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Cross after/behind 10 years výtečné service for officers U:X
Medal For Merit - Ferdinandovská bronze U:X
Medal For Merit - Ferdinandovská silver U:X
1880 Order of valor, 4th grade, 2nd class, 1st issue; right small reparation of enamel U:X
1900- Order for civil war merit, the 4th grade; original etui U:X
1900- Order For civil war merit, the 5th grade; original etui U:X
1910-1918 Medal For Merit - Borisovská bronze with crown + without crown + Memorial medal on/for war 1915-1918; 3 pcs of medals U:X
1915 Military emblem For/Behind chrabrost, IV. grade U:X
Order national freedom 1941-1945, II. grade U:X
Order rudého batt./guidon U:X
Order rudého batt./guidon work U:X
Order military statečnosti and zásluh, II. grade U:X
1944 Order of the 9th Septembra 1944 without swords, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade; 3 pcs U:X
1944 Order of the 9th Septembra 1944 with swords, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade; 3 pc U:X
1945- [COLLECTIONS] comp. 6 pcs of medals, For Merit about/by protection border; 1300 years Bulgaria; On memory Georgi Dimitrova 1882/1982; 40 years socialistic homeland; 40 years victory above hitlerovským fašismem + document U:O4
1945- [COLLECTIONS] comp. 9 pcs of medals, contains medal 25 years People's army; 30 years Bulharské national army; 30 years orgánů ministry of Internal Affairs; Veterán work; Kliment Ochridský; For Merit about/by construction army; 30 years victory above Germany; 100 years Aprilského revolt 1876 + 100. anniv of liberation from osmanského područí U:O5
1945- Medal Vlastenecká válaka 1944-1945 + medal For/Behind 15 years in/at forced silách + medal For/Behind 15 years in stavebním vojsku + Medal 25 years Bulgarian army + medal ministry of Internal Affairs For Merit about/by bezpečnost; total 5 pcs of U:X
1945- Order Cyril and Metoda, 2. grade U:X
1946- Order mateřské fame II. grade U:X
1946- Order labour fame, I. grade U:X
1947- Order of the Bulgarian peoples republic, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade; original etue from the 1st grade medal U:X
1950-77 National Order work - 2. and 3. issue 1950 and 1977, silver grade, + ordenská book + golden grade 1977 U:X