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1867 stamp of Austrian Levant Mi.5I, 15Sld rough print with CDS LARNACCA DI CIPRO, this is forerunner usage of Austria-Hungary stamps regarding the Turkish (from year 1871) and British (1878), rare! U:A5
1880 SG.2, Queen Victoria 1P, marginal block of 4, plate 215, 2 stamps **, inscriptions, cat. £108 ++ U:A5
1881 SG.9BA, Queen Victoria 1P red-brown, plate 215 withtriple overprint (!); rare stamp with original gum, certificate Holcombe, cat. £800 U:A5
1886 SG.27, Mi.25 II, Queen Victoria ½P emerald green, wmk CA, withLondon Opt "½; - ½;" (6 mm); cat. 350€; £225 U:A5
1904 SG.59, Mi.57, Edward VII. 45P violet/blue, wmk Crown over CA; cat. £500, 200€ U:A5
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 2 almost complete collections - Turkish part Cyprus 1974-2005 and Greek part Cyprus 1937-2005, all on sheets folder Schaubek, contains stamps, souvenir sheets, joined printings, in Greek part without souvenir sheets Block No.1, 16 -18, but with sets Mi.179-193, 202-214, 215-217, cat. 1500€, in Turkish part with i.a. Mi.1-7, 10-19, cat. 1370€, nice collection, interesting motives, total cat. 2.870€ U:Z