Copenhagen "infantry" post "F: 6 30.6.55 P:" (Fod Post); good condition, cat. 1.100€, on cut-square + 30% U:A5
1944 TCP for Mi.161, J. Francetić (founder and leader of the Black Legion, general) 15.50K+287.50K, 3 complete undetached printing sheets in colour dark blue, red-brown and dark green, each with 4 printing sheets; total 360 TCP stamps and 66 gutters, very nice quality, catalogue only as single imperforated TCP 10.800€, according to available resources these trial printings were printed only in 5 sheets from each color!! unique and extraordinary offer!!! U:DR
1809 4 letters from Rome from period of NAPOLEONIC AUTHORITY, cancel POSTA DI ROMA - green, red, blue and brown, to towns Cascia and Norcia in Perugia; small formats, rare compilation U:A5
1860 Sas.16, Savoy Cross ½; Tornese blue on cut-square with cancel ANNULATO; exp. Star(auschek), cat. 6500€ U:A5
1881 SG.9BA, Queen Victoria 1P red-brown, plate 215 withtriple overprint (!); rare stamp with original gum, certificate Holcombe, cat. £800 U:A5
1861-1864 Mi.11B, Coat of arms in oval 1Sgr with arc perf; owner's mark, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.I-III, so-called. Unissued 6Gr, 24Gr, 40Gr, ready for distribution, but not realised, printing was destroyed; luxury quality, cat. 1.700€, incl. certificate Jungjohann U:A5
1944 LEROS Mi.11A, INSELPOST Opt blackblueviolett on stamp FP Mi.1Ax; superb piece, exp. Dr. Dub, certificate Müller, cat. 1.800€, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1900 Mi.11, 20Pfg Reichspost, with oblique hand-made Opt CHINA; very nice piece, signed, cat. 1000€, rare stamp U:A5
1889 WITU - Swahililand, Mi.1-60 and D1-D36, COMPLETE ISSUE of this German Protectorate, except Mi.14 all in very nice quality, 10 cut-squares, i.a. rarely with color combinations D5+D6, all signed and major part exp. Lerche, Jakubek, Stolow, Richter, Behrens, EXTRAORDINARY OFFER of this complete collection U:DR
1850 folded letter to Timişoara, with 6 Kreuzer, first print (Erstdruck), type Ia, plate 1, double circle cancel PETERSWARDEIN (Petrovaradin, Serbia)/ 19.6., outstanding margins, arrival line CDS TEMESVÁR/ 21.JUN. at the back; nice quality, interesting destination U:A5
1933 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet WIPA, luxury piece with usual small hinnge (cat. as **), cat. 3.700€ U:DR
1936 Mi.588, Dollfuß 10S, marginal piece with right margin, hinged only in margin; cat. 1.400€ U:A5
1936 Mi.588, Dollfus, 10Sh; superb piece, cat. 1400€, in this quality extraordinary offer! U:A5
1946 Mi.772-775, Renner, complete set with gutter, imperforate; cat. min. 640€++ U:A5
1875 LEVANT letter franked with 3+10+10Sld, 3Sld rough print! and both 10Sld fine print!, to Genoa, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE; very nice quality, rare mixed franking of both types of the print; exp. Sorani, cat. min. 850€, also rarely used fine print soon in 1875! U:A5
1900-1995 [COLLECTIONS] very nice basic collection of Rumania, strong representation of better sets, all souvenir sheets, from Mi.251 mint never hinged, contains i.a. Mi.146-153, 154-160, 165-168, 169-172,187-196, 197-207, 264-285, 406-412 etc., placed in 2 albums on sheets in glassine envelopes + 3x stockbook A4; cat. ca. 15.000€ !, interesting offer U:K
1884 Mi.38y, Coat of arms 3,50R, perfect piece with small hinge, exp. Dr.Jem, cat. 850€, superb! U:A5
1884 Mi.39y, Coat of arms 7R, perfect piece with small hinge, exp. Dr.Jem, cat. 950€; outstanding U:A5
1854 Mi.D1,4, Official Coat of arms ½Onza 4x strip of 3 and 1 Pound - pair, all on cut-square with CDS SANTANDER, placed over, so called - Treppenfrankatur; very attractive and rare franking in perfect quality, jewel of every collection of classic Spain! U:A5
1850 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1, Isabella II. 6Cs black, 2 sheets from old collection of classic Spain with many rare pieces, like Mi.1II unused, 3 letters, pair on cut square and 20 chosen pieces, i.a. rare blue cancel "11" and "big dots", 6 pcs of decorative cancels in blue and green colors, rare early usage of these first stamps with CDS from 4.1. 1850 - 4th day of issue (!), 12.1., 20.1. and oths.; exclusive part of old collection and rare offer! U:Z
1851 Mi.2a, Posthorn 5C, so-called. "Waadt", Geneva post. district, on cut-square with Geneva grid cancel and with CDS GENÈVE; perfect piece with very fine margins, extraordinary offer, certificate Kimmel, cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1909-1911 RUSSIAN POST IN TURKEY 2 Reg letters with overprint stamps Para and Piaster, i.a. 10Pia/1R as single franking!, Russian CDS KONSTANTINOPOL and Reg labels Poste Russe Constantinople, to Petersburg and to Stockholm, one letter with commercial additional-printing; 1x folds, overall very nice entires U:A5
1854-1857 SG.19, 34, 2P dark blue, strip of 3, Small Crown, perf 16 + 2P blue, strip of 4, Large Crown, perf 14, on cut-squares with cancels 47 type 1844; very nice complexes, cat. only as single stamps £580 U:A5
1858-1879 SG.43, 1P pink-brown, marginal block of 9, plate 96; vertical fold, inscriptions in margin, 4 pcs mint never hinged; very attractive complex, cat. 780£ ++ U:A5
1920 BATUM 2 front sides of Reg letters with posting cards, franked with blocks of four from issue 1919 and i.a. pair of SG.29 and SG.29a; cat. only as single stamps £800, attractive item! U:A5
1865 VANCOUVER ISLAND, SG.13, 2 pcs of Queen Victoria 5P pink; unused and with blue cancel POST OFFICE VANCOUVER PAID, very nice quality, cat. £550 U:A5
1846 PROVISORY - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X4, Coat of arms 5c, "St. Louis bear", paper "greay lilac", complete margins on 3 sides, close margin only in upper left corner, red town cancel + hand obliteration by pen, variant with line in "S" in the word "POST", light diagonal crease, visible only from back side, cat. $55.000, with certificates The Philatelic Foundation New York 1980 and RPS London 2008, this extraordinary piece belongs to every prestigious collection USA, world classic rarity, (ATTENTION for this lot is charged VAT from whole hammer price, no only from buyer´s premium) U:DR
1846 PROVIDENCE - RHODE ISLAND Sc.10X2a, postmaster issue "Post Office Prov. R. I." 5C+10C, both values undetached (!) as pair, in margin 10C outside the stamp small thin place, very nice and rare mixed pair, exp. Calves, certificate Behr, cat. $2.000, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1892-1901 SG.21s, 26s, 29s, 30s, Queen Victoria ½P, 2P, 1Sh and 1 Farthing / 1Sh; 2 short tooth otherwise perfect and complete (!), cat. £455, rare offer U:A5
1921 SG.68-76, 300 years anniversary ¼P-1Sh, complete set of marginal or corner pairs, CDS ST. GEORGES, cat. £400 ++; very attractive set! U:A5
1931 SG.88g, George V. 2Sh purple and blue on grey-blue, block of four, perfect corner block with a plate number; cat. £240 as single stamps U:A5
1938-1950 SG.116-116f, George VI. 2Sh purple/blue, all 7 catalogued issues, with various color shades, SG.116f never hinged; perfect and rare set, cat. £870 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.121b-e, George VI., 4x value 1£; in 4 various shades from 4 various prints; perfect quality, cat. £385 U:A5
1902 TCP for issue "Dry dock", trial master die before hardening, in black color without value in card, on chalk carton, date 26. APR 02 and cancel. "BEFORE HARDENING", very rare TCP, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1922 TCP for SG.78, Caravel 1P, horizontal pair with L margin, die-stamping in ultramarine color instead red, on carton paper with sheet margin and in perfect quality U:A5
1916 SG.71,71b, George V. 1½P orange WAR STAMP, block of four with sought printing error "TAMP", stamp with printing error **, cat. £340 ++, in block rare! U:A5
1953-2002 [COLLECTIONS] CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT very nice collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, contains i.a. SG.148-161a, 165-179, 136a-149a etc., long sets with pound and dolar highest values, also joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives; interesting U:Z
