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1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection on pages, complete Overprint issue incl. 3,50CZK blue Opt, better pieces exp., in addition Blue Štefánik 60h, then set without several cheap stamps, c.v.. 9.200Sk U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURY collection corner blk-of-4, from issue Hlinka after/around airmail stmp, big major-part stamp. mint never hinged, sestaveno to miniatures, often missing only 1 corner blk-of-4, contains all issue except Štefánik - Bradlo and Princes, supplemented with on issues about/by single pieces with various polohami wmk; placed in three 12-listových stockbooks A4, good base for collection miniatures Slovak Rep., high catalogue value U:Z
1939 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS SELECTION of Alb.D1-D12, interesting selection of postage-due stamp. Alb.D1-12 without watermark and Alb. D1-11 with wmk with katalogizovanými also nekatalogizovanými errors/flaws, all described; c.v.. price vedených flaws through/over 10.000SKK, interesting offer U:O4
1939 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS SELECTION of Alb.NV1-9 + NV10-22, business supply newspaper stmp, incl. overprint issue, various color shades, multiblocks, wmk, gum and grids, event. plate variety on stmp or overprint nezkoumány; placed on 5 cards A5 U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] MENŠÍ COLLECTION stamp. Slovak Rep., contains i.a. Overprint issue, value 10CZK *, exp. by Sablatura., 2x plate proofs overprint, other issue, miniature sheet For Children-issue *; c.v.. ca. 8.000Sk U:Z
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS - SELECTION of 4-BLOKŮ Alb.NV10 - NV22, selection of 89 pcs of corner blk-of-4, part miniatures with wmk also without watermark, various grids gum also positions of watermarks; high catalogue value, on 3 cards A4 U:O4
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS COLLECTION collection newspaper stmp Alb.NV.10-22 without watermark also with wmk, various color, grids, positions of watermarks, catalogue also neuváděné retouch, plate variety, printing defects etc.., i.a. Alb.NV10Xx and NV11Xx, 2h and 5h with horiz. grid, expertized, 6 various values with machine offset + blocks, strips, single stamp., major-part mint never hinged; placed on pages in stockbook A4 U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of Alb.1-125, business supply postage and special stamps, incl. incomplete overprint issue, it contains e.g. Alb.11, 21 (exp. by Müller.), various perf on stmp A. Hlinka, line issues in blocks of four (Memorandum, Scholarship, and other), 2x miniature sheet For Children-issue, gutter Hlinka, air-mail, etc..; placed on 11 cards A5, higher catalogue U:O5
1938 CDV67/7 Krkonoše, forerunner Czechosl. pictorial PC addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.IV.39; small bend in corner else preserved U:A5
1944 CDV13/3, High Tatras, pictorial PC 1Ks addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS STARÝ SMOKOVEC 4.V.44, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5