Public auction 41 / Philately / Asia

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158525 - 1882 letter with 2x SG.138, ornamental inscriptions in circl
1882 letter with 2x SG.138, ornamental inscriptions in circle 1 Abasi red, sent from Pesavaru, significant original color, on stamp post. cancellation by pen; small letter in superb quality, exp. Todd, rare issue and franking!
Starting price: CZK
158759 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J2, block of 8 George V. 3½
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J2, block of 8 George V. 3½A dark blue, with Opt "peacock", issue Myaungmya, Opt with shift 10mm (!); cat. for basic Opt £640++, ex. G. Davis
Starting price: CZK
158795 - 1942-1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION from SG.J3, Opt peacock issue
1942-1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION from SG.J3, Opt "peacock" issue Myaungmya for example on George V. 6P official, George VI. 3P-2A, issue Paypon on George VI. 6P pair, issue Henzada George VI. 1A, 1½A block of four, 2A, 4A, Official 6P and 1½A, Japanese motives 1R/10Sen, 5R/30Sen Opt red and black and various other values 1943, cat. £1000++
Starting price: CZK
158760 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J9a, Official George VI. 1½
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J9a, Official George VI. 1½A turquoise with Opt "peacock", issue Myaungmya; rare stamp with certificate BPA, cat. £900, ex. G. Davis (1916-2005, Tilleard Medal, Hill Award, etc.)
Starting price: CZK
158761 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J19, Official George VI. 2 Ruppi
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J19, Official George VI. 2 Ruppies brown, with Opt "peacock", issue Myaungmya; certificate BPA, cat. £250
Starting price: CZK
158800 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J29, George VI. 1A brown, block
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J29, George VI. 1A brown, block of 16 and three blocks of four and 1 pcs of in addition, on 2 sheets from old collection, exhibits of printing errors, cat. only for basic stamps ca. £410
Starting price: CZK
158763 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J31, corner block of 21, George
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J31, corner block of 21, George VI. 2A red, with Opt "peacock", issue Henzada, several hinges after black background, 7 pcs mint never hinged; cat. £640++, ex. G. Davis
Starting price: CZK
158764 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J32a, George VI. 4A green-blue,
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J32a, George VI. 4A green-blue, with double Opt,; certificate RPSL, cat. £250
Starting price: CZK
158765 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J56a, J56fa, Opt Japanese milit
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56a, J56fa, Opt Japanese military government, both 5R/30Sen turquoise, inverted Opt black and red; 1x certificate BPA, very nice printing errors, cat. £185
Starting price: CZK
158767 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56, J56f, Opt of Japanese milit
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56, J56f, Opt of Japanese military government, pair 5R/30Sen turqouise, Opt black and red, rare pair!
Starting price: CZK
158766 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56f, J56fa, Opt of Japanese mil
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56f, J56fa, Opt of Japanese military government, pair 5R/30Sen turquise, one inveted Opt, rare pair
Starting price: CZK
158768 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J58, Opt of Japanese military go
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J58, Opt of Japanese military government, marginal block of 4 1C / ¼A on 1Sen, brown, values "anna" overprinted by corck cancel, very nice complex with certificate BPA, cat. £220++
Starting price: CZK
158624 - 1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J72ab, Barma emblem 5C, corner b
1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J72ab, Barma emblem 5C, corner block of 4 with two-sided print, unimportant fold in upper part, very nice and rare block, cat. £360++
Starting price: CZK
149102 - 1857 Mi.2Y, 3Y, SG.2, 3, Queen Victoria 1P tyrkysově blue +
1857 Mi.2Y, 3Y, SG.2, 3, Queen Victoria 1P tyrkysově blue + 2P green, black postmark; very wide margins, 1x exp. Bühler, cat. Gibbons £110
Starting price: CZK
149103 - 1857 Mi.5Y, SG.5, Queen Victoria 5P brown, black pmk; lower
1857 Mi.5Y, SG.5, Queen Victoria 5P brown, black pmk; lower close margins, cat. Gibbons £150