1946-2004 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps, souvenir sheets and joined printings on album sheets in glassine envelopes and spring folder, contains long sets George VI. and Elizabeth II. i.a. SG.136-147, 149-161, 162-173, 178-192, 240-256, interesting motives, etc., cat. ca. 700£ U:Z
1937-1946 SG.243s-245s, 257s-258s, Coronation and Victory, 2 sets, all with perfin SPECIMEN; luxury quality; rare, cat. £180 U:A5
1881 SG.11, Queen Victoria 1Sh pale blue with Opt ½; (Penny); light patina, certificate Brandon, cat. £2000 U:A5
1881 SG.36, Queen Victoria 1Sh violet with Opt 2½; (Penny); very nice quality, certificate Brandon, cat. £600 U:A5
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH HONDURAS, BELIZE, B.I.O.T., nice incomplete collection, incl. some complete sets, pound and dollar highest values, issue Elizabeth II., various joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives; interesting U:Z
1858 Mi.2a, Sc.3a, Barquito ("Steamboat") 3Ps green, superb piece, light cancel, rare stamp with certificate Kneitschel, cat. $1.500, "barquitos" are one of the most favourite issue of world classic! U:DR
1858 Mi.4, Sc.5, Barquito ("Steamboat") 5Ps orange, superb piece, deep color, nice imprint of blue cancel; exp. Diena, Thier, Bernichon, cat. $3.000, classic rarity! U:DR
1859-1862 BUENOS AIRES, Allegory, Mi.9-13, 12 pcs, 2x 4R green, 1x with plate flaw "printing stain", 2x 1Ps blue, 2x 2Ps red, 4x 1Ps pink and 2x 2Ps blue, various shades; perfect quality; cat. min. 1.150€, extraordinary compilation! U:A5
1858 BUENOS AIRES, Mi.1, Barquito ("Steamboat") 2Ps blue, on letter to Uruguay, black dot cancel and CDS CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES; very nice quality, favourite issue, rare U:A5
1858 BUENOS AIRES, Mi.7, Barquito ("Steamboat") 1Ps dark blue, on letter to town Rosario, black dot cancel; very nice quality, exp. Diena, favourite issue, rare U:A5
1869-1870 Mi.2, 1 Real green, 3 pcs, 1x with margin ledge, from very old collection, 1x exp. Th. Champion (1873-1954), rare stamps, cat. 780€ U:A5
1869-1870 Mi.3a,b, 1 Real light and dark yellow, block of 20 and block of 25, 17 pcs of mint never hinged, 1x light fold in corner otherwise perfect; interesting plate flaw, rare complexes, cat. 1050€ only as single hinged stamps, in these blocks higher value U:A5
1857 Mi.4b, SG.4b, 60 Centavos dark blue - indigo, Uruguay Sun in a new type of printings (with lines in frame); R closer margin, light reduction, significant dark shade color; very nice peace, certificate C. H. Rocha, cat. £5500 U:A5
1862 Mi.4, Coat of arms ¼C green, 2x block of four, lower pairs mint, 2 shades; perfect quality, cat. min. 300€++, rare! U:A5
1866 Mi.14K, Coat of arms ½R pink, block of four containing opposite facing pair!!; perfect quality, rare complex! U:A5
1866 Mi.17, Coat of arms 2R yellow, 3 pcs, 1x light fold, 1x left closer margin, otherwise very nice and rare classic stamps, cat. * 600€ U:A5
1895-96 SG.52b, Opt on India 4A blue, printing error "BR1TISH", very popular type of printing error, perfect quality, cat. £500 U:A5
1897 SG.84a, Opt on Zanzibar 5A Sultan Seyyid, small abrasion, otherwise nice, printing error "Bri" instead of "British"; certificate RPSL, cat. £2.000, rare stamp, there were only 30 of these printing errors! U:A5
1897 SG.85a, Opt on Zanzibar 7½A Sultan Seyyid, small abrasion, evidently from damaged overprint matrix, which caused the printing error "BRI" instead of "British"; certificate RPSL, cat. £2.500, rare stamp, there were only 30 of these printing errors! U:DR
1890-1895 SG.8ac, "Sun and Crown" 3 Ann black/red, pair with omitted vert. perf, at top small flaw, only 90 of these pairs!, rare, cat. £900 U:A5
1890-1895 SG.11ad, "Sun and Crown" 4½ Ann brown-purpur, pair with omitted horiz. perf, several short tooth, otherwise very nice; only 3 sheets - just 90 of these pairs, rare; cat. * £1100 U:A5
1912-1921 SG.63s, George V. 500R green and red / green, SPECIMEN; perfect piece, cat. £1000, (without Opt £29.000), rare U:DR