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1850-2005 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection, many issues of George V., then almost complete, contains complete sets, never hinged pound values, joined printings, booklets etc., supplemented with local issues of Scotland, Wales etc., placed in 3 stockbooks on sheets in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 5.200€ U:Z
1940-2000 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of postage stamp on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, smaller part of issue George VI., specialisation Elizabeth II., various types, papers, wmk etc., also local issue Scotland, Wales etc., contains i.a. SG.462-475, 485-490, 503-508, 515-531 etc.; cat. min. 1.800€, interesting U:Z
1948-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, contains favourite souvenir sheets, joined printings and sets, high face-value; placed in 2 zásobních A4 U:Z
1960-1999 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS collection of stamp booklets, placed in 2 stockbooks on sheets in glassine envelopes, various types and issues; cat. min. 1.700€, interesting offer U:Z
1972-2004 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of modern stamps in gutter-pairs, contains i.a. postage stamps Castles Mi.1396-1399, various types, also motives, placed in clamping pockets on sheets in stockbook; cat. only stamps 2.000€ U:Z
1958-2004 [COLLECTIONS] ISLE OF MAN very nice basic collection on sheet in 2 stockbooks in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Mi.105-117A+B, 220-235, postage-due Mi.P1-8, I. + II. etc., souvenir sheets, also gutter-pairs on 18 sheets; cat. min. 1.800€ U:Z
1958-2005 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNESEY, ALDERNEY nice basic collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 stockbooks, contains Guernsey 1958-2005, i.a. Mi.8-23, 22B, 23B, Mi.P1-7 + Alderney 1983-2004, souvenir sheets, motives etc. + on 15 sheets 2-stamps joined printings; cat. ca. 2.300€ U:Z
1958-2005 [COLLECTIONS] JERSEY very nice basic collection on sheet in 2 stockbooks in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Mi.7-21, Mi.1169-72, postage-due Mi.P1-6, I. + II. etc., souvenir sheets, then gutter-pair and 24 sheets with stamp booklets; cat. min. 1.930€ U:Z
1979-2005 [COLLECTIONS] ISLE OF MAN, JERSEY back-up collection in 2 full stockbooks A4, mainly complete, various sets, souvenir sheets, motives etc. U:Z