Public auction 41 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Philatelic Domains

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158437 - 1919 VÝTOPNA LEOPOLDOV and ĆS. RAILWAYS ÚŘAD (= office)
1919 VÝTOPNA LEOPOLDOV and ĆS. RAILWAYS ÚŘAD (= office) HRONSKÝ S. KRIŽ violet official postmark on/for 2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes postage free, CDS LIPTOVÁR 919 Jun.25. and GARAMSZENTKERESZT 919 Feb.3.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
156348 - 1920 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. str-of-4 Hra
1920 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. str-of-4 Hradčany 200h, CDS NOVÉ MESTO above V./ 26.III.20, burdened with postage-due 15h, mounted Postage due stamp Pof.DL2 + express stmp Pof.S2 used as stamps postage-due (!), framed CDS Postal Agency NAGYSZIKLÁS (Omšenie)/ 920.APR.7 d.u. (cat. Gebauer 2243/.); good condition
Starting price: CZK
157133 - 1918 Maxa M9, larger part pre-printing Austrian C.O.D. dispa
1918 Maxa M9, larger part pre-printing Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note, franked with Austrian stmp Coat of arms 2 Koruna and Charles 30h, Mi.204, 224, all perfin "MAY", f. Hejčinský sugar-factory and distillery, CDS HEJĆÍN - ŘEPČÍN/ 31.X.18, on reverse Postage due stamp Mi.47B, CDS NĚMČICE on/for H./ 2. XI.18 and mounted confirmation; bicolored parallel franking, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
157640 - 1925 Maxa N11, 2 pcs of larger parts international p.stat di
1925 Maxa N11, 2 pcs of larger parts international p.stat dispatch-notes with fee paid 40h stamp. issue Chainbreaker and T. G. Masaryk Neotypie (gravure-print) with perfin "N.&H." f.. Neumann & Haurowitz, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.VI.25 and PRAGUE 22/ 26.V.25, addressed to to Yugoslavia; viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
157055 - 1926 Maxa K19, 2 pcs of commercial PC with 1x T. G. Masaryk
1926 Maxa K19, 2 pcs of commercial PC with 1x T. G. Masaryk 50h and 1x str-of-3 Pigeon-issue 20h, all with perfin "KBD", f. V. Souček distillery Mochov, CDS MOCHOV 18.X. and 3.XI.26; slightly faded otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
157721 - 1938 Maca M17, commercial PC with Beneš 50h with perfin M.F
1938 Maca M17, commercial PC with Beneš 50h with perfin "M.F.&C." f. M.Faber & Co., CDS LETOVICE 2.IV.38, good condition
Starting price: CZK
157263 - 1898 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of perfins and identification
1898 [COLLECTIONS] collection of perfins and identification entires from territory Czechosl. state, contains 72 celistovostí + 300 single stamp., i.a. commercial letter f.. Joseph David with Hradčany 60h with perfin J.D., Maxa J21, or control card with revenue 1919 and perfin Maxa M19, f. Max Graber, then letter f. Makovický - liptovská brynza Ružomberok from year 1898, literature shows usage to from year 1904, 2x stamp. with perfin group/-s F (f. J. Fluss, Hutfabrik Přibor and M.J. Elsinger and sons) etc.., sorted with descriptions, supplemented with literaturou; interesting offer, placed in spiral cover on pages, suitable to continuation
Starting price: CZK
1919 FRANCE 22. CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVÁCKÝ REGIMENT/ VELITEL PRAPORU/ 1. BATTALION, French - Czech round cancel. supplemented with nationalized CDS PRAGUE 11/ 7.II.19, mounted advertising nálepeka CZECHOSL. legionářům, sender Černinské barracks - Prague Hradčany; folds in/at postcard, superb imprint of uniquely designed postmark
Starting price: CZK
156910 - 1918-19 FRANCE  story - selection of 18 pcs of Ppc sent from
1918-19 FRANCE story - selection of 18 pcs of Ppc sent from and to Czechosl. member legiií in France, 3x subdivision military cancel., from that 1x CENTRE ELÉVES ASPIRANTS St. MAIXENT/ LA VAGUEMESTRE, 1x CZECHOSL. útavrové cancel. CZECHOSL. INFANTRY REG. 88 with Hungarian CDS SZEPSI (Moldava above Bodvou), 2x photo - podobenka and handover military batt./guidon in/at Lovosicích; good condition, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
156216 - 1919 FRANCE  comp. 3 pcs of Ppc, 1x without franking postcar
