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1971 TCP Mi.531-532, 25. Anniversary UNICEF, 25F +60F, comp. of 3 pcs of trial printings; very interesting, mounted on sheet A4 U:A4
1918 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.3, 4, 5-15, issue EEF Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1P ultramarine, 1P with Opt 5 milliemes, set 1m-20Pia, singles, blocks of four, corner, gutter, plate flaw, outer ledge, and others, only single stamps £1.040; rare compilation, still very cheap stamps from perspective destination! U:Z
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd Mi.20, Sc. 38A, 1/8 Pia brown-carmine with black arc Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd", on cut-square with CDS DJEDDA; very nice quality, signed, Michel shows only blue Opt cat. 4.500€, Scott for black $4.250, minimum printing, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd Mi.20, Sc. 38A, 1/8 Pia brown-carmine with black arc Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd"; very nice quality, exp. Angeloglu mark "ela", Michel shows only blue Opt cat. 4.500€, Scott for black $4.250, minimum printing, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd Mi.20, black Opt Matbua (printed matter) on 1/8 Pia brown-carmine with violet arabian Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd"; very rare stamp, exp. Angeloglu mark "ela", cat. 1.700€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.50c, golden 2-lines Opt on Mi.5 Ornament ¼Pia green, signed; very rare stamp with minimal edition, cat. 2.000€ U:DR
1925 SG.D186var, issue HEJAZ, "King Ali", complete sheet of 50, postage-due ½Pia light blue, without black overprint ! double print; on sheet from old collection, rare! U:A3v–
1925 SG.D187var, issue HEJAZ, "King Ali", complete sheet of 50, Postage-due 1Pia orange, without black overprint ! double print; on sheet from old collection U:A3v–
1925 SG.D188var, issue HEJAZ, "King Ali", complete sheet of 50, Postage-due 2Pia red-brown, without black overprint ! double print; on sheet from old collection U:A3v–
1925 SG.D189var, issue HEJAZ, "King Ali", complete sheet of 50, Postage-due 3Pia pink, without black overprint ! double print; on sheet from old collection U:A3v–
1916-1925 [COLLECTIONS] HEJAZ and NEDJD - Hedschaz and Nedschd, old commercial estate, single and sets on ca. 140 original sheets Charles Russ INC (founded 1964), postage stamps, Opt and their colors, Postage due stamps, all almost complete, incl. rare HEJAZ P13a * and used 13b * and used, 16 used 2x , Mi.70 3x, better values from Mi.60-67, 72c, Opt and, b, c, on 72-80, NEDJD with overprints on issues Hejaz again almost complete, issue Visit of sultan in Medina Mi.42-46 and many more, according to the old cat. Scott $15.800, in addition 14 cards with stamps with inverted opt, imperforated TCP and others., extraordinary and rare complex, great opportunity, excelent collection U:K
1920 SG.1a, Palestine 1M ink-bag with Opt "East Jordan", Opt inverted, perfect marginal piece, certificate Najjar, cat. £140 + 100%; very undervalued stamp! U:A5