Starting price: CZK
149104 - 1857 Mi.6Y, SG.6, Queen Victoria 6P lilac brown, black pmk;
1857 Mi.6Y, SG.6, Queen Victoria 6P lilac brown, black pmk; some small thin places, cat. Gibbons £140
Starting price: CZK
149105 - 1857 Mi.10Y, SG.10, Queen Victoria £1 slate violet, bla
1857 Mi.10Y, SG.10, Queen Victoria £1 slate violet, black pmk; repaired LR corner cat. Gibbons £200
Starting price: CZK
158187 - 1905 PC 2c, Asch.32 to Bohemia, uprated with 4c, SG.229, CDS
1905 PC 2c, Asch.32 to Bohemia, uprated with 4c, SG.229, CDS RUANWELL Dec.12.05, transit COLOMBO, arrival LOUNY 30/12 05; good condition
Starting price: CZK
158620 - 1894 SG.2, issue Maharadza Raja Singh, ½; Ann slate on
1894 SG.2, issue Maharadza Raja Singh, ½; Ann slate on small letter, black CDS town Bundi, stamp and cancel perfect, letter in usual quality these "native" entires
Starting price: CZK
158630 - 1899 SG.14, 29, Coat of arms 1A purple brown, block of 72 wi
1899 SG.14, 29, Coat of arms 1A purple brown, block of 72 without perf, very nice quality + in addition block of 42 perf with several tearings margins, L at top embossed mark; in addition state ORCHA 1914 SG.4b block of 8 as printing sheet Coat of arms ½A "apple green", three interesting complexes
Starting price: CZK
158629 - 1899 SG.32, Coat of arms 1Rp pale green, block of 16 with te
1899 SG.32, Coat of arms 1Rp pale green, block of 16 with temporary straight trench perf; very nice and rare complex, cat. £176 as single stamp
Starting price: CZK
156638 - 1907-1976 Pof.8, 21,22, comp. of 10 stamps of Nepal, contain
1907-1976 Pof.8, 21,22, comp. of 10 stamps of Nepal, contains i.a. Mi.21, 22 etc. + used blok of 8 Official 32P, in addition Ppc to Czechoslovakia, franked with stamps of Nepal
Starting price: CZK
156644 - 1881-1899 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of 9 sheets of Nepal, the fir
1881-1899 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 9 sheets of Nepal, the first issues, next prints from used plates - without guarantee; interesting
Starting price: CZK
158632 - 1945-1949 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH BAHAWALPUR collection on she
1945-1949 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH BAHAWALPUR collection on sheets Lindner, complete from SG.18, set SG.19-32 more often with descriptions of center shifts, i.a. pairs with inscriptions De La Rue, SG.39-42 imperforated marginal imprimaturs, UPU almost whole sheets, blocks of four imprimaturs imperforated, official sets 1945 O1-O13 Opt "sarkari", shifts Opt, O19 2x block of 6 with De La Rue, UPU O28b-O31b with De La Rue, Pl, blocks of four imprimaturs imperforated and oths; cat. only as single basic stamps £1.900, luxury collection
Starting price: CZK
158758 - 1942-1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J19, 25$ black / red with v
1942-1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J19, 25$ black / red with violet Japanese Opt "Japanese imperial government"; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £950, rare highest value and also destination
Starting price: CZK
158536 - 1879 SG.2, Queen Victoria 6C orange brown; perfect piece wit
1879 SG.2, Queen Victoria 6C orange brown; perfect piece with intact gum, certificate BPB, cat. £450
Starting price: CZK
158537 - 1880 SG.9, Queen Victoria 12C carmine; perfect piece with in
1880 SG.9, Queen Victoria 12C carmine; perfect piece with intact gum, certificate BPB, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
158539 - 1880-1892 SG.5, 18, 20, 25, 26, 30, 39-47, 15 pcs of Queen V
1880-1892 SG.5, 18, 20, 25, 26, 30, 39-47, 15 pcs of Queen Victoria, i.a. 8C carmine, wmk CA, Opt 2C/16C, 2C/8C; very nice quality, cat. min. £640 (stamps with linear cancels excluded from sum)
Starting price: CZK
158538 - 1881 SG.15d, Queen Victoria 12C carmine with Opt Eight Cents
1881 SG.15d, Queen Victoria 12C carmine with Opt "Eight Cents", with sought plate flaw "no right foot to 2nd Chinese Character"; perfect piece with intact gum, certificate BPB, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
158540 - 1891 SG.35f, Queen Victoria 8C bright violet with Opt 6 cent
1891 SG.35f, Queen Victoria 8C bright violet with Opt 6 cents, printing error Opt omitted "CENTS", CDS LABUAN; perfect quality, rare stamp , cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
158590 - 1901 SG.D1a, Postage due stamp 2C green / black, double Opt
1901 SG.D1a, Postage due stamp 2C green / black, double Opt "POSTAGE DUE"; nice piece with larger hinges, cat. £350
Starting price: CZK
158408 - 1952-1997 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of Laos, contains
