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1852 SG.8, Beaver 3P red-brown, horizontal pair, blue cancel; very wide margins, nice, cat. £500 U:A5
1946 SG.401-406, Peace production; cat. £59 U:A5
1904-24 compilation of p.stat covers and 3 PCs, uprated and addressed to Europe, envelope Asch.28 with MC EDMONTON Dec.13.24, PC Victoria 2c blue, Asch.22 with CDS VANCOUVER Ja.12.04, 2 pcs of PC Edward 1c, Asch.23 with CDS MONTREAL and WINNIPEG; good condition U:A5
1936-37 comp. 2 R-letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x Reg and airmail, franked with Air stamp SG.355 2x and postage stamps SG.347, 346, CDS TORONTO Feb.26.37, 1x commercial Reg letter with SG.343, 344, 297, CDS TORONTO Oc.24.36; good condition U:A5
1852 SG.9, Prince Albert 6c slate grey, ample to very large margins, dumb 7-circuled pmk.; old collection origin, very nice piece, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1860 BRITISH COLUMBIA & VANCOUVER ISLAND, SG.1, Queen Victoria 2½P dark red-rose; 1 short tooth otherwise perfect piece with nice cancel PAID, cat. £200 U:A5
1860 SG.2, Queen Victoria 2½P light red-rose; extraordinary nice quality, original gum, cat. £425 U:A5
1865 BRITISH COLUMBIA, SG.21, 22, Crown and "V" 3P dark blue and light blue; very nice quality, cat. £230 U:A5
1868-71 BRITISH COLUMBIA SG.25, Crown and "V" 25C yellow, perf 12½; usual short tooth, otherwise very nice piece, exp. Ad. Glaettli / Zurich and signature W.O.G., cat. £600 U:A5
1868-71 BRITISH COLUMBIA SG.28-32, Crown and "V", 2C, 5C, 25C, 50C, perf 14; 2C and 25C (*), rare 50C violet exp. Ad. Gaettli / Zurich, cat. £1295 U:A5
1868-71 BRITISH COLUMBIA SG.31, Crown and "V", 25C yellow, perf 14, cancel "10"; exp. Thier, cat. £160 U:A5
1865 VANCOUVER ISLAND, SG.13, 2 pcs of Queen Victoria 5P pink; unused and with blue cancel POST OFFICE VANCOUVER PAID, very nice quality, cat. £550 U:A5
1857 SG.8, Heraldic Flowers 8P vermilion; very wide margins, without gum, cat. ca. 190£ U:A5
1846 PROVISORY - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X4, Coat of arms 5c, "St. Louis bear", paper "greay lilac", complete margins on 3 sides, close margin only in upper left corner, red town cancel + hand obliteration by pen, variant with line in "S" in the word "POST", light diagonal crease, visible only from back side, cat. $55.000, with certificates The Philatelic Foundation New York 1980 and RPS London 2008, this extraordinary piece belongs to every prestigious collection USA, world classic rarity, (ATTENTION for this lot is charged VAT from whole hammer price, no only from buyer´s premium) U:DR
1846 PROVIDENCE - RHODE ISLAND Sc.10X2a, postmaster issue "Post Office Prov. R. I." 5C+10C, both values undetached (!) as pair, in margin 10C outside the stamp small thin place, very nice and rare mixed pair, exp. Calves, certificate Behr, cat. $2.000, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1913 US POST IN SHANGHAI comp. 2 Ppc of Shanghai sent to USA, franked with US stamps 1C, CDS US POSTAL SHANGHAI CHINA OCT9 and JUL 8 1913; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1920-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps on album sheets Schaubek, supplemented with several small parcels with scattered stamps U:K
1862 Sc.6, 7, Jefferson 5C blue 3 pcs and 2x pair; in addition pair on letter with CDS MARION (Virginia), print De La Rue and Richmond; nice compilation U:A5
1882-1863 Sc.8(2), 8a, 10, 10a, 10 pt, 13, 13a, Jackson 2C - 3 pcs, 1x used + Jefferson 10C 3 pcs, 1x used, various shades + Washington 20C green and yellow-green, very nice quality, cat. $720 U:A5
1861 Sc.1, Jefferson 5C green with interesting plate flaw "white stain on arm" on small letter with CDS CHATTANOOGA (Tennessee); cat. $300, extraordinary quality! U:A5
