Public auction 41 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Red Cross Issue 1920

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158455 -  Pof.171, block of four 60h green with up shifted additional
Pof.171, block of four 60h green with up shifted additional-printing, in addition 2 pcs of with significant shift up and downward; 1x production fold, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
158456 -  Pof.170Nc + 171Nc, unissued imperforated stamp. 40h yellow
Pof.170Nc + 171Nc, unissued imperforated stamp. 40h yellow and 2x 60h green, with additional-printing A, from that 1x additional printing shifted downward; small minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
158453 -  Pof.170Nc,171Nc, imperforated pairs values 40h and 60h with
Pof.170Nc,171Nc, imperforated pairs values 40h and 60h with added-print, 1x with sheet margin, 1x small original fold (by/on/at unissued frequent); otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
157630 -  Pof.170Na - 171Na, 40h yellow and 60h green, both imperfora
Pof.170Na - 171Na, 40h yellow and 60h green, both imperforated without added print, c.v.. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
158682 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, Masaryk 125h with
PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, Masaryk 125h with overprint sort "D", type I., red on stmp I. type + black on stmp II. type, c.v.. 2.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
158694 -  PLATE PROOF added-print A and C on stmp issue Chainbreaker
PLATE PROOF added-print A and C on stmp issue Chainbreaker 40h brown and 60h blue, total 11 pcs of in red also black color in/at normal also inverted position, c.v.. 2.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
158693 -  PLATE PROOF added-print sort A in red also black color on s
PLATE PROOF added-print sort A in red also black color on stmp Pigeon-issue 5h blue and sort C in red color on stmp Pigeon-issue 10h olive
Starting price: CZK
153981 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four, Hradčany 5h gre
PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four, Hradčany 5h green + 30h yellow with added-print type A and C, always with 2 stamp. without added print
Starting price: CZK
158457 -  PLATE PROOF  4x plate proof, red and shifted added-print ty
PLATE PROOF 4x plate proof, red and shifted added-print type A at value 5h light green, on/for * 30h yellow and 40h orange + additional printing type C on/for * issue Chainbreaker 40h; rather rare selection of popular ZT
Starting price: CZK
158454 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 5h green, pair, plate proof added-pr
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 5h green, pair, plate proof added-print, total 3x and in addition shifted, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158691 -  PLATE PROOF  added-print sort A on stmp Hradčany 5h light
PLATE PROOF added-print sort A on stmp Hradčany 5h light green and 30h olive, 2x pair with omitted additional-printing on 1 stmp., str-of-4 with shift and omitted additional-printing
Starting price: CZK
158689 -  PLATE PROOF added-print sort A and C on/for Postage due stm
PLATE PROOF added-print sort A and C on/for Postage due stmp stamp. 10h, 3 pcs of, from that 1x with shifted overprint, 1x pair with quite omitted overprint on 1 stmp
Starting price: CZK
158692 -  PLATE PROOF added-print sort C on/for corner block of 8 sta
PLATE PROOF added-print sort C on/for corner block of 8 stamp. Hradčany 60h yellow-orange, 4 stamp. with omitted additional-printing
Starting price: CZK
158690 -  PLATE PROOF added-print sort C on stmp Hradčany, 5h light
PLATE PROOF added-print sort C on stmp Hradčany, 5h light green with red additional-printing, 15h cihlověčervená perforated with black additional-printing, 30h olive red, black and pair with shift
Starting price: CZK
158683 -  PLATE PROOF overprints, comp. 6 pcs of, from that in black
PLATE PROOF overprints, comp. 6 pcs of, from that in black color overprints sort A, C and D, unfinished štočky, in red color sort A and C, all on carton paper
Starting price: CZK
158688 -  PLATE PROOF added-print sort A in red color on/for blued or
PLATE PROOF added-print sort A in red color on/for blued or rose ordinary paper, 1x str-of-3, 2x double print
Starting price: CZK
158667 - 1921 letter franked with. Surtax stamp. 60+20h, Pof.171 with
1921 letter franked with. Surtax stamp. 60+20h, Pof.171 with CDS RAČICE 5.I.21, small navštívenková envelope
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 41 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Red Cross Issue 1920 - Information

15.12. 1920  Červený kříž

Poštovní známky této emise byly vydány pro účely dobročinné ve prospěch Československého Červeného kříže. Přetisk dvojího druhu navrhl Alois Mudruňka. Byly vydány 3 hodnoty s červeným knihtiskovým přítiskem. Hradčany 40h a 60h ve změněných barvách s přítiskem A hodnoty 20h a poštovní známky TGM 125h s přítiskem B hodnoty 25h. Autor navrhl ještě přetisk druhu C a D, které nebyly přijaty. Vzniklo velké množství zkusmých tisků všech druhů v červené i černé barvě v různých polohách. Původně měly být přetištěny poštovní známky emise Osvobozená republika 40 a 60h. Přetisková forma 10x10 přítisků pro oba druhy.

Poštovní známky emise červený kříž platily pouze ve vnitřním poštovním styku a byly pro krátkou dobu platnosti a neobvyklý příplatek málo používány. Navíc nebyly oproti původnímu záměru distribuovány na všechny poštovní úřady a většina známek byla ponechána v Praze.

Platnost poštovních známek emise Červený kříž byla do 14.1. 1921