1919 FRANCE comp. 3 pcs of Ppc, 1x without franking postcard Pařiž to Czechoslovakia with light blue cancel. CONSEIL NATIONAL DES PAYS TSCHEQUES / SERVICE POSTAL + postcard with violet cancel. DEPOT DES RÉGIMENTS TCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES/ FRANCHISE MILITAIRE + 1x postcard with red round cancel. AUXILIARY HOSPITAL ČERVENÉHO KŘÍŽE/ MILITARY CARE supplemented with CDS KARLIN 20.VIII.19; toned, interesting
Starting price: CZK
156217 - 1919 FRANCE  comp. 4 pcs of pohlednic,1x without franking po
1919 FRANCE comp. 4 pcs of pohlednic,1x without franking postcard Pařiž to Czechoslovakia with light blue cancel. CONSEIL NATIONAL DES PAYS TSCHEQUES / SERVICE POSTAL, light imprint + postcard with violet cancel. DEPOT DES RÉGIMENTS TCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES/ FRANCHISE MILITAIRE + 1x postcard with violet cancel. KRUH FRANCOUZSKÝCH LEGIONÁŘŮ + 1X postcard with red round cancel. AUXILIARY HOSPITAL ČERVENÉHO KŘÍŽE/ MILITARY CARE supplemented with CDS KARLIN 7.IX.19; toned, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158124 - 1918 ITALY  card Italian FP sent between members Czechosl. l
1918 ITALY card Italian FP sent between members Czechosl. legions in Italy, sender 32. REGIMENT CZECHO - SLOVACO, violet postmark (incomplete print) supplemented with FP-postmark POSTA MILITARE 52/ 15.9.18, Us Italian censorship; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
153043 - 1918 2 pre-printing military blank forms format A4 (tickets)
1918 2 pre-printing military blank forms format A4 (tickets) with heading and violet round cancel ŠTÁB 1. ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ HUSITSKÉ STŘEL. DIVISE + 1x supplemented with violet cancel. in Russian alphabet + 3 charges (permits) with violet circular cancel Czechosl. army in Russia, i.a. 2x cancel. in Russian alphabet with emblems; various cancels, all in Russian alphabet, interesting, part of the story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
158125 - 1918-20 RUSSIA  2 pcs of cards sent to Czechoslovakia from m
1918-20 RUSSIA 2 pcs of cards sent to Czechoslovakia from members Czechosl. legiií in Russia, 1x sender Telegraph detachment/section 2.čs. shooting regiment with red cancel. of Red Cross, sent from Jekatěrinburku 24.12.18 (cut), 1x card with violet cancel. POST CZECHOSL. VOJSK NA RUSI, sender Autopark Czechosl. armies, according to text Irkutsk 2.1.20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
153057 - 1919 3 military cards addressed to member of Czechosl. army
1919 3 military cards addressed to member of Czechosl. army in Russia, from that 2x with pre-printed heading NÁČELNÍK INSPEKTORSKÉHO ODDĚLENÍ ŠTÁBU ČESKOSLOVENSKÉHO VOJSKA NA RUSI, 1x with violet round cancel VELITEL POSÁDKY ČES. SL. VOJSK VE VLADIVOSTOKU, contains various official messages; part of the story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
153046 - 1918 3 cards with pre-printed heading NÁČELNÍK TAJNÉHO V
1918 3 cards with pre-printed heading NÁČELNÍK TAJNÉHO VÝZVĚD. ODDĚLENÍ ŠTÁBU I. ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ HUSITSKÉ STŘEL. DIVISE, with various official messages; part of the story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
153058 - 1919 a warrant about transporting of one member of the Czech
1919 a warrant about transporting of one member of the Czechosl. army in Russia back home, official heading NÁČELNÍK INSPEKTORSKÉHO ODDĚLENÍ ŠTÁBU ČESKOSLOVENSKÉHO VOJSKA NA RUSI, in front violet round cancel ŠTÁB ČESKOSLOVENSKÉHO ARMÁDNÍHO SBORU, at the back red cancel KOMENDANT STABU CESKOSLOVENSKYCH VOJSK D. V.; interesting, cross fold, patina, part of the story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
153059 - 1918 3 pcs of telegrams and 1 card from action of the Czecho
1918 3 pcs of telegrams and 1 card from action of the Czechosl. army in Russia, 1x card with heading NÁČELNÍK ŠTÁBU I. ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ HUSITSKÉ STŘELECKÉ DIVISE, contains official correspondence; part of the story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
158370 - 1918-19 RUSSIA  comp. 4 pcs of cuts with postmarks Czechosl.
1918-19 RUSSIA comp. 4 pcs of cuts with postmarks Czechosl. FP in Siberia on/for Russian stmp, from that 1x p.stat, violet cancel., i.a. FIELD POST ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCH VOJSK, etc..
Starting price: CZK
1918 RUSSIA VELITEL 2. KULOMETNÉ ROTY / 2. STŘELECKÉHO PLUKU JIŘÍHO Z PODĚBRAD round violet cancel. on card addressed to Czechoslovakia, supplemented with red cancel., CZECHOSL. RED CROSS/ ZAJATECKÝ ODDÍL, according to text written 28.XII.18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
156868 - 1919 RUSSIA  filled out off. blank form blank form about/by
1919 RUSSIA filled out off. blank form blank form about/by withdrawing from Church, nice postal imprint "Czechoslovak. REPUBLIC/ TESTER VOJENSTVÍ ODD. V RUSKU/ TESTER SPRÁVA in red color; cross fold
Starting price: CZK
156270 - 1928? RUSSIA  comp. 9 pcs of advertising labels, thematic li
1928? RUSSIA comp. 9 pcs of advertising labels, thematic line : On road to vítězné freedom (Czechoslovak legions and dobrovolci), incomplete set; brown shade, mostly good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
153065 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  RUSSIA  exceedingly interesting set main
1919 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA exceedingly interesting set mainly official, but also private correspondence member Czechosl. legions in Russia Jaroslav Bukvičky from the way home, contains i.a. official data from transport part/-s army ship Archer from Vladivostok to San Diega in/at USA: for example. knihu with commands commander II. transport 8. troop, named listings with signatures single soldiers 8. troop, postage stmp document soldiers, knihu sick men etc.., then genuine diagram navigation ships Archer to USA, railway map USA with marked trasou transport on/for eastern shore, then 2 letters YMCA sent from Brestu in France to Czechoslovakia, jmenný listing soldiers part/-s 8. troop transported by train from France (Brestu) to Czechoslovakia, command to transport (francouzky), etc..; quite unique collection documenting way soldiers Czechosl. legions from Russia to Czechoslovakia, all in cardboard box, součast story Bukvička
Starting price: CZK
153064 - 1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  RUSSIA  very interesting set offici
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA very interesting set official and private correspondence member Czechosl. armies in Russia Jaroslav Bukvičky, contains official cards with various cancel. Czechosl. armies in Siberia, official report, then exceedingly valuable personal correspondence zasílánou to Bohemia with interesting content osvětlujícím action Czechosl. legions in Russia, etc.., ca. 100 pcs of documents, written in Czech and also rusky; major-part well preserved, all part story Bukvička, unique collection, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
1919 39. VÝZVĚDNÝ REGIMENT ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ I. BATTALION 2-lines FP-postmark., comp. 2 pcs of letters and 1 postcard + 39. REGIMENT Č.S. 1.ROTA on 2 postcards, all sent from Slovak territory to Bohemia; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
1919 PLNOMOCNÍK ĆES. SLOV. REPUBLIKY PŘI LIKV. MINISTERSTVU WARS / ODBOR NÁMOŘNÍ violet three-line postmark on/for R-dopisnici sent to Pula, CDS WIEN 22.VIII.19, arrival POLA 26.VIII.19, passed through censorship
Starting price: CZK
153067 - 1920-1930 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting set of official, b
1920-1930 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting set of official, but also private correspondence from estate of member of Czechosl. legions in Russia Jaroslav Bukvička from period after return to the country (1920-30), contains i.a. big B/W photograph of legionaries - Bukvička in uniform of the Russian legionaries, various personal document, the appointment letter for captain rank, official statement of activities of Bukvička in Russia, official documents, part as secret and classified, i.a.; all the story of Bukvička, interesting supplemental material of Czechosl. legionnaire, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
158718 - 1930-1938 comp. 4 pcs of pytlových mailbag receipts intende
1930-1938 comp. 4 pcs of pytlových mailbag receipts intended for FP, various cancel. as red CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 22/ 28.X., CENTRAL POLŃÍ POST 18.X.31, FP COLLECTING OFF. PRAGUE 30.X.38 etc.. + 4 pcs of letters, 1x R, military unit postmark red SORTING POLNÍCH POŠT 3, blue ŠTÁBNÍ AUTOMOBILOVÁ KOLONA 39., SBOROVÁ HOSPITAL 11, FP SORTING OFF. Č. 1, etc..; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
