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1933 Mi.140-141, Princess Elsa 2Fr with upper margin + Prince Francis I. 3Fr; luxury pieces from favourite set, cat. 420€+ U:A5
1933 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.103 and 109, CDS TRIESENBERG 23.I.33; good condition U:A5
1933 SWISSAIR MITTLEMEERFLUG airmail letter to Vienna, with Mi.109, 111-113, CDS TRIESENBERG 24.IV.33, red round SWISSAIR MITTLEMEERFLUG 26.IV.33, transit pmk ROMA, TUNISIA, ZÜRICH, on the back side advertising label; only for stamps cat. 250€, decorative, light vertical fold U:A5
1936 C.O.D. Reg and airmail letter to Brno, franked with. air stamp. Mi.143-145, 147 and postage stmp Mi.129, CDS SCHAAN 19.VI.36, C.O.D. label, transit STRASBOURG GARE AVION, PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT, blue framed pmk DOŠLO LETADLEM BRNO2; decorative, only stamp. cat. 200€ U:A5
1912-1990 [COLLECTIONS] exceedingly nice collection of Liechtenstein, from 1961 complete, only sets Mi.53-60 and 72-74 used, other mint never hinged in very good quality, complete sets and also many valuable souvenir sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheet Vaduz Mi.Bl.1 lightly hinged, also Mi.Bl. 2, 4, 5 etc., Mi.398, EUROPA 50Rp, 25-stamps complete printing sheet, PB Mi.197, 243, 247, 252 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 stockbooks, cat. according to the owner: according to the catalogue Michel 2005 ca. 10.000€, very interesting offer U:DR