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1941 Mi.47-65, 11-16, compilation of 36 pcs of horizontal perforated and also imperforated pairs, issue Landscapes, Postage due stmp, part on paper without gum U:A4
1943 Mi.94-96, Work service, 4 stages of trial printings U:A5
1943-1944 UNISSUED STAMPS Castle Trakoscan 3,50K dark brown-carmine (then issued in changed printings as Mi.98), horizontal pair U:A5
1943 TCP for Mi.115, 18K+9K, 6x block of four in all 6 trial colors, blue (1 stamp small gum flaw), brown, dark green, violet black (finally chosen for the print), red-brown and red; unique set! U:A5
1943 TCP Mi.118-124, Red Cross, complete set, trial printings, 8 stages of each value U:A5
1944 TCP for Mi.161, J. Francetić (founder and leader of the Black Legion, general) 15.50K+287.50K, 3 complete undetached printing sheets in colour dark blue, red-brown and dark green, each with 4 printing sheets; total 360 TCP stamps and 66 gutters, very nice quality, catalogue only as single imperforated TCP 10.800€, according to available resources these trial printings were printed only in 5 sheets from each color!! unique and extraordinary offer!!! U:DR
1944 TCP Mi.3-4, War Charity 1k and 2 K, 12 pcs of trial color printings, all horiz. pairs U:A5
1942 BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA Reg card to Protectorate, with issue Landscape, Mi.52 2x, 58, nationalized CDS SARAJEVO 11.XII.42, passed through German censorship U:A5