Public auction 42 / Accessories

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161221 -  [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 1.500 pcs of used punched pockets format
[COLLECTIONS] ca. 1.500 pcs of used punched pockets format A5, glassy clear film PP, size 0,1mm, antistatická arrangement, inside size 150x210 mm, producer Donau, all in big box, more than 10kg covers, nákupní price was/were ca. 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
161222 -  [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5,
[COLLECTIONS] ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5, glassy clear film PP, size 0,1mm, antistatická arrangement, inside size 150x210 mm, producer Donau, all in big box, more than 10kg covers, nákupní price was/were ca. 13.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
161223 -  [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5,
[COLLECTIONS] ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5, glassy clear film PP, size 0,1mm, antistatická arrangement, inside size 150x210 mm, producer Donau, all in big box, more than 10kg covers, nákupní price was/were ca. 13.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
161224 -  [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5,
[COLLECTIONS] ca. 1.900ks used punched pockets format A5, glassy clear film PP, size 0,1mm, antistatická arrangement, inside size 150x210 mm, producer Donau, all in big box, more than 10kg covers, nákupní price was/were ca. 13.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
162239 - 2013 [COLLECTIONS]  COVERS f. Burda Auction, stovky pieces 1
2013 [COLLECTIONS] COVERS f. Burda Auction, stovky pieces 100 pcs of package covers on/for small and big postcard (original mark 101 and 102) from transparent plastic film 0,06mm, supplemented with several stovkami package covers on/for various size entires, more than 60kg zásob in 2 Ikea boxes, selling price ca. 30.000CZK, offered for a fraction of the price, unique and very profitable offer from annulled commercial reserve! ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
162228 - 2013 [COLLECTIONS]  CLAMPING POCKETS HAVID  black and white,
2013 [COLLECTIONS] CLAMPING POCKETS HAVID black and white, various size, original packing, stovky pieces + smaller part II. quality sorted according to size, supplemented with original lepidly, zrušená accumulation, 24kg zásob in/at Ikea box, nákupní price more than 25.000CZK, offered for a fraction of the price, profitable for businessmen, UPŘEDNOSTŇUJEME PERSONAL TESTER
Starting price: CZK
162251 - 2013 [COLLECTIONS]  SPRING FOLDER SCHAUBEK  quality spring f
2013 [COLLECTIONS] SPRING FOLDER SCHAUBEK quality spring folder Schaubek, selection of 22 pcs of new from annulled commercial reserve, size 295x300x45mm, for 100 album sheets, strong metal spring in hřbetě, quality povrchová arrangement, color red, blue, green, placed in 1 Ikea box, současná selling price ca. 10.000CZK, profitably offered for a fraction of the price! UPŘEDNOSTŇUJEME PERSONAL TESTER IN BRNO
Starting price: CZK
[COLLECTIONS] STOCK BOOKS, SPRING FOLDER, RING FOLDERS big selection of used, but preserved plates and stockbooks, contains 29 pcs of big A4 stockbooks, from that 15 pcs of vícelistových, 6x older spring folder, Pofis, Schaubek, 6x ring folder Leuchtturm, Safe etc.., 2x superb leatherette box on/for album sheets, 4x new Un big photoalbum, sale zásob after/around businessman in 3 big Ikea boxes, more than 60kg, very profitable offer for collector, UPŘEDNOSTŇUJEME PERSONAL TESTER IN BRNO
Starting price: CZK
162245 - 2013 [COLLECTIONS]   STOCK BOOKS CLIMAC  totally new Un stoc
2013 [COLLECTIONS] STOCK BOOKS CLIMAC totally new Un stockbooks A4, zrušená accumulation 52 pcs of stockbooks in 3 boxes Ikea, contains 15 pcs of 32 listových, 29 pcs of 24 listových, 3 pcs of 8 listové, mainly white sheets glued strips, supplemented with 5 pcs of stockbooks FILUX, 20 and 16 listové with zasekávanými strips, současná general selling price ca. 24.000CZK, offered for a fraction of the price - profitable offer for businessmen, UPŘEDNOSTŇUJEME PERSONAL TESTER IN BRNO
Starting price: CZK
162260 -  [COLLECTIONS] COVERS used covers for Ppc, clamping pocket,
[COLLECTIONS] COVERS used covers for Ppc, clamping pocket, cards for stamps, euro-pockets, various condition; in cardboard box, total over 12kg
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 42 / Accessories - Information


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