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1945 GHETO TEREZÍN story - comp. of 4 pcs of post cards addressed to ghetto, from that 1x through Jewish Council of Elders in Prague, 1x filled out blank form of Jewish self-government in Terezín - Work confirmation, supplemented with 5 contents of letters written on Czech prisoner; all in very good condition U:A4
1940 GESTAPO JIČÍN mourning obituary notice sent to prisoner Jaroslav Bukvička, Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, participant of antinacism resistance, with Linden Leaves 20h (2x), CDS TURNOV 1/ 11.V.40; interesting, cross fold U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL nice basic collection Protectorate, contains i.a. Overprint issue, values 4CZK and 10CZK with upper and bottom coupon, 5CZK with right and L coupon, then corner pieces with plate number, variants with coupons, variants with *, horseshoe, etc.. issue Towns, A. Hitler., then Newspaper stamps Pof.NV2 and NV5 blocks of four with plate number 1, Postage due stmp - gutter, plate number, corner blocks of four with plate number, TESTER bands, etc..; placed on pages in glassine envelopes in spring folder, cat. min. 25.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION duplication collection, contains Overprint issue without gum, then business supply of stamps postage-due, plate number, bands, i.a. 1,20 Koruna bnd-of-10 with plate number 3-40x-y viewing of quality recommended, coupons, etc.. + 4 complete counter sheet + part counter sheet Dvořák 60h; high catalogue value, placed in stockbook A4 + 2x A5 U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of stamp. in/at 1 stockbook Pofis, contains i.a. complete overprint issue, Postage due stmp gutter, I. Official issue with plate number, coupons, gutter-pair, etc.., supplemented with 1 stockbook with stamps without gum, cat. only mint never hinged stamp. ca. 10.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SKLADOVÁ ZÁSOBA Bohemian and Moravian stamp., from overprint set only Pof.19KH, it contains e.g. Landscape with coupons, also with margin and plate mark, 7x R. Heydrich with plate variety "little-egg" Pof.111DV and 1x block of four with name of author posmrtné mask, service stmp., imperforate also detached postage-due gutter, etc..; placed on 8 cards A5 and 1 card A4 U:O4
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE incomplete collection of stmp and entires on pages in 3 office spiral cover, contains i.a. mint never hinged overprint issue, gutter, coupons, gutter-pair, plate number from other issues, supplemented with lot of entires from commercial correspondence, cut-squares with special postmark, and cuts dispatch-notes; various quality U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL smaller basic collection of stamps Protectorate, contains Overprint issue, value 5CZK damaged; placed on pages, c.v.. ca. 1.100CZK U:Z
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Velké Landscape the first issue., selection of 69 pcs of marginal bnd-of-20 stamp., Pof.32, 33, 34, 35, mainly value 1,50 Koruna, various plate mark + / *, supplemented with lot of stamp. without gum U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of smaller selection of complete counter sheet and their/its part/-s, contains Pof.106-107, NV2 + 4 the bottom bnd-of-20 Pof.92-94 + 112 + 70 pcs of blocks Pof.116-117; c.v.. ca. U:Z
1940-43 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 120 pcs of registered letters!, various cds and Reg-labels; very interesting U:K
1943-45 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of DOPISŮ 15 pcs of, from that 9x R, various interesting frankings Surtax stamp. Smetana, Charles IV., Official, etc.., cut square from newspaper wrappers with high franking, etc.. U:O5
1939 CDV69/406, forerunner Czechosl. pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h, Know Your Country, Mobile post office on a bus with commemorative postmark PR11, PRAGUE 1/ EXHIBITION STO TESTER ČESKÉ PHOTO/ 29.X.39, good condition U:A5
1939 CDV69/19 forerunner Czechosl. pictorial PC Poznejte svoji homeland, sent as express, uprated by. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 2x 1 Koruna Prague, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.IX.39, supplemented with arrival CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA; small tearing in upper margin U:A5
1940 CDV36, Czechosl. two-piece PC Masaryk 1,50CZK, used in Protectorate after valid time, MC PRAG 11.IV.40, burdened with postage-due 1 Koruna paid stamp. Pof.DL9; interesting, slightly toned U:A5
1939-44 CDV65, CDV66, comp. 5 pcs of forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms, 1x sent as express, uprated by. Czechosl. stamp. 2x 1CZK T. G. Masaryk, CDS train post 511/ JIHLAVA - PRAGUE 20.V.39, 1x double undetached PC unilaterally Us with MC BRNO 24.XI.39, 3 pcs of individual parts from double PC + 3 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV1 uprated with stamp 1 Koruna and addressed to to Switzerland (shifted cut), CDV8/I, CDV16; good condition U:A5
1942 CDV12, international post card 1,50 Koruna to Italy, CDS KRBEŇ 7.II.42, Us German also Italian censorship, good condition, c.v.. 1.400CZK U:A5
1940-1941 CMO2, CMO4, comp. 2 pcs of international reply couponc 3.35K and 2.60K, R CDS BRNO 1/ 22.I.40 and PRAGUE 21.IV.41, L QUITO APR.15.40 and CORREOS DEL ECUADOR?; c.v.. 3.100CZK U:A5
1940-1941 CMO2, CMO4, comp. 2 pcs of international reply couponc 3.35K and 2.60K, R CDS PRAGUE, L QUITO and CORREOS DEL ECUADOR?; c.v.. 3.100CZK U:A5
1945 stationery Express Card No.1, T II., urgent message sent from Prague, CDS PRAGUE 14.II.45 to Chrástu by/on/at Chrudim; light tearing, bumped corners U:A5
1942 Přijímací book přespolního postman/-en, 63 pages blank form with zapsanými peněžními zásilkami, where fee was/were paid postage stamp., i.a. 20K Charles Bridge, 10K A. Hitler, Pof.46, 49, 96 and other, total 14 dvojstran with mounted stamp., all with CDS DÝŠINA; on/for several sides tearing and stains, after all ojedninělý in good condition complete blank blank form U:A4
1943 COF34, whole parcel card sent express, with A. Hitler., i.a. value 20K, CDS PRAGUE 31/ 22.VI.43; in the middle vertical fold U:A5