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1862 comp. of 2 classic letters, 1x to Brussels, franked with pair of Napoleon III. 20C, Mi.21 with rare trial perforation!, lower perf cut, CDS PARIS, arrival postmark + 1x letter with Mi.15, dotted pmk 3382 + CDS TOULON; ordinary quality U:A5
1927 Mi.Bl.2, souvenir sheet Strassbourg; superb, light bend in top right corner, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1930 Mi.248, Smile from Reims, booklet issue; cat. 900€, nice U:A5
1936-50 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.307, 2x blue special postmark SALON DE L´AERONAUTIQUE/ PARIS/ 25.11.36 + cachet, sent directly from this air-mail exhibition, at the back MC PARIS P.P./ AVION/ 25.11.36 and arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 27.11.36 + in addition inserted airmail letter from philatelic exhibition in Paris 1950; both good condition U:A5
1954-71 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 17 stamp booklets Red Cross, contains i.a. mi.1032-33, 1117-18, 1175-76, 1329-30, etc.; cat. ca. 420€, placed on album sheets U:Z
1893 FORGERY TAHITI Postage due stamps 1c and 2c with Opt + COTE D IVOIRE Postage due stamp 1Fr/5c with Opt, 3 pcs of postage-due colonial stamps with false Opt, situable as comparison material, marked forgery U:A5
1855-1920 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains colonial issue for Morocco, Levant, Zanzibar etc., i.a. Zanzibar Mi.17, 34, Levant Mi.3 etc.; various quality, high catalogue value U:O4