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1862 Mi.21a, Coat of arms 18Kr green, cancel 67; very nice piece, cat. 650€ U:A5
1852 folded letter with 3 Kreuzer, Mi.2 with round cancel 33, supplemented with CDS HEIM 1/Jan 52, at the back arrival postmark CARLSRUHE 1.Jan., letter paper with additional-printing of castle EICHTERS HEIM; folds, small tearing U:A4
1850 Mi.7, 18Kr orange yellow, horizontal pair + 1 stamp on cut-square with cancel "325", various margins; nice piece of this rare franking, certificate Schmitt, pair 1200€, strip of 3 2800€ U:A5
1861 Mi.11, Coat of arms in oval 1Gr, pair on cut square with numeral cancel 8; luxury piece, certificates Grobe, Lange, cat. 360€ U:A5
1866 folded firm letter to Stockholm, franked by 3Sch, Mi.15b, horizontal pair; dumb cancel, L lower note by chalk, at the back rare oval cancel of post box "1/ St. P.A./ 13.3.", framed CDS HAMBURG/ K.S.P.A. (D)/ 13.3.1866 (= Royal Swedish post off.) and arrival STOCKHOLM/ 18.3.; in the middle 1x horiz. folded, well preserved, just letter cat. 1.400€ U:A5
1859 Mi.4, Coat of arms 2½Sh, dark pink, with right lined cancel; very nice and attractive piece with very small repaired place, this stamp often missing in collections, exp. Brettl and other marks, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1852-1862 Mi.2-4, 6, 8, 13-19, attractive comp. of 12 stamps, various quality, Mi.14 with perfect print of CDS OLDENBURG; counted as basic types, cat. 2.650€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. 1Sgr, horizontal strip of 4 on cut-square, on 3 sides wide margins, on Left side close margin, round cancel. 1276 and frame NEU RUPPIN; cat. 500€++ U:A5
1851-52 comp. 3 classic letters, contains 2x letter Prussia, with Mi.2, resp. Mi.3, CDS BERLIN, GREINFERBERG + 1x Saxony with Mi.5, wide margins, CDS CHEMNITZ; nice compilation U:A5
1851-63 compilation of 23 pcs of classical stamps, contains i.a. Mi.2II, 3, 4-6, 9-19; various quality, cat. ca. 800€ U:A5
1866-1869 9 franked letters, i.a. with Mi.9+10, 17, printed matter with Mi.19 and oths.; mostly very nice quality U:A5
1868 Registered letter with Mi.9+10, 3Kr+7Kr, CDS MAINZ, additional violet CHARGÉ, arrival PFORZHEIM; very nice quality U:A5
1852 letter with Mi.8, 3 Kr Prussian blue, cancel 134, CDS MAINZ, to Heidelberg U:A5
1853-1865 2 larger cut-squares and front side of letter, with color and multiple frankings of Mi.11+12, 13+14 and pair Mi.41; very nice compilation U:A5
1854-1855 2 letters, franked with Mi.12a, and 12b, 3 Kr black/greyblue and green-blue, cancel 306 and 184, CDS SIGMARINGEN and DARMSTADT; very nice small letters U:A5
1857 letter with Mi.10a, 9 Kreuzer black/yeallow, cancel 142, CDS OFFENBACH, to Budapest U:A5
1857 letter with Mi.12, 3 Kr black/greyblue, cancel 337, CDS KLOSTERWALD, very nice small letter with rare cancel! U:A5
1859 letter with Mi.10a, 9 Kr black/yellow, cancel 220, CDS FRANKFURT, to Berlin, small format U:A5
1861 letter franked with. 3x Mi.20, 1Kr green, cancel 220, CDS FRANKFURT, to Wiesbaden; very nice letter U:A5
1862 letter with mixed (!) franking of the 2nd and 3rd issues, Mi.20+32, 1Kr green and 3Kr red, CDS PADERBORN, to Frankfurt; very nice quality U:A5
1863 letter with Mi.17, 3Sgr brown-red, cancel. 2, CDS ALLENDORF, to Rostock, rarer stamp, cat. only stamp 75€ U:A5
1864 letter with Mi.32, 3 Kr red, cancel 163, CDS WORMS, to Mannheim U:A5
