1950 PLATE PROOF Pof.545, 5. anniv of liberation, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs of the value 5Kčs, 2x green-gray color, from that 1x imperforate stamp., 1x in brown color and 1x in red color; exp. by Gilbert., Kulda, repaired gum, c.v.. 3.600CZK
1950Pof.A564 III, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, type III., combination B/28, minor gum fault from nevhodného placing in photo-corners , after all rare and sought, c.v.. 20.000CZK
1950 Pof.A564, comp. 14 pcs of miniature sheets PRAGUE 1950, all types and subtypes, all identified and described, missing only III. and III.a type, all with exhibition postmarks, c.v.. 7.500CZK
1945-46 comp. 10 pcs of letters with issue Bratislava's, various multicolor frankings, for example. 3x Reg and Express, 5x Reg, various CDS; good condition
1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of ARCHŮ 31 complete counter sheet issues Bratislava-issue, Linden Leaves, Moscow-issue, Abolition of Serfdom, various values, from specialized viewpoint every counter sheet other - various plate field, folder, size paper, gum, period print, shades), a lot of plate flaws; interesting research material, from annulled study collection old currency
1945[COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of Pof.387-402, War Heroes, selection of 71 spodních bnd-of-20 with plate numbers (contains all values), also Pof.387 with plate variety 2/192 (one stain), 402 with plate variety 1/183 „péro after/behind kloboukem“ and 398 with plate variety 1/185 „výrazná stain next to ucha“, 1x shifted perforation, by/on/at 5h and 10h 3x smudge print plate number on edge, by/on/at some values various perf hřebeny; only plate number and catalogue plate variety 1.745Kč
1945 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZOVANÁ COLLECTION Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, complete set 9 souvenir sheet fields, very good condition, all on hingeless pages with descriptions typických flaws, c.v.. 2.500CZK
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of ARCHŮ Pof.429-30 (50 pcs of), 429 (100 pcs of), 436 (KHB with coupons), 508-10 (25 pcs of), 673 (Sport 1,50Kčs with date of print), 2449A and B, 2450 2x B (1x thin/light frames, 1x strong frames and shift), also with comp. of stamps with coupons from 60. years (excluded from sum); c.v.. counter sheet more than 700CZK
1955 Reg letter to France from exhibition PRAGA 1955, franked with. i.a. miniature sheet Pof.AA853/857A, special postmark PRAGUE 17.IX.1955, on reverse arrival + 1x miniature sheet perf Pof.A853/857A + 1x imperforated Pof.A853/857B, both hinged; interesting selection of
1961 Pof.1175ST, Mrštík 60h, UR corner blk-of-10 with 3 stamps II. type (TESTER, 9 and 10); contains combination types, resp. combination joined types in vertical or horiz. pairs; c.v.. 15.500CZK
1961-60 Pof.1205, Pernštejn 30h with wmk, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with date of print 5.VIII.61, supplemented with whole sheets Pof.1101 Trenčín 5h, Pof.1481 Jindřichův Hradec 10h and 2x Pof.DL92 Flowers 10h
1961 Pof.A1216, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962 "linen", plate A, significant red line in L upper margin above notice EVROPY, mint never hinged, superb, c.v.. 1.500CZK
1965 Pof.1459 and 1460, original skicy on/for both stamps issue Prague castle 1965, 3 pcs of black by Indian ink and 2 pcs of blue by pen, on/for 2 pcs of nažloutlého paper; author J. Švengsbír
1965 Pof.1482, Nitra 20h, comp. of stamps 9 editions with various differences colors also gum, from that 4 marginal and 2 corner pieces + marginal Pr with plate variety 1/84 (later variant); sought
1965 Pof.1483, Towns 30h, stmp with plate variety 1/25 (only on/for several costs before/(in front of) výměnou printing plate), one of objektivně most precious flaws CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., in addition extremely rare light color shade with glrilled gum - with this gum mainly dark green stamp.; rare offer, excellent condition
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1551, 70. Anniv Czechosl.O.C. 1CZK, PLATE PROOF on carton paper, print without grey-blue, i. e. die-stamping and only one hlubotisková stage; very interesting plate proof
1967 Pof.1652-53, Novotný 2 Koruna, corner blk-of-15 with plate variety 1/13, 1/21 and 1/42 and corner blk-of-10 with plate variety 2/11, 2/21 and 2/41; 3 Koruna corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 2/32; cat. only separate plate variety 760Kč
1970Pof.PL1820VV, World Exhibition EXPO 70 - Osaka, value 2Kčs, imperforated PB (!), which/what missing also in/at těch best known collections CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., on/for market with at all is rare, here for the first time in auction; in/at c.v.. POFIS price struck through, mint never hinged, exceedingly interesting, RR!
1971-92 Pof.1875-1883, 1964-1967, 1992, Vernacular Architecture, set of all variants papers and color varieties, on 2 hingeless pages, does not contain only Pof.1965xb, c.v.. 4.000CZK