Public auction 42 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia

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161753 - 1944 FAHRBARES POSTAMT BRÜNN A  black straight line postmar
1944 FAHRBARES POSTAMT BRÜNN A black straight line postmark supplemented with CDS BRÜNN A/ 23.XI.44/ b on/for Un envelope zřízené used after/around bombing in Brno 20.11.44; very fine print, in auction 42 sold after/behind 6.500CZK, very rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
159571 - 1939, 1945 selection of two sheets, 1x format A4 with seven
1939, 1945 selection of two sheets, 1x format A4 with seven print black PR117, PRAGUE 1/ 2.II.45/ Bološevismus never!, 1x karička with three print oranžového postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), PRAČ1C, PRAGUE 25.IX.39/ 1f; superb print, c.v.. 2.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
161509 - 1940-42 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc, round military unit postmarks wi
1940-42 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc, round military unit postmarks with eagle, all 4x red cancel. "Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Bohemia and Moravia", CDS UNG. HRADISCH, KOLÍN, (2x), OLMÜTZ, PRAG; interesting selection of, good condition
Starting price: CZK
160575 - 1940-41 GESTAPO BRNO 4 PC CDV7 (2x), CDV9 and CDV11, address
1940-41 GESTAPO BRNO 4 PC CDV7 (2x), CDV9 and CDV11, addressed to or from prisons in Brno
Starting price: CZK
160553 - 1945 GHETTO TEREZÍN postcard without franking sent 21.2.194
1945 GHETTO TEREZÍN postcard without franking sent 21.2.1945 /hand-made at the back/ from ghetto to husband, working in labour camp in training center of SS in Bystřice by Benešov, additional green four-line cancel. "Answer nur über day Ältestenrat....", interesting text; in the middle 1x vert. fold; used entires sent between ghetto and labour camps are rare!
Starting price: CZK
160548 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  PC CDV16 sent member of labour gr
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC CDV16 sent member of labour group prisoners from ghetto Terezín, on a mission in training camp units SS, CDS BISTRITZ b. BENESCHAU/ 10.X.44, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur ...", addressed to to Brno, text only povolených 30 Slovak; interesting, very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
160555 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card  to Kyjov in Moravia, Poděk
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Kyjov in Moravia, Poděkování for parcel, four-line violet additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkarten..."; pulled-down stamp, 1x vert. fold
Starting price: CZK
161482 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card to Portugal, Poděkování f
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Portugal, Poděkování for parcel, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp A. Hitler 50h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 15.II.44 + arrival postmarkl LISBOA 24.2.44, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
157664 - 1944 GHETTO TEREZÍN card to Portugal, Thanks for parcel, wi
1944 GHETTO TEREZÍN card to Portugal, "Thanks for parcel", with stamp A. Hitler 50h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 26.II.44 + arrival machine postmark LISBOA 1.4.44, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
161479 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card to Switzerland through Jewis
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Switzerland through Jewish Council of Elders in Prague and German organization in Berlin, franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler 15pf with mailing CDS BERLIN 31.8.44, additional cancel. Jewish council/court older Prague, passed through German censorship, text from 20.VI.44; decorative card in very good quality
Starting price: CZK
161478 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card to Switzerland through Jewis
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Switzerland through Jewish Council of Elders in Prague and German organization in Berlin, franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler 15pf with mailing CDS BERLIN 31.8.44, additional cancel. Jewish council/court older Prague, passed through German censorship, text from 28.VII.44; decorative card in very good quality
Starting price: CZK
157666 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  card to Switzerland through Jewis
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Switzerland through Jewish Council of Elders in Prague and German organization in Berlin, franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler 15pf with mailing CDS BERLIN 5.8.44, additional cancel. Jewish council/court older Prague, passed through German censorship; decorative card in very good quality, in/at unusual rose color!
