1936ZMEŠKALÁ MAILING Reg and airmail letter from Prague to Sheffieldu, franking 6,50CZK, 2x Prague 2,50CZK + Mácha 50h and 1CZK, CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE, on reverse PRAGUE AIRMAIL, additional cancel. ZMEŠKALÁ MAILING; attractive small format and good destination
1919 postcard Znojmo with Hradčany 15h, special postmark SOKOL FESTIVAL VE ZNOJMO 24.VIII.1919, with sletovou label FESTIVAL ZNOJMO 8.VIII.1919; bumped corners, interesting
1934 special delivery card with advertising added print sent pneumatic-tube post, franked by stmp 1CZK + 60h + 30h, CDS PRAGUE 45/ 9.I.34, sound condition
1938 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST letter sent from Prague to Brno, sent by pneumatic tube post, with 2x 50h Vouziers and 40h Comenius, CDS PRAGUE 20/ 14.VI.38, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 7, vylepná violet label for pneumatic-tube post; good condition
1918-39[COLLECTIONS] GENERAL incomplete, but nice basic collection with light specialisation on sheets in glassine envelopes and spring folders, contains basic sets of Hradčany, 5h gutter, perforation types, several better items of PČ 1919 (overprint), basic set of typography issues - types, perf, Congress, Festival, Airmail, SO 1920, etc., larger part of stamps hinged, cat. ca. 60.000CZK
1919-39[COLLECTIONS] GENERAL incomplete collection on/for hingeless album lístech, contains much better stamp., issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science set, several unissued, 2x Congress, Festival according to wmk, Jubilee T. G. Masaryk and Prague - Tatras according to wmk, Memorial 1930 with coupons, Airmail I. - III. according to perf, SO1920 (overprint), etc.., stmp hinged considered, in overwhelming majority **, c.v.. 43.000Kč
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue small collection on 11 album pages, basic set, incl. stamp. 10h green without perf, several bloks of four, set nepřepážkového perf D line perforation 11½; etc.., cat. min. 3.000CZK
1918-35[COLLECTIONS] POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 business supply of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 2 stockbooks and fold, value spočívá in/at issue PČ 1919 (overprint), part stmp with overprint expertized, part marked forgery, supplemented with drobnostmi from other issues, i.a. overprint Congress and Festival on stmp T. G. Masaryk, other album with reserve used stamp. all issue, c.v.. ca. 30.000CZK
[COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue Pof.143-150, specialized comp. of stamps, plate variety and retouch, value 5h violet - 5 pcs of upper half-sheets, 15h - blk-of-15, in 8-sheet stockbook, expertly elaborated, interesting research material
1920[COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue + issue Chainbreaker selection of vyhledaných plate variety, flaw print, retouch, perf on/for used stamp. in/at one stockbook A4, part described and identified
1920-1927 [COLLECTIONS] issue Chainbreaker collection postmarked stamps, identified also unresolved plate variety, defects print, big part described pos., values 20h, 25h, 30h,40h, 50h red also green and 250h; c.v.. for single stamp. without započítání plate variety and flaws print 4.200CZK, placed in on 9 pages in/at 12-sheet stockbook A4
1918-38[COLLECTIONS] DESKOVÉZNAČKY issues Newspaper stamps 1918, Newspaper stamps 1937, Postage due stmp 1928, collection several hundreds corner stamp. with plate marks, mainly mint never hinged, part used, several entires and spodních bnd-of-10 Newspaper stamp. 1918, all in/at one 20-sheet new stockbook
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE remaining selection, contains among others. 26 pcs of various PLATE PROOF mainly on/for maculature papers, set complete sets for example. Pof.233-242, 261-264KD, 261-264KH, 2x detached gutter 304-310Ms, SK1-2, several bloks of four with plate number, souvenir sheets A335, A329/330, A342/343, A347, interesting are Postage due stamp Pof.DL56 (6 pcs of) with print red color in/at mezerách between stamps, several cut-squares with special postmark Czechosl. field post in England, etc..; nice quality, placed on 17 cards A5, cat. min. 3.400CZK
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM collection of ca. 50 pcs of entires supplemented with scattered used stamp. in/at envelopes, part waste, 1x stockbook Pofis with residue/scrap stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA
1923-1938 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE collection postmarked stamps, contains a lot of stamps, i.a. forgeries stamp. Congress, Pof.176-179, various varieties of paper (parchment, carton), imperforated or partially perforated stamp. Pof.188, defects perf, various wmk incl. better types, color, double roll embossing (3x) stamp. Pof.267, plate number, souvenir sheets Pof.A329/330 and 342/343 with oblique print blue color, etc.; in 12-sheet stockbook A4.
1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly used stamp. in album, Czechoslovakia I. + II., i.a. contains these stamp. Pof.49I, 67, 69, 81, 83, 116, 117, L1-L3, Festival, Congress, SO1920 (overprint), and generálně used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., PROTECTORATE, FOREIGN COUNTRIES set ca. 500 pcs of entires, contains part various interesting entires from Czechoslovakia I., II., Protectorate, then various origin, contains i.a. letters Austria with krejcarovými and halířovými frankings, then Hungary, Denmark, USA, etc..; in cardboard box
1918-1945 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of ca. 50 pcs of entires, contains various letters, printed-matters, advertising added prints etc.., part franked with. issue Hradčany, déle Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, etc.., also several Reg and Express and airmail letters, supplemented with about/by several entires Protectorate
1918-36 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of 90 pcs of various entires with various issues as Festival, Hussite-issue, T. G. Masaryk 1920, Revolutionary overprints, stamp. from miniature sheet Anthem-issue and other issue from 30. years, part letters propagačnimi machine postmarks, part as Registered; good condition, zajimavé
1920-38[COLLECTIONS] group of ca. 150 pcs of various entires, with issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, Hradčany and other issue, mainly addressed to abroad - France, all in/at covers in cardboard box
1919 CPŘ3, Austrian PC Charles 8h uprated stamp. Hradčany 3h, private commercial additional printing insurance bank Slávie, MC PRAGUE 22.I.19; good condition
1919 CPŘ33 in parallel valid Hungarian PC Mi.P70, uprated with stamp 5h Hradčany, Hungarian CDS SZENICZE (Senica)/ 919.MÁJ.27, addressed to to Vienna; sound condition
1920CPŘ55, Hungarian letter-card 15f violet uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h red, CDS BAZIN 919 Sep.1., redirected and sent back with mailing CDS TURÓCZSÉNTMÁRTIN1.Sep.919, conforms postal rate II, incl. margins, rare usage
1920CPŘ55, Hungarian letter-card 15f violet sent after validity to France, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 17.I.20, marked postage due postmark "T", arrival postmark PARIS 22.I.20, Us Czechosl. censorship, incl. margins
1919Telephone order, cut forerunner Hungarian order to dálkovémutelefonickémuhovoru (Távbeszélö-jegy), on reverse paid fee stamp. Hradčany 3h in vertical pair and 30h, Pof.2, 12, CDS DÉVÉNYUJFALU (Devínská Nová Ves ) 19.MAJ.31; interesting
1919CDV14, comp. 3 pcs of Un p.stat Hradčany 15h with production errors/flaws - expressive shift of cut in the direction of up, double impression and consequently again 2x overprinted and significant band (evidently underlaid poružkem paper near/in/at print); very interesting selection of
1920PLATE PROOF single PC abroad CDV20 in/at carmine color, supplemented with original kusem in red color for comparison, on reverse hints after sticking
1920 TCP single postcard for abroad CDV20, in green color, with printed stamp 20h Hradčany and with monogram, Czech-French text, left irregular margin of the printing sheet, at top cut by hand, without damage, rare occurrence!
1932 CDV34, double PC abroad, both parts undetached and used (!), part I addressed to Germany, CDS KARLOVY VARY 1/ 24.V.32, part II back to Czechoslovakia with MC BERLIN/ 25.V.32; sender Dr. Karl D. Becher, famous doctor in K. Vary; foreign owner's mark in front, good quality, sought by specialists
1933-38 CPO2, 2 pcs of Us insufficiently stamped PC for pneumatic-tube post, I. + type II., CDS PRAGUE 4/ 11.III.33 and PRAGUE TÚS (Technical Services) 19.XII.38 - additionally mounted label pneumatic-tube post; on reverse hints after sticking
1921Pof.CPL1C, mailing card for telegram, Slovak text, uprated Postage due stamps Pof.DL3+DL4 used as postage (!), CDS TREBIŠOV 4.VI.21, addressed to to Trnovce above V.; dusky UR corner, otherwise good quality, collector sought, Slovak uprated mailing card is rare
1919 Pof.CPL2C+A, multiple print on face-side, 2x Czech version + 1x inverted Slovak version, on reverse in addition full offset Czech version; well preserved
1925CPV3a, order card Hradčany 20h, Czech text, part I., uprated with stamp Pigeon-issue 10h and Postage due stmp 50/500h, Pof.146 and DL45, CDS JIČÍN 2.IX.25; interesting offer
1920 CPP11, whole international dispatch note, uprated with stamp Hradčany 400h and 1000h + 300h issue Agriculture and Science and 2x 5h Pigeon-issue, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 31.VIII.20, addressed to to Switzerland, celmí cancel. and customs hinge / label; 2x vert. fold out of stmp, viewing of quality recommended, cat. min. 1.900CZK
1935advertising telegram Čerekla No.23 (printed matter 769č IV-1935), on both sides advertising, used, A4, only in the middle light fold; very fine piece
1918-1938[COLLECTIONS] collection big Un p.stat, contains C.O.D. dispatch-note CDP3A, 3B, CDP4B2, A2, CDP6A, 6C, CDP10, order card stationery CPV1C, 1B, CPV 2B, 2C, CPV4, CPV6, CPV8, CPV1A+B, CPV4, 14, 16,CPV8B, CPP8A, CPV11, 13, etc..; on album sheets, very high catalogue value ca. 92.000Kč, very interesting offer