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1939 Reg letter to Berlin, with Hlinka 50h and 1 Koruna with overprint "SLOVAK REP.", Alb.23A and 24A and Hlinka 3 Koruna, Alb.32B with line perforation 10½;, CDS BRATISLAVA 4/ 19.V.39, on reverse arrival postmark.; exp. by Synek., c.v.. 2.000SKK, decorative U:A5
1939-42 comp. 7 pcs of letters addressed to Germany, from that 1x Reg and Express, 2x R, 5x By Air-Mail, various franking also air stamp., part arrival postmark, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1939-43 comp. of 9 entires with machine cancels, contains i.a. letter with bilingual MC BESUCHET XXII. DONAU-MESSE.../NAVŠTIVTE XXII. DUNAJSKÝ VELETRH..BRATISLAVA 23.VIII.42 franked wit Tatra 20h and 2x 10h and with postage-due 4x 5h, Zsf.48, 1x censorship etc.; interesting compilation U:A4
1941-44 comp. 5 pcs of letters addressed to Bulgaria, from that 2x as Registered, 1x Let+Ex, Us Slovak censorship, decorative franking postage stmp and airmail stmp.; good condition U:A5
1942-44 comp. 2 pcs of entires addressed abroad, 1x Reg and Express letter to Germany, with 10 Koruna and 2x 30h, Alb.46, 109, CDS ŽILINA 7.XII.44 on reverse arrival, passed through German censorship, 1x commercial letter to Bohemia-Moravia franked by multicolor franking issue Tatra I. and Hlinka 1,30 Koruna, passed through censorship; good condition U:A5
1944 postcard franked with. Surtax stamp. 2+4Ks from miniature sheet For Children-issue, Alb.119, with retouch of plate flaw "cloud", CDS ORAVSKÝ PODZÁMOK 22.XII.41; good condition U:A5
1945 larger part money post. order i.a. franked by stmp Alb.117 with CDS HANDLOVA 1.III.45, paid/franked after/around freedom; good condition U:A5
1939 commemorative sheet Andrew Hlinka with mounted stamp., i.a. Alb.28C, Hlinka 30h violet, line perforation 12½; : 10½;; interesting U:A4
1944 PLATE PROOF Alb.NN1x, Nové slovo, plate proof alternate newspaper hinge / label on white paper without gum, c.v.. 1.500SKK U:A5
1939 Zsf.NV10x-21x, Newspaper 2h - 1Ks unwatermarked, without value 50h brown, all horiz. grid, from that 4 stams with sheet margins, cat. 2.400Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.NV11Ya, Newspaper stamps 5h blue, wmk 2; exp. by Sablatura., minor gum fault, c.v.. 2.500SKK U:A5
1939 Zsf.NV14Y, "Malý priehrádkový list" - special small sheet of value 10h red-orange, 50 pcs of PB; on margins hinged, in the middle fold, after all extraordinary offer, cat. only for ** 30.000Sk, interesting U:A4
1943 Zsf.NV24, Newspaper stamps 15h brown, imperforated vertical 4-stamp gutter !; catalogues and literature don't report, known only 2 pieces, on the bottom of the stamp partially omitted gum, exceptional offer U:A5
1940 selection of 16 pcs of cuts, 1 of whole cover and 1 cut-square, all franked with. Novinovými stamp., mainly 5h or 2x 5h, 1x 2x 10h and cut square with multicolor franking 7 pcs of stamps; good condition U:A5
1941 Reg letter to Trnava, franked by stmp Alb.48, 59-61 and Delivery stmp 50h, Alb.DR2, CDS BRATISLAVA 18.XI.41, exact franking, right usage delivery stamps ! (Reg letter + "To vlastných rúk"); rare U:A5
1943 Reg letter in the place franked with. 2x issues Charitable stamps Alb.84-86 and stamp. Express 50h, Alb.DR1, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 10.II.43, incl. certificate of mailing with remark "to vl. ruk"; decorative U:A5
1939 Alb.D1Xy-D12Xy, Postage due stmp 5h-20Ks, complete set bloks of four with plate number, paper without watermark, vertical grid; some blocks of four hinged on/for margins outside pos., i.a. 20Ks, 10 Koruna, higher catalogue U:A4
1939 Alb.ND11Y, 10 Koruna red, imperforated; exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 4.000Sk, minor gum fault U:A5
1942 insufficiently franked letter to Lubochně, franked with. postage stmp 30h, burdened with postage-due 2 Koruna, which/what was/were paid airmail (!) stamp. Alb.L4, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 285.VIII.42; very rare usage, interesting U:A5
1942 court letter, postal-charge paid Postage due stamps., 30h, 2x 40h and 1Ks, Alb.D4, D5, D8, cancelled by postmark SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES 12.VI.42, larger format; good condition U:A4
1942 service letter to Poprad, postal-charge hrazeno recipient, postage due paid postage stmp Hlinka 1,30K, Alb.33b !, CDS BRATISLAVA 26.X.42, postmaster's note; envelope open from 2 sides U:A5
1942 service letter to Ružomberoku, postal-charge hrazeno recipient, chosen 2 stamp. Postage due stmp 50h and 1x postage stmp 30h, Alb.51 !, CDS BRATISLAVA 23.IX.42; interesting U:A5
1943 whole court letter with fee paid place postage-due stamp. Leteckou 1Ks and 2 pcs of poplatkových stamp. Slovakotur 15h, Alb.L3, KZ2, CDS LUBOCHŇA 5.XI.43; good condition, quite rare U:A5
1943 reply form to Lubochňa, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 1/ 8. XI.43, with postage-due in total value 1,30K, paid by Postage due stamp 10h and 8x stamps Slovakotour 15 brown, 6x line perforation 12½, 2x line perforation 10½; extraordinary entire U:A5
1939-43 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 11 pcs of entires with postal agency pmk, it contains e.g. : OKRUHLÉ (GIRALTOVICE), ŠURÁNKY (AŠAKERT), ZELENÉ (POLTÁR), PERNEK (ZOHOR) etc..; interesting, rare usage U:O5
1939 comp. 3 pcs of FP cards - "Dopisnica Polnej post service", all cancel. POL. POST 8, passed through censorship; rare usage U:A5
