FRENŠTÁT P. R. selection of revolutionary overprints on 10 values in blocks of four, supplemented with 7 pcs of bloks of four with shifts and opt inverted
MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ complete set 27 pcs of stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with black overprint, 23 pcs of postage stmp A. Hitler., 2 pcs of Smetana, 2 pcs of St. Vitus
OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, all values incl. 120h blue with anulací round hole in printing block
PRAGUE Lion Breaking its Chains, design V. Preissiga on/for revolutionary stamp., 8-známkový printing sheet in/at carmine color on/for greyish paper without gum, exp. by Gilbert
PRAGUE - HROM A PEKLO Lion Breaking its Chains, design on/for revolutionary stamp., 10-známkový printing sheet in red and black color on paper without gum, with pin hole
PROSTĚJOV complete set with INVERTED (!) black overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 23 pcs of values postage stmp A. Hitler.; only value 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna with flaw gum
PROSTĚJOV complete set with INVERTED (!) red overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 23 pcs of values postage stmp A. Hitler.; only value 1 Koruna and 2 Koruna with flaw gum
1945[COLLECTIONS] rare big collection revolutionary overprints on/for Bohemian and Moravian and German stamp., contains ca. 170 various lokací (!) i.a. FALKNOV, CHOMUTOV, HLUBOKÁ, HORAŽĎOVICE, CHOTĚBOŘ, JAROMĚŘ, KOLÍN, LEDNICE, OSTROV, LOMNICE, 2x miniature sheet PRAGUE, PŘELOUČ, VIZOVICE, ZDICE SVITAVY etc.., total more than 3.500ks stamp., 36 pcs of letters, 7 PC - incl. issue SLAVKOV, 4 pcs of first day sheets, all on 62 album pages in spring folder, stamp. on/for labels, very nice, long years budovaná collection!
1945[COLLECTIONS] collection revolutionary overprints and issue, total 530ks stamp., mainly overprints on Bohemian and Moravian stamp. from places as HULÍN, VESELÍ N./M., VIZOVICE, HOLEŠOV, KYJOV, ŽDÁNICE, PLZEŇ, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, MIROŠOV, ZAŠOVÁ etc., on German stamp. HRÁDEK N. N., RUMBURK, supplemented with issue as SLAVKOV, BUČOVICE, newspaper MODŘANY etc.., all on 46 album pages
1945[COLLECTIONS] collection revolutionary overprints on/for Bohemian and Moravian also German stamp., contains total 514zn from more than 30 various destinations i.a. KOJETÍN, PROSTĚJOV, PRAGUE - HOLEŠOVICE, BĚLČICE, OPAVA, JEVÍČKO, FRÝDEK, ROVENSKO P. T., SUDSLAVA etc.., all placed in one stockbook A4
1945[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 1.100 pcs stamp. with revolutionary overprints, various lokace as ŽAMBERK, SVITAVY (inverted overprints, FRENŠTÁT P. R. (blocks of four with shifts and opt inverted), CHEB, miniature sheet PRAGUE, issue BUČOVICE (memorial printing sheet + plate proofs), LIBČICE, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, HULÍN, OTROKOVICE, PRAGUE Preissig (block of four), newspaper ROVNOST (2x printing sheet) etc..
1945[COLLECTIONS] collection of entires and first day lístů, placed on 19 pcs of album sheets, contains 19 pcs of letters, from that 6x Reg letter i.a. from places as SADSKÁ, KOSTELEC N. O., OKŘÍŠKY, ŘÍČANY, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, POLNÁ etc.., 4 pcs of first day sheets NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M., PARDUBICE, SUŠICE etc.., supplemented with 6 pcs of cut-squares
1945FINIS GERMANIAE/ ZBRASLAV n. V./ 10.V.45, 2 print revolutionary CDS on letter franked with. 3 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 10h, good condition, sought
1945 FULNEK působištěučitele nations J.A. Comenius/ again free, violet slogan pmk on/for cash vyplaceném letter with rubber provisory cancel. FULNEK 1945, date 26.IX.45; good condition
1945 postcard Návrh master Preissiga on/for revolutionary Czechosl. stamp lion trhající swastika, on reverse special postmark SVĚTEC/ OTEVŘENÍ PREISSIGOVYŠKOLY/ 23.IX.1945; interesting, in picture side signs of storage
1945 Reg letter as printed matter to Prague, with A. Hitler. 4 Koruna + 2x 10h, nationalized black round cancel. NĚMECKÝ BROD 14.V.45; bilingual Reg label
1945 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x Reg letter with provisory violet oval POST OFFICE SVITAVY, dated cancel 16.7.45, 1x letter with provisory round cancel. POST OFFICE ČESKÁ KAMENICE 18.6.45 + bilingual certificate of mailing with Linden Leaves 50h as Pr, broken out cancel TŘEBOŇ 10.VII.45; nice selection of
1945 comp. 3 pcs of PC sent as Registered, 1x Košice, 2x Bratislava pictorial PC with provisory postmarks and R labels - MAŠŤOV, SMRŽOVKA, VELKÉ KUNĚTICE;, philatelically motivated, good condition
1945-46 comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks and Reg label - MACHNÍN, FRANTIŠKOV U LIBERCE, SANGERBERG, LIBEREC 3, 1x service letter, other franked; good condition, chosen postal imprints
1945-46 comp. 5 pcs of PC LIpové sheets with various provisory cancel., from that 3x uprated as Registered HORNÍ GRUNT U VARNSDORFU, MNÍŠEK U LIBERCE, HLUČÍN, 2x usually with postmarks - STONAVA, BÍLÝ CHURCH n./N.; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 39 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks and Reg label, i.a. DUBA U ORLOVÉ, HAŤ U HLUČÍNA, JABLUNKOV, ORLOVÁ, POLANKA N. O., LEDNICE N./M., KLIMKOVICE, LUDGEŘOVICE, BÍLÁ VODA U ŠILPERKA, DOLNÍ DOMASLAVICE, FRÝDBERK etc..; good quality
1945-47[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 90 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks or Reg label, prevail R-celistvosti - 58 pcs of, i.a. this postmarks SOBĚDRUHY, JOSEFODOL, LIBEREC, ZNOJMO, OLDŘICHOV U DUCHCOVA, SVINOV, POŠTORNÁ, ČESKÝ DUB, BRUMOV, HRÁDEK n. N., BOHOSUDOV, PRACHATICE, ORLOVÁ, HÁJ VE S., KRASLICE, BĚŠINY, MOST etc..; good condition, larger part non-philatelic mailing, interesting and valuable selection of!
Pof.353-359, selection of plate mark on/for 17 pcs of bloks of four and pairs from that 1x horiz. gutter, various folder and color shades, c.v.. more than 5.300Kč
Pof.354-356Mx(16), Košice-issue - large crosses, 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, value 5 Koruna grey-black - significant shade, value 2 Koruna minor gum fault in margin, other superb, c.v.. 33.000CZK
1945 Pof.354-359, selection of vertical 4-stamps gutter and blocks Košice issue, contains shades as 2 Koruna brown-red, 5 Koruna grey-black and light grey, 6 Koruna light blue, plate mark on/for values 9K and 20K, c.v.. ca. 3.800CZK
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 3ks: 1x AP3 - value 5 Koruna - circle by/on/at numeral value + guide guideline L from 13. meandru L at top + 1x AP4 - at value 5 Koruna head part tail lion joined white spojnicí + AP10 - circle by/on/at leg lion in large emblem; interesting selection of
1945 CDV73Pa, Košice PC on yellow paper sent as Reg + Ex, uprated by. košickými stamp. 2k and 6 Koruna, red special postmark Return of President home/ KOŠICE 6.IV.45; improved/repaired tearing in R margin
1945 CDV75, Bratislava-issue, picture PC sent as Reg, uprated by. košickým 2-stamps horiz. gutter values 2 Koruna, Pof.354Mv, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 5.VI.45, on reverse arrival CDS BAKOV N. J. 9.VI.45; good condition
1945 letter with 2 Koruna, Pof.354, CDS KROMPACHYŽELEZIAREŇ 16.IV.45 + cut square from Ex-dopisu with 5 Koruna with provisory cancel. SPIŠSKÉ PODHRADIE