1864 Registered letter with Mi.32+33, 3+6Kr , cancel 163 WORMS, atypical position of stamps in corners of letter, in red NB (nota-bene) and CHARGÉ, blue commercial, to Mannheim; at top small tearing, overall very decorative and as Registered also rare entire U:A5
1865 letter with Mi.52, 3 K carmine, centred perforation, cancel 220, CDS FRANKFURT, to Lollar (Giesen), very nice small letter U:A5
1865 2 letters, 1x letter with Mi.31, 3Sgr brown, cancel 14, CDS CASSEL+ 1x letter with 2x Mi.31, 3Sgr light brown, cancel 291, CDS GERA, to Wien (Vienna) U:A5
1874 Mi.29Ia, Eagle - big shield 2½/2½Gr, plate flaw - numeral "1" in shield shifted to the left; used, quality should be inspected, cat. 750€ U:A5
1912 Mi.I-III, Airmail, complete mint never hinged set; cat. ca. 140€ U:A5
1922 Mi.200b, Exhibition of Industry 2M dark purple violet; exp Dechsner BPP, left upper stamp with small omission of the gum, cat. 320€++ U:A5
1941-42 Mi.810II, 812III, 150th Anniversary death of W. A. Mozart 6+4Pf, pair with plate flaw on pos. 4 - black dot above "O" in the word "Mozart" + Memorial day of heroes 12+38Pf, corner pair with plate flaw on pos. 50; cat. 120€ U:A5
1942 Mi.820III, 825I, 12. Postal Congress 3+7Pf, pair with plate flaw on pos. 29 - black point over right numeral "3" + 12+38Pf with plate flaw on pos. 13 - brown stain above "p" in "Europäischer"; cat. 210€, interesting defects U:A5
1943 Mi.833U, Tag der Wehrmacht 5+4Pf green, imperforated horizontal pair, marginal, trial printing in original color on stamp paper without gum; sought by specialists, cat. ca. 500€ U:A5
1943 Mi.837U, Tag der Wehrmacht 15+10Pf brown-red, imperforated vertical pair, with sheet margin and control-numbers, trial printing in original color on stamp paper without gum; sought by specialists, cat. ca. 500€ U:A5
1942-43 Mi.846I, 865I, 2 bloks of four A. Hitler., 8+22Pf with plate flaw on pos. 50 + 54+96Pf with plate flaw on pos. 43; cat. 190€ U:A5
1943-44 Mi.856I and 906I, 2 horizontal pairs with plate flaws, 100th anniversary of birth of Peter Rosegger 12+8Pf with plate flaw on pos. 48 + 21st Anniversary of march in Munich with plate flaw on pos. 49; cat. 175€ U:A5
1944 Mi.892I and 893II, Comradeship 20+30Pf, pair with plate flaw dot before "s" in right inscription "Postschutz" + 24+36Pf with plate flaw dot above "c" in the word "Reich"; cat. 155€, interesting defects U:A5
1941 TAG DER BRIEFMARKE 1941 - sheet with stamp (Heinrich von Stephan) and with nazism symbols, without face value, on stamp paper with gum; author L. Hesshaimer, many folds especially in margins U:A5
1923 philatelically influenced letter franked with airmail stamp Mi.215, 217 263, 264, 265 + Mi.225 (2x), CDS GÖRLITZ/ 28.2.23; nice quality, format 21,5 x 11cm, only for used stamp cat. ca. 95€ U:A4
1923 INFLATION letter sent in the place, franked with double franking of Wartburg 5000M, Mi.261, MC NUREMBERG 30.8.23; good condition U:A5
1923 INFLATION cash paid printed matter to Munich, mounted label Gebühr bezalt 50000 with CDS DEISENHOFEN 22.Sep.23; good condition U:A5
1923 INFLATION 3 letters with rich inflationary frankings, i.a. stamp. Mi.304A, 253, CDS BERLIN 24.8.23, SEIFHENNERSDORF 26.9.23 and LEIPZIG 16.10.23, 2x addressed to Czechoslovakia; good condition U:A5
1923 INFLATION 3 commercial letters addressed to Czechoslovakia with rich inflationary frankings, i.a. stamps with pin hole Mi.298, 299, CDS BERLIN 10.10.23, HANOVER 27.10.23 and LEIPZIG 16.10.23; good condition, decorative U:A5
