1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Andora, French and also Spanish issues, contains i.a. 50.-60´s, part complete volume, i.a. Mi.168-177, 179-181, 211-213, 78-82 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in spring folder
1920-21 4 entires sent to Czechoslovakia, from that 2x richly franked registerd letter, 1x uprated international post card, 1x postcard franked with 7 stamps with overprint EUPEN, 3x CDS ANTWERPEN, 1x EUPEN; good condition
2000 CROATIAN POST Mi.62, 63, 16. chess cup 0,80M, vertical strip of 5 Mi.63 with right and 1 upper "coupon", over upper stamp Opt of stamps Mi.62!; interesting
1955 Mi.U5 + U7, comp. of 2 p.stat covers sent by airmail, or as Air+Reg to Czechoslovakia, CDS SOFIA C/ 1.3.55, and BURGAS 19.IX.55, both with additional postage; well readable cancels; nice
1852-54Mi.2II, 2S blue "RINGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele plate 1 and plate 2, comp. of 11 classical stamps, from that 5 pcs on cut-squares; all in very good quality, 1x photo-certificate C.A. Möller, cat. 13.750€
1896 Mi.S3, postal stationery 5Øre to Prague, uprated wit stamp 5Øre on cut-square from same type of p.stat!, CDS KJOBENHAVN 15.2.96, arrival postmark PRAG 17.2.96; good condition
1865 letter to London, with 4-coloured franking Mi.3, 5, 6 and 13; 2S+4S+8S+16S, numeral round cancel "19", red "P.D." and CDS FREDERIKSHAVN 16/4 1865, transit LUEBECK, arrival LONDON AP20/65; certificate Lasse Nielsen, rare franking, light horiz. fold over stamp
1926-2005 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection, from 1942 almost complete, contains complete sets, several joined printings etc., i.a. Mi.159-165, 168-173, 177-179,217-221 etc., placed in stockbook on sheet in glassine envelopes, cat. min. 2300€
1853-61[COLLECTIONS] compilation of 32 folded letters and covers, from that 23 letters with Mi.1II, other stamps Mi.3, 4, 6, 7, contains also excellent items as letter to Berlin with Mi.3, 7, 6, letter to Christianie with Mi.6, 7 or letter to Hamburg with horiz. strip of 4 (!) of Mi.1; good condition, very valuable compilation
1915-90 [COLLECTIONS] GREENLAND, FAROE ISLANDS incomplete collection in 7-sheets stockbook A4, contains various sets and their parts, several souvenir sheets, various motives, mainly **; cat. according to owner ca. 650€
1924 Mi.P3F, the 1st part from international double PC 2½Mk sent to Czechoslovakia, uprated with 4 stamps issue 1922, CDS RAKVERE 9.8.24; without damage
1920-213 registered letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, all with multicolor franking of postage stamps issue 1920 Reval, Mi.27, 28, 17, 19, 2x CDS TARTU, 1x RAKVERE, 1x letter franked with blocks of four with margins on the back side; good condition
1920-243 registered letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, 2x franked with single franking of 5Mk in two shades, Mi.13 with CDS TARTU, 1x franked with double franking of 15Mk, Mi.23 with CDS LÜGANUSE; good condition
1924-29 4 registered letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, all with multicolor franking of issue Theatres 1924-27,Mi.56, 62, postage stamp with overprint 1928, Mi.68, 72, all CDS RAKVERE, 1x forwarded, 2x transit railway cancel; small tearing in margins
1918-40[COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps and souvenir sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook A4, mainly hinged, airmail stamp issue 1923 without certification, many sets 2x, cat. ca. 2.800€
1870folded printed matter with 5P, Mi.5C, CDS WIBORG 16/7 1870, addressed to Gamla Karleby, stamps only 2 shorter teeth; cat. only stamps 300€, rare and decorative entire!
1929 commercial Air+Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.120 4x, CDS HELSINKI 26.VI.29, frame confirmation cancel "Mit Luftpost befördert Berlin C2" and also Dresden, transit postmark BERLIN C2/ 27.6.29 at the back, non-philatelic correspondence, in the middle 1x horiz. fold outside the franking; decorative
1938 commercial Registered and airmail letter, big format to Aš, with Mi.2041-207 and 208-210, CDS HELSINKI 17.II.38, on the back side arrival postmark; good condition
1938-40 2 entires, 1x Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Mi.146, 148, 152, 224, 226, worse readable cancel OULAINEN, through Finnish and German censorship + 1x FDC with stamps Mi.204-207 with special postmark POSTIMERKINPÄIVÄ HELSINKI 1938; 1x patina
1856-1990[COLLECTIONS] nice specializsd collection according to perforations and types, contains classic, various cancels, plate and production defects, booklets, supplemented with ca. 25 pcs of entires, placed in clamping pockets on sheet in 3 spring folders Schaubek, supplemented with 1 stockbook of dubblets, according to owner cat. ca. 25.000€
1862 comp. of 2 classic letters, 1x to Brussels, franked with pair of Napoleon III. 20C, Mi.21 with rare trial perforation!, lower perf cut, CDS PARIS, arrival postmark + 1x letter with Mi.15, dotted pmk 3382 + CDS TOULON; ordinary quality
1936-50 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.307, 2x blue special postmark SALON DE L´AERONAUTIQUE/ PARIS/ 25.11.36 + cachet, sent directly from this air-mail exhibition, at the back MC PARIS P.P./ AVION/ 25.11.36 and arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 27.11.36 + in addition inserted airmail letter from philatelic exhibition in Paris 1950; both good condition
1954-71 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 17 stamp booklets Red Cross, contains i.a. mi.1032-33, 1117-18, 1175-76, 1329-30, etc.; cat. ca. 420€, placed on album sheets
1893 FORGERY TAHITI Postage due stamps 1c and 2c with Opt + COTE D IVOIRE Postage due stamp 1Fr/5c with Opt, 3 pcs of postage-due colonial stamps with false Opt, situable as comparison material, marked forgery
1855-1920 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains colonial issue for Morocco, Levant, Zanzibar etc., i.a. Zanzibar Mi.17, 34, Levant Mi.3 etc.; various quality, high catalogue value
1935 SG.114a, 116a, corner blocks of four "Silver Jubilee" George V. 2P and 6P with plate flaw "extra flagstaff" (UL stamps with additional flagstaff); perfect quality, cat. £350 ++
1898 letter with SG.22 and 25, Victoria 5 Centimos and 20 Centimos (olive), carried by Hungarian steamship to France, recipient in Rouen - Poste Restante, on stampa red cancel MKA - "Magyar Kiralyi Adria" and additional PAQUEBOT, arrival postmark LE HAVRE and ROUEN, SG.25 on letter rare, cat. min. £600
1942 Mi.65, 81, 2x block of four (*), TCP Landscape Banja Luka 100 Kuna, original color blue-violet and red-brown + block of four (*) Exhibition Banja Luka 100 K with characters F. I. blue-violet + 1x TCP red-brown **; exp. Wieneke, trial printings for exhibition issue in different colors are rare!
1943 2x TCP Mi.94U, 2x printing sheets State labour service 2+1K, olive / brown, original colors, also paper without gum and with wmk, at the back in addition L-wards shifted print of 2nd stage (frame) in light green shade, by the other piece in addition at the back print of both stages in brighter colors and offset; perfect condition, certificates Zrinjšćak
1943-44 approved trial print for Mi.99 Veliki Tabor 12,50K (yet without inscription lower), on daze paper for transmission of picture, 1x with definitive picture for Surtax Mi.3 1 K, very rare offer
1943 Mi.Bl.5B, Croatian legionnaires, souvenir sheet with plate flaw - blue line between characters "O" and "N" in the word "LEGIONARE"; certificate Zrincak, interesting
1943 TCP Mi.107-110, Legionaries, comp. of 10 pcs of joined printings, horiz. pairs, 1st printing stage in various colors on ordinary yellow paper, 4x joined printing 1K/2K, 6x joined printing 3,50K/9K; perfect quality
1944 Mi.162U-165U, State labour service, Surtax 3,50K-32K, corner pairs, 3 pcs with plate number IV and leading sheet point lower; perfect quality, certificate Zrinjscak
1941 Mi.1, Postage due stamp 50P purple, horizontal strip of 3 with inverted opt used on postage stamps NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA HRVATSKA; certificate Ercegovič