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1984 BICAN Joseph (Pepi) (1913-2001), nejslavnější Czech footballer all period, handwritten letter with podpise; interesting content U:A4
1947 FOOTBALL signatures footballers on Ppc sent from Žilina 3.XI.46, i.a. BICAN, ŘÍHA, BUCHTA, KABOĆÍK and other U:A5
1942 FOOTBALL - SLOVAKIA PC sent from chorvatského Zahřebu to Bratislava sent from tour football club Š.K. ASO BRATISLAVA with signatures all players as Arpáš, Bayden, Bíelek, Karološ and other, on face-side print klubového postmark, CDS ZAGREB 10.VIII.42; good condition, rare U:A5
1936 FOOTBALL postcard from Wien (Vienna) with signatures of players from representative match Rakousko–ČSR 1:1, international cup, i.a. PLÁNIČKA, BURGR, PUČ, NEJEDLÝ, BRADÁČ, etc..; placed as part exhibit with description, interesting U:A4
1965 FOOTBALL postcard sent from tour Slovanu Bratislava to England with signatures of players as JOKL, VENCEL, SCHROIF, HORVÁTH, ADAMEC, HRIVŇÁK, TOMÁNEK, FILO, ŠIŠOLÁK and other U:A5
2005 KASPAROV Gary (1963-), Russian chess Grand master, world champion in/at šachu, signature on own photo U:A5
1929 KOŽELUH Charles (1895–1950), sportsman, Czechoslovak representative in tennis, ice hockey and football, from year 2006 member of International Tennis Hall of Fame, autograph on own photo-PC, atelier Balzar, at the back other text and signatures; luxury condition, interesting U:A5
1929 POPLER Rudolf (1899-1932), one from best known všestranných dostihových jezdců inter-war Czechoslovakia, participant 2 Olympic games, in 1932 zahynul near/in/at dostihu after/around Velké Pardubice, autograph on back side postcard, other signatures nadp. jezdectva Jaromír Skopalík, vedl funeral eskadrónu R. Poplera, Ladislav Rutar, legionnaire, member Nejvyššího military court and Obrany nation; interesting U:A5
1987 TENNIS two postcard sent from Davis Cup in 1987 Czechoslovakia - Argentina with signatures both mužstev as ŠREJBER, PÁLA, NOVÁČEK, ŠMÍD, H.dele PEŇA, VASQUEZ, FRANA, MINUSSI U:A5
1980 TENNIS letter with signatures of all members winning team of final Davis Cup in 1980 against Itály: Lendl, Šmíd, Složil, Kodeš, captain Bolardt, coach Korda; interesting U:A4