1941-43 comp. 6 pcs of FP cards, CDS FP No.6 and No.8, ÚSTREDŃA POL. POST, 2x sent from Karentenní station with CDS PLIEŠIVEC and HERMANEC, censorship U:A5
1943 letter with content sent from Slovakia to Sudetenland, Us German censorship with inserted censorship printed sheetlet "Während des Kriegs..." on red paper, CDS HUMENNÉ 24.XII.43 U:A5
1945 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA letter returned back - crossing front, CDS TURČIANSKÝ S. MARTIN 8.III.45 with black straight line postmark RETURN TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA; good condition U:A5
1944 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA commercial letter to Switzerland, returned back with label NEPRÍPUSTNÉ, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 27.X.44 - to is day occupation Bánské Bystrica near/in/at fightings Slovak national revolt (!); good condition U:A5
1939 correspondence card sent from Brno to Bratislava, underpaid postage stmp Štefánik 50h, CDS BRNO, burdened with postage-due at the delivery place in value 1,40Ks, franked with. Czechosl. Postage due stamps 1CZK and 40h, Pof.DL59 and 62, arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 17.IV.39, recipient refused (handwritten notice "Adr. neprijal TESTER postage due", sent back, sender burdened by postage-due in same value, paid again Czechosl. Postage due stamps 1CZK and 40h; interesting U:A5
1939 POLSKÝ occupation cut-squares with provisory cancel. state coat of arms post off. JABLONKA 3 print and HORNÁ ZUBRICA 1 print, supplemented with Polish CDS JABLONKA ORAWSKA 10.IX.39, rare U:A5
1943 larger part parcel of dispatch-note sent as Express, on face-side with Hlinka 3 Koruna, CDS TASOVEC 21.XII.43, on reverse paid fee for delivery fee 50h Slovak revenues 5x 10h !; very interesting U:A5
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) selection of 24 pcs of entires with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), contains i.a. ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO 11.VIII.40, TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA 6.VIII.39, ŽILINA 6.X.39, BREZOVÁ P. B. 7.V.39 etc..; interesting selection of U:O5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of entires with special postmark, contains i.a. orange round MARIANKA MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 8.VI.41, red ŽILINA - PRVNÍ VÝROČÍ SAMOSTATNOSTI 14.II.1940, TURČANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN TESTER HLINKOVEJ MLÁDEŽE 2.VI.1941 etc.., part Us censorship; interesting selection of U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] nice mainly complete basic collection in glassine envelopes on pages in/at pérovém stockbook, contains Overprint issue without Alb.19b, i.a. incl. 10CZK Bratislava, 8-zn. gutter Hlinka 50h green, overprint Hlinka in blocks of four with plate number, Štefánik 40h-2Ks in blocks of four, then Airmail blocks of four, Newspaper stamps Alb.NV1-9, 10-22 in blocks of four, Postage due stmp etc..; high catalogue value, Overprint issue unattested, interesting offer U:Z
1939- [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 pcs of entires, various interesting frankings, i.a. mixed, with overprint issues, censorship, CDS etc.. U:O5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 55 pcs of letters, from that 25 sent as Registered, interesting forerunner, parallel franking, part with Overprint issue, multiple franking etc..; placed in covers on/for letters in box U:K
1939-43 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 70 pcs of entires, mainly official correspondence, contains interesting forerunner, parallel franking, franking with stamp. Overprint issue, first flights etc..; owner valued on/for 12.000CZK U:O5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of entires, from that 7x Reg or Ex, contains various interesting frankings postage, but also air-mail and postage-due stamp., censorship, forerunner, Overprint issue etc.. U:O5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 pcs of různách entires, larger part addressed to abroad, part as Registered, Flight, contains several PC, Ppc, etc..; various quality, interesting U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of letters to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 6x R, various interesting multiple, mixed also single franking, i.a. issue air-mail, Princes, big Tatra etc.., larger part Us censorship; various quality U:O5
1942 CDV4/18a, Promotional - Smolenice castle (tree L), to Protectorate, censorship OKW, CDS NOVÉ MESTO N. V. 3.VIII.42; good condition, c.v.. 4.000Sk U:A5
1941 CDV4/25, pictorial PC High Tatras sent as express to Vienna, uprated with stamp 5 Koruna, Alb.42, CDS TRNAVA 18.III.41, arrival WIEN 1/ 21.3.41 in front, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
CDV13/8 + CDV4/35, comp. 2 pcs of pictorial post cards sent to Germany, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 8.VII.44 and BRATISLAVA 24.X.39; good condition U:A5
1940 CDV4/8, 11, 30, comp. 3 pcs of pictorial post cards sent abroad, 4/8 to Bulgaria, 4/11 to Bohemia-Moravia, 4/30 to Germany, censorship, good condition U:A5
1941 CDV10, view card with imprinted stamp Slovak memorandové vyslanstvo to Protectorate, with Memorandum 50h, Tiso 5h and Tatra 20h, CDS BRATISLAVA I.IV.41, passed through censorship U:A5
1940-42 2 pcs of used decorative telegrams incl. envelopes, Lx4, Lx12, small stains in/at envelopes U:A4