1944 ROŽŇAVA black Opt Czechoslovak Post on/for 14 pcs of stamp. values 1f - 80f, complete postage stmp values + RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA comp. 14 pcs of stamp. with red overprint Czechoslovak Post, some values in pairs, exp. 6 pcs of Blaha, Šablatúra
1945 ÚSTÍ N. L./ RUMBURK selection of more than 60 pcs of German and Bohemian and Moravian stamps with revolutionary overprints, it contains e.g. complete set 10h - 50K A. Hitler with overprint "SVOBODNÉ/ CZECH REPUBLIC/ SLOVAKIA/ 1945", overprints "ÚSTÍ n. L.", "RUMBURK" and other, on stock-sheet A4
1945 MIROŠOV comp. 3 pcs of entires with Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with overprint MIROŠOV OSVOBOZENRUDOUARMÁDOU 9.5.1945, 1x Reg letter with stamp. A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna, 2x ordinary letter, nationalized CDS MIROŠOV 9.V.45; good condition
1945 PROSTĚJOV free of Germanic felons/ 9th of May 1945, frame revolutionary postmark on R letter vyplaceném cash 4,20 Koruna, provisional R postmark, nationalized CDS PROSTĚJOV 28.V.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 29.V.45; good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters letters with violet cancel. OSVOBOZENÍOLOMOUCERUDOUARMÁDOU 8.5. 1945, 1x paid cash, 1x with A. Hitler. 1,20CZK, nationalized CDS OLOMOUC 17.V and 19.V; good condition
1945 larger comp. emergency newspaper labels, contains: and) HLAS LIDU, 1 pcs of on/for head this weekly magazine with frame cancel. PROSTĚJOV/ free of Germanic felons/ 9.V.1945 + 4 pcs of Un; b) ROVNOST, 1 pcs of on face-side this sheet, CDS BRNO 2/ 5.VI.45 + 10 pcs of Un stamp., some exp. Hefer BPP; c) ČIN, 11 pcs of unused; MODŘANY, total 11 pcs of stamps, from that 2 pcs of perforated; d) revolutionary issue OLOMOUC with přemyslovskou eagle, with CDS OLOMOUC; on stock-sheet A4 oboustraně
1945 TESTER RADČICE cash paid German pictorial PC, provisory straight line postmark anyway so overprinted also provisional German R label; good condition
1945 Reg letter sent from Slavonic to TESTER Hobzí, broken out cancel with date 02.7.45, notice paid 4,20, provisional registry label Slavonice 459; on reverse potrhaná flap, interesting
1945-46comp. 10 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks from Slovak territory, i.a. SAČUROV, KOŠICE , STREDA N. BOD., SMOLENICKÁHUTA, ŠTOSKUPELE, VRANOV A.T., STROPKOV, RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA, from that 4x as Registered; good condition, interesting - rare usage
Pof.353-355, selection of horiz. and vertical 2-stamps gutter, in addition 2x vertical 4-stamps, then miniature sheet with plate variety paw and block of four 6 Koruna, c.v.. total 4.145Kč
Pof.354-356Ms+Mv, pair 4-stamps vertical also horiz. gutter, vertical all with R margin, horiz. only value 6 Koruna with lower margin, various color shades as 2 Koruna brown-red, 5 Koruna grey-black and light grey; superb, only value 2 Koruna Mv with flaw in paper stamps in margin., cat. min. 7.400Kč
Pof.354-356Mx(16), Košice-issue - large crosses, 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, value 5 Koruna grey-black - significant shade, value 2 Koruna minor gum fault in margin, other superb, c.v.. 33.000CZK
1945 Registered and Express letter to Bohemia, with Pof.354, 355, 356, CDS TRNAVA 15.XI.45, on reverse přízozí CDS KOSTELEC N. Č. LESY 17.XI.45; good condition
1945-48 Pof.374, 375, 474, NV30 , comp. 4 pcs of counter sheet with hledanými plate variety, Poddanství with plate variety 1/86 and name Alexy, Pof.374 with plate variety 1/26 and 1/47, Pof.375 with R1/78, Pof.NV30 with plate variety 1/36; cat. only defects 885Kč
1945Pof.385, Moscow 1 Koruna red, L the bottom corner blk-of-10 with omitted the bottom perf and with plate variety 91 - stain before/(in front of) label čepice; exceptional offer, c.v.. - , -
1945 Pof.396OHZ, London-issue 1,50CZK inverted comb perforation, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1B + block of four with upper margin, superb, c.v.. 3.500CZK
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS with print of commemorative postmark BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 29.VIII.45 on face-side, at top supplemented with print CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVATÝ MARTIN 29.VIII.45
1945 Pof.427, Masaryk 15Kčs, block of four with plate variety 1/66 „zdeformovaná numeral(s) 5“ (part of edition); the most significant defect on this issue, c.v.. 480 CZK (significantly underprized)
1946 Pof.A437, miniature sheet exhibition BRNO 1946, set of all 12-ti plates incl. 3 variants printing plate 1, total 14 pcs of miniature sheets, c.v.. 500CZK
1948 PLATE PROOF Pof.487 II, 3Kčs K. Gottwald carmine, type II., pair plate proofs on paper without gum, by/on/at PLATE PROOF R upper corner thin place, PLATE PROOF L very fine; exp. Beneš
1949 Pof.504, Šverma 1Kčs, complete counter sheet with plate variety 1/33 wavy line on forehead and DV1/54 vertical line on forehead, vert. fold, in/at sheet with both errors/flaws exceptional
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.505, J.Fučík 2Kčs, plate proof in brown color on stamp paper without perf, block of four with L margin; right pair stamp. with flaw in gum, c.v.. 4.000CZK
1949 PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued stmp to 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, in/at green color without nominal value, block of four with upper margin and full machine offset, zk.Ša
1949 PLATE PROOF 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, without nominal value, 4 pcs of převrácených gutter in various colors on stamp paper with gum, orange, blue, green and black; interesting
1949PLATE PROOF 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, without nominal value, blue color, imperforated 2x 25 pcs of stamp. sheet with vert. gutters, very expressive paper crease, on reverse partial print on gummed side, interesting document used printing technique, exceptional!