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1804 letter from Kolešovice, ruddle KOLLESCHOWITZ and marked porto 24 Kreuzer; perfect quality, small post office, rare letter! U:A5
1819-1842 HUNGARY - 3 letters with cancels TYRNAU oval red, PENTENDORF decorative oval, RAAB oval; signs of age, RAAB perfect, cancel. PENTEDORF is rare! U:A5
1826-1832 2 letters of small format with cancels V. MIES, sent through Würzburg to Wertheimu in Baden, Austrian porto 12Kr, German total 10Kr; perfect quality, 1x additionally cancel HAYD (post. branch office for Stříbro u Boru by Tachov); sought combination of cancels and good destination! U:A5
1827 folded letter with black cancel. EGER (Vot.40b), sent to regiment headquarters of lord Hardegg U:A4
1827-1847 4 money mailing, cancels LIEBKOWITZ (1827), BUCHAU, BENESCHAU, PRAG decorative, perfect quality, "writing" Liebkowitz and frame Buchau are rather rare! U:A4
1828-1830 2x letter with cancel HORAZDIOWITZ, to Munich, small formats, nobiliary correspondence, handwritten letters from count Boos-Waldeck to Didier La Rosee, i.a. with interesting writing U:A5
1829-1840 3x small format letter with cancels PILSEN FRANCO, MARIENBAD and STEINITZ, sent through Würzburg to Wertheimu in Baden, in 1840 Austrian porto 12Kr, German total 10Kr; by the older letters from 1829, 1831 Austrian porto 14Kr and German 12Kr; perfect quality, good destination! U:A5
1829-1845 comp. of 3 letters with half and excused charges, SELTSCHAN also with mailing list (!) and with remark "porto wird von der Partei angewirken", line by ruddle, marked half of the payment from sender, canceled by pencil; COMMOTAU from Jaeger Battaillon in Commotau with remark "Ex offo stricte militari", weight ½Loth, dividing line also canceled by pencil, JUNGBUNZLAU with paid half postage for 1Loth 6Krs rare additional cancels "VON JUNG. BUNZLAUER AMT" and frame "off. pto. corr." ; interesting entires ! U:A5
1830 NEUTITSCHEIN/ 3.Mai. brown-red straight line postmark on official folded letter; only archiving fold U:A5
1830 Reg letter with straight line postmark BRANDEIS, to count Boos-Waldeck, notice "NB"; luxury small nobiliary letter and seal U:A5
1830-47 comp. of 2 covers and 2 folded letters: 1x CDS MAEHR. NEUSTADT, addressed to Austerlitz, postal-charge 30Kr paid in advance; 1x CDS V: LIEBENAU addressed to Prague and returned back, with note. "retour" in front; 1x framed CDS BLATTNA (Vot.149/1. = 120!), addressed to Prague, transit cancel PISEK in front; 1x blue CDS PILGRAM/ 26.11., arrival line MOLDAUTHEIN at the back; nice postal imprints, sound condition U:A5
1831 folded letter with black cancel V.KLENTSCH (Klenčí) (Vot.120b), to Plzeň U:A5
1832-1837 3 letters with cancels ELBOGEN, oval dotted cancel, oval pmk with full line of the oval and straight line postmark; all in perfect quality U:A5
1836-1839 2x letter with cancels HOROSEDEL, catalogue Votoček. No. 2, rarer then type "V. HOROSEDEL"; also letter with later straight line postmark, handwritten letter of important Czech nobleman count Jaromír Czernin (i.a. member of land parliament, patron and founder of Czech industry), to Alfred zu Windischgrätz U:A5
1837 certificate of mailing for money letter from Karlovy Vary to Kraslice, pmk CARLSBAD; nice U:A5
1839 money letter with stated valuable "150,35G" sent from Prague to posmaster in Řevníčov, line CDS PRAG (Vot.1863/ 23.), small format 13,5x8cm, incl. text inside, at the back 2 noble seals + 3 seals "K. K. Postwagens Expedition zu Prag" !; valuable letters, sought by specialist, sound condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1839 letter with Galician cancel OSWIECIM, written by Ludwig zu Windischgrätz, commander of regiment, to his brother, prince Josef to Hungary, porto 12Kr, through Hodonín, transit Goding and unusual oval additional cancel G.A.; small format, attractive nobiliary letter! U:A5
1840 Reg letter with cancel DOGNACSKA (Dognacea) BANAT - MILITAR GRENZE, weight 1Loth, notice "NB"a "gegen Auf-und Abgabs Recepisse"; signs of age, letter from rare destination! U:A5
1840-1846 5 nobiliary letters, Mensdorff-Pouilly, Louis Windischgrätz, 2x countess E. Lažanzsky, Jan Kolowrat, cancels BOSKOWITZ, STRAKONITZ, PRAG, LIEBKOWITZ (rare), V. PILSEN, to Wien (Vienna) 2x, Italian Venice (rare), Hungarian Eibersburgu and Mariánské Lázně; attractive compilation! U:A5
1840? letter from Prague to Venice "to poste restante", redirected to Slovenian Planinya back to Venice (Marine Collegium), recipient was Louis zu Windischgrätz, CDS PRAG, PLANINA, VENICE 5.5. and VENICE 14.5.; small format, perfect condition, thanks to redirection and poste restante it is rare letter! U:A5
1842 3x heavier Reg letter from Josefov (Brno) to Prague, sent to prince and marshal Alfréd zu Windischgrätz, long address with all nobility titles, CDS RECOMAND. JOSEPHSTADT, additional FRANCO, marked porto 22Kr; perfect quality and very attractive entire U:A5
1842 folded letter with frame cancel. STAAB (Stody) (Vot.50b), to Kynžvart U:A5
1844-1850 2 letters, cancels PODERSAM + FRANCO on normal letter and PODERSAM - blue, on money letter; this cancel is rare! U:A5
1847 folded letter with blue cancel B. TEINITZ (Horšovský Týn), to Kouty na Šumavě U:A5
1848 Reg letter with cancel HOLLESCHAU + RECOM (registered), sent to Alfred zu Windischgrätz to Vienna, the writer count of Vrbno demands armory for the militia, notice "against Receipt", "NB", porto 6 Kreuzer; interesting context of the revolutionary year 1848! U:A5
1848 folded letter with black cancel ROSENBERG 29.JUL (Ružomberok), to Levoča (Löcsén); good condition U:A4
1848-1849 2 letters with cancels LUBENZ and blue STAAB, atypical pink letter paper; perfect and very rare! U:A5
1848-1849 2 letters with cancel V. NEUGEDEIN, black + FRANCO and blue!; perfect quality U:A5
1850 comp. of 2 releases of postal office in Rokycany for service of a courier for lordship with nice negative office cancels ROKITZAN; interesting U:A5
1851 letter without franking from Čimelic to Štěkeně (Stiekna), redirected to Vienna, line CDS CZIMELITZ, notice "ZUTAX 6 Kreuzer + 6 / zus(ammen) 12Kr", i. e. 3+3Kr for missing porto to Štěkeně and other 6 Kreuzer by resending; rare surtaxed entire! U:A5
1853 folded letter with black cancel TAUS 20.MAR. (Domažlice u Chudenic), on the back side cancel KLATTAU 20.MÄRZ; good condition U:A5
1820-1850 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of 30 prephilatelic letters, all with cancels WIEN, various destinations as France, Italy, Germany etc., various types and color cancels etc.; placed on exhibit sheets in box U:K
1838-1848 [COLLECTIONS] 9 FRANKO letters with red and blue cancels PRAG, KOLLIN, BUDWEIS, v. MIES, STAAB, B. TEINITZ, PLANIAN, SCHLAN, DATSCHITZ, all with additional cancels FRANCO, various types, perfect quality, 1x money letter, very high points record in catalogue Votoček; extraordinary compilation! U:O5
1840-1849 [COLLECTIONS] 8 letters with blue cancels, KUTTENBERG, TAUS, in MIES, NEUBIDSCHOW, B. BROD, PRZESTITZ, V. NEUGEDEIN, JAEGERNDORF; perfect quality, some rare for example V. Neugedein and Bohmisch Brod ! U:O5
1850 Mi.1Y(3),4Y, Coat of arms 1 Kr, strip of 3 T III. MP light yellow + Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer T III. MP brown on cut-square with CDS SISSEK; decorative piece, very nice franking, wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 1650€ U:A5
1850-1879 Mi.1,4, 9, 36, 37, nice compilation of cut-squares and used stamps of I., IV. and V. issues, interesting cancels and others., 1x cancellation by stroke on Mi.4, blue line cancel on Mi.4, single-circle BOSKOWITZ 14/6 on 10Kr blue, interesting cut-squares with multiple and also color frankings of the 6th issue etc U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, type III, HP, CDS WIEN, paper creases in paper, one bigger in upper part; perfect quality, attractive speciality, cat. min. 150€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer Ib type HP; R close margin, otherwise perfect piece with red CDS WIEN, lightly underlaid middle, cat. only for red cancel. 1.500€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2x, Coat of arms 2Kr, Ib Type HP grey-black, perfect piece with rare Viennese treecircled cancel "1" Müller 3214u, almost whole inprint; stamp cat. 180€, cancel. 450 MüP ! U:A5
1850 Mi.2x, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer, Ib Type HP grey-black, lower close, but complete margins, otherwise perfect piece with dumb Viennese fourcircled cancel Müller 3214g; stamp cat. 180€, cancel 240 MüP U:A5
1850 Mi.5X, Y, 4 pcs Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer blue, with sheet margins, L 6mm, right 7mm, upper 5mm and the bottom 6mm, so-called, outer miniature, 3x HP, 3x on cut-square, all Type III.; perfect quality, cat. 160€ U:A5
1850 Mi.5Y, Ferchenbauer. 5III, 9 Kr T III. MP, horizontal strip of 4, right margin 5mm, CDS TRIESTE; perfect piece U:A5
1850 MI.5Y, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer IIIb type HP, blue, CDS CARLSBAD; perfect piece with great significant machine offset!, cat. 220€ U:A5
1850 folded letter to Timişoara, with 6 Kreuzer, first print (Erstdruck), type Ia, plate 1, double circle cancel PETERSWARDEIN (Petrovaradin, Serbia)/ 19.6., outstanding margins, arrival line CDS TEMESVÁR/ 21.JUN. at the back; nice quality, interesting destination U:A5
1851 folded letter franked with vert. pair of 3 Kreuzer with upper margin, Mi.3X, HP, type Ia, CDS PRAG 29/6, at the back straight line postmark KLATTAU/ 30.Juni; good condition U:A5
1851 Reg letter with 6 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer on reverse, both type I.a, handpaper, red-brown, CDS RICHENBURG (Předhradí)/ 1.7.(1851), transit and arrival cancels PARDUBITZ, BODENBACH and STEINSCHOENAU/ 2.7. on reverse; unfolded, sound condition, cat. 450€ U:A5
1851 folded letter with 6 Kreuzer type Ia, printing plate 1, superb margins, CDS STARKENBACH (Jilemnice)/ 31.JAN. (Vot.2312/2.= 30 pt), at the back arrival cancel PRAG/ 2.2. and broken seal; unfolded, good quality U:A5
1852 folded letter + invoice to Kamenický Šenov through Vienna, with 9 Kreuzer blue, Mi.5, very wide margins, line CDS VILLACH/ 8. JUNY, at the back single circle CDS WIEN/ 10. JUN.; good quality U:A5
1852 folded Reg letter, on face-side with 2x 9 Kreuzer blue, Mi.5, on the back side with 6 Kreuzer brown, Mi.4, CDS WIEN RECOMANDIRT, arrival cancel STATION ZWITTAU; folds over both 9 Kreuzer stamps, high catalogue value U:A5
1853-56 two classic letters with stamps of the 1st issue: a) folded letter to Padua, with Mi.3 + 4, value 3 Kreuzer HP, Type III., plate 3 + 6 Kreuzer HP, I.b type, printing plate 2; wide margins, CDS TRIESTE/ 19.5., at the back arrival line CDS PADUA/ 20.MAG. and whole seal, good condition; b) folded letter to Amsterdam, with 6 and 9 Kreuzer, Mi.4 + 5, value 9 Kreuzer left close margin, other margins exceedingly wide, CDS TRIESTE/ 24.1., at the back arrival red CDS AMSTERDAM 25.I.1856, blurred ink in address; interesting price U:A5
1854 complete folded letter franked with pair Mi.3, 3 Kreuzer dark carmine red, type IIIa, plate 4, wide margins, nice color shade, on stamp right sporadically occurring plate flaw "interrupted ribbon below the crown" /unterbrochene rechte Kronenband/, decorative CDS RICHENBURG/ 10.4., at the back transit cancel BAHNH: PARDUBITZ/ 11.4., BODENBACH/ 11.4. and line STEINSCHÖNAU/ 12.APR.; nice quality, small format, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 530€ U:A5
1854 complete folded letter franked with 3+3Kr, Mi.3, MP, type IIIa, sought plate 5 (!), very wide margins, CDS STATION/ BRÜNN/ 8.11.(54), arrival cancel LANDSKON/ 10.11. at the back; good condition U:A5
1854 Reg letter to Kronstadt with 6 + 9 + 9 Kreuzer in front and 3 + 3 Kreuzer at the back, Mi.4, 5 (2x) and 3 (2x), high postal-charge 30Kr (4th weight rate and 2nd distance rate), all stamps 3rd types, hand paper, CDS HERMANNSTADT/ 4.6. + black line "RECOM:", arrival postmark KRONSTADT/ 5.6. and whole seal at the back, 1 stamp 3 Kreuzer lower cut, other piece full to wide margins; rarely occurring franking, R part of letter missing, after all exceedingly interesting (!), rare offer, exp. + photo-certificate S. Sismondo (r. 2004) and exp. + photo-certificate Dr. U. Ferchenbauer (2006), R!; kar. Ferchenbauer. 3.000€ U:A5
1854 folded letter with 9 Kreuzer, type III.a, hand paper, lower close margins, at the top of the sheet margin 5,5mm, CDS BRUCK/ 15.2., on revers transit cancel PRAG/ 15.2. and NEPOMUK/ 16.2., 1x horiz. folded, good condition U:A5
1854? folded cover of letter to Slovakia, with 9 Kreuzer, machine paper, type III.a, wide full margins, CDS WIEN/ 11.4., decorative franking in the middle, on reverse transit straight line cancel Košice/ 14.APR. and arrival NAGY MIHÁLY/ 16.4.; in the middle 1x vert. fold outside the stamp, letters to Slovakia rare, signed Capouch U:A5
1855? letter addressed to Berlin on "Poste restante", with 9 Kreuzer, type IIb, very wide margins, oval CDS PRAG KLEINS./ 15.5.; small format, signs of age; letters of the 1st issue on "Poste restante" sent abroad are rare! U:A5
1856 folded company letter with 3 Kreuzer, type IIIb., MP, standard margins, CDS BODENBACH/ 11.7., frame company cancel, at the back arrival straight line cancel STEINSCHOENAU/ 12.JUL., unfolded U:A5
1858 folded mourning letter to France, with 2 + 6 + 6 Kreuzer, all 3rd types and machine paper, very wide margins, CDS WIEN/ 22.4., 4 various transit and arrival French CDS, light patina; sought franking, certificate A. Matl, cat. Ferchenbauer 6.000€ U:A5
1850-1867 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 45 pcs of letters, various frankings of the I. - VI. issues, i.a. 3x the 1st issue 3 Kreuzer, 2x issue II with 3 Kreuzer, also interesting cancels i.a. black ROKITZAN, KLATTAU, BLATTNA etc.; interesting compilation U:O5
1859 Mi.10II, 2 Kreuzer yellow + 2 Kreuzer orange; cat. Ferchenbauer 410€ U:A5