1952-1997 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Laos, contains various sets, interesting motives, part used; placed in stockbook A4, cat. according to the owner ca. 400€
Starting price: CZK
157487 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  Selangor, Perak and oths., general
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION Selangor, Perak and oths., general overprints and also local issues, 35 pcs, i.a. SG.J161c, 286-287, many corner pieces mint; cheaper values, cat. £280++
Starting price: CZK
158801 - 1942-1945 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.JD21-JD41, 3 complete sets
1942-1945 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.JD21-JD41, 3 complete sets of Postage due stamps "Malayan Postal Union", 1C-50C, 1C-12C, 1C-15C, with frame Opt of Japanese military government, DAI NIPPON and one line Opt "Kanji", some values more often according to colors of Opt incl. rare SG.JD21a,b, 23a,b, 25b; Opt "Kanji" inverted SG.JD38a, 39a, cat. £1.500
Starting price: CZK
158794 - 1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.311-313, George VI., Opt for us
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.311-313, George VI., Opt for usage on letters of Red Cross, blocks of four ** 50C, 1$ and 4x 2$ (2 pcs mint); all also used and on cut-squares, cat. £750 ++
Starting price: CZK
157414 - 1884 SG.6, 11, Queen Victoria 2C Straits-Settlements red, 2x
1884 SG.6, 11, Queen Victoria 2C Straits-Settlements red, 2x with Opt JOHORE; perfect quality, cat. £310
Starting price: CZK
157416 - 1891 SG.17, 19, Queen Victoria 24C Straits-Settlements green
1891 SG.17, 19, Queen Victoria 24C Straits-Settlements green, 3 pcs with 3 various Opt JOHORE TWO CENTS; perfect quality, 1x uncatalogued type "open O", cat. £190
Starting price: CZK
158769 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.JD1, block of 9, Postage due sta
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.JD1, block of 9, Postage due stamp 1C red, frame Opt black, L double opt; ordinary patina, very nice complex
Starting price: CZK
157517 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J9a, Sultan Halimshah 25C, Opt
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J9a, Sultan Halimshah 25C, Opt DAI NIPPON in black color; certificate Brandon, cat. £450
Starting price: CZK
158770 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J13a, Sultan Halischah 1$ black
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J13a, Sultan Halischah 1$ black /green with Opt DAI NIPPON, Opt inverted; very nice quality, rare stamp, cat. £850
Starting price: CZK
158771 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION Coat of arms and Sultan Ismail with
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION Coat of arms and Sultan Ismail with Opt new values and red "seal" of Japanese govenor, 10C/6C, 12C/8C, 40C/2C, 1$/4C, 2$/5C, 5$/6C; in addition 2$/5C without seal, cat. £430
Starting price: CZK
158793 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J28-30, 32, 33 (2), 35 (2), 36-4
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J28-30, 32, 33 (2), 35 (2), 36-40, Sultan Ismail only with Opt of new values, without red Opt "seal of Japanese governor", very nice quality, variants "interrupted Opt" and "offset at top", SG.40 50C/1C with certificate RPSL, cat. min. £240
Starting price: CZK
158792 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J29, two blocks of four and pair
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J29, two blocks of four and pair Coat of arms 2$/5C without red Opt "seal of Japanese governor", several variants - value Opt "$2.00" on 2 stamp value compared to next and on 2 stamps with shift of last numeral(s) "0", on sheets from old collection, cat. £160++ (as single basic stamps)
Starting price: CZK
158787 - 1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand, SG.TK4, Coat of arms 8C violet, perfect piece; certificate BPA, (cat. only.) £350, very rare
Starting price: CZK
158788 - 1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1943 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand19. 10. 1943, SG.TK5, Coat of arms 10C violet, perfect piece, certificate BPA, (cat. only.) £450
Starting price: CZK
158791 - 1944 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British
1944 THAILAND´S OCCUPATION - territory of occupied British colonies delegated by Japan to Thailand 19. 10. 1943, SG.TM1-TM6, general issue, lithographic print, complete issue 3x, War monument 1C-15C, both perf 12½; and 12½/11, on two sheets from old collection, all stamps genuie, i.a. 4 marginal pieces, cat. £420++, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