1863 Sc.13, Washington 20C dark green, diagonally bisected on letter with CDS MOBILE (Alabama), as 10C franking to Viaden (Mississippi), preserved also with German written text with decorative additional-printing, at the back signature ESK and confirmation A. H. Schumacher (important member of Texas Phil. Association before the WWII), "Expertized by Edward S. Knopp", address partially faded, however very nice and rare entire, cat. $2.000 U:A5
1969-2000 [COLLECTIONS] GENEVA, WIEN, NEW YORK almost complete collection of New York, without Mi.Bl.1I, II, in 2 stockbooks on sheet + back-up collection of Geneva, Wien in 2 stockbooks A4 + 4 cards A4, various sets, souvenir sheets, motives U:Z
1951-75 [COLLECTIONS] collection of First day covers (FDC) from 1951-75, used ca. 315ks, some more often the same, incomplete + 22 pcs of complete volumes of stamps from 1958-80, in gift albums post; high catalogue U:K
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] USA, CANADA incomplete collection of stamps USA and Canada in 2 albums Schaubek on sheets, contains part of classic period, from 1945 more complete mint stamps, also first day sheets, joined printed souvenir sheets, supplemented with about ca. 100 entires, duplicates on cards A4 and in paper bags; in cardboard box U:K
1975-1976 [COLLECTIONS] gift album Legend of the West, 3x souvenir sheets + album sheets in stockbook with motive stamps, contains i.a. cosmos, sport, butterflies, fauna etc., 1x sheet Birds and American states; face-value ca. $60 U:Z
1976 [COLLECTIONS] collection 200th Anniversary USA 1776-1976 in 3 luxury stockbooks on hingeless sheets, contains sets, souvenir sheets, etc.; high cat. min. 1.850€, souvenir sheets and black prints excluded from the sum U:Z
1865-1882 SG.2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 16, Queen Victoria, 6 pcs from 3 issues, 6P from the 1st issue 1865 and 3P perf 12½; 1872 often missing in collections, cat. £500 U:A5
1885 SG.21, Queen Victoria 6P yellow; perfect piece with intact gum, exp. Roig, certificate BPB, cat. £550 U:A5
1887 SG.22, Queen Victoria 1Sh grey, perfect piece with intact gum, exp. Roig, certificate BPB, cat. £500 U:A5
1888 SG.25b, overprint Queen Victoria 2 Cents / 6P red, bisected on cut-square with lined cancel "O"; very nice piece U:A5
1888-1891 SG.29, 35, 36-42, 43-44, 49-50, comp. of 13 pcs of Queen Victoria issue with overprint, i.a, complete set 1C/1P-50C/1Sh; perfect quality, cat. £175 U:A5
1891 SG.51-65, Queen Victoria, complete set 1C-5$, highest value $5 superb with intact gum; exp. Roig, certificate BPB, cat. £1025 U:A5
1938 SG.150-161, George VI., complete set, in addition SG.151a perf 12, cat. £180 U:A5
1888 SG.37a, bisected Queen Victoria 2C/1P, on cut-square with CDS BELIZE; cat. £110 U:A5
1853-67 [COLLECTIONS] COSTA RICA / CHILE study collection of classical stamps on 9 album sheets, from that Costa Rica 5 sheets + Chile 4 sheets, total 99 pcs of stamps, list available, cat. 3.500€ U:Z
1942-2005 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, incl. complete long sets, souvenir sheets, strong period George VI. and Elizabeth II., contains i.a. SG.162-175, 178-193, 201-216, 247-261 etc., various motives; very nice collection U:Z
1875 SG.16, Queen Victoria 3P yellow-brown with Opt new face value "ONE PENNY"; very nice piece, cat. £450 U:A5
1892-1901 SG.21s, 26s, 29s, 30s, Queen Victoria ½P, 2P, 1Sh and 1 Farthing / 1Sh; 2 short tooth otherwise perfect and complete (!), cat. £455, rare offer U:A5
1920 SG.52ba George V., 4Sh red / yellow, with plate flaw "break in scroll" (interrupted frame coat of arms right above spiral), perfect piece, cat. £300 U:A5
