1919 Mi.41, Austrian postage-due 25h big numerals, block of four with centrálně placed CDS WAKELSDORF (Teplice n. M.)/ 28.II.19 - last day of validity Austrian stamps in Czechoslovakia (!); very interesting, c.v.. 3.200Kč++
1918-19 Austrian PC Charles 8h, II. part, burdened by surtax 5h, Mi.P47 with CDS DOMAŽLICE 24.I.19 and Austrian letter-card Charles 15h, burdened by surtax 10h, Mi.P48 with frame cancel. ČÁSLAV 26.10.18; good condition
1919 2 letters sent as printed matter to Kremsu and Wien (Vienna), exact bisected franking 6h 1916, CDS PRAGUE, SZALOSITZ (rarer cancel. - Žalhostice), once with atypical additional cancel. "RETURN NA FRANKOVÁNÍ"; rare!, vertical folds
19192 off. letters sent as printed matter to 20g and through/over 20g to Vienna, exact bisected franking 6h and 10h issue 1916, CDS SMÍCHOV, on/for Austrian side disallowed and extra paid, with marked "T" and "T 10h" with Austrian 10h postage-due, rare forerunner entires!
1919 3 Reg letters from same correspondence to Vienna, all with remark "Fh. 45h", 1x with 3 bisected Austrian 1916, CDS SMÍCHOV; small formats, attractive selection of
1919 letter to Prague, with 2x Charles 15h, Mi.221 and 2x Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, CDS ZDICE 19.3/19, burdened by surtax 20h, postpaid with stmp 2x Postage due stmp - ornament 10h with private perf; good condition
1919 Express letter to Josefova with mixed Austrian - Czechosl. franking, with Coat of arms 60h, Mi.196 + Pof.5 as Pr, nationalized CDS UHŘÍNĚVES 15.2.19, small format; non-philatelic, minor faults - by/on/at Austrian stamp. slightly rusty teeth, otherwise good
1919 FP card and postcard to Vienna, with bisected frankings stamp. 25h and 20h+10h issue 1916-1917, text on FP card i.a. : " Milýstrýčku, protoženemám 10h stamp, musímpoužít halving 20h (!) haléřovou...", interesting piece from common correspondence!
1919 Reg letter to Vienna with franking 7 divided Austrian stamps 1916 and halving 5h Hradčany, disallowed with remark "Fh. 45h", CDS SMÍCHOV + Reg letter above 20g, "Fh.50h"; vertical fold, interesting entires, heavier rekomando cash is rather rare
1919Reg letter Spořitelnímu office in Vienna, franking Charles 20h and 25h postage-due 1916, CDS BLATNÁ; perfect condition, exact and very rare franking!
1919 larger part Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note franked with. on/for zdaní side str-of-5 stamp. Postage due stmp with overprint PORTO 1h, Pof.P58, CDS BRNO 18.I.19, arrival postmark TŘEBÍČ 1/21.I.19; parallel multiple franking, good condition
1919 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of ca. 150 pcs of smaller part/-s dispatch-notes, parallel franking, issue Charles, Coat of arms, Crown, several mixed frankings with issues Hradčany, interesting frankings and CDS, i.a. several TESTER; interesting selection of
1918Pof.RV43-RV84, Mareš's overprint, Hluboka issue, complete set 42 pcs of, red inverted overprint (!); hinged, all exp. by Mrnak., very fine, c.v.. 9.900CZK
Pof.1-3, 5, 8, comp. 7 pcs of corner blk-of-4, contains values 1h brown, 3h violet, 5h light green and 20h blue-green with control-numbers, value 10h red also dark red, 5h green; interesting selection of
Pof.4, 7, 10, comp. of 3 bottom corner blocks of 4 with control-numbers, values 5h light green, plate 1, plate mark cut "5" in control-numbers, 15h bricky red plate 2, 25h violet, plate 3; value 15h small tearing in LL corner
1918 Pof.4N (2),7, 9N, 10N, 21, compilation of 2x 10h green + 20h, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Lešetický with slight original granule in paper, 120h print on gummed side; very nice compilation, cat. 3.900CZK
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, horizontal strip of 3 with partial machine offset, L marginal stmp mint never hinged with full offset, exp. by Karasek Be, cat. min. 7.100Kč
Pof.10, 10N, corner bloks of four, value 25h - creating miniatures, contains i.a. LR corner block of 4 25h ultramarine with control-numbers, exp. by Gilbert., Be, UR corner blok of 4 25h dark blue; interesting
Pof.11 STs, 25h violet, blok of four with R margin and register point, joined spiral types, printing plate 2, position 59; small bend in upper margin, cat. 1.000CZK
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, with lower margin, production flaw wrinkle in paper - hair paper crease in LL corner, light hinged, experized Gilbert, cat. 2.400CZK
Pof.16TV, 50h blue, 40ti-blok with nejoblíbenější printing flaw "provázek", t.j. print motouzu which/what with dostal on/for printing desku (see Monograph I., pic.. 229), and to on all stamps in 3 column from the L (!); in addition on all stamps in 2 column and several pcs. in/at 1. column from the L other outlines this provázku; exceedingly interesting and sought by specialists, from foreign exhibit, in the middle 1x horiz. folded out of stmp and on reverse whole line variously big tmavších stains; quite rare offer
Pof.18-20, comp. of 3 LR corner blocks of 4 with control-numbers, values 75h grey-green, plate 2, darker shade, 80h olive, plate 1 with plate flaw "skull in bushes", pos. 100, 100h brown