1853-61[COLLECTIONS] compilation of 32 folded letters and covers, from that 23 letters with Mi.1II, other stamps Mi.3, 4, 6, 7, contains also excellent items as letter to Berlin with Mi.3, 7, 6, letter to Christianie with Mi.6, 7 or letter to Hamburg with horiz. strip of 4 (!) of Mi.1; good condition, very valuable compilation
1870folded printed matter with 5P, Mi.5C, CDS WIBORG 16/7 1870, addressed to Gamla Karleby, stamps only 2 shorter teeth; cat. only stamps 300€, rare and decorative entire!
1856-1990[COLLECTIONS] nice specializsd collection according to perforations and types, contains classic, various cancels, plate and production defects, booklets, supplemented with ca. 25 pcs of entires, placed in clamping pockets on sheet in 3 spring folders Schaubek, supplemented with 1 stockbook of dubblets, according to owner cat. ca. 25.000€
1935 SG.114a, 116a, corner blocks of four "Silver Jubilee" George V. 2P and 6P with plate flaw "extra flagstaff" (UL stamps with additional flagstaff); perfect quality, cat. £350 ++
1898 letter with SG.22 and 25, Victoria 5 Centimos and 20 Centimos (olive), carried by Hungarian steamship to France, recipient in Rouen - Poste Restante, on stampa red cancel MKA - "Magyar Kiralyi Adria" and additional PAQUEBOT, arrival postmark LE HAVRE and ROUEN, SG.25 on letter rare, cat. min. £600
1943 2x TCP Mi.94U, 2x printing sheets State labour service 2+1K, olive / brown, original colors, also paper without gum and with wmk, at the back in addition L-wards shifted print of 2nd stage (frame) in light green shade, by the other piece in addition at the back print of both stages in brighter colors and offset; perfect condition, certificates Zrinjšćak
1859 PAPAL STATE, letter to Ferrara with pair Sass.1, 1/2 Bajochi grey, PAIR WITH GUTTER, cancel of prephilatelic type COPPARO, better pmk of small community in Emilia Romagna; usual margins, small format, with gutter rare, cat. 3.250€
1859 Sas.12, Issue of provisional governament, 5C blue-green, mounted on newspaper background, part of typical circular CDS; very nice piece, cat. 7.500€
1852 Mi.1; Sas.1, Coat of arms 5C i horiz. strip of 3! on letter to Piacenza, close margins at top, straight line postmark, at the back round PIACENZA; cat. Sas. 2.000€
1863 TCP for Mi.15I, Catalogo Enciclopedico Italiano PS7, pair Viktor Emanuel 15C blue, on thin paper, at the back the same print in blue and black(!) color; perfect quality, certificate Dr. Avi, cat. CEI 12.000€, rare!
1900 Mi.3, block of four Prince George, 10 Lepta red, POSTAGE STAMPS USED AS REVENUE STAMPS (revenue stamp in right olive color for camparision) on official court document with cancel of court in Agios Myronos, rare!
1912-1990 [COLLECTIONS] exceedingly nice collection of Liechtenstein, from 1961 complete, only sets Mi.53-60 and 72-74 used, other mint never hinged in very good quality, complete sets and also many valuable souvenir sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheet Vaduz Mi.Bl.1 lightly hinged, also Mi.Bl. 2, 4, 5 etc., Mi.398, EUROPA 50Rp, 25-stamps complete printing sheet, PB Mi.197, 243, 247, 252 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 stockbooks, cat. according to the owner: according to the catalogue Michel 2005 ca. 10.000€, very interesting offer
1918-1940[COLLECTIONS] semi-specialised collection, major part of sets 2x, missing better air-mail sets from year 1933, contains many imperforated variants, varieties wmk, railway stamps, etc., mainly hinged, placed in paper clamping pockets in old stockbook A5, cat. ca. 1.500€
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.I-III, so-called. Unissued 6Gr, 24Gr, 40Gr, prepared in sheets for distribution, but never happened, printing destroyed; luxury quality, cat. 1.700€, this rare set missing in most collections!
1944 SALONIKI, issue German field post Mi.V., Opt "Soldaten-Päckchen / Front-Heimat" on Italian 50C P. M.; perfect quality, exp. Zierer, Wallner, certificate Krischke, rare offer
1943 ZANTE (ZAKYNTOS) Mi.I, 1-3, all in both colors Opt "ELLAZ" on Italian ISOLE JONIE, i. e. 8 values as complete issue of this territory; luxury condition, exp. Diena + certificate Colla, cat. 1.840€, minimum printing - for example. Mi. I only 500 pcs (!)
1900 provisional issue TIENTSIN, Mi.9, 5Pfg green with hand-made Opt CHINA; lightly hinged, almost mint never hinged (also according to certificate), exp. Starauschek, Pirl, certificate Jakubek
1916 EAST AFRICA, Mi.III, IV, so-called. Missionary provisional issue, marginal blok of 4 2½ heller with two pairs joined types II + I; also marginal blok of 4 7½ heller with two pairs joined types I. + II.; very nice quality, cat. 1060€
1936CANADA 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, letter to Czechoslovakia richly franked by Canadian stamps, violet cachet LZ 129 Hindenburg, CDS WINNIPEG 9.May.36, at the back air-mail MC FRANKFURT 14.5.36 and arrival postmark BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 16.V.36, cat. Sieger 409€; very sound condition, decorative letter
1862 letter to Milan, with Mi.15, 16, Luis I. 50R green and 100R violet, cancel. "52" PORTO, transit cancel LISBOA and arrival MILAN, small format; very nice
1850 letter to Vienna with 9 Kreuzer type I., Mi.5XI with red cancel STATION ZWITTAU 2.JUN ! (2nd day of issue!); letter with torn front side, at top stamp with significant fold, after all quite extraordinary entire, especially the first days with red cancels are extremely rare, cat. 7.500€ ++, certificate Puschmann
1850 letter to Arada with 3 Kreuzer, HP type IIIa red, Mi.3 + 5 Kreuzer, HP type I, marginal piece, Mi.5, redirected to Varadin, on the back side round GROSSWARDEIN 6/6; certificate Ferchenbauer., rare entire
1854 7x heavier Registered letter to Černovic (Bukovina) with 8x 9 Kreuzer IIIb, HP, originally strip of 7!, torn single stamps + 1 single piece + on the back side 6 Kreuzer III, HP, CDS WIEN; 2x closer margins, quite extraordinary franking in very nice quality, certificate Babor, cat. ca. 5.000€
1874 havier Reg letter sent from Prague to Kynžvart, with 5x 3 Kreuzer green and 1x 5 Kreuzer red, Mi.36, 37, from that 4x 3 Kreuzer on the back side, CDS PRAGUE 22/7 74, at the back arrival KÖNIGSWART 23/7; good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer this franking doesn't report, min. 700€
1918 Mi.225x-227x, Airmail - FLUGPOST 1,50 K, 2,50 K, 4 K - corner piece, imperforated TCP, so-called. "Vorzugstücke"; very rare and interesting also for collectors of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39, first-time offered!
1851 Mi.6, Blue Merkur, strip of 6, IIIb. type, cancel of newspaper expedition TRIEST; except horiz. margins quite perfect multiple, cat. for strip of 5 - 1.700€, for strip of 6 we estimate 2200€
1922 Mi.III, unissued "Flugpost", unique block of 10; luxury, exp. A. Matl, in catalogue undervalued stamps missing in most collections, extraordinary offer!
1945 Mi.AIV, Hitler 3Pfg, marginal block of 9, Opt Österreich (Austria), in the middle the 39th position with printing error "Österreicn"; cat. ANK as single stamps min. 820€, in block quite rare!
1858 Mi.2, "Bull's Head" 54 Par, green on blue-green paper, CDS GALATZ; very nice quality, at top small split, caused by print of the stamp, exp. Brun, certificates Menozzi and Heimbuchler, cat. 6.000€, rare stamp, favourite European classic, fine piece!
1934 Mi.483-487, Zeppelins, complete set, various wmk, contains Mi.483X, 484Y, 485Y, 486X and 487Y, all mint never hinged, value 5k L lower dented paper, value 15k crease in paper; cat. 1.450€
1935 Mi.499-508, Rescue of Chelyuskin Expedition, complete mint never hinged set; value 10K black dot in paper, 25K small faults in gum, favourite and sought set, cat. 1500€
1926-36[COLLECTIONS] TUWA very nice extensive collection, Mi.1-10 2x, Mi.15-28 in blocks of four mint never hinged (!), overprint Mi.37-38, Mi.39 etc., all in 2-sheet stockbook A4, cat. ca. 3.000€
1892 Sas.22, Coat of arms 5L brownlila / green, block of four, CDS REPUBBLICA SAN MARINO 16.DIC.1896, perfect and rare multiple, exp. Diena and Gazzi, cat. 6.000€
1863 Mi.1(2)+4, Tugra (signature of sultán Abdul Aziz - similar as seal), 2x 20Pa black/yellow and 5Ghr (Ghrusch), black line/dotted cancel; nice and rare piece
1891 Mi.64, Isfila 142, 150, Newspaper stamps - Crescent 10Pa, strip of 3 with Opt IMPRIMÉ, joined colors of Opt red + red + black; perfect piece of this Turkish rarity, originates from legendary collection - ex. M. Kühut Alanyali, exp. Bühler, certificate Nakri shows "extremely rare", unrepeatable offer!
1891 TURKEY, Mi.64aA, blok of 16 Newspaper, Crescent 10Pa green with Opt IMPRIMÉ, most stamps **; perfect multiple with certificate Nakri, on market mostly forgeries of Opt, complete blocks of genuine Opt are very rare!
1891Mi.65, Isfila 143, complete sheet of 100, Newspaper stamps - Crescent 20Pa with black Opt IMPRIMÉ, one stamp lower torn, several small flaws, without meaning regarding the scarcity of this multiple, an unique multiple - according to certificate Y.Nakri "single known sheet", originates from important collection, ex. Ara Garmiryan; exclusive exhibition piece and unrepeatable possibility for acqusition, for big collection or exhibit!
1891 TURKEY, Mi.65A, blok of 12 Newspaper, Crescent 20Pa red / pink with Opt IMPRIMÉ; very nice multiple with certificate Nakri, on market mostly forgeries of Opt, complete blocks of genuine opt are very rare!
1901-13TURKISH POST IN IRAQ comp. of 6 chosen entires addressed to Persia, franked with Turkish stamps from various issues, 4x letter with CDS KERKUK, BAGDAD, KERBELA, 1x post. money dispatch-note with mailing CDS KERKUK, 1x Ppc Mesopotanie addressed to Mosulu; good condition, 1x letter with content, rare occurrence on the Czech market, rare cancel on Turkish stamps and entires
1865-1882[COLLECTIONS] part of specialized collection "Star and Crescent", so-called. issue "Duloz", semifinished surcharged types I-VI, many blocks, highest values, perf, color variants, plate flaws, interesting cancels etc., incl. postage-due; all on 17 album sheets, cat. min. 4800€, rare object!
1876-1890[COLLECTIONS] part of specialized collection, issue "Big Crescent", incl. blocks, highest values, perf, color variants, plate flaws, interesting cancels etc.; all on 9 album sheets, cat. min. 2600€