157700 - 1925 DOSÍLANÁ CORRESPONDENCE  commercial Reg letter to Bra
1925 DOSÍLANÁ CORRESPONDENCE commercial Reg letter to Brazil, with issue Agriculture and Science 200h blue + 300h violet, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.1.25, on reverse arrival postmark - consequently redirected and sent back, arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES 25.VII.25, postmaster notice; interesting, signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
157718 - 1937 DOSÍLLANÁ CORRESPONDENCE  Reg letter to Iran, there s
1937 DOSÍLLANÁ CORRESPONDENCE Reg letter to Iran, there several times redirected, by hand written notice on front also back side, returned back, with 5CZK Olomouc, Pof.312 with CDS ÚSTÍ above L. 1/, 14.XII.37, several transit postmarks supplemented with příchodem PRAGUE 7/ FOREIGN COUNTRIES 21.I.38; signs of usage, interesting destination
Starting price: CZK
156631 - 1927 FISKÁL  account court fees uhrazených stamp. 12x Masa
1927 FISKÁL account court fees uhrazených stamp. 12x Masaryk 1CZK /from that 1x blk-of-10/ + Masaryk 50h + Pigeon-issue 30h, round cancel. OKRESNÍ SOUD V DOMAŽLICÍCH; interesting mixed franking
Starting price: CZK
158378 - 1920 HLUČÍN REGION/  Reg letter to Prague, recipient F. Š
1920 HLUČÍN REGION/ Reg letter to Prague, recipient F. Šašek, franked with. mixed franking 2 German stamp. TESTER + stamp. Hradčany 50h + 15h, Pof.7, 15, CDS HLUČÍN 5.II.20; decorative, on reverse missing lapel, open from 2 sides
Starting price: CZK
156350 - 1920 COMPLAINT PC CDV14 II., CDS PRAGUE 15/ 12.II.20, addres
1920 COMPLAINT PC CDV14 II., CDS PRAGUE 15/ 12.II.20, addressed to telephone headquaters in Prague, with mounted blank form of Telephone central office in Prague with complaints about not receiving the telephone list with telephone numbers; rare
Starting price: CZK
158035 - 1933 ÚLOŽNY  redirected and returned letter with mailing M
1933 ÚLOŽNY redirected and returned letter with mailing MC BRNO 1/ 2.XI.33, returned with cancel. RETURN, off. opened with stick-on label POST OFF. DIRECTORATE A TELEGRAFŮ N./M. IN BRNO, by hand written notice and doplňková postmark; signs of usage, rare stick-on label
Starting price: CZK
158042 - 1923 VADA  letter sent from USA to Czechoslovakia with stick
1923 VADA letter sent from USA to Czechoslovakia with stick-on label VADA/ TESTER ZÁVĚREM with CDS PRAGUE 7/ 17.XI.23 + off. stick-on label POST OFFICE PRAGUE 7; good condition
Starting price: CZK
157706 - 1936 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE  paper kapsa sent as Registered, f
1936 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE paper kapsa sent as Registered, franked by stmp 2CZK and 40h, Pof.294 and 253, CDS JAROMĚŘ 14.XII.36
Starting price: CZK
157923 - 1936 ZMEŠKALÁ MAILING  Reg and airmail letter from Prague
1936 ZMEŠKALÁ MAILING Reg and airmail letter from Prague to Sheffieldu, franking 6,50CZK, 2x Prague 2,50CZK + Mácha 50h and 1CZK, CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE, on reverse PRAGUE AIRMAIL, additional cancel. ZMEŠKALÁ MAILING; attractive small format and good destination
Starting price: CZK
158377 - 1919 postcard Znojmo with Hradčany 15h, special postmark SO
1919 postcard Znojmo with Hradčany 15h, special postmark SOKOL FESTIVAL VE ZNOJMO 24.VIII.1919, with sletovou label FESTIVAL ZNOJMO 8.VIII.1919; bumped corners, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158137 - 1933 letter with 2x 10h Coat of arms, advertising machine pr
1933 letter with 2x 10h Coat of arms, advertising machine print PRAGUE 25/ 22.II.33 "Více mléka/ more health/salutes", superb, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
158141 - 1934 special delivery card with advertising added print sent
1934 special delivery card with advertising added print sent pneumatic-tube post, franked by stmp 1CZK + 60h + 30h, CDS PRAGUE 45/ 9.I.34, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
158122 - 1938 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST  letter sent from Prague to Brno, s
1938 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST letter sent from Prague to Brno, sent by pneumatic tube post, with 2x 50h Vouziers and 40h Comenius, CDS PRAGUE 20/ 14.VI.38, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 7, vylepná violet label for pneumatic-tube post; good condition
Starting price: CZK
156619 - 1936 PC with advertising added print VYSOKOŠKOLSKÝ SPORT -
1936 PC with advertising added print VYSOKOŠKOLSKÝ SPORT - JIU JITSU; zajímvé, good condition
Starting price: CZK