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1908 Mi.139-156, Ferch.139-156, Jubilee 1H-10K; 2 K with light fold, otherwise perfect set, cat. 475€ U:A5
1908 Mi.141, 142, 146, 148, comp. of 4 imperforated stamps issue 1908, values 3h, 5h, 20h + 30h; hinged U:A5
1910 Mi.161-177, Jubilee 1H-10K, complete never hinged set; cheap value 10h dirty in paper; cat. 1100€ U:A5
1910 Mi.161-177, Ferch.161-177, Jubilee 1H-10K, lightly hinged, cat. 750€ U:A5
1910 Mi.175-177, Jubilee 2K-10K, CDS WIEN; cancels from favor, overall very nice set U:A5
1916 Mi.203Ia, b, 207I, Ferch.203aA, bA, 207A, 3x Coat of arms 10K dark violet, clear print and unclear print and 10K light violet; luxury compilation, Mi.207 is rare stamp, cat. 635€ U:A5
1916 Mi.205II, Ferch.205B, Coat of arms 3 K light red, wide, short tooth, but still extraordinary and rare stamp, cat. Michel 1.900€, Ferchenbauer. 1800€, great offer U:A5
1916-1917 Mi.219C, Express stamp Mercure 5h green, LZ 11½:/12½; rare perforation, perfect quality, cat. 200€ U:A5
1894 Mi.9, Postage due 50 Kreuzer, block of four, cancel SCHL 3.1.1900; cat. min. 360€++, also Ferchenbauer page 508 U:A5
1915 FIELD-POST Mi.1-21, complete set 1H-10K with Opt K.u.K.. FIELD-POST; never hinged, cat. 520€ U:A5
1916 SERBIA Field post in Serbia, Mi.1-21, Ferch.1-21, 1h-10K, horizontal Opt SERBIA, values 1 K and 5 K with small hinges, otherwise luxury; cat. Ferchenbauer 595€ U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST ROMANIA trial prints of the 3rd issue Charles, Mi.18-34, complete set without perforation, on stamp paper with gum, mint, cat. for (*) 160€ U:A5
1893-1900 3 Reg letters sent in the place, 2x kreuzer and 1x hellers frankings, CDS PRAG and HOLEŠOVICE - BUBNA; decorative U:A5
1896 commercial Reg letter sent in the place with return receipt, franked on front side with 10Kr and 5 Kreuzer, on the back side 2x 5 Kreuzer, CDS KRČ 2.7.96; light cross folds; decorative U:A5
1897-1900 5 Reg letters addressed to Prague, 2x kreuzer frankings + 3x heller frankings, various CDS, decorative compilation U:A5
1900 INVOICE - bill issued for municipal office in Landškroun, with postage Mi.69, 2x 1h instead of a revenue, amount 7Zl 95kr, added in new currency 15K 90h, interesting document of the monetary reform U:A3v–
1901 Reg postcard addressed to Chřibská, with 5 + 25H, Mi.72 and 76, CDS NÁCHOD 7.4.01, arrival postmark KREIBITZ 8.4.01 in front; interesting also as Ppc U:A5
1911-15 4 CP franked on front and also at back side with issue 1908, 3x CDS BRUX, 1x PRAG, good condition U:A5
1915 Reg letter to Karlovy Vary franked with Surtax stamps Mi.181 (3x), 182, 183, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 8.V.15, at the back 4 pcs of interesting advertising labels; nice quality U:A5