Public auction 42 / Collections
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1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Andora, French and also Spanish issues, contains i.a. 50.-60´s, part complete volume, i.a. Mi.168-177, 179-181, 211-213, 78-82 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in spring folder U:Z
1893-1935 compilation of chosen sets, contains i.a. Mi.298, **/* 191-203, 378-381, used Mi.53-59, 104-106, 121-128, 127A etc.; cat. min. 800€ U:A4
1926-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection, from 1942 almost complete, contains complete sets, several joined printings etc., i.a. Mi.159-165, 168-173, 177-179,217-221 etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 2300€ U:Z
1915-90 [COLLECTIONS] GREENLAND, FAROE ISLANDS incomplete collection in 7-sheets stockbook A4, contains various sets and their parts, several souvenir sheets, various motives, mainly **; cat. according to owner ca. 650€ U:Z
1918-40 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps and souvenir sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook A4, mainly hinged, airmail stamp issue 1923 without certification, many sets 2x, cat. ca. 2.800€ U:Z
1856-1990 [COLLECTIONS] nice specializsd collection according to perforations and types, contains classic, various cancels, plate and production defects, booklets, supplemented with ca. 25 pcs of entires, placed in clamping pockets on sheet in 3 spring folders Schaubek, supplemented with 1 stockbook of dubblets, according to owner cat. ca. 25.000€ U:Z
1954-71 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 17 stamp booklets Red Cross, contains i.a. mi.1032-33, 1117-18, 1175-76, 1329-30, etc.; cat. ca. 420€, placed on album sheets U:Z
1811-1958 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 52 entires, contains i.a. 9 prephilatelic letters, 4 classic letters, letters with interesting interwar frankings, Reg and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia passed through censorship, several Ppc etc.; placed in stockbook for entires U:Z
1912-1990 [COLLECTIONS] exceedingly nice collection of Liechtenstein, from 1961 complete, only sets Mi.53-60 and 72-74 used, other mint never hinged in very good quality, complete sets and also many valuable souvenir sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheet Vaduz Mi.Bl.1 lightly hinged, also Mi.Bl. 2, 4, 5 etc., Mi.398, EUROPA 50Rp, 25-stamps complete printing sheet, PB Mi.197, 243, 247, 252 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 stockbooks, cat. according to the owner: according to the catalogue Michel 2005 ca. 10.000€, very interesting offer U:DR
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] semi-specialised collection, major part of sets 2x, missing better air-mail sets from year 1933, contains many imperforated variants, varieties wmk, railway stamps, etc., mainly hinged, placed in paper clamping pockets in old stockbook A5, cat. ca. 1.500€ U:Z
1920-1992 [COLLECTIONS] LATVIA, LITHUANIA collection of stamps in 2 albums, contains inter-war issue, parts of sets, air-mail, unused also used, supplemented with stamp after year 1990 U:Z
1930-2002 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Luxembourg on album sheets in spring folder, contains several better sets, i.a. Mi.182-186, 234-237, 234-237, Bl.2, 403-411 etc.; mainly mint never hinged U:Z
1850-1919 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 100 entires, many sent as Registered, various frankings of Austrian and Hungarian stamps, CDS from territory of current Slovakia, also part of entires as forerunner and parallel of Czechoslovakia etc. U:K
1900-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly used stamps of Monaco, various sets, part older period, some better pieces, larger part of modern topical stamps and souvenir sheets; in 8-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1903-45 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL interesting collection of Official stamps (Dienstmarken) on 13 album sheets + 1 sheet with stamp of FP, contains i.a. Mi.9-14,57-64, 114-131 etc.; cat. ca. 1.100€ U:Z
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of German states: Baden, Hannover, Thurn and Taxis, Saxonia, Deutsches Reich, mainly used stamps, several better items in various quality; only larger part of Deutches Reich mint never hinged, placed in 3 older stockbooks U:Z
1830-52 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 40 prephilatelic letters and receipts with various interesting postmarks, i.a. REICHENAU, HUMPOLTZ, ČZASLAU, KOLLIN etc.; placed on exhibit sheets with descriptions U:Z
1830-60 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 57 pcs of pre-philatelic and official folded letters and 8 pcs of receipts with cancels of postal offices from Bohemia and Moravia, i.a. blue TEPLITZ, blue U. HRADISCH, BRANDEIS, blue HOHENMAUTH, IGLAU in oval, LUDITZ, frame SAAZ, BUCHAU, red EGER, oval ZNAYM, DEUTSCHBROD, CŽASLAU, MELNIK, NIKOLSBURG, blue PARDUBITZ, NEUHAUS, PROSSNITZ, BUDWEIS, blue CHRUDIM, KROMAU etc.; all in spiral folder U:Z
1800-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 400 pcs of various entires with post offices postmarks from Bohemia and Moravia, mainly correspondence cards of all issues, part postal stationery covers, letters with various issues, R, Ex etc., all in good quality, quantum of material to next elaboration in one box with lid U:K
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete semifinished basic collection of Rumania in 6 stockbooks A4 + 1x A5 + souvenir sheets on 12 cards A4, contains small partl of classical stamps, various sets, part used also unused, from 1950 more complete; high catalogue value U:K
1921-50 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in original Soviet album on sheetsin glassine envelopes, contains unused and also used stamps i.a. Mi.406B, 462-466, 488-493, 494-498, 499-508 (without Mi.506), 513-522, 584-587 etc.; cat. over 600€ U:Z
1899-1917 [COLLECTIONS] KITAJ, LEVANT collection of stamps on 6 sheets in 16-sheets stockbook A4, various overprint sets and their parts; high catalogue value U:Z
1858-1990 [COLLECTIONS] wide basic collection in 8 spring folders on album sheets, contains to 1960 mainly used complete and also incomplete sets, i.a. Mi. 390-391, 429-449, 509-512, 1527-1534, 1608-1612, a lot of blocks i.a. Block No.1, 2, 4, 5, 6-8, 13! (quality should be inspected) etc., partly classical stamps, after 1960 complete; part various quality, catalogue according to owner more than 10.000€, in cardboard box, worth seeing U:K
1921-50 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used and also unused stamps hinged in original Russian album, strong from year 1932, contains i.a. Zeppelin Mi.402-5B, Zeppelins Mi.483-7, Against war Mi.494-8, Cejluskin Mi.499-508, Navoi Mi.827-8, souvenir sheet Stalin Bl.13 as (*), part souvenir sheets mounted to background, cat. considering the quality ca. 4.500€ U:Z
1926-36 [COLLECTIONS] TUWA very nice extensive collection, Mi.1-10 2x, Mi.15-28 in blocks of four mint never hinged (!), overprint Mi.37-38, Mi.39 etc., all in 2-sheet stockbook A4, cat. ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1970-90 [COLLECTIONS] USSR large business supply of mint never hinged and also used stamps, separate in envelopes according to cat. numbers, motives, year compilations, complete counter sheets in many pcs. etc., supplemented with more pieces of motive books with used stamps - import USSR, total ca. 20Kgo of material, placed in one Ikea box U:K
1870-1978 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 4 luxury ring folders Safe on hingeless sheets, without more expensive souvenir sheets, from 30. years more complete, sets, mainly hinged, i.a. Mi.482-495, 518-529, 530-536 etc. U:K
1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] doublets and remaining collection on album sheets, contains stamps of Europe and also Overseas, supplemented with stamps of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from the 60th, suitable for other sale; various quality, it is worth to see U:K
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA, BOSNIA, GDR, RUSSIA, SWEDEN, ENGLAND, HUNGARY, ITALY, POLAND, NETHERLANDS, NORWAY etc., motives in 1 stockbook, big album Schwaneberger with quantum of older and also new stamps from Overseas; estate, various quality, total 13 big stockbooks and album of Overseas, placed in one big carton box, personal pick-up prefered U:K
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY + other foreign countries, collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires mainly of Austria to year 1918, PC, cards of field post, receipts, cut-squares with newspaper revenues etc., supplemented with several entires of Germany, Belgium, France, Yugoslavia and choice cards with stamps of USSR; mainly good quality, interesting U:K
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, compilation of unstuck stamps sorted to envelopes according to the countries, part CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - i.a. Hradčany and other issues, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, stamps of various countries Europe and also Overseas; estate of collector U:K
1900-50 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires from Europe and also Overseas, contains i.a. quantum of letters Dutch East Indies, USA, Switzerland, Austria, Germany etc.; various quality, interesting U:K
1900-70 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 pcs of various entires from countries of Europe and also Overseas, contains many interesting items; various quality, interesting compilation U:K
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE remaining supply of stamps in bags, various stamp countries + 3x small album, supplemented with PC, FDC CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 etc.; in small box, over 1,5Kg of material U:K
1910-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation, mainly USSR (1940-80) and Rumania on cards A4 + several notebooks, various stamp countries; major part used, in cardboard box, 6Kg of material U:K
1852-1945 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of classic Canada supplemented with big quantum of dubblets in 2 big stockbooks, collection at the end of first stockbook contains better items in many pcs. Brit. Canada issue 1859-64, Large and Small Victoria and other issues to 1945, Airmail, Express, Registered, Postage due stamps etc., supplemented with quantum of dubblets mainly stamps Small Victoria issue 1870 and 1897, interesting color varieties, perf, cancels etc., cat. only of cellection part without dubblets $10.000, great offer U:Z
1859-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection on album sheets in glassine envelopes, contains all issues, several valuable items i.a. Sc.14 10x, 17 5x, 18 5x, 19 5x, 10 2x, Big and Small Victoria, Jubilee Sc.50-65 from that 4$ and 5$ mint never hinged, issue Quebec etc., various color shades, perforations, printing and production defects, cancels, supplemented with several letters, cat. ca. $30.000 U:Z
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] study collection of canadian postmarks in two albums Abria with descriptions, contains also classic issue Small Victoria from year 1870, supplemented with quantum of entires from them part as Registered, much rare canceling form; nice elaborated U:Z
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection with dublets mainly postwar period stamp of Canada in 8 big stockbooks, part mint never hinged, blocks of four with margins, souvenir sheets, bklt issue, several sheets of classic divided according to cancels etc.; estate after big collector of Canada U:K
1889-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection in advance used stamps of Canada, (Canadian Precancels), hundreds of stamps on album sheets in folder Abria with descriptions of numbers and places, contains quantum rarer stamps of issues 1870 - 1897, nice elaborated, according to owner cat. ca. $7.200 U:Z
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] largercollection of canadian postal stationeries, part as exhibit, estate after big collector of Canada, placed on sheets in office covers in 5 spiral covers, descriptions, moderate specialisation, supplemented with dubblets, quantum also better uprated items as PC, postal stationeries envelopes, letter cards, newspaper wrappers, aerograms etc.; hundreds items, it is worth seeing U:K
1892-1931 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of 27 pcs of various postal stationeries, letter-cards, newspaper wrappers, picture PCs, many nice frankings, i.a. Sc.34 as block of four, 34 as Pr, 66 as Pr, 96, etc., part as Registered; good condition U:Z
1930-90 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. of entires mainly postwar period of Canada, estate after big collector, part as collection with descriptions on album sheets, part in stockbooks and in box, supplemented with 2 albums of old topographical Ppc of Canada, hundreds of items, more than 10kg material, it is worth seeing U:K
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps USA in 3 stockbooks on album sheets, contains classic period (various quality), newspaper stamps, complete sets and also their parts etc., part United Nations; high catalogue value U:Z
1920-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps on album sheets Schaubek, supplemented with several small parcels with scattered stamps U:K
1978-87 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mint stamps in spiral stockbook Lindner on hingeless sheets, contains various sets, blocks of four etc.; face-value according to owner $220 U:Z
1942-2005 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, incl. complete long sets, souvenir sheets, strong period George VI. and Elizabeth II., contains i.a. SG.162-175, 178-193, 201-216, 247-261 etc., various motives; very nice collection U:Z
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, incl. complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, contains i.a. George V. SG.98-106, Silver Jubilee SG.125-126, also Elizabeth II. SG.135-150 etc., various motives; very nice collection U:Z
1953-2002 [COLLECTIONS] CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT very nice collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, contains i.a. SG.148-161a, 165-179, 136a-149a etc., long sets with pound and dolar highest values, also joined printings, souvenir sheets, motives; interesting U:Z
1946-2004 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps, souvenir sheets and joined printings on album sheets in glassine envelopes and spring folder, contains long sets George VI. and Elizabeth II. i.a. SG.136-147, 149-161, 162-173, 178-192, 240-256, interesting motives, etc., cat. ca. 700£ U:Z
1843-1930 [COLLECTIONS] small collection mainly used stamps of old Brazil in one older stockbook A4, contains i.a. Mi. 2, 60R Bull's Eyes, then quantum stamps issues Small numerals, 1844, 1849, 1854, other issue Emperor Pedro, etc., various quality, interesting, cat. ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1865-1930 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on sheet in spring folder, contains almost all South America states, various sets and their parts, mainly classic issues, postage stamps, Official etc., part used also unused, contains Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Nicaragua etc.; various quality U:Z
1900-94 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of first issues, parts of sets also better pieces, used also unused, also with souvenir sheets, motives etc.; cat. according to owner over 800€ U:Z
2007-2012 [COLLECTIONS] 9 gift cards with printing sheets, various motives, i.a. war ships, football, sea fauna etc. U:O4
1862-2010 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, CHRISTMAS ISLANDS, COOK ISLANDS collection of stamps in 2 full stockbooks A4, contains partly classical stamps also modern, used also mint never hinged, from 1945 more complete, in addition original album of CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1958-1986; high catalogue value, various quality of classics, interesting U:Z
1974-85 [COLLECTIONS] FDC compilation of 34 FDC with various motives, i.a. aviation, sport, fauna, flora etc.; placed in spiral stockbook U:Z
1975-95 [COLLECTIONS] MARSCHALL ISLANDS, TUVALU small collection of motive stmp, various blocks, MS, smaller part used; in 8-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SOLOMON ISLANDS, NAURU, SAMOA collection in 4-sheet stockbook, contains several chosen classical stamps, also interesting motives, souvenir sheets etc.; high catalogue value U:Z
1970-95 [COLLECTIONS] TUVALU, KIRIBATI collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, interesting motives as cars, trains, ships, fauna etc., several souvenir sheets and oths.; cat. ca. 250€ U:Z
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps and entires in one stockbook A4, contains classic and also modern stamps, fiscal stamps, supplemented with 17 pcs of old unused entires; interesting U:Z