158772 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J50, George VI. 10C dark purple,
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J50, George VI. 10C dark purple, block of four with red Opt "seal of military government Mallaca", 1 stamp with thin place, lower pair mint, cat. £900++, rare block with "whole" Opt
Starting price: CZK
158773 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J52, George VI.15c blue, block o
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J52, George VI.15c blue, block of four with red Opt "seal of military government of Mallaca", 3 pcs **, cat. £630++, rare block with "whole" Opt
Starting price: CZK
157417 - 1885-1891 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.36, 49, 2x Queen Victoria 4C and
1885-1891 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.36, 49, 2x Queen Victoria 4C and 24C Straits-Settlements, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG and SUNGEI UJONG TWO CENTS; perfect quality, SG.36 exp. Diena, cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
158777 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J161+161a, vertical pair Coat o
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J161+161a, vertical pair Coat of arms 1C black with frame Opt of Japanese occupation government, Opt violet nad inverted; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
158778 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J165a, Coat of arms 6C grey with
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J165a, Coat of arms 6C grey with frame Opt of Japanese occupation government, Opt brown, perfect quality, certificate BPA, cat. £325
Starting price: CZK
158779 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J174b, Coat of arms 1$ red / bl
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J174b, Coat of arms 1$ red / black with frame Opt, Opt brown; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £475
Starting price: CZK
158785 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J232, 232b, corner block of 10 C
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J232, 232b, corner block of 10 Coat of arms 8C grey, with Opt DAI NIPPON, 1x plate flaw "without dots below C" stamp field 94, at the back sporadically patina, pos. 94 luxury, very nice block with Pl 1 and with 8 ** stamps; cat. ca. £430++ (only pos. 94 with Pl cat. £340)
Starting price: CZK
157418 - 1889-1891 SG.1, 7, Queen Victoria 2C and 24C Straits-Settlem
1889-1891 SG.1, 7, Queen Victoria 2C and 24C Straits-Settlements, with Opt PAHANG and PAHANG TWO CENTS; cat. £390
Starting price: CZK
158774 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56-65, George VI. 1C-50C, with
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J56-65, George VI. 1C-50C, with red Opt "seal" of Hapan minister Okugawa, cat. £620
Starting price: CZK
158797 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J78, 78a, 78b, George VI. 2C ora
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J78, 78a, 78b, George VI. 2C orange Straits Settlements, Opt DAI NIPPON, ordinary, "PE" place "PENANG" and inverted Opt (larger hinge), cat. £310
Starting price: CZK
158799 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J84, 84a, block of 25 George VI.
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J84, 84a, block of 25 George VI. 15C blue Straits Settlements, Opt DAI NIPPON, 1x printing error "N PPON", 3 lines with shifted overprint; perfect quality, notice on edge of the sheet, cat. £300 (only as single mint stamps), rare complex!
Starting price: CZK
158775 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J84b, George VI. 15C blue with r
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J84b, George VI. 15C blue with red Opt "DAI NIPPON", Opt inverted; perfect piece, cat. £425 + 100%
Starting price: CZK
158798 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J87-88, George VI. pair 1$ and 2
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J87-88, George VI. pair 1$ and 2$ Straits Settlements, Opt DAI NIPPON, significant reverse transfer of Opt at the back
Starting price: CZK
157413 - 1891 SG.44, 46, Queen Victoria 6P violet, 2 pcs with Opt PER
1891 SG.44, 46, Queen Victoria 6P violet, 2 pcs with Opt PERAK ONE CENT in two types, 1x better CDS TAIPING; cat. £240
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 41 / Philately / Asia - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech Asie, zahrnuje mj. Indii, Čínu, země Blízkého východu, Japonsko, Malajsii atd. První poštovní známkou Asie byla indická Scinde Dawk (1852).