1923 Registered letter to Czechoslovakia, with issue right after monetary reform, Mi.339, 340, 341 2x, CDS BÜRGEL 3.12.23; nice decorative envelope, small format U:A5
1930 commercial Registered letter + C.O.D. for 6M, addressed to Czechoslovakia, with Presidents, Mi.422, 415, 414, MC BERLIN 27.2.30, at the back arrival PRAGUE 28.II.30; good condition U:A5
1932 Registered letter C.O.D. addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with air stamp Mi.A379 and 455, CDS BRUNSWICK 1/ 25.5.32, arrival postmark BRNO 12/ 27.V.32 at the back; interesting entire, good quality U:A5
1939 2 Registerd and Express philatelic letters sent from Vienna to Prague, franked with i.a. overprint stamps of Danzig 1RM and 2RM, Mi.728, 729, CDS WIEN 28.XII.39, at the back arrival cancel; good condition, cat. price for stamps 140€ U:A5
1880-45 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of gutter-pairs (Zusammendrucke) mainly on postage stamps, various issues, part used, opposite facing pairs etc., 1x letter; on 3 cards A4, cat. according to owner ca. 600€ U:O4
1903-45 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL interesting collection of Official stamps (Dienstmarken) on 13 album sheets + 1 sheet with stamp of FP, contains i.a. Mi.9-14,57-64, 114-131 etc.; cat. ca. 1.100€ U:Z
1920-23 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Germany on 3 full cards A4, contains mainly inflation issue incl. several specialities, color, blocks etc. + several blocks with St. Andrew's crosses from stamp booklets up to year 1934 U:O4
1922-24 2 letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x commercial registered letter with Mi.19, 87, 97, 102 with CDS NEUTEICH 29.5.22, 1x letter with Mi.193, 197, 200 with CDS DANZIG 24.11.24; good condition U:A5
1943 ALBANIA Mi.11VI, overprint 1Fr with plate flaw on pos. 48 - short numeral "1" in year; cat. 350€ U:A5
1943 ALBANIA Mi.12VI, overprint 2Fr with plate flaw on pos. 48 - short numeral "1" in year; cat. 350€ U:A5
1943 ALBANIA Mi.1X, overprint 1Q/3Q with plate flaw on pos. 5 - shift numeral"3" and characters "or" upwards; cat. 200€
1943 ALBANIA Mi.11XIV, overprint 1Fr with plate flaw on pos. 46 - long numeral"1" in "14"; cat. 350€ U:A5
1943 ALBANIA Mi.14VI, overprint 25Q with plate flaw on pos. 48 - short number "1" in year; cat. 450€ U:A5
1943 ALBANIA Mi.14XIV, overprint 25Q with plate flaw on pos. 46 - long number "1" in "14"; cat. 450€ U:A5
1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-IV, 3x marginal piece; mint never hinged, good quality, cat. 110€ U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.V-VIII, air-mail overprint; luxury set, exp. Bruns and Krischke U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XV-XIX., Soldiers and aircrafts, perforated; complete set of corner pieces, luxury, exp. Krischke, in catalogues undervalued U:A5
1942 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XXI-XXIV Gent´s issue, 3 complete sets, 1x imperforated, 1x perforated with numbers and without numbers at the back U:A5
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.I-III, so-called. Unissued 6Gr, 24Gr, 40Gr, prepared in sheets for distribution, but never happened, printing destroyed; luxury quality, cat. 1.700€, this rare set missing in most collections! U:A5