Starting price: CZK
161480 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  preprinted postcard to Switzerlan
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT preprinted postcard to Switzerland, "Poděkování for parcel", franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 50h A. Hitler, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 11.XII.43, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition
Starting price: CZK
160550 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC CDV16 sent member of labour gro
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC CDV16 sent member of labour group prisoners from ghetto Terezín, on a mission in training camp units SS, CDS BISTRITZ b. BENESCHAU/ 26.XI.44, red additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur ...", addressed to wife to shromažďovacího camp Jews on/for Hagiboru; 1x vertical folded, otherwise good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
161200 - 1943 PRISON / BRNO - KOUNIC DORMITORY PC CDV16 from prisoner
1943 PRISON / BRNO - KOUNIC DORMITORY PC CDV16 from prisoner, CDS BRÜNN 12.XI.43, passed through censorship; small repair in R margin
Starting price: CZK
160551 - 1944 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR  PC CDV16 sent from shromažďovac
1944 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR PC CDV16 sent from shromažďovacího camp Jews from mixed manželství in Prague on/for Hagiboru (Schwerinstr. 1201), CDS PRAG 2/ 20.XI.44, addressed to prisoner/-s from ghetto Terezín nasazeném in training camp units SS in Bystřice by/on/at Benešov; text only povolených 30 Slovak, in the middle 1x vert. fold, otherwise sound condition + including certificate of mailing for parcel stejnému prisoner/-s, with Pof.84, CDS BRÜNN 6/ 28.IX.44
Starting price: CZK
162075 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  PROTECTORATE / SLOVAK REP.   collec
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] PROTECTORATE / SLOVAK REP. collection in/at full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains stamp. Slovak štátu: i.a. part Overprint issue 5h - 2,50CZK in blocks, several bloks of four with plate number etc.. + Protektorát: parts of sheets, bands, horseshoe, coupons issues Towns, Express (issue II.) corner blocks of four with plate number etc..; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
160452 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]   selection of greater lot of unstuck
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of greater lot of unstuck postmarked stamps sorted according to values single issues, mainly Landscape, Official A. Hitler., supplemented with 100 pcs of parcels; all in/at one box
Starting price: CZK
161344 - 1941-45 [COLLECTIONS]  cut-squares and scattered unstuck sta
1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] cut-squares and scattered unstuck stamp. Protectorate, obsaženy especially Service stmp I. also issue II., supplemented with stamp. Czechoslovakia with small příměsí abroad, all in/at one box
Starting price: CZK
162074 - 1938-45 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 60 pcs of various e
1938-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 60 pcs of various entires, issue as Landscape, A. Hitler, Official, part R, Ex etc.., supplemented with several entires from Sudetenland; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
161529 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting comp. 13 pcs of entires
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. 13 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 2x mixed franking official and postage stmp., 1x letter with pair 50h overprint issue, 1x postal agency pmk., 2x surtax stamp., 2x Reg letter, 2x franked certificate of mailing etc..; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
161528 - 1943-44 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. 12 pcs of official Reg letters,
1943-44 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 12 pcs of official Reg letters, various franking, i.a. 1x str-of-7 A. Hitler. 60h, 1x C.O.D., 1x provisional registry label, 1x postal agency pmk etc..; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
161751 - 1942 CDV14 I, international post card 1,50 Koruna Linden Lea
1942 CDV14 I, international post card 1,50 Koruna Linden Leaves, I. part from double, Reg to Italy, uprated with stamp 60h + 1,50 Koruna, CDS SKRBEŇ 9.III.42, passed through German censorship; good condition, rare usage, very nice decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
161506 - 1944 CLZ4, A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna sent as express, uprated w
1944 CLZ4, A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna sent as express, uprated with stamp 1,50 Koruna + 2,50 Koruna, Pof.120, 121, CDS PROSTĚJOV 29.XI.44; without margins, good condition
Starting price: CZK
160136 - 1939 Pof.CTÚ1a; Mi.T1/02, Telegram with printed stmp 40h Li
1939 Pof.CTÚ1a; Mi.T1/02, Telegram with printed stmp 40h Linden Leaves brown, incl. confirmations, 1. printing, rough perf ;; 1x vert. fold, c.v.. Pofis 1.500CZK; Michel 350€
Starting price: CZK
162138 - 1940 CMO2, international reply coupon 3.35K, L CDS PRAGUE 3.
1940 CMO2, international reply coupon 3.35K, L CDS PRAGUE 3.I.40, R QUITO AUG.9.1940 EQUADOR; c.v.. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
162137 - 1940 CMO2, comp. 2 pcs of international reply couponc 3.35K,
1940 CMO2, comp. 2 pcs of international reply couponc 3.35K, 1x L CDS PRAGUE 2.I.40, R QUITO MAR.13.1940 EQUADOR + 1x L PROSTĚJOV 12.III.40, R CORREOS...EQUADOR; c.v.. 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
162070 - 1944 CZS1, urgent message sent from Pardubice to Prague, CDS
1944 CZS1, urgent message sent from Pardubice to Prague, CDS PARDUBICE 24.VIII.44; rather good condition, light bend in LR corner
Starting price: CZK
161527 - 1939-40 comp. 4 pcs of forms congratulatory telegrams, print
1939-40 comp. 4 pcs of forms congratulatory telegrams, printed matter 770 Lx8, 6, 11, 1, only Lx 11 Un
Starting price: CZK
161332 - 1944 COF3, second part dobírkového card 10h, uprated with
1944 COF3, second part dobírkového card 10h, uprated with stamp A. Hitler. 2 Koruna and 60K, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 7.III.44; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161530 - 1940-41 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 16 pcs of various! large
1940-41 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of various! larger part/-s parcel cards used after/behind Protectorate, various franking and CDS, 3x as Express, from that 1x franked with. 3x Bechyně 5 Koruna, CDS HRANICE etc..; it is worth seeing, interesting selection of!
Starting price: CZK