Public auction 41 / Philately / Asia / Southeast Asia / Kelantan

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158771 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION Coat of arms and Sultan Ismail with
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION Coat of arms and Sultan Ismail with Opt new values and red "seal" of Japanese govenor, 10C/6C, 12C/8C, 40C/2C, 1$/4C, 2$/5C, 5$/6C; in addition 2$/5C without seal, cat. £430
Starting price: CZK
158793 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J28-30, 32, 33 (2), 35 (2), 36-4
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J28-30, 32, 33 (2), 35 (2), 36-40, Sultan Ismail only with Opt of new values, without red Opt "seal of Japanese governor", very nice quality, variants "interrupted Opt" and "offset at top", SG.40 50C/1C with certificate RPSL, cat. min. £240
Starting price: CZK
158792 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J29, two blocks of four and pair
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J29, two blocks of four and pair Coat of arms 2$/5C without red Opt "seal of Japanese governor", several variants - value Opt "$2.00" on 2 stamp value compared to next and on 2 stamps with shift of last numeral(s) "0", on sheets from old collection, cat. £160++ (as single basic stamps)
Starting price: CZK
158787 - 1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand, SG.TK4, Coat of arms 8C violet, perfect piece; certificate BPA, (cat. only.) £350, very rare
Starting price: CZK
158788 - 1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand19. 10. 1943, SG.TK5, Coat of arms 10C violet, perfect piece, certificate BPA, (cat. only.) £450
Starting price: CZK
158791 - 1944 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1944 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand 19. 10. 1943, SG.TM1-TM6, general issue, lithographic print, complete issue 3x, War monument 1C-15C, both perf 12½; and 12½/11, on two sheets from old collection, all stamps genuie, i.a. 4 marginal pieces, cat. £420++, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK