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1939 Alb.24C, Hlinka 1 Koruna red with lower margin, line perforation 10½; : 12½;; exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1939 Alb.25A, 26A, 27A, 32A, comp. of stamps with shifted and double perf, incomplete printing picture stamp., etc.., contains values 5h pair, 1x 10h vertical pair, 1x single stamp. 10h and 3 Koruna + vertical pair 20h; interesting selection of U:A5
1939 Alb.26B, Hlinka 10h olive, line perforation 10½; on/for cut, then values 5h and 1 Koruna; exp. by Synek., c.v.. 2.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.26C, Hlinka 10h, mixed perforation line perforation 12½; : 10½;, C4 by/on/at stamps in margin from horiz. pairs, exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. 4.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27B, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 10½;; exp. by Sablatura., very sought stamp., c.v.. Fö 10.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20c orange, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, rare combination 11; exp. Kau, c.v.. 3.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, block of four, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, every stamp. other combination - C7, C8, C9 and C10; in/at whole vzácnépravá the bottom stamp. fold in corner, L upper stamp. minor gum fault, exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. Fö 14.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, combination C1; exp. No, Kaufmann, c.v.. Fö 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 12½; : 10½;, combination C13; exp. by Kaufmann., c.v.. Fö 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h, mixed perforation line perforation 12½; : 10½;, C5, exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.28, Hlinka 30h violet, L the bottom corner horizontal pair with plate mark A1 18.III.1939, mixed perforation 12½; : 10½;; exp. by Synek., c.v.. for ** stamp. 2.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.31A, C, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue, set of all 14 combinations line perforation 12½; : 10½;; only 2 stamp. with minor gum fault, larger part expertized, quite extraordinary offer (!), missing in špičkových collections also exponátech, placed with description on carton paper A4, high c.v.. 73.600Sk U:DR
1939 Alb.32C, Hlinka 3 Koruna brown, without watermark, comp. 5 pcs of stamp. with various combinations smíšeného perf: C5, 8, 11, 13 and 14; exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Alb.N39, Murgaš 1,20 Koruna light green, imperforated blk-of-4 with lower margin, c.v.. 14.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.45, Surtax For Children-issue - Tiso, vertical pair with margin, upper stamp. with production flaw - 5mm line below by eye, interesting U:A5
1940 Alb.N46y, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna without perf, with sheet margin, vertical lined gum, c.v.. 5.000Sk U:A5
1939-1945 Alb.49, 51, 70,117, interesting selection of various flaws prints, vynechaných perf holes, varieties papers, wrinkle paper, etc.., various issue U:A4
1940 Alb.N50, Tatra 25h, unissued, horizontal pair; c.v.. 1.800Sk U:A5
1940 Alb.N50, Tatra 25h, R marginal blk-of-4 without perf, c.v.. 3.600SKK U:A5
1940 FORGERY Alb.47-51, Tatra small format, selection of gutter, very dokonalé, glued-up in perforation; research material, on reverse marked FORGERY U:A5
1943 Alb.94-97, Cultural, complete set, imperforated horiz. pairs; exp. by Mahr., Möbs + red stamp. M.D.V.P/pošta; c.v.. Fö 38.400Sk, exceptional offer U:DR
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue + stamps from miniature sheet Alb.119 and 119S -zvlněné margins; c.v.. 1.000Sk U:A5
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue + stamps from miniature sheet Alb.119, 119Kl, 119Kp and 119S; c.v.. 1.000Sk U:A5
1945 comp. 5 pcs of used stamp. Slovak osvobozovacího committee, values 1Ks - 5 Koruna; interesting U:A5
1939 commercial pre-printed envelope format A4 addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. stamp. Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue with variant perf C6, line perforation 12½; and 10½;, Alb.31 C6, CDS BRATISLAVA 11.VII.39, c.v.. Földes only used stamp. 4.000Sk, on letter 10.000SKK U:A4
1939 Reg letter to Prague, i.a. franked by stmp Hlinka 50h green in horiz. pair, Alb.23C, variants C13 + C11, exp. by Synek., mixed franking stamp. Overprint issue, Hlinka Czechosl. stamps, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 15.IV.39, special postmark; interesting, good condition, cat. min. 3.000Sk U:A5
1939 comp. 4 pcs of entires, from that 1x Express letter with mixed franking of czechosl. + overprint Slovak stamp. + stamp. Hlinka, Alb.14, M23, 28N and Czechosl. stamp. Pof.320 Little Entente 2CZK, CDS PIEŠŤANY 2.IV.39, supplemented with 2 pcs of Ppc with franking stamp. Hlinka and 1 pcs of card FP with halving Czechosl. stamp. T. G. Masaryk 1CZK; good condition U:A5
1939 comp. 8 pcs of commercial letters with various frankings stamp. issue Hlinka, from that 3x as Registered; good condition U:A5
1939-44 comp. 14 pcs of entires, from that 4x as Reg, express and airmail to Bohemia-Moravia and Wien (Vienna) (without attributes of air forwarding), multicolor frankings, from that 1x bilingual R label BRATISLAVA 5, supplemented with letter with advertising machine cancel. BRATISLAVA 1/ "Odpoveď from cudziny si zaistíte..." etc.., good condition U:A5
1944 Registered and Express letter addressed to to Protekorátu with 4-tuple franking stamp. 3 Koruna issue Princes, Alb.103, CDS HORNÉ MOTEŠICE 15.V.44, Us German also chemical censorship; tearing in margins envelope/-s, rare franking U:A5
1941-43 6 pcs of air-mail entires, 1x addressed to USA, 1x to Austria and remaining to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x Reg and Express and 1x Ex, franked with Airmail stamps, various CDS, censorship; good condition U:A5
1939 Alb.NV1-NV8, selection of 25 pcs of corner blk-of-4 also single stamp. with plate mark; mint never hinged, part examined U:A4
1939 Alb.NV1-NV9, Newspaper stamps, complete set bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number; 1CZK exp. by Gilbert., 1x hint at value 2h U:A4
1944 Alb.NN1, Nové slovo, imperforated alternate newspaper label on/for brick red paper with gum, c.v.. as ** 2.000SKK U:A5
1940 whole newspaper wrapper to Protectorate, mounted pair newspaper stamp. 5h, Alb.NV11, Us German and Bohemian and Moravian censorship - round postmark "R." U:A5
1942 whole newspaper wrapper franked with. newspaper stamp. 10h, Alb.NV14 with CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 1.VII.42, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, Us German and Bohemian and Moravian censorship, black round cancel. "R"; good condition U:A5
1939 Alb.D2, 10h blue, corner blk-of-6 + Alb.D3, 20h blue, corner blk-of-8 with plate mark 1; both multiblocks with significant flaw perf due to folded paper, sought by specialists U:A5
1939 commercial heavier letter underpaid stamp. Hlinka 1 Koruna, Zs.f24A, burdened with postage-due předběžýnými Czechosl. Postage due stamps Pof.DL62 and DL57, CDS ŽILINA 2/ 9.VI.39; good condition U:A5
1939 underpaid Reg letter stamp. Hlinka 2,50 Koruna + 10h, redirected, original franking 2,60K insufficient for Reg letter in/at other dopravě and at the delivery place burdened by surtax 40h Czechosl. parallel Postage due stamp 40h, Pof.DL59, neučtován trestný fee, CDS BRATISLAVA 9.VIII.39, delivering post CDS NITRA 11.VIII.39; good condition, interesting decorative document/attribut postal transport U:A5
1939 comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires burdened by surtax with mounted Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamp., Pof.DL62, DL57, 1x TESTER surtax Czechosl. stamp. 20h Pof.DL57 (torn off corner before mounting) and Slovak Postage due stamp 1Ks, Alb.D8, all cancelled by postmark NITRA 20.VI. to 14.IX.39; good condition, exceptional postage-due franking U:A5
1939 comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires burdened by surtax with mounted Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamp., Pof.DL62, DL57, DL56 1x TESTER surtax Czechosl. stamp. 20h Pof.DL57 (light stains in envelope) and Slovak Postage due stamp 1Ks, Alb.D8 all cancelled by postmark NITRA 1.VIII. to 6.XI.39; good condition, exceptional postage-due franking U:A5
1939 comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires burdened by surtax with mounted Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamp., Pof.DL62, DL57, DL56, 1x TESTER surtax Czechosl. stamp. 20h Pof.DL57 and Slovak stamp. 1Ks, Alb.D8 all cancelled by postmark NITRA 1.VIII. to 22.XI.39; small tearing, 1x stamp. over margin, fold, after all exceptional U:A5
1939 TESTER commercial letter with underpaid mixed franking stmp with overprint 50h Beneš and 1 Koruna Hlinka, at the delivery place paid surtax 20h forerunner Czechosl. Postage due stamp 20h, Pof.DL57 with CDS NITRA 27.VI.39, CDS REVÚCA 25.VI.39; interesting and decorative document/attribut postal transport U:A5
1939 TESTER commercial letter with disallowed part/-s franking already invalidated Czechosl. stamp. 30h Coat of arms, at the delivery place paid surtax forerunner Postage due stamps 2x 60h, Pof.DL61 with CDS NITRA 22.VII.39, CDS ORECHOVÉ 21.VII.39; in good condition decorative document/attribut postal transport U:A5
1940 Alb.PD1Y-2Y, Postage due stmp 1Ks and 2 Koruna with overprint Paušalovaná potravná tax, both with lower margin; c.v.. 700SKK, underprized U:A5
1943 Alb.PD3, 4, Postage due stmp 1Ks and 2 Koruna with overprint Paušalovaná potravná tax, both with upper margin; c.v.. 700SKK, underprized U:A5
1943 stranická stamp. Hlinkové Slovak popular side/party, HSLS in blue color with place for vypsání values with picture J.Tisa, UR corner blk-of-4 U:A5
1939 PČOLINÉ (SNINA), violet postal imprint Postal Agency on/for commercial Reg letter, franked with. str-of-3 stmp with overprint Hlinka 1 Koruna, CDS SNINA 23.VI.39; light TESTER fold in envelope U:A5
1941 card Slovak field post sent from Russia to Bohemia-Moravia, military unit Bruna, FP-postmark 6/ 4.IX.1941; good condition, only folds in corner and margins U:A5
1942 FP letter to Hungary occupied Košice, CDS POL. POST 6/ 17.XII.1942, passed through censorship and on/for Hungarian side burdened by surtax 80f, paid 2 stamp. 40f, arrival postmark KASSA 22.XII.1942; toned, exceedingly interesting U:A5
1939 letter sent from Bratislava to Hungary occupied Košice, with Hlinka 1 Koruna +30h and Tiso 50h, CDS Bratislava 30.XI.39, Us Slovak censorship, provisional censorship mark CUSTOMS CONTROL, on reverse arrival; toned, interesting U:A5
1945 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA commercial PC sent from Ružomberku 4.III.45 to Liptovského Sliače, returned with straight line postmark "Transport zastavena!"; vert. fold, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÁ ACCUMULATION stamp. Slovak Rep. in/at one 20-sheet stockbook, value spočívá in/at overprint issue, outside end stamps all in/at tens pieces, i.a. 10CZK 2x, 5CZK, 2x, 4CZK 11x, 3,50K with blue overprint 5x, Blue Štefánik 10x, Newspaper stamps overprint issue 10x, part plate mark, corner blocks of four, gutter Tiso, gutter miniature sheet For Children-issue etc.., larger part mint never hinged mint never hinged, part stmp with overprint examined, very profitable offer, cat. min. 50.000Sk U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION S DUPLICATION collection in stockbook A4, lot of plate number, also from Overprint issue, blocks of four, wmk, papers, gutter, Postage due stmp, etc.., only several pcs *, cat. min. 22.400Sk, plate variety excluded from sum; lot of study of material profitable U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZOVANÁ incomplete collection on pages A4 in two office cover, contains i.a. overprint issue (values 5CZK and 10CZK with reperovaným gum), Blue Štefánik, 17 pcs of stamp. with Bazovského design overprint (without guarantee), miniature sheet For Children-issue supplemented with about/by vertical also horiz. maziarší, Tiso 4-stamp gutter, parts of sheets Newspaper stmp with overprint., complete 2 set stamp. Food tax etc.., supplemented with ca. 100 pcs of various entires and cut-squares, various quality, after all suitable to examination U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection on pages, contains i.a. Blue Štefánik 60h, almost complete Overprint issue vč.10Kč, then set incl. Postage-due stamps; c.v.. 10.600Sk U:Z
1939-2002 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION smaller duplication collection Slovak Rep., contains part Overprint issue, various parts of sets, etc.. + duplication Slovakia 1993-2002; placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1939-2004 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL incomplete collection Slovakia 1939-1945 + 1993-2003, contains i.a. part Overprint issue, i.a. UL corner blk-of-4 Slavkov 3,50CZK, Alb.19a, 4-stamp gutter Tiso 10 Koruna, Alb.125M, miniature sheet For Children-issue, then PB Slovak state coat of arms, etc..; placed on lisech in/at pérovém stockbook U:Z
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE-DUE business supply postage-due stamps, various color shades, multiblocks, wmk, gum and grids, placed on 5 cards A5 U:O5