1920 SG.53da, George V., 5Sh red / yellow, with plate flaw "break in scroll" (interrupted frame of coat of arms right above spiral); perfect corner piece with plate number 1, cat. £375 ++ U:A5
1921 SG.68-76, 300 years anniversary ¼P-1Sh, complete set of marginal or corner pairs, CDS ST. GEORGES, cat. £400 ++; very attractive set! U:A5
1931 SG.88g, George V. 2Sh purple and blue on grey-blue, block of four, perfect corner block with a plate number; cat. £240 as single stamps U:A5
1938-1950 SG.116-116f, George VI. 2Sh purple/blue, all 7 catalogued issues, with various color shades, SG.116f never hinged; perfect and rare set, cat. £870 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.121b-e, George VI., 4x value 1£; in 4 various shades from 4 various prints; perfect quality, cat. £385 U:A5
1902 TCP for issue "Dry dock", trial master die before hardening, in black color without value in card, on chalk carton, date 26. APR 02 and cancel. "BEFORE HARDENING", very rare TCP, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1922 TCP for SG.78, Caravel 1P, horizontal pair with L margin, die-stamping in ultramarine color instead red, on carton paper with sheet margin and in perfect quality U:A5
1922 TCP for SG.78, 2 pcs of Caravel 1P, die-stamping in dark blue color instead red, on carton paper, imperforate and perf 14¾, both SPECIMEN, rare TCP U:A5
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, incl. complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, contains i.a. George V. SG.98-106, Silver Jubilee SG.125-126, also Elizabeth II. SG.135-150 etc., various motives; very nice collection U:Z
1875-78 5 pcs of Queen Victoria, contains 2 pcs of SG.14, 1P green, 1x with wmk. "Large Star" and 1x with wmk. "P with lines", both line perforation 14 + 3 pcs of value 6P, 1x SG.6a, oldpink with wmk. "small star",line perforation 15 and 2x SG.17, vermilion, 1 pcs of dirty perf, wmk. No.2 and 1 pcs with wmk. "vert. bands" - from the margin of the, line perforation 15; cat. min. £165 U:A5
1916 SG.71,71b, George V. 1½P orange WAR STAMP, block of four with sought printing error "TAMP", stamp with printing error **, cat. £340 ++, in block rare! U:A5
1953-2002 [COLLECTIONS] CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT very nice collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, contains i.a. SG.148-161a, 165-179, 136a-149a etc., long sets with pound and dolar highest values, also joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives; interesting U:Z
1945 SG.114b, George VI., highest value 1£;, luxury, cat. £45 U:A5
1946-2004 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps, souvenir sheets and joined printings on album sheets in glassine envelopes and spring folder, contains long sets George VI. and Elizabeth II. i.a. SG.136-147, 149-161, 162-173, 178-192, 240-256, interesting motives, etc., cat. ca. 700£ U:Z
1872 SG.20, Queen Victoria 1Sh dark pink, line perforation 11¾ : 15, upper shifted perf to adjacent stmp, heavier pmk. "A 10"; cat. £350 U:A5
1869 SG.87, Queen Victoria 5Sh pink, wmk crown CC; cat. £170, nice piece U:A5
1937-1946 SG.243s-245s, 257s-258s, Coronation and Victory, 2 sets, all with perfin SPECIMEN; luxury quality; rare, cat. £180 U:A5
1848-1853 SG.259-260, 267-278, Silver Jubilee and Landscapes 1C - $4.80; cat. £68 U:A5
1947 SG.D26s-D33s, Postage due stamp 2C-24C, all with perfin Specimen; luxury and as specimen rare set, cat. £140 U:A5
1881 SG.11, Queen Victoria 1Sh pale blue with Opt ½; (Penny); light patina, certificate Brandon, cat. £2000 U:A5
1881 SG.36, Queen Victoria 1Sh violet with Opt 2½; (Penny); very nice quality, certificate Brandon, cat. £600 U:A5