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1854 Mi.D1,4, Official Coat of arms ½Onza 4x strip of 3 and 1 Pound - pair, all on cut-square with CDS SANTANDER, placed over, so called - Treppenfrankatur; very attractive and rare franking in perfect quality, jewel of every collection of classic Spain! U:A5
1938 Mi.730, Worker from Sagunto 45C, block of four, omitted horiz. perf; rare U:A5
1936-1940 comp. of 4 pcs of letters, contains 2 pcs of air-mail - from that 1x to Bohemia-Moravia, 1 pcs of money letter and 1 letter with advertising label "VIVA ESPAŇA"; interesting, as complex good quality U:A5
1850 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1, Isabella II. 6Cs black, 2 sheets from old collection of classic Spain with many rare pieces, like Mi.1II unused, 3 letters, pair on cut square and 20 chosen pieces, i.a. rare blue cancel "11" and "big dots", 6 pcs of decorative cancels in blue and green colors, rare early usage of these first stamps with CDS from 4.1. 1850 - 4th day of issue (!), 12.1., 20.1. and oths.; exclusive part of old collection